Syllabus of CE V-Sem all Subjects (RGPV)

(Tag: Syllabus of CE, Syllabus of Civil Engineering )

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  • Review of Fluid Properties: Engineering units of measurement,
  • mass, density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, surface tension, capillarity, viscosity, bulk modulus of elasticity, pressure and vapor pressure.
  • Fluid Static’s : Pressure at a point, pressure variation in static fluid,
  • Absolute and gauge pressure, manometers,
  • Forces on plane and curved surfaces (Problems on gravity dams and Tainter gates);
  • buoyant force, Stability of floating and submerged bodies,
  • Relative equilibrium.
  • Kinematics of Flow : Types of flow-ideal & real , steady & unsteady,
  • uniform & non uniform, one, two and three dimensional flow, path lines, streak lines, streamlines and stream tubes;
  • continuity equation for one and three dimensional flow,
  • rotational & irrotational flow, circulation,
  • stagnation point, separation of flow,
  • sources & sinks, velocity potential,
  • stream function,
  • flow nets- their utility & method of drawing flow nets.
  • Dynamics of Flow: Euler’s equation of motion along a streamline and derivation of
  • Bernoulli’s equation, application of Bernoulli’s equation,
  • energy correction factor, linear momentum equation for steady flow;
  • momentum correction factor.
  • The moment of momentum equation, forces on fixed and moving vanes and other applications.
  • Fluid Measurements : Velocity measurement (Pitot tube, Prandtl tube, current meters etc.);
  • flow measurement (orifices, nozzles, mouth pieces, orifice meter, nozzle meter, venturimeter, weirs and notches).
  • Laminar Flow: Introduction to laminar flow,
  • Reynolds experiment & Reynolds number,
  • relation between shear & pressure gradient,
  • laminar flow through circular pipes, laminar flow between parallel plates,
  • laminar flow through porous media,
  • Stokes law.
  • Dimensional Analysis and use of Buckingham-pi theorem,
  • Introduction to Turblent flow-Prandtl mixing length hypothesis,
  • Flow over smooth & rough surface.
  • Darcy –weisbach resistance equation ,
  • variation of friction factor & Moody’s diagram ,
  • pipe flow problem
  1. To determine the local point pressure with the help of pitot tube.
  2. To find out the terminal velocity of a spherical body in water.
  3. Calibration of Venturimeter
  4. Determination of Cc, Cv, Cd of Orifices
  5. Calibration of Orifice Meter
  6. Calibration of Nozzle meter and Mouth Piece
  7. Reynolds experiment for demonstration of stream lines & turbulent flow
  8. Determination of metacentric height
  9. Determination of Friction Factor of a pipe
  10. To study the characteristics of a centrifugal pump.
  11. Verification of Impulse momentum principle

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  • Principles of highway planning, road planning in India and financing of roads, classification patterns.
  • Requirements,
  • Engg. Surveys for highway location.
  • Cross sectional elements- width, camber, super-elevation, sight distances, extra widening at curves,
  • horizontal and vertical curves,
  • numerical problems.
  • Design of flexible pavements, design of mixes and stability,
  • WBM, WMM, BM, IBM, surface dressing,
  • interfacial treatment- seal coat, tack coat, prime coat, wearing coats, grouted macadam,
  • bituminous concrete specification,
  • construction and maintenance.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of rigid pavements,
  • general principles of design, types, construction, maintenance and joints, dowel bars, tie bars.
  • Brief study of recent developments in cements concrete pavement design,
  • fatigue and reliability.
  • Principles of stabilization,
  • mechanical stabilization, requirements,
  • advantages, disadvantages and uses,
  • quality control, macadam roads-types,
  • specifications, construction,
  • maintenance and causes of failures.
  • Surface and sub-surface drainage, highway materials: properties and testing etc.
  • Channelised and unchannelised intersections, at grade & grade separated intersections,
  • description, rotary-design elements,
  • advantages and disadvantages, marking, signs and signals, street lighting.
  • Principles of planning, inventories,
  • trip generation, trip distribution, model split,
  • traffic assignment, plan preparation.
  • Airport site selection. air craft characteristic and their effects on runway alignments, windrose diagrams,
  • basic runway length and corrections,
  • classification of airports.
  • Geometrical elements : taxi ways and runways, pattern of runway capacity.
  • Zoning regulations, approach area,
  • approach surface-imaginary, conical, and horizontal.
  • Rotating beacon, boundary lights, approach lights,
  • runway and taxiway lighting etc.
  • instrumental lending system, precision approach radar,
  • VOR enroute traffic control.
  1. Aggregate Crushing Value Test
  2. Determination of aggregate impact value
  3. Determination of Los Angeles Abrasion value
  4. Determination of California Bearing Ratio values
  5. Determination of penetration value of Bitumen
  6. Determination of Viscosity of Bituminous Material
  7. Determination of softening point of bituminous material
  8. Determination of ductility of the bitumen
  9. Determination of flash point and fire point of bituminous material
  10. Determination of Bitumen content by centrifuge extractor
  11. Determination of stripping value of road aggregate
  12. Determination of Marshall stability value for Bituminous mix
  13. Determination of shape tests on aggregate

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  • Moment distribution method in analysis of frames with sway,
  • analysis of box frames,
  • analysis of portals with inclined members,
  • analysis of beams and frames by Kani’s method.
  • Plastic analysis of beams and frames.
  • Analysis of tall frames, wind and earthquake loads,
  • codal provisions for lateral loads.
  • Approximate analysis of multistory frames for vertical and lateral loads.
  • Matrix method of structural analysis:
  • force method and displacement method.
  • Influence lines for intermediate structures,
  • Muller Breslau principle.

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  • Preliminary and detailed investigation methods: Methods of construction,
  • form work and centering.
  • Schedule of construction, job layout,
  • principles of construction management,
  • modern management techniques like CPM/PERT with network analysis.
  • Construction equipments: Factors affecting selection,
  • investment and operating cost, output of various equipments,
  • brief study of equipments required for various jobs such as earth work,
  • dredging, conveyance, concreting,
  • hoisting, pile driving,
  • compaction and grouting.
  • Contracts: Different types of controls, notice inviting tenders,
  • contract document, departmental method of construction,
  • rate list, security deposit and earnest money,
  • conditions of contract, arbitration,
  • administrative approval, technical sanction.
  • Specifications & Public Works Accounts: Importance,
  • types of specifications, specifications for various trades of engineering works.
  • Various forms used in construction works,
  • measurement book, cash book, materials at site account,
  • imprest account, tools and plants,
  • various types of running bills, secured advance, final bill.
  • Site Organization & Systems Approach to Planning: Accommodation of site staff,
  • contractor’s staff, various organization charts and manuals,
  • personnel in construction,
  • welfare facilities, labour laws and human relations, safety engineering.
  • Problem of equipment management, assignment model,
  • transportation model and waiting line modals with their applications,
  • shovel truck performance with waiting line method.

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  • Purpose and importance of estimates, principles of estimating.
  • Methods of taking out quantities of items of work.
  • Mode of measurement, measurement sheet and abstract sheet;
  • bill of quantities.
  • Types of estimate, plinth area rate, cubical content rate,
  • preliminary, original,
  • revised and supplementary estimates for different projects.
  • Task for average artisan,
  • various factors involved in the rate of an item,
  • material and labour requirement for various trades;
  • preparation for rates of important items of work.
  • Current schedule of rates. (C.S.R.)
  • Preparing detailed estimates of various types of buildings,
  • R.C.C. works, earth work calculations for roads and estimating of culverts
  • Services for building such as water supply,
  • drainage and electrification
  • Factors affecting cost of work, overhead charges,
  • Contingencies and work charge establishment,
  • various percentages for different services in building.
  • Preparation of DPR
  • Purposes, depreciation, sinking fund, scrap value,
  • year’s purchase, gross and net income,
  • dual rate interest, methods of valuation,
  • rent fixation of buildings.

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  • History of water transportation at world level and at national level development and policy,
  • classification of harbours, natural and artificial.
  • Major ports in India, administrative set up. 2.
  • Harbour Planning: Harbour components,
  • ship characteristics, characteristics of good harbour and principles of harbour planning,
  • size of harbour, site selection criteria and layout of harbours.
  • Surveys to be carried out for harbor planning
  • Natural Phenomena: Wind, waves, tides formation and currents phenomena,
  • their generation characteristics and effects on marine structures,
  • silting, erosion and littoral drift.
  • Marine Structures: General design aspects, breakwaters -function,
  • types general design principles, wharves, quays, jetties, piers, pier heads, dolphin, fenders,
  • mooring accessories – function, types, suitability, design and construction features
  • Docks and Locks : Tidal basin, wet docks-purpose,
  • design consideration,
  • operation of lock gates and passage,
  • repair docks -graving docks, floating docks.

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  • Definition and classification of urban areas – Trend of urbanization –
  • Planning process – Various stages of the planning process –
  • Surveys in planning.
  • Plans – Delineation of planning areas.
  • utility of spaces, future growth etc.
  • Role of “Urban Planner ”in planning and designing in relation with spatial organization, utility, demand of the area and supply
  • Plan implementation- Urban Planning agencies and their functions –
  • Financing- Public, private,
  • Nongovernmental organizations- Public participation in Planning.
  • Development control regulations.
  • sustainability and rationality in planning,
  • Components of sustainable urban and regional development,
  • Emerging Concepts: Global City, inclusive city, Safe city, etc.
  • City of the future, future of the city.
  • Town and country planning act- Building bye-laws.
  • Elements of City Planning, Zoning and land use,
  • Housing.
  • Introduction to landscaping, importance , objectives, principles, elements,
  • Urban Planning standards Urban renewal for quality of life and livability.
  • Traffic transportation systems: urban road, hierarchy, traffic management,
  • Intelligent Transport Systems.
  • Legal Issues in Planning and Professional Practice,
  • Concepts and contents related to planning provision regarding property rights,
  • Concept of Arbitration,
  • State and Central government to deal with various matters concerning Town and Country Planning.
  • mechanism for preparation of DP: Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013.
  • Types of Development plans: Master Plan, City Development Plan,
  • Structure Plan ,housing, land use,
  • Water Supply & sanitation, etc.,
  • Planning agencies for various levels of planning.
  • Their organization and purpose (CIDCO-MHADA-MIDC, MMRDA/ PMRDA etc).

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  • Basic concept of Remote sensing,
  • Data and Information, Remote sensing data collection,
  • Remote sensing advantages & Limitations,
  • Remote Sensing process.
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum,
  • Energy interactions with atmosphere and with earth surface features (soil, water, and vegetation),
  • Resolution, image registration and Image and False color composite,
  • elements of visual interpretation techniques.
  • Indian Satellites and Sensors characteristics,
  • Remote Sensing Platforms, Sensors and Properties of Digital Data,
  • Data Formats: Introduction, platforms- IRS, Landsat, SPOT, Cartosat, Ikonos, Envisat etc.
  • sensors, sensor resolutions (spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal).
  • Basics of digital image processing- introduction to digital data,
  • systematic errors(Scan Skew, Mirror-Scan Velocity, Panoramic Distortion, Platform Velocity , Earth Rotation) and non-systematic [random] errors(Altitude, Attitude),
  • Image enhancements(Gray Level Thresholding, level slicing, contrast stretching),image filtering.
  • Introduction to GIS;
  • components of a GIS;
  • Geographically Referenced Data,
  • Spatial Data- Attribute data-Joining Spatial and attribute data,
  • GIS Operations: Spatial Data Input – Attribute data Management,
  • Geographic coordinate System,
  • Datum;
  • Map Projections: Types of Map Projections, Projected coordinate Systems. UTM Zones
  • Applications in land use land cover analysis,
  • change detection, water resources, urban planning,
  • environmental planning,
  • Natural resource management and Traffic management.
  • Location Based Services And Its Applications.
  • Influence lines for intermediate structures,
  • Muller Breslau principle.

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  • Renewable Energy Systems Energy Sources,
  • Comparison of Conventional and nonconventional,
  • renewable and non-renewable sources.
  • Statistics of world resources and data on different sources globally and in Indian context.
  • Significance of renewable sources and their exploitation.
  • Energy planning, Energy efficiency and management
  • Wind Energy System Wind Energy, Wind Mills, Grid connected systems.
  • System configuration, working principles, limitations.
  • Effects of wind speed and grid conditions.
  • Grid independent systems – wind-battery, wind- diesel, wind-hydro biomass etc. wind operated pumps, controller for energy balance.
  • Small Hydro System Grid connected system, system configuration, working principles, limitations.
  • Effect of hydro potential and grid condition.
  • Synchronous versus Induction Generator for stand alone systems.
  • Use of electronic load controllers and self excited induction generators.
  • Wave Energy System: System configuration: grid connected and hybrid Systems.
  • Solar Radiation Extraterrestrial solar radiation, terrestrial solar radiation, Solar thermal conversion,
  • Solar Phototonic System Solar cell, Solar cell materials, efficiency, Characteristics of PV panels under varying insulation.
  • PV operated lighting and water pumps, characteristics of motors and pumps connected to PV panels.
  • Biomass Energy System: System configuration,
  • Biomass engine driven generators, feeding loads in stand-alone or hybrid modes,
  • Biomass energy and their characteristics.
  • Energy from oceans Ocean temperature difference,
  • Principles of OTEC, plant operations,
  • Geothermal Energy Electric Energy from gaseous cells,
  • Magneto-hydro generated energy,
  • Non hazardous energy from nuclear wastes,
  • Possibilities of other modern nonconventional energy sources.
  • Electric Energy Conservation Energy efficient motors and other equipment.
  • Energy saving in Power Electronic controlled drives.
  • Electricity saving in pumps, airconditioning, power plants, process industries, illumination etc.
  • Methods of Energy Audit. Measurements systems;
  • efficiency measurements. energy regulation,
  • typical case studies, various measuring devices analog and digital,
  • use of thyristers.

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  • Entrepreneur Types of Entrepreneurs – Difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur
  • Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth,
  • Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth.
  • Major Motives Influencing an Entrepreneur – Achievement Motivation Training,
  • Self Rating, Business Games,
  • Thematic Apperception Test – Stress Management,
  • Entrepreneurship Development Programs – Need, Objectives.
  • Small Enterprises – Definition,
  • Classification – Characteristics,
  • Ownership Structures – Project Formulation – Steps involved in setting up a Business – identifying,
  • selecting a Good Business opportunity, Market Survey and Research,
  • Techno Economic Feasibility Assessment – Preparation of Preliminary Project
  • Reports – Project Appraisal – Sources of Information – Classification of Needs and Agencies.
  • Need – Sources of Finance, Term Loans,
  • Capital Structure, Financial Institution,
  • Management of working Capital, Costing,
  • Break Even Analysis, Taxation – Income Tax, Excise Duty – Sales Tax.
  • Sickness in small Business – Concept, Magnitude,
  • Causes and Consequences,
  • Corrective Measures – Business Incubators – Government Policy for Small Scale Enterprises – Growth Strategies in small industry –
  • Expansion, Diversification, Joint Venture, Merger and Sub Contracting.

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List of Experiments :

  1. Preparation of detailed estimate.
  2. Detailed estimate for services of plumbing and water supply or Electrification work.
  3. Detailed estimate for earth work for the road construction or arched culvert.
  4. Rate analysis for at least 8 items of construction.
  5. Preparation of DPR of Civil Engineering Project.

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  1. To determine the normal consistency of cement.
  2. To determine the initial and final setting time of cement .
  3. To determine compressive strength of cement.
  4. To determine the soundness of cement.
  5. To determine the fineness modulus of fine aggregate & course aggregate.
  6. Mix design of concrete by IS code Method.
  7. Slump test for determining workability of concrete.
  8. Compressing strength of concrete cube.
  9. To determine the flexure strength of concrete.