Syllabus of ME VII-Sem all Subjects (RGPV)

(Tag: Syllabus of ME Syllabus of Mechanical Engineering )

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  • Modes of heat transfer Fourier’s law Newton’s law
  • Stefan Boltzman law; thermal resistance and conductance
  • Analogy between flow of heat and electricity combined heat transfer process;
  • Conduction: Fourier heat conduction equation its form in rectangular
  • Cylindrical and spherical coordinates thermal diffusivity
  • Linear one dimensional steady state conduction through a slab tubes
  • Spherical shells and composite structures electrical analogies
  • Critical insulation- thickness for pipes
  • Effect of variable thermal conductivity.
  • Heat transfer from a straight and annular fin (plate) for a uniform cross section;
  • Error in measurement of temperature in a thermometer well
  • Fin efficiency fin effectiveness applications;
  • Unsteady heat conduction: Transient and periodic conduction
  • Heating and cooling of bodies with known temperatures distribution
  • Systems with infinite thermal conductivity
  • Response of thermocouples.
  • Introduction free and forced convection;
  • Principle of dimensional analysis
  • Buckingham ‘pie’ theorem
  • Application of dimensional analysis of free and forced convection
  • Empirical correlations for laminar and turbulent flow over flat plate and tubular geometry;
  • Calculation of convective heat transfer coefficient using data book.
  • Types- parallel flow counter flow; evaporator and condensers
  • Overall heat transfers coefficient fouling factors
  • Log-mean temperature difference (LMTD)
  • Method of heat exchanger analysis effectiveness of heat exchanger
  • NTU method;
  • Mass transfer: Fick’s law equi-molar diffusion diffusion coefficient
  • Analogy with heat transfer
  • Diffusion of vapour in a stationary medium.
  • Nature of radiation emissive power absorption transmission
  • Reflection and emission of radiation
  • Planck’s distribution law radiation from real surfaces; radiation
  • Heat exchange between black and gray surfaces
  • Shape factor analogical electrical network radiation shields.
  • Boiling and condensation: Film wise and drop wise condensation;
  • Nusselt theory for film wise condensation on a vertical plate and its modification for horizontal tubes;
  • Boiling heat transfer phenomenon
  • Regimes of boiling boiling correlations.

1 Conduction through a rod to determine thermal conductivity of material

2 Forced and free convection over circular cylinder

3 Free convection from extended surfaces

4. Parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger effectiveness and heat transfer rate

5. Calibration of thermocouple

6 . Experimental determination of Stefen-Boltzman constant

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  • Process selection mechanics of cutting
  • Metal removal rate cutting tool system design
  • Ultrasonic machining abrasive jet machining
  • Water jet machining effect of parameters and variables
  • Applications and limitations
  • Recent developments in mechanical processes.
  • Electrochemical machining[ECM] elements of ECM
  • Power source and control system electrolytes tool work system
  • Chemistry of the process tool design and metal removal rate
  • Process faults material removal and surface finish
  • Electrochemical grinding electrochemical deburring
  • Electrochemical honing chemical machining
  • Electric discharge machining[EDM] spark erosion
  • Mechanism of metal removal spark erosion generator
  • Electrode feed control vibrating electrode
  • System dielectric fluid flushing accuracy
  • Plasma arc machining[PAM] non thermal generation of plasma
  • Mechanisms and parameters equipments electron beam machining[EBM]
  • Generation and control of electron beam theory and process capabilities
  • Neutral particle etching laser beam machining hot machining
  • Methods of local heating tool lie and production rate.
  • Fundamentals technologies applications
  • Principles and working of 3D printing subtractive v/s additive manufacturing process
  • VAT photo polymerization material and binder jetting
  • Continuous liquid inter phase production
  • Direct metal laser sintering.
  • Types of micro system devices industrial applications
  • Micro fabrication processes LIGA process .
  • Technologies of nano fabrication importance of size
  • Scanning probe microscope carbon Buckyballs and nano tubes
  • Nano fabrication processes

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  • Vision Definition Conceptual Framework
  • Architectural view technology behind IoT
  • Sources of the IoT M2M Communication IoT Examples .
  • Design Principles for Connected Devices: IoT/M2M
  • Systems layers and design standardization communication technologies
  • Data enrichment and consolidation
  • Ease of designing and affordability
  • Sensors digital sensors actuators radio frequency identification (RFID) technology
  • Wireless sensor networks participatory sensing technology.
  • Embedded Platforms for IoT: Embedded computing basics
  • Overview of IOT supported Hardware platforms such as Arduino
  • Raspberry pi Beagle Bone
  • Intel Galileo .
  • IoT Access Technologies: Physical and MAC layers
  • Topology and Security of IEEE 802.15.4 802.15.4g 802.15.4e 1901.2a 802.11ah and LoRaWAN
  • Network Layer: IP versions Constrained
  • Nodes and Constrained Networks
  • Zigbee – Optimizing IP for IoT: From 6LoWPAN to 6Lo
  • Routing over Low Power and Lossy Networks – Application Transport Methods:
  • Supervisory Control and Data
  • Acquisition – Application Layer Protocols: CoAP and MQTT
  • Understanding the risks Modes of attack – Denial of Service Guessing the credentials
  • Getting access to stored credentials Man in the middle
  • Sniffing network communication Port scanning and web crawling
  • Search features and wildcards Breaking ciphers
  • Tools for achieving security – Virtual Private Networks
  • X.509 certificates and encryption Authentication of identities
  • Usernames and passwords Using message brokers and provisioning servers
  • Centralization versus decentralization
  • Home Automation- Smart Appliances Smoke/ Gas Detection
  • Cities – Smart Parking Smart Lighting
  • Smart Road Health and Lifestyle- Health and fitness monitoring
  • Retail- Smart Payments.
  • Case Studies: Smart city streetlights:- control and monitoring

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  • Introduction to methods of converting various energy sources to electric power
  • Direct conversion methods renewable energy sources
  • Solar wind tidal geothermal bio-thermal
  • Biogas and hybrid energy systems fuel cells
  • Thermoelectric modules
  • MHD-Converter
  • Basic principles of sitting and station design effect of climatic factors on station and equipment design
  • Choice of steam cycle and main equipment recent trends in turbine and boiler sizes and steam conditions
  • Plant design and layout outdoor and indoor plant
  • System components fuel handling burning systems
  • Element of feed water treatment plant
  • Condensing plant and circulating water systems
  • Cooling towers turbine room and auxiliary plant equipment.
  • Instrumentation
  • Testing and plant heat balance.
  • Importance of nuclear power development in the world and Indian context
  • Review of atomic structure and radio activity
  • Binding energy concept fission and fusion reaction
  • Fissionable and fertile materials thermal neutron fission
  • Important nuclear fuels moderators and coolants their relative merits
  • Thermal and fast breeder reactors principles of reactor control
  • Safety and reliability features.
  • Elements of Hydrological computations rainfall run off
  • Flow and power duration curves mass curves storage capacity
  • Salient features of various types of hydro stations
  • Component such as dams spillways intake systems
  • Head works pressure tunnels penstocks reservoir
  • Balancing reservoirs Micro and pico hydro machines
  • Selection of hydraulic turbines for power stations
  • Selection of site.
  • Estimation and prediction of load. Maximum demand load factor diversity factor
  • Plant factor and their influence on plant design operation and economics;
  • Comparison of hydro and nuclear power plants typical cost structures
  • Simple problems on cost analysis economic performance and tariffs
  • Interconnected system and their advantages
  • Elements of load dispatch in interconnected systems.

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  • Methods of power transmission
  • Design of flat belt drive and V-belt drive ;
  • Design of chain drives roller chain and its selection;
  • Design of rope drives.
  • Force analysis of gear tooth
  • AGMA Bending stress equation and AGMA Contact stress equation
  • Modes of failure beam strength
  • Lewis equation form factor formative gear and virtual number of teeth;
  • Gear materials; Surface strength and wear of teeth; strength against wear;
  • Design of straight tooth spur and Helical Gears.
  • Application of bevel
  • Formative gear and virtual number of teeth;
  • Force analysis; Lewis equation for bevel gears;
  • Strength against wear;
  • Design of bevel gear.
  • General design considerations in I C engines;
  • Design of cylinder;
  • Design of piston and piston-rings;
  • Design of connecting rod;
  • Design of crankshaft.
  • Design of Knuckle joint
  • Design of Cotter joint
  • Design of keys
  • Design of Flanged coupling; Rigid coupling and Flexible coupling
  • Design of Pressure vessels subjected to internal pressure
  • Design of power screw.

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  • Mathematical formulation of linear systems by LP
  • Solution of LP for two variables
  • Simplex method special cases of LP- transportation and assignment
  • Model and their graphical solution
  • Vogels Approximation Method (VAM) or penalty method
  • Cell evaluation degeneracy
  • Basics of SW Lindo Tora Excell.
  • Definition importance expenditure and opportunities in SCM;
  • Integration of inbound outbound logistics and manufacturing to SCM
  • Flow of material money and information difficulties in SCM due to local v/s system wide (global) optimization and uncertainties in demand and transportation;
  • Bull-whip effect; customer value; IT info-sharing and strategic partnerships;
  • Plant and warehouse-network configuration; supply contracts and revenue sharing;
  • Outsourcing; transportation cross docking and distribution
  • Forecasting models in SCM; coordination and leadership issues;
  • Change of purchasing role and vendor rating
  • Variability from multiple suppliers.
  • Necessity of inventory in process and safety stock
  • Problem of excess inventory and cycle time JIT/ Lean Mfg;
  • Basics of inventory models with deterministic demand
  • Classical EOQ Model ABC VED and other analysis based on shelf life movement size
  • MRP technique and calculations lot sizing in MRP linking MRP with JIT;
  • Evolution of MRP to ERP to SCM and e-business.
  • Introduction Input process service mechanism
  • Queue discipline single server (M/M/1)
  • Average length and average time calculations optimum service rate;
  • Basic multiple server models (M/M/s)
  • Competitive strategy: concept and terminology assumptions pure and mixed strategies
  • Two person zero sum games saddle point dominance
  • Graphical algebraic and LP methods for solving game theory problems.
  • Project Planning Scheduling and Controlling;
  • Project management;
  • Network Techniques and its role in project management
  • Network logics Fulkerson’s Law
  • Merits and Demerits of AON Diagrams;
  • Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
  • Critical Path Method (CPM) Determination of critical path Float/Slack.
  • Meta-heuristics: Definition of heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms;
  • Introduction to Tabu search Simulated Annealing
  • Genetic algorithms and solution of traveling salesman
  • Non linear optimization problems.

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  • Main components and characteristics of AI (Feature Engineering ANN Deep Learning)
  • Applications of AI Advantages and disadvantages of AI
  • Goals of AI Comparison of Programming of a System with AI and without AI
  • Challenges in AI Programming languages preferably used in AI
  • Techniques/Algorithms used in AI
  • AI Software platforms Future of AI
  • Types of production systems Characteristics of production systems
  • Study and comparison of breadth first search and depth first search.
  • Techniques other Search Techniques like hill Climbing
  • Best first Search. A* algorithm
  • AO* algorithms etc and various types of control strategies.
  • Problems in representing knowledge knowledge representation using propositional and predicate logic
  • Comparison of propositional and predicate logic
  • Resolution refutation deduction theorem proving
  • Inferencing monotonic and nonmonotonic reasoning.
  • Probabilistic reasoning Baye’s theorem
  • Semantic networks scripts schemas
  • Frames conceptual dependency
  • Fuzzy logic forward and backward reasoning.
  • Minimax procedure alpha-beta cut-offs etc planning
  • Study of the block world problem in robotics
  • Introduction to understanding and natural languages processing.
  • Various techniques used in learning
  • Introduction to Artificial neural networks common sense reasoning
  • Convolution Neural Network Feedforward Neural Network
  • Recurrent Neural Network Multilayer perceptron
  • Architecture / Three Layers in Artificial Neural Networks
  • Implementation of ANN Applications of ANN in images
  • Signals and language some example of expert systems.

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  • Introduction Origin Examples of Systems requiring systems engineering
  • Systems Engineer Career
  • Development Model Perspectives of Systems Engineering
  • Systems Domains
  • Systems Engineering Fields
  • System Engineering Approaches.
  • System Building Blocks and Interfaces
  • Hierarchy of Complex Systems
  • System Building Blocks
  • The System Environment
  • Interfaces and Interactions
  • Complexity in Modern Systems.
  • Originating a New System Operational Analysis
  • Functional Analysis Feasibility System Operational Requirements
  • Implementation of Concept Exploration.
  • Exploration in system life cycle
  • Concept definition phase
  • Activities involved in concept definition phase.
  • Reducing Program Risks Requirements Analysis
  • Functional Analysis and Design Prototype
  • Development as a Risk Mitigation Technique
  • Development Testing Risk Reduction.
  • Place of engineering design phase in system life cycle
  • Various activities involved in engineering design phase.
  • Integrating Testing And Evaluating The Total System
  • Test Planning And Preparation System Integration
  • Developmental System Testing
  • Operational Test And Evaluation
  • Engineering For Production
  • Transition From Development To Production
  • Production Operations. operation and support phase.

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  • Definition Importance History Reliability Vs Quality
  • Failure pattern of complex product
  • Factor of safety and reliability Reliability analysis procedure
  • Reliability management
  • Some examples of system failures. Reliability function-MTTF
  • Hazard rate function Bathtub curve
  • Set theory Laws of probability
  • Probability theorem Random variables and probability distributions
  • Bay’s Theorem
  • Central limit theorem
  • Single two and several random variables
  • Probability distribution functions
  • Density functions for different types of discrete and continuous variables mean mode and median
  • Numerical solutions Extremal distributions
  • Derivation of the reliability function-constant failure rate model – time dependent failure models.
  • Weibull distribution – normal distribution – the lognormal distribution.
  • Fatigue strength Time dependent reliability of components
  • Failure rate versus time reliability and hazard functions and different distributions
  • Estimation of failure rate Expected residual life
  • Series parallel and mixed systems complex systems
  • Reliability enhancement
  • Optimization problems Failure modes and effect analysis
  • Event tree and fault tree analysis
  • Reliability testing Reliability data and analysis measurement of reliability
  • Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Computation of reliability
  • Optimization techniques for system reliability with redundancy
  • Heuristic methods applied to optimal system reliability
  • Redundancy allocation by dynamic programming
  • Reliability optimization by non linear programming.

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1. 2D and 3D modeling on CAD software

2. Use of CAM software for writing CNC programs

3. Study of automatic and semi automatic control system and writing the electrical analogy.

4. Production & layout for GT for group of jobs to be manufactured

5. A case study / tutorial using CAPP Software

6. Writing M & G codes for given operations.

7. Robot and AGV programming

8. Modelling and simulation of computer integrated manufacturing system’

9. Modelling offline manual part programming and simulation of the operation of 3 axis CNC milling machine

10. Programming and operation of a 5 axis robot Manipulator

11. Remote monitoring and operation of Computer integrated manufacturing system

12. To write the part program for any component (stepped cylindrical rod ) . Assuming the work piece is Aluminum and the speed is 1200 rpm feed 20 mm/min and maximum depth of cut is 1 mm.

a. With Canned cycle

b. Without Canned cycle

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List of Experiment (Pls. expand it) to MATLAB

1. Introduction to MATLAB

2. Working with matrices

3. Rational and logical operation of MATLAB

4. Creating a plot using Plot function

5. Complex and stastical functions (eg.: Produce ten elements vector of random complex numbers and find the summation of this vector)

6. Numbers and strings (1.Write a program in M-File to read 3 x 3 Matrix then display the diagonal of matrix as shown below: The Diagonal of This Matrix = [ ]

2. Write a program to read a string then replace each character in the string with its following character in ASCII code*.)

1. What is R Programming Language?

2. How to Download & Install R RStudio Anaconda on Mac or Windows

3. Weite R Data Types Arithmetic & Logical Operators with Example

4. Write about R Matrix : Create Print add Column Slice

5. Explain Factor in R: Categorical & Continuous Variables

6. Explain about R Data Frame: Create Append Select Subset.