Syllabus of CE VII-Sem all Subjects (RGPV)

(Tag: Syllabus of CE, Syllabus of Civil Engineering )

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  • Definition and scope of soil mechanics Origin of soil formation of soil
  • clay minerals, Soil structure. 3-phase soil system
  • Basic terminology and their relations
  • index properties of soil – Water content Field density Specific gravity Grain size distribution by sieve and hydrometer analysis
  • Relative density Atterberg limits and their determination
  • Various indices -Flow-Index Plasticity Index Toughness Index Liquidity Index Activity Ratio.
  • Different Systems of Soil Classification – Particle Size Textural Unified HRB and IS classification.
  • Field identification of soils
  • Types of soil water Capillarity in soils Flow of water through soils
  • Darcy’s Law permeability Factors affecting permeability
  • Laboratory & field tests for determination of coefficient of permeability
  • Permeability of layered soils.
  • Seepage pressure total Neutral and effective stress Upward and downward seepage through soils
  • Flow nets: characteristics Methods of construction of flow net
  • Application of flow net Quick condition
  • Laplace Equation for two –dimensional flow
  • Seepage through anisotropic soil and non-homogenous soil Seepage through earth dam
  • Boussinesq’s and Westergard’s theories for point load
  • Uniformly loaded circular and rectangular areas Pressure bulb
  • Variation of vertical stress under point load along vertical and horizontal plane
  • Newmark’s influence chart for irregular areas.
  • Contact pressure distribution in sands and clays.
  • Mechanism importance of compaction
  • Standard Proctor compaction test
  • Modified compaction test Factors affecting compaction
  • Effects of compaction on soil properties
  • Field compaction equipment and compaction quality control.
  • Types of compressibility Spring analogy Immediate settlement
  • Primary consolidation and secondary consolidation
  • Stress history of clay e-p and e-log p curves
  • Normally consolidated soil Over consolidated soil and under consolidated soil
  • Pre-consolidation pressure and its determination
  • Consolidation test Terzaghi’s 1-D consolidation theory
  • Coefficient of consolidation
  • Square root time and Logarithm of time fitting methods
  • Computation of total settlement.
  • SHEAR STRENGTH : Definition and importance of shear strength
  • Mohr and coulomb failure theories Mohr’s Stress Circles
  • Measurement of shear strength-Different types of Shear Test namely
  • Direct Shear Test Unconfined Compression Test
  • Tri Axial Compression Test & Vane Shear Test for strength parameters
  • Strength tests based on drainage conditions
  • Measurement of pore pressure
  • Pore pressure parameters
  • Strength envelops shear strength of sands Critical void ratio
  • Liquefaction Shear strength of clays.
  • Factors affecting shear strength of granular soils and cohesive soils.
  • STABILIZATION OF SOIL : Introduction Mechanical stabilization Cement stabilization Lime stabilization
  • Bituminous stabilization Chemical stabilization Thermal stabilization Electrical stabilization
  • Stabilization by grouting Use of geo-synthetic materials Types
  • Functions and applications of geo-synthetics
  • Reinforced earth structures-components and construction.
  1. Determination of water content by Oven drying method.
  2. Determination of water content by Pycnometer
  3. Determination of soil field density by core cutter method
  4. Determination of soil field density by sand replacement method
  5. Determination of Specific Gravity By Pycnometer.
  6. Determination of Consistency Limits (i) Liquid Limit (ii) Plastic Limit (iii) Shrinkage Limit
  7. Determination of liquid limit of soil by cone penetrometer.
  8. Grain size analysis by sieve shaking method
  9. Grain size analysis of fine grained soil by sedimentation using (i)pipette (ii) hydrometer.
  10. Determination of coefficient of permeability of soil by- (a) constant head method (b) variable head method.
  11. Determination of compaction parameters by- (a) light compaction (b) heavy compaction.
  12. Direct Shear test
  13. Triaxial Test, Unconfined Compression Strength Test 

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  • Basic concepts – Advantages – Materials required –
  • Systems and methods of prestressing – Analysis of sections –
  • Stress concept – Strength concept – Load balancing concept –
  • Effect of loading on the tensile stresses in tendons –
  • Effect of tendon profile on deflections – Factors influencing deflections –
  • Calculation of deflections –
  • Short term and long term deflections –
  • Losses of prestress – Estimation of crack width.
  • Basic assumptions for calculating flexural stresses – Permissible stresses in steel and concrete as per I.S.1343 Code –
  • Design of sections of Type I and Type II post-tensioned and pre-tensioned beams –
  • Check for strength limit based on I.S. 1343 Code –
  • Layout of cables in posttensioned beams –
  • Location of wires in pre-tensioned beams –
  • Design for shear based on I.S. 1343 Code.
  • Factors influencing deflections – Short term deflections of uncracked members –
  • Prediction of long term deflections due to creep and shrinkage –
  • Check for serviceability limit state of deflection.
  • Determination of anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned beams by Magnel’s method
  • Guyon’s method and IS1343 code – design of anchorage zone reinforcement
  • Check for transfer bond length in pre-tensioned beams.
  • Analysis and design of composite beams –
  • Methods of achieving continuity in continuous beams –
  • One and two way slabs flat slab.
  • Analysis for secondary moments – Concordant cable and linear transformation –
  • Calculation of stresses –
  • Principles of design.
  • Design of tension and compression members – Tanks pipes sleepers and poles –
  • Partial prestressing – Definition methods of achieving partial prestressing
  • merits and demerits of partial prestressing.

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  • Theory and design of preliminary treatment such as screens grit chamber sedimentation and chemical clarification
  • role of micro-organism in biological treatment.
  • Methods of Biological Treatment (Theory & Design) –Trickling Filter
  • Activated Sludge process (ASP)
  • Oxidation ditch Septic tank & imhoff tank
  • theory of sludge.
  • Diatomaceous earth filters Ultrafiltration
  • Adsorption by activated carbon
  • Phosphorus removal
  • Nitrogen removal.
  • Definition Sources
  • classification and characterization of air pollutants.
  • Effects of air pollution on health vegetation & materials
  • photochemical smog.
  • meteorological aspects of air pollution dispersion;
  • temperature lapse rate and stability wind velocity and turbulence
  • plume behaviour dispersion of air pollutants
  • the Gaussian Plume Model.

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  • Degree of freedom undamped system
  • Force displacement relation damping force
  • Equation of motion mass-spring damper system
  • D’Alembert’s Principle
  • Solution of differential equation of motion
  • frequency period and amplitude of motion.
  • Viscous damping equation of motion
  • critically damped systems
  • over and under damped systems
  • logarithmic decrement.
  • Harmonic vibration of undamped and viscously damped systems
  • natural frequency and damping
  • force transmission and vibration isolation
  • Fourier series representation
  • response to periodic force.
  • Response to unit impulse arbitrary force
  • Duhamel’s Integral step force rectangular pulse force
  • half cycle sinusoidal pulse force triangular pulse force.
  • Matrix formulation stiffness and flexibility influence coefficients
  • eigen value problem normal modes and their properties.
  • Matrix iteration technique for eigen value and eigen vectors
  • Free and forced vibration by modal analysis.

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  • Design of Multistory Buildings – Sway and nonsway buildings
  • Shear walls and other bracing elements.
  • Design of Earth Retaining Structures: Cantilever and counter fort types retaining walls
  • Water Tanks : Tanks on ground and underground tanks:
  • Square rectangular circular tanks
  • Overhead tanks : square rectangular circular & intze tanks.
  • Design of Silos and Bunkers
  • T-beam & Slab bridges- for highway loading (IRC Loads).
  • Prestressing concepts materials
  • systems of prestressing & losses
  • Introduction to working & limit State Design.

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  • Introduction : Definition
  • Characteristics of IOT
  • IOT Conceptual framework IOT Architectural view
  • Physical design of IOT
  • Logical design of IOT
  • Application of IOT.
  • Machine-to-machine (M2M)
  • SDN (software defined networking) and NFV(network function virtualization) for IOT
  • data storage in IOT
  • IOT Cloud Based Services.
  • Design Principles for Web Connectivity: Web Communication Protocols for connected devices
  • Message Communication Protocols for connected devices
  • MQTT CoAP SOAP REST HTTP Restful and Web Sockets.
  • Internet Connectivity Principles: Internet Connectivity
  • Internet based communication
  • IP addressing in IOT Media Access control.
  • Sensor Technology Participatory Sensing
  • Industrial IOT and Automotive IOT
  • Actuator Sensor data Communication Protocols
  • Radio Frequency Identification Technology
  • Wireless Sensor Network Technology.
  • IOT Design methodology: Specification -Requirement process model service functional & operational view.
  • IOT Privacy and security solutions
  • Raspberry Pi & arduino devices.
  • IOT Case studies: smart city streetlights control & monitoring.

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  • Project Attributes Balancing Project Constraints
  • Project Life Cycle Project Management Process
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Global Project Management Benefits .
  • Project Identification Project Selection
  • Building Relationships with Customers and Partners
  • Pre-RFP/Proposal Marketing
  • Decision to Develop a Proposal &techniques
  • Proposal Preparation & Contents Pricing Considerations
  • Contracts
  • Project Objective scope Plan for Quality
  • Create W.B.S Assign Responsibility
  • Activities & sequencing Estimate Activity Resources &Durations
  • Develop Project Schedule
  • Project Control Process
  • Resource-Constrained Planning leveling scheduling Project Management
  • Information Systems
  • Estimate Activity Costs Determine Project Budget
  • Determine Actual Cost Determine Value of Work Performed Analyze Cost Performance
  • Control Costs Manage Cash Flow
  • Identify Risks Assess Risks
  • Monitor Risks
  • Acquiring the Project Team Project Team Development
  • Project Kickoff Meeting Project Manager Responsibilities
  • Project Manager Skills
  • Developing Project Manager Competence
  • Delegation &Managing Changes
  • Functional Organizational Structure
  • Matrix Organizational Structure
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizational Structures

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  • Definition of solid waste garbage rubbish-
  • Sources and Types of solid wastes.
  • Characteristics of Solid Wastes: Physical chemical and biological characteristics-
  • Problems occur due to improper disposal of solid wastes.
  • Definition- Reduction reuse recycling and recovery principles of waste management-
  • Functional elements of integrated solid Waste management-
  • Waste generation and handling at Source-
  • Collection of solid wastes- Collection methods and services-
  • guidelines for collection route layout.
  • Transfer Station-Processing and segregation of the solid waste-
  • various methods of material segregation.
  • Importance of Transfer Stations.
  • Site selection of transfer stations.
  • Composting : definition-methods of composting-advantages of composting
  • Incineration : definition methods of incineration-
  • advantages and disadvantages of incineration
  • Volume reduction Open dumping land filling techniques.
  • Landfills : Classification-Design and Operation of landfills
  • Land Farming Deep well injection.

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  • Importance of building services, types of services required in building complexes.
  • Planning of services, organization structure of services role and administrative functions of supervisors
  • classification of building as per NBC.
  • Water supply & distributions in high rise buildings
  • house connections system of water supply
  • water supply fixtures & appliances swimming pool water treatment
  • algae control in swimming pool.

UNIT-2 : Lift & Escalator

  • Anatomy of lift provision in lift classification of lift types of lifts types of operation of lifts. lift codes & rules
  • traffic analysis and selection of lift types of lift control
  • structural provisions of lift and buildings
  • fire safety provisions in lifts work done and lift installation by owner
  • details of information to be given to lift supplier
  • Accidents in lifts and safety precautions escalators
  • working mechanism Travellators
  • Fire growth and behavior classification of fire fire triangle classification of building according to fire
  • classification of structural components
  • modes of fire fire- extinguishers and their types of suitability
  • types of portable fire extinguishers fire hydrants and their location
  • Carbon Di-oxide storing system
  • provisions in building from fire safety (IS 1641)
  • Hydrants installation fire lift fire escapes service duet escape route
  • fire detection systems their type and applications fire alarm systems
  • types and their working fire control systems
  • Noise sources & their effects Characteristics sound;
  • Acoustical defects Noise in building Planning Noise rating Curve
  • Reverberation time materials for acoustical treatment requirement for good acoustics general principles of caustics design
  • Acoustical design of auditorium studio open air theatre
  • Sound insulation of walls ceiling floors.
  • Natural ventilation Types of Ventilation systems
  • Types of air conditioning principles of control air conditioning
  • system of air conditioning essentials of air conditioning system
  • Thermal insulation of walls & ceiling
  • methods of thermal insulation.
  • Building Security & access Control (Biometrics voice recognition Iris detector smart card Vascular pattern fingerprint contactless system etc)
  • Design of car parking system car park management Strategy services for Disabled
  • Rain water harvesting solar systems green Building Concerns
  • Street lighting (Campus lighting)
  • Land scaping & Horticulture waste collection & reuse & recycling package STP
  • use of IOT in building Services management
  • CCTV
  • Surveillance refuse collection & Transportation

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  1. Fabrication casting and testing of simply supported prestressed concrete beam/slab (pres-tensioned or post-tensioned) for strength and deflection behaviour.
  2. Fabrication casting and testing of beam/slab (pres-tensioned or post-tensioned) with different layout of cables for strength and deflection behaviour
  3. Fabrication casting and testing of various prestressed structures as per contents given in the syllabus
  4. Minimum 15 problems from above topics along with cross checking using any opensource / professional software.
  5. Modeling and analysis of at least one real-life structure using open-source/ professional software

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  • LAB INDEX Design Developed and implement following using Arduino Raspberry Pi compiler and Python language in Linux/Windows environment.
  1. Study and Install IDE of Arduino and different types of Arduino.
  2. Write program using Arduino IDE for Blink LED.
  3. Write Program for RGB LED using Arduino.
  4. Study the Temperature sensor and Write Program foe monitor temperature using Arduino.
  5. Study and Implement RFID NFC using Arduino.
  6. Study and Configure Raspberry Pi.
  7. WAP for LED blink using Raspberry Pi.
  8. Study and Implement Zigbee Protocol using Arduino / Raspberry Pi.
  9. Study and implement MQTT protocol using Arduino.
  10. Study and implement CoAP protocol using Arduino.