Syllabus of V SEM CSE (RGPV)

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  • Examples of automata machines
  • Finite Automata as a language acceptor and translator
  • Moore machines and mealy machines
  • composite machine
  • Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa.
  • Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA)
  • Deterministic finite automata machines
  • conversion of NDFA to DFA
  • minimization of automata machines
  • regular expression Arden’s theorem.
  • Meaning of union intersection
  • concatenation and closure
  • 2 way DFA.
  • Types of grammar context sensitive grammar
  • and context free grammar regular grammar.
  • Derivation trees ambiguity in grammar
  • simplification of context free grammar
  • conversion of grammar to automata machine and vice versa
  • Chomsky hierarchy of grammar
  • killing null and unit productions.
  • Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form.
  • example of PDA
  • deterministic and non-deterministic PDA
  • conversion of PDA into context free grammar and vice versa
  • CFG equivalent to PDA
  • Petrinet model.
  • Techniques for construction.
  • Universal Turing machine Multitape
  • multihead and multidimensional Turing machine
  • N-P complete problems.
  • Decidability and Recursively Enumerable Languages
  • decidability decidable languages
  • undecidable languages
  • Halting problem of Turing machine & the post correspondence problem.

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  • DBMS Concepts and architecture Introduction
  • Database approach v/s Traditional file accessing approach
  • Advantages of database systems
  • Data models Schemas and instances
  • Data independence Data Base Language and interfaces
  • Overall Database Structure Functions of DBA and designer
  • ER data model: Entitles and attributes
  • Entity types Defining the E-R diagram
  • Concept of Generalization
  • Aggregation and Specialization.
  • transforming ER diagram into the tables.
  • Various other data models object oriented data Model
  • Network data model and Relational data model
  • Comparison between the three types of models.
  • Relational Data models: Domains Tuples Attributes
  • Relations Characteristics of relations
  • Keys Key attributes of relation
  • Relational database Schemas
  • Integrity constraints.
  • Referential integrity Intension and Extension
  • Relational Query languages: SQL-DDL DML integrity con straints
  • Complex queries various joins indexing
  • triggers assertions Relational algebra and relational calculus
  • Relational algebra operations like select
  • Project Join Division outer union.
  • Types of relational calculus i.e. Tuple oriented and domain oriented relational calculus and its operations.
  • Data Base Design: Introduction to normalization
  • Normal forms Functional dependency
  • Decomposition Dependency preservation and lossless join
  • problems with null valued and dangling tuples
  • multivalued dependencies.
  • Query Optimization: Introduction steps of optimization
  • various algorithms to implement select
  • project and join operations of relational algebra
  • optimization methods: heuristic based cost estimation based.
  • Transaction Processing Concepts: –Transaction System
  • Testing of Serializability Serializability of schedules
  • conflict & view serializable schedule recoverability
  • Recovery from transaction failures.
  • Log based recovery.
  • Checkpoints deadlock handling.
  • Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency Control
  • locking Techniques for concurrency control
  • time stamping protocols for concurrency control
  • validation based protocol
  • multiple granularity.
  • Multi version schemes Recovery with concurrent transaction.
  • Introduction to Distributed databases
  • data mining data warehousing
  • Object Technology and DBMS
  • Comparative study of OODBMS Vs DBMS .
  • Temporal Deductive Multimedia
  • Web & Mobile database.
  • Study of Relational Database Management Systems through Oracle/PL SQL QL/MySQL: Architecture physical files memory structures
  • background process.
  • Concept of table spaces
  • segments extents and block.
  • Dedicated server multi threaded server.
  • Distributed database
  • database links and snapshot.
  • Data dictionary dynamic performance view.
  • Security role management
  • privilege management profiles
  • invoker defined security model.
  • SQL queries Data extraction from single
  • multiple tables equi- join non equi-join self -join outer join.
  • Usage of like any all exists in Special operators.
  • Hierarchical quires inline queries flashback queries.
  • Introduction of ANSI SQL anonymous block
  • nested anonymous block
  • branching and looping constructs in ANSI SQL.
  • Cursor management: nested and parameterized cursors
  • Oracle exception handling mechanism.
  • Stored procedures in out in out type parameters
  • usage of parameters in procedures.
  • User defined functions their limitations.
  • Triggers mutating errors instead of triggers.

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  • DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Probability Distributions
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics through hypothesis tests Regression & ANOVA
  • Regression ANOVA(Analysis of Variance)
  • INTRODUCTION TO BIG DATA: Big Data and its Importance
  • Four V’s of Big Data Drivers for Big Data
  • Introduction to Big Data Analytics
  • Big Data Analytics applications.
  • BIG DATA TECHNOLOGIES: Hadoop’s Parallel World
  • Data discovery Open source technology for Big Data Analytics
  • cloud and Big Data Predictive Analytics
  • Mobile Business Intelligence and Big Data
  • Crowd Sourcing Analytics
  • Inter- and Trans-Firewall Analytics
  • Information Management.
  • PROCESSING BIG DATA: Integrating disparate data stores
  • Mapping data to the programming framework
  • Connecting and extracting data from storage
  • Transforming data for processing
  • subdividing data in preparation for Hadoop Map Reduce.
  • HADOOP MAPREDUCE: Employing Hadoop Map Reduce
  • Creating the components of Hadoop Map Reduce jobs
  • Distributing data processing across server farms
  • Executing Hadoop Map Reduce jobs
  • monitoring the progress of job flows
  • The Building Blocks of Hadoop Map Reduce Distinguishing Hadoop daemons Investigating the Hadoop Distributed File System Selecting appropriate execution
  • modes: local pseudo-distributed fully distributed.
  • BIG DATA TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES: Installing and Running Pig
  • Comparison with Databases
  • Pig Latin User- Define Functions
  • Data Processing Operators
  • Installing and Running Hive Hive QL Querying Data
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Oracle Big Data.

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  • Introduction – Definitions
  • data sets for Pattern
  • Application Areas and Examples of pattern recognition
  • Design principles of pattern recognition system
  • Classification and clustering supervised Learning
  • unsupervised learning and adaptation
  • Pattern recognition approaches
  • Decision Boundaries
  • Decision region
  • Metric spaces distances.
  • Classification: introduction application of classification
  • types of classification
  • decision tree naïve bayes
  • logistic regression support vector machine
  • random forest
  • K Nearest Neighbour Classifier and variants
  • Efficient algorithms for nearest neighbour classification
  • Different Approaches to Prototype Selection
  • Combination of Classifiers
  • Training set test set
  • standardization and normalization.
  • Different Paradigms of Pattern Recognition
  • Representations of Patterns and Classes
  • Unsupervised Learning & Clustering: Criterion functions for clustering
  • Clustering Techniques: Iterative square -error partitional clustering – K means hierarchical clustering
  • Cluster validation.
  • introduction of feature extraction and feature selection
  • types of feature extraction
  • Problem statement and Uses
  • Algorithms – Branch and bound algorithm
  • sequential forward / backward selection algorithms
  • (lr) algorithm.
  • Recent advances in Pattern Recognition
  • Structural PR SVMs FCM
  • Soft computing and Neuro-fuzzy techniques
  • and real-life examples
  • Histograms rules Density Estimation
  • Nearest Neighbor Rule
  • Fuzzy classification.

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  • Introduction of Cyber Crime
  • Challenges of cyber crime
  • Classifications of Cybercrimes: EMail Spoofing Spamming
  • Internet Time Theft
  • Salami attack/Salami Technique
  • Web jacking Online Frauds
  • Software Piracy Computer Network Intrusions
  • Password Sniffing Identity Theft
  • cyber terrorism Virtual Crime
  • Perception of cyber criminals: hackers
  • insurgents and extremist group etc.
  • Web servers were hacking
  • session hijacking.
  • Cyber Crime and Criminal justice: Concept of Cyber Crime and the IT Act 2000 Hacking
  • Teenage Web Vandals
  • Cyber Fraud and Cheating
  • Defamation Harassment and E-mail Abuse
  • Other IT Act Offences
  • Monetary Penalties jurisdiction and Cyber Crimes
  • Nature of Criminality
  • Strategies to tackle Cyber Crime and Trends.
  • The Indian Evidence Act of 1872 v. Information Technology Act 2000: Status of Electronic Records as Evidence
  • Proof and Management of Electronic Records; Relevancy
  • Admissibility and Probative Value of E-Evidence
  • Proving Digital Signatures
  • Proof of Electronic Agreements
  • Proving Electronic Messages.
  • Tools and Methods in Cybercrime: Proxy Servers and Anonymizers
  • Password Cracking
  • Key loggers and Spyware
  • virus and worms Trojan Horses
  • Backdoors DoS and DDoS Attacks
  • Buffer and Overflow
  • Attack on Wireless Networks
  • Phishing : Method of Phishing
  • Phishing Techniques.

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  • Introduction: Concept of WWW Internet and WWW
  • HTTP Protocol: Request and Response
  • Web browser and Web servers
  • Features of Web 2.0 Web Design: Concepts of effective web design
  • Web design issues including Browser
  • Bandwidth and Cache
  • Display resolution Look and Feel of the Web site
  • Page Layout and linking
  • User centric design Sitemap
  • Planning and publishing website
  • Designing effective navigation.
  • HTML: Basics of HTML
  • formatting and fonts
  • commenting code color hyperlink
  • lists tables images forms XHTML
  • Meta tags Character entities
  • frames and frame sets
  • Browser architecture and Web site structure.
  • Overview and features of HTML5

UNIT-3 :

  • Style sheets : Need for CSS introduction to CSS
  • basic syntax and structure
  • using CSS background images
  • colors and properties manipulating texts
  • using fonts borders and boxes margins
  • padding lists positioning using CSS CSS2
  • Overview and features of CSS3 JavaScript : Client side scripting with JavaScript variables functions conditions
  • loops and repetition Pop up boxes
  • Advance JavaScript : Java script and objects
  • JavaScript own objects
  • the DOM and web browser environments
  • Manipulation using DOM forms and validations
  • DHTML : Combining HTML
  • CSS and Java script Events and buttons
  • XML : Introduction to XML uses of XML simple XML
  • XML key components
  • DTD and Schemas Using XML with application.
  • Transforming XML using XSL and XSLT PHP: Introduction and basic syntax of PHP decision and looping with examples
  • PHP and HTML Arrays Functions
  • Browser control and detection string
  • Form processing Files
  • Advance Features : Cookies and Sessions
  • Object Oriented Programming with PHP
  • PHP and MySQL : Basic commands with PHP examples
  • Connection to server creating database
  • selecting a database listing database
  • listing table names creating a table
  • inserting data altering tables queries
  • deleting database deleting data and tables
  • PHP my admin and database bugs

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  • Basics of programming : Character set Constants
  • Variables keywords identifiers literals.
  • Instructions : Type Declaration Instruction arithmetic Integer Long Short
  • Signed unsigned storage classes
  • Integer and Float Conversions
  • type conversion in assignment
  • hierarchy of operations.
  • Decision control structure : control instructions if if-else
  • use of logical operator hierarchy of logical operators
  • arithmetic operators relational operators
  • assignment operators increment and decrement operators
  • conditional operators bit wise operators
  • special operators “&*.> “sizeof” Loops control structure: while loop for loop do – while loop odd loop nested loop
  • break continue case control structure go to exit statement.
  • Array : what are arrays array initialization
  • bound checking 1D array
  • 2D array initialization of 1D and 2D array
  • memory map of 1D and 2D array
  • Multidimensional array.
  • Strings : what are strings
  • standard library string function strlen() strcpy() strcat() strcmp() 2D array of characters.
  • Structure : Why use structure declaration of structure
  • accessing structure elements how structure elements are stored
  • array of structure uses of structure.
  • Preprocessor : features of Preprocessor macro expansion
  • micro with arguments file inclusion
  • conditional #if #elif miscellaneous directives #include #define
  • directives #undef #pragma directives.
  • Union : Union definition & declaration
  • accessing a union member
  • union of structures initialization of union member
  • uses of union
  • use of user defined data types.
  • Introduction : Basic concepts of OOP: object class data abstraction
  • data encapsulation inheritance
  • polymorphism Static and dynamic binding
  • message passing benefits of OOP’s
  • disadvantage of OOP’s
  • application of OOP’s a simple program
  • anatomy of program
  • creating a source file
  • compiling and Linking.

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  • Introduction Significance of Database
  • Database System Applications;
  • Data Independence;
  • Data Modeling for a Database;
  • Entities and their Attributes Entities Attributes
  • Relationships and Relationships Types
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Management System
  • Data Model and Types of Data Model
  • Relational Data Model Hierarchical Model
  • Network Data Model Object/Relational Model
  • Object-Oriented Model; Entity-Relationship Model
  • Modeling using E-R Diagrams
  • Notation used in E-R Model
  • Relationships and Relationship Types; Associative Database Model
  • Data Definition Language : Categories of SQL Commands;
  • Data Definition Language;
  • Create table Drop table and Alter Table.
  • Primary Key Foreign Key
  • Truncate Table Index Cursor.
  • Data Manipulation Language
  • Insert Statement Multiple Inserts
  • Delete Statement
  • Delete with conditions
  • Update statement
  • Update with Conditions
  • Merge Statement
  • SQL queries Data extraction from single
  • multiple tables equi-join non equi-join self-join
  • outer join. Usage of like any all exists in Special operators.
  • Hierarchical queries inline queries
  • flashback queries.
  • Introduction of ANSI SQL anonymous block
  • nested anonymous block
  • branching and looping constructs in ANSI SQL.

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  • Concepts Unix/Linux Installation Process
  • Hardware Requirements for Unix/Linux
  • Advantages of Unix/Linux
  • Reasons for Popularity and Success of Linux/Unix Operating System
  • Features of Linux/Unix Operating System
  • Kernel Kernel Functions
  • Shell Variables Branching Control Structures
  • Loop-Control Structure Continue and break Statements
  • Sleep Command Debugging Script.
  • Use of Linux as webserver file server
  • directory server application server
  • DNS server SMTP server Firewall
  • Proxy server.
  • Definition of File System Defining Geometry
  • Disk Controller Solaris File System Disk Based File Systems
  • Network-Based File Systems
  • Virtual File systems UFS File System
  • The Boot Block The Super Block The Inode
  • Tuning File System Repairing File System.
  • Viewing a Process Command to display Process
  • Process Attributes Process States
  • Process Fields PS Commands options
  • PGREP PRSTAT CDE Process Manager
  • Scheduling Process
  • Scheduling Priorities
  • Changing the Priority of a time-sharing process
  • Killing Process.
  • Physical Security Controlling System Access
  • Restricted Shells Controlling File Access
  • File Access Commands
  • Access Control List(ACLs) Setting ACL Entries
  • Modifying ACL entries on a file
  • Deleting ACL entries on a file Restricting FTP
  • Securing Super User Access Restricting Root Access
  • Monitoring super user Access TCP Wrappers.
  • Introduction DHCP Leased Time DHCP Scopes
  • DHCP IP Address Allocation Types
  • Planning DHCP Deployment
  • DHCP Configuration files
  • Automatic Startup of DHCP Server
  • Configuration of DHCP Clients
  • Manually Configuring the DHCP.
  • Installation of Linux Customization of Linux
  • Installation of SAMBA APACHE
  • TOMCAT Send MAIL Postfix
  • Implementation of DNS
  • LDAP services Firewall
  • Proxy server

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  1. To write a Python program to find GCD of two numbers.
  2. To write a Python Program to find the square root of a number by Newton’s Method.
  3. To write a Python program to find the exponentiation of a number.
  4. To write a Python Program to find the maximum from a list of numbers.
  5. To write a Python Program to perform Linear Search
  6. To write a Python Program to perform binary search.
  7. To write a Python Program to perform selection sort.
  8. To write a Python Program to perform insertion sort.
  9. To write a Python Program to perform Merge sort.
  10. To write a Python program to find first n prime numbers.
  11. To write a Python program to multiply matrices.
  12. To write a Python program for command line arguments.
  13. To write a Python program to find the most frequent words in a text read from a file.
  14. To write a Python program to simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame.
  15. To write a Python program to bouncing ball in Pygame.