Syllabus of CE VI – Sem all Subjects (RGPV)
(Tag: Syllabus of CE, Syllabus of Civil Engineering )
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of CE-601 Structural Design & Drawing (RCC-I)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Basic Principles of Structural Design
- Assumptions Mechanism of load transfer
- Various properties of concrete and reinforcing steel
- Introduction to working stress method and limit state methods of design
- partial safety factor for load and material.
- Calculation of various loads for structural design of singly reinforced beam
- Partial load factors.
UNIT-2 : Design of Beams
- Doubly reinforced rectangular & Flanged Beams
- Lintel Cantilever, simply supported and continuous beams
- Beams with compression reinforcement: Redistribution of moments in continuous beams
- Circular girders : Deep beams.
- Design of beam for shear and bond.
UNIT-3 : Design of Slabs
- Slabs spanning in one direction. Cantilever
- Simply supported and Continous slabs
- Slabs spanning in two directions, Circular slabs, Waffle slabs, Flat slabs
- Yield line theory
UNIT-4 : Columns & Footings
- Effective length of columns Short and long cloumns- Square
- Rectangular and Circular columns
- Isolated and combined footings Strap footing
- Columns subjected to axial loads and bending moments (sections with no tension)
- Raft foundation.
UNIT-5 : Staircases
- Staircases with waist slab having equal and unequal flights with different support conditions
- Slabless tread-riser staircase.
Laboratory Work :
- Laboratory work will be based on the above course as required for engineering projects
Syllabus of CE-602 Environmental Engineering-I
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Estimation of ground and surface water resources.
- quality of water from different sources
- demand & quantity of water fire demand
- water requirement for various uses
- fluctuations in demand
- forecast of population.
UNIT-2 :
- Impurities of water and their significance water-borne diseases
- physical chemical and bacteriological analysis of water
- water standards for different uses.
- Intake structure conveyance of water
- pipe materials pumps – operation & pumping stations
UNIT-3 :
- Water Treatment methods-theory and design of sedimentation
- coagulation filtration disinfection aeration & water softening
- modern trends in sedimentation & filtration
- miscellaneous methods of treatment.
UNIT-4 :
- Sewerage schemes and their importance collection & conveyance of sewage
- storm water quantity, fluctuation in sewage flow
- flow through sewer design of sewer
- construction & maintenance of sewer sewer appurtenances
- pumps & pumping stations.
UNIT-5 :
- Characteristics and analysis of waste water recycles of decomposition
- physical chemical & biological parameters.
- Oxygen demand i.e. BOD & COD, TOC, TOD Th OD
- Relative Stability population equivalent instrumentation involved in analysis
- natural methods of waste water disposal i.e. by land treatment & by dilution
- self purification capacity of stream
- Oxygen sag analysis.
List of Experiments :
- To study the various standards for water
- To study of sampling techniques for water
- Measurement of turbidity
- To determine the coagulant dose required to treat the given turbid water sample
- To determine the concentration of chlorides in a given water samples
- Determination of hardness of the given sample
- Determination of residual chlorine by “Chloroscope”
- Determination of Alkalinity in a water samples
- Determination of Acidity in a water samples
- Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the water sample.
Syllabus of CE-603 (A) Water Resource Engineering (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Irrigation water requirement and Soil-Water-Crop relationship
- Irrigation definition necessity advantages and disadvantages
- types and methods. Irrigation development.
- Soils – types and their occurrence suitability for irrigation purposes
- wilting coefficient and field capacity
- optimum water supply consumptive use and its determination.
- Irrigation methods surface and subsurface sprinkler and drip irrigation.
- Duty of water factors affecting duty and methods to improve duty
- suitability of water for irrigation crops and crop seasons
- principal crops and their water requirement
- crop ratio and crop rotation intensity of irrigation.
UNIT-2 : Ground and Well irrigation Water
- Confined and unconfined aquifers aquifer properties hydraulics of wells under steady flow conditions infiltration galleries.
- Ground water recharge-necessity and methods of improving ground water storage.
- Water logging-causes effects and its prevention.
- Salt efflorescence causes and effects.
- Reclamation of water logged and salt affected lands.
- Types of wells well construction yield tests specific capacity and specific yield
- advantages and disadvantages of well irrigation.
UNIT-3 : Hydrology
- Hydrological cycle precipitation and its measurement
- recording and non recording rain gauges
- estimating missing rainfall data rain gauge net works mean depth of precipitation over a drainage area
- mass rainfall curves intensity-duration curves depth-area duration curves
- Infiltration and infiltration indices evaporation stream gauging
- run off and its estimation
- hydrograph analysis
- unit hydrograph and its derivation from isolated and complex storms
- S curve hydrograph synthetic unit hydrograph.
UNIT-4 : Canals and Structures
- Types of canals alignment design of unlined and lined canals
- Kennedy’s and Lacey’s silt theories typical canal sections
- canal losses lining-objectives materials used economics.
- Introductions to Hydraulic Structures viz. Dams, Spillways, Weirs, Barrages, Canal
- Regulation Structures.
UNIT-5 : Floods
- Types of floods and their estimation by different methods
- probability and frequency analysis
- flood routing through reservoirs and channels
- flood control measures
- economics of flood control.
Syllabus of CE-603 (B) Precast & Modular Construction (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT-1 :
- Introduction-Need for prefabrication – Principles –
- Materials – Modular coordination –
- Standardization –Systems –
- Production – Transportation – Erection
UNIT-2 :
- Prefabricated components-Behavior of structural components –
- Large panel constructions –
- Construction of roof and floor slabs –
- Wall panels – Columns – Shear walls
UNIT-3 :
- DESIGN PRINCIPLES Disuniting of structures- Design of cross section based on efficiency of material used –
- Problems in design because of joint flexibility –
- Allowance for joint deformation.
UNIT-4 :
- Joints in Structural Members-
- Joints for different structural connections –
- Dimensions and detailing – Design of expansion joints
UNIT-5 :
- Design of abnormal load: Progressive collapse – Code provisions –
- Equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects such as earthquakes cyclones etc. –
- Importance of avoidance of progressive collapse
Syllabus of CE-603 (C) Advance Pavement Design (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Equivalent Single Wheels Load concepts and applications
- Relationship between wheel arrangements and loading effects tyre contact area
- Effect of load repetition Effect of transient loads
- Impact of moving loading
- Factors to be considered in Design of pavements
- Design wheel load soil climatic factors, pavement component materials
- Environmental factors, Special factors such as frost
- Freezing and thawing.
UNIT-2 :
- Flexible Pavements : Component parts of the pavement structures and their functions
- stresses in flexible pavements
- Stress distribution through various layers
- Boussinesque’s theory
- Burmister’s two layered theory methods of design group index method
- CBR method Burmister’s method and North Dakota cone method
UNIT-3 :
- Rigid Pavements: Evaluation of subgrade
- Modulus-K by plate bearing test and the test details
- Westergaard’s stress theory stresses in rigid pavements
- Temperature stresses warping stresses frictional stresses
- critical combination of stresses
- critical loading positions.
UNIT-4 :
- Rigid pavement design: IRC method
- Fatigue analysis PCA chart method.
- AASHTO Method Reliability analysis.
- PAVEMENT JOINTS : Types of joints contraction and warping joints
- dowel bars and tie bars
- Temperature reinforcements filling and sealing of joints.
UNIT-5 :
- Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Pavements: Benkleman beam method
- Serviceability Index Method.
- Rigid and flexible overlays and their design procedures
Syllabus of CE-603 (D) Cost Effective & Eco-Friendly Structures (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Concepts of energy efficient & environment friendly materials and techniques.
- Cost effective materials :- Soil Fly ash Ferrocement Lime Fibres
- Stone Dust, Red mud, Gypsum, Alternate Wood, Polymer.
- Energy Efficient & Environment friendly building material products:- Walls – Stabilised and sun dried soil blocks & bricks
- Solid & Hollow concrete blocks stone masonry blocks
- Ferrocement partitions.
- Roofs – Precast R.C. Plank & Joists roof Precast channel roof
- Precast L-panel roof
- Precast Funicular shells
- Ferrocement shells, Filler Slab, Seasal Fibre roof
- Improved country tiles, Thatch, roof, M.C.R. tile.
UNIT-2 :
- Cost effective construction techniques and equipments :-
- (a) Techniques :- Rat trap bond construction Energy Efficient roofings Ferrocement technique Mud Technology.
- (b) Equipments :- Brick moulding machine
- Stablilised soil block making machine and plants for the manufacturing of concrete blocks
- M.C.R. tile making machine
- Ferrocement wall panel & Roofing channel making machine
- R.C.C. Chaukhat making m/c.
UNIT-3 :
- Cost effective sanitation :- (a) Waste water disposal system (b) Cost effective sanitation for rural and urban areas (c) Ferrocement Drains
UNIT-4 :
- Low Cost Road Construction:- Cost effective road materials
- stabilization construction techniques tests
- equipment used for construction
- drainage maintenance.
UNIT-5 :
- Cost analysis and comparison :- (a) All experimental materials (b) All experimental techniques
- Green Building rating systems
Syllabus of CE-604 (A) Fluid Mech. – II (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Turbulent flow : Laminar and turbulent boundary layers and laminar sublayer
- hydrodynamically smooth and rough boundaries
- velocity distribution in turbulent flow
- resistance of smooth and artificially roughened pipes commercial pipes aging of pipes.
- Pipe flow problems : Losses due to sudden expansion and contraction
- losses in pipe fittings and valves concepts of equivalent length
- hydraulic and energy gradient lines siphon
- pipes in series pipes in parallel branching of pipes.
- Pipe Network : *Water Hammer (only quick closure case).
- transmission of power. *Hardy Cross Method
UNIT-2 :
- Uniform flow in open channels : Channel geometry and elements of channel section
- velocity distribution energy in open channel flow
- specific energy types of flow critical flow and its computations
- uniform flow and its computations
- Chezy’s and Manning’s formulae
- determination of normal depth and velocity
- Normal and critical slopes
- Economical sections Saint Vegnet equation.
UNIT-3 :
- Non uniform flow in open channels : Basic assumptions and dynamic equations of gradually varied flow
- characteristics analysis and computations of flow profiles
- rapidly varied flow hydraulic jump in rectangular channels and its basic characteristics
- surges in open channels & channel flow routing
- venturi flume.
UNIT-4 :
- Forces on immersed bodies: Types of drag drag on a sphere
- a flat plate, a cylinder and an aerofoil development of lift
- lifting vanes magnus effect.
UNIT-5 :
- Fluid Machines :
- Turbines : Classifications definitions similarity laws
- specific speed and unit quantities
- Pelton turbine-their construction and settings speed regulation
- dimensions of various elements
- Action of jet torque power and efficiency for ideal case
- characteristic curves.
- Reaction turbines : construction & settings draft tube theory runaway speed
- simple theory of design and characteristic curves cavitation.
- Pumps : Centrifugal pumps : Various types and their important components manometric head total head
- net positive suction head specific speed shut off head energy losses
- cavitation principle of working and characteristic curves.
- Reciprocating pumps : Principle of working Coefficient of discharge
- slip single acting and double acting pump
- Manometric head
- Acceleration head.
Syllabus of CE-604 (B) Intellectual Property Rights (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Introduction
- Introduction and Justifications of IPR Nature of IP Major forms of IP- Copyright Patent
- Trade Marks Designs
- Geographic indication layout design of Semi conductors
- Plant varieties Concept & Meaning of Intellectual Property.
- Major international documents relating to the protection of IP – Berne Convention Paris Convention
- TRIPS : The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
UNIT-2 : Copyright
- Meaning and historical development of copyright Subject matter
- Ownership of copyright Term of copyright Rights of owner
- Economic Rights, Moral Rights.
- Assignment and licence of rights
- Infringement of copyright
- Exceptions of infringement, Remedies Civil Criminal
- Administrative Registration Procedure.
UNIT-3 : Patents
- Meaning and historical development.
- Criteria for obtaining patents Non patentable inventions
- Procedure for registration
- Term of patent
- Rights of patentee
- Compulsory licence Revocation Infringement of patents
- Exceptions to infringement
- Remedies Patent office and Appellate Board.
UNIT-4 : Trade Marks Designs & GI
- Trade Marks : Functions of marks
- Procedure for registration Rights of holder
- Assignment and licensing of marks Infringement
- Trade Marks Registry and Appellate Board.
- Designs : Meaning and evolution of design protection
- Registration Term of protection
- Rights of holder unregistered designs.
- Geographical Indication : Meaning and evolution of GI
- Difference between GI and Trade Marks
- Registration Rights Authorised user.
UNIT-5 : Contemporary Issues & Enforcement of IPR
- IPR & sustainable development
- The Impact of Internet on IPR.
- IPR Issues in biotechnology
- ECommerce and IPR issues
- Licensing and enforcing IPR
- Case studies in IPR
Syllabus of CE-604 (C) Environmental Impact Assessment (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Concept of EIA : Introduction of EIA
- Utility and scope of EIA
- Significant Environmental Impacts
- Stage of EIA Environmental Inventory
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
UNIT-2 :
- Methods of Impact Identification : Environmental Indices and indicators for describing the affected environment
- matrix methodologies network
- checklist and other method.
UNIT-3 :
- Impact analysis : Framework
- statement predication and assessment of impact of air water noise and socio-economic environment.
UNIT-4 :
- Preparation of written documentation : Initial planning phase
- detailed planning phase writing phase
- organizing relevant information
- co-ordination of team writing effort.
UNIT-5 :
- Public Participation in Environmental Decision making : Basic definitions
- Regulatory requirements
- Advantages & disadvantages of Public Participation
- Selection of Public participation techniques
- Practical considerations for implementation.
Syllabus of CE-604 (D) Operation Research (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Linear Models :
- The phase of an operation research study – Linear programming –
- Graphical method– Simplex algorithm – Duality formulation – Sensitivity analysis.
UNIT-2 :
- Transportation Models And Network Models:
- Transportation Assignment Models –Traveling Salesman problem-Networks models – Shortest route – Minimal spanning tree – Maximum flow models –
- Project network – CPM and PERT networks – Critical path scheduling – Sequencing models.
UNIT-3 :
- Inventory Models :
- Inventory models – Economic order quantity models – Quantity discount models – Stochastic inventory models – Multi product models – Inventory control models in practice.
UNIT-4 :
- Queueing Models :
- Queueing models – Queueing systems and structures – Notation parameter – Single server and multi server models – Poisson input – Exponential service – Constant rate service – Infinite population – Simulation.
UNIT-5 :
- Decision Models :
- Decision models – Game theory – Two person zero sum games – Graphical solution- Algebraic solution– Linear Programming solution – Replacement models – Models based on service life – Economic life– Single / Multi variable search technique – Dynamic Programming – Simple Problem.
Syllabus of CE-605 Advance surveying lab
Source: (
List of Experiments :
- Measurement of Distance by Chaining and Ranging.
- Locating Various Objects by Chain or Cross-Staff Surveying.
- Measurement of bearings of sides of traverse with prismatic compass and computation of correct included angle.
- Determination of elevation of various points with dumpy level by collimation plane method and rise & fall method.
- Fixing bench mark with respect to temporary bench mark with dumpy level by fly levelling and check levelling.
- Measurement of vertical angles with theodolite.
- Determination of horizontal distance between two inaccessible points with theodolite.
- Locating given building by theodolite traversing
- To perform complete survey with Total Station.
Syllabus of CE-606 Non- Destructive Testing Lab
Source: (
List of Experiments :
- To study of Rebound Hammer Test.
- To study of UPV Test
==End of CE VI Sem Syllabus==