Syllabus of CE V-Sem all Subjects (RGPV)
(Tag: Syllabus of CE, Syllabus of Civil Engineering )
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of CE-501 Fluid Mechanics-I
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UNIT – 1 :
- Review of Fluid Properties: Engineering units of measurement,
- mass, density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, surface tension, capillarity, viscosity, bulk modulus of elasticity, pressure and vapor pressure.
- Fluid Static’s : Pressure at a point, pressure variation in static fluid,
- Absolute and gauge pressure, manometers,
- Forces on plane and curved surfaces (Problems on gravity dams and Tainter gates);
- buoyant force, Stability of floating and submerged bodies,
- Relative equilibrium.
UNIT-2 :
- Kinematics of Flow : Types of flow-ideal & real , steady & unsteady,
- uniform & non uniform, one, two and three dimensional flow, path lines, streak lines, streamlines and stream tubes;
- continuity equation for one and three dimensional flow,
- rotational & irrotational flow, circulation,
- stagnation point, separation of flow,
- sources & sinks, velocity potential,
- stream function,
- flow nets- their utility & method of drawing flow nets.
UNIT-3 :
- Dynamics of Flow: Euler’s equation of motion along a streamline and derivation of
- Bernoulli’s equation, application of Bernoulli’s equation,
- energy correction factor, linear momentum equation for steady flow;
- momentum correction factor.
- The moment of momentum equation, forces on fixed and moving vanes and other applications.
- Fluid Measurements : Velocity measurement (Pitot tube, Prandtl tube, current meters etc.);
- flow measurement (orifices, nozzles, mouth pieces, orifice meter, nozzle meter, venturimeter, weirs and notches).
UNIT – 4 :
- Laminar Flow: Introduction to laminar flow,
- Reynolds experiment & Reynolds number,
- relation between shear & pressure gradient,
- laminar flow through circular pipes, laminar flow between parallel plates,
- laminar flow through porous media,
- Stokes law.
UNIT – 5 :
- Dimensional Analysis and use of Buckingham-pi theorem,
- Introduction to Turblent flow-Prandtl mixing length hypothesis,
- Flow over smooth & rough surface.
- Darcy –weisbach resistance equation ,
- variation of friction factor & Moody’s diagram ,
- pipe flow problem
List of Experiments : (Expandable)
- To determine the local point pressure with the help of pitot tube.
- To find out the terminal velocity of a spherical body in water.
- Calibration of Venturimeter
- Determination of Cc, Cv, Cd of Orifices
- Calibration of Orifice Meter
- Calibration of Nozzle meter and Mouth Piece
- Reynolds experiment for demonstration of stream lines & turbulent flow
- Determination of metacentric height
- Determination of Friction Factor of a pipe
- To study the characteristics of a centrifugal pump.
- Verification of Impulse momentum principle
Syllabus of CE-502 – Transportation Engineering- II
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UNIT – 1 : High way planning, Alignment & Geometric Design
- Principles of highway planning, road planning in India and financing of roads, classification patterns.
- Requirements,
- Engg. Surveys for highway location.
- Cross sectional elements- width, camber, super-elevation, sight distances, extra widening at curves,
- horizontal and vertical curves,
- numerical problems.
UNIT-2 : Bituminous & Cement Concrete Payments
- Design of flexible pavements, design of mixes and stability,
- WBM, WMM, BM, IBM, surface dressing,
- interfacial treatment- seal coat, tack coat, prime coat, wearing coats, grouted macadam,
- bituminous concrete specification,
- construction and maintenance.
- Advantages and disadvantages of rigid pavements,
- general principles of design, types, construction, maintenance and joints, dowel bars, tie bars.
- Brief study of recent developments in cements concrete pavement design,
- fatigue and reliability.
UNIT-3 : Low Cost Roads, Drainage of Roads, Traffic Engg. & Transportation ,Planning
- Principles of stabilization,
- mechanical stabilization, requirements,
- advantages, disadvantages and uses,
- quality control, macadam roads-types,
- specifications, construction,
- maintenance and causes of failures.
- Surface and sub-surface drainage, highway materials: properties and testing etc.
- Channelised and unchannelised intersections, at grade & grade separated intersections,
- description, rotary-design elements,
- advantages and disadvantages, marking, signs and signals, street lighting.
- Principles of planning, inventories,
- trip generation, trip distribution, model split,
- traffic assignment, plan preparation.
UNIT – 4 : Airport Planning, Runway & Taxiway
- Airport site selection. air craft characteristic and their effects on runway alignments, windrose diagrams,
- basic runway length and corrections,
- classification of airports.
- Geometrical elements : taxi ways and runways, pattern of runway capacity.
UNIT – 5 : Airport, Obstructions, Lightning & Traffic control
- Zoning regulations, approach area,
- approach surface-imaginary, conical, and horizontal.
- Rotating beacon, boundary lights, approach lights,
- runway and taxiway lighting etc.
- instrumental lending system, precision approach radar,
- VOR enroute traffic control.
List of Experiments :
- Aggregate Crushing Value Test
- Determination of aggregate impact value
- Determination of Los Angeles Abrasion value
- Determination of California Bearing Ratio values
- Determination of penetration value of Bitumen
- Determination of Viscosity of Bituminous Material
- Determination of softening point of bituminous material
- Determination of ductility of the bitumen
- Determination of flash point and fire point of bituminous material
- Determination of Bitumen content by centrifuge extractor
- Determination of stripping value of road aggregate
- Determination of Marshall stability value for Bituminous mix
- Determination of shape tests on aggregate
Syllabus of CE- 503 (A) Structural analysis-II (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT – 1 :
- Moment distribution method in analysis of frames with sway,
- analysis of box frames,
- analysis of portals with inclined members,
- analysis of beams and frames by Kani’s method.
UNIT-2 :
- Plastic analysis of beams and frames.
UNIT-3 :
- Analysis of tall frames, wind and earthquake loads,
- codal provisions for lateral loads.
- Approximate analysis of multistory frames for vertical and lateral loads.
UNIT – 4 :
- Matrix method of structural analysis:
- force method and displacement method.
UNIT – 5 :
- Influence lines for intermediate structures,
- Muller Breslau principle.
Syllabus of CE- 503 (B) Construction Planning & Management (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT – 1 :
- Preliminary and detailed investigation methods: Methods of construction,
- form work and centering.
- Schedule of construction, job layout,
- principles of construction management,
- modern management techniques like CPM/PERT with network analysis.
UNIT-2 :
- Construction equipments : Factors affecting selection,
- investment and operating cost, output of various equipments,
- brief study of equipments required for various jobs such as earth work,
- dredging, conveyance, concreting,
- hoisting, pile driving,
- compaction and grouting.
UNIT-3 :
- Contracts: Different types of controls, notice inviting tenders,
- contract document, departmental method of construction,
- rate list, security deposit and earnest money,
- conditions of contract, arbitration,
- administrative approval, technical sanction.
UNIT – 4 :
- Specifications & Public Works Accounts: Importance,
- types of specifications, specifications for various trades of engineering works.
- Various forms used in construction works,
- measurement book, cash book, materials at site account,
- imprest account, tools and plants,
- various types of running bills, secured advance, final bill.
UNIT – 5 :
- Site Organization & Systems Approach to Planning: Accommodation of site staff,
- contractor’s staff, various organization charts and manuals,
- personnel in construction,
- welfare facilities, labour laws and human relations, safety engineering.
- Problem of equipment management, assignment model,
- transportation model and waiting line modals with their applications,
- shovel truck performance with waiting line method.
Syllabus of CE- 503 (C) Quantity surveying & Costing (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT – 1 : Introduction
- Purpose and importance of estimates, principles of estimating.
- Methods of taking out quantities of items of work.
- Mode of measurement, measurement sheet and abstract sheet;
- bill of quantities.
- Types of estimate, plinth area rate, cubical content rate,
- preliminary, original,
- revised and supplementary estimates for different projects.
UNIT-2 : Rate Analysis
- Task for average artisan,
- various factors involved in the rate of an item,
- material and labour requirement for various trades;
- preparation for rates of important items of work.
- Current schedule of rates. (C.S.R.)
UNIT-3 : Detailed Estimates
- Preparing detailed estimates of various types of buildings,
- R.C.C. works, earth work calculations for roads and estimating of culverts
- Services for building such as water supply,
- drainage and electrification
UNIT – 4 : Cost of Works
- Factors affecting cost of work, overhead charges,
- Contingencies and work charge establishment,
- various percentages for different services in building.
- Preparation of DPR
UNIT – 5 : Valuation
- Purposes, depreciation, sinking fund, scrap value,
- year’s purchase, gross and net income,
- dual rate interest, methods of valuation,
- rent fixation of buildings.
Syllabus of CE- 503 (D) Marine Construction (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT – 1 :
- History of water transportation at world level and at national level development and policy,
- classification of harbours, natural and artificial.
- Major ports in India, administrative set up. 2.
UNIT-2 :
- Harbour Planning: Harbour components,
- ship characteristics, characteristics of good harbour and principles of harbour planning,
- size of harbour, site selection criteria and layout of harbours.
- Surveys to be carried out for harbor planning
UNIT-3 :
- Natural Phenomena: Wind, waves, tides formation and currents phenomena,
- their generation characteristics and effects on marine structures,
- silting, erosion and littoral drift.
UNIT – 4 :
- Marine Structures: General design aspects, breakwaters -function,
- types general design principles, wharves, quays, jetties, piers, pier heads, dolphin, fenders,
- mooring accessories – function, types, suitability, design and construction features
UNIT – 5 :
- Docks and Locks : Tidal basin, wet docks-purpose,
- design consideration,
- operation of lock gates and passage,
- repair docks -graving docks, floating docks.
Syllabus of CE- 504 (A) Urban & Town Planning (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT – 1 :
- Definition and classification of urban areas – Trend of urbanization –
- Planning process – Various stages of the planning process
- Surveys in planning.
- Plans – Delineation of planning areas.
- utility of spaces, future growth etc.
- Role of “Urban Planner ”in planning and designing in relation with spatial organization, utility, demand of the area and supply
UNIT-2 :
- Plan implementation- Urban Planning agencies and their functions –
- Financing- Public, private,
- Nongovernmental organizations- Public participation in Planning.
- Development control regulations.
- sustainability and rationality in planning,
- Components of sustainable urban and regional development,
- Emerging Concepts: Global City, inclusive city, Safe city, etc.
- City of the future, future of the city.
UNIT-3 :
- Town and country planning act- Building bye-laws.
- Elements of City Planning, Zoning and land use,
- Housing.
- Introduction to landscaping, importance , objectives, principles, elements,
- Urban Planning standards Urban renewal for quality of life and livability.
UNIT – 4 :
- Traffic transportation systems: urban road, hierarchy, traffic management,
- Intelligent Transport Systems.
- Legal Issues in Planning and Professional Practice,
- Concepts and contents related to planning provision regarding property rights,
- Concept of Arbitration,
- State and Central government to deal with various matters concerning Town and Country Planning.
- mechanism for preparation of DP: Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013.
UNIT – 5 :
- Types of Development plans: Master Plan, City Development Plan,
- Structure Plan ,housing, land use,
- Water Supply & sanitation, etc.,
- Planning agencies for various levels of planning.
- Their organization and purpose (CIDCO-MHADA-MIDC, MMRDA/ PMRDA etc).
Syllabus of CE- 504 (B) Remote Sensing & GIS (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT – 1 : Remote Sensing
- Basic concept of Remote sensing,
- Data and Information, Remote sensing data collection,
- Remote sensing advantages & Limitations,
- Remote Sensing process.
- Electromagnetic Spectrum,
- Energy interactions with atmosphere and with earth surface features (soil, water, and vegetation),
- Resolution, image registration and Image and False color composite,
- elements of visual interpretation techniques.
UNIT-2 : Remote Sensing Platforms and Sensors
- Indian Satellites and Sensors characteristics,
- Remote Sensing Platforms, Sensors and Properties of Digital Data,
- Data Formats: Introduction, platforms- IRS, Landsat, SPOT, Cartosat, Ikonos, Envisat etc.
- sensors, sensor resolutions (spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal).
- Basics of digital image processing- introduction to digital data,
- systematic errors(Scan Skew, Mirror-Scan Velocity, Panoramic Distortion, Platform Velocity , Earth Rotation) and non-systematic [random] errors(Altitude, Attitude),
- Image enhancements(Gray Level Thresholding, level slicing, contrast stretching),image filtering.
UNIT-3 : Geographic Information System
- Introduction to GIS;
- components of a GIS;
- Geographically Referenced Data,
- Spatial Data- Attribute data-Joining Spatial and attribute data,
- GIS Operations: Spatial Data Input – Attribute data Management,
- Geographic coordinate System,
- Datum;
- Map Projections: Types of Map Projections, Projected coordinate Systems. UTM Zones
UNIT – 4 : Data Models
- Applications in land use land cover analysis,
- change detection, water resources, urban planning,
- environmental planning,
- Natural resource management and Traffic management.
- Location Based Services And Its Applications.
UNIT – 5 : Integrated Applications of Remote sensing and GIS
- Influence lines for intermediate structures,
- Muller Breslau principle.
Syllabus of CE- 504 (C) Renewable Energy Sources (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT – 1 :
- Renewable Energy Systems Energy Sources,
- Comparison of Conventional and nonconventional,
- renewable and non-renewable sources.
- Statistics of world resources and data on different sources globally and in Indian context.
- Significance of renewable sources and their exploitation.
- Energy planning, Energy efficiency and management
UNIT-2 :
- Wind Energy System Wind Energy, Wind Mills, Grid connected systems.
- System configuration, working principles, limitations.
- Effects of wind speed and grid conditions.
- Grid independent systems – wind-battery, wind- diesel, wind-hydro biomass etc. wind operated pumps, controller for energy balance.
- Small Hydro System Grid connected system, system configuration, working principles, limitations.
- Effect of hydro potential and grid condition.
- Synchronous versus Induction Generator for stand alone systems.
- Use of electronic load controllers and self excited induction generators.
- Wave Energy System: System configuration: grid connected and hybrid Systems.
UNIT-3 :
- Solar Radiation Extraterrestrial solar radiation, terrestrial solar radiation, Solar thermal conversion,
- Solar Phototonic System Solar cell, Solar cell materials, efficiency, Characteristics of PV panels under varying insulation.
- PV operated lighting and water pumps, characteristics of motors and pumps connected to PV panels.
- Biomass Energy System: System configuration,
- Biomass engine driven generators, feeding loads in stand-alone or hybrid modes,
- Biomass energy and their characteristics.
UNIT – 4 :
- Energy from oceans Ocean temperature difference,
- Principles of OTEC, plant operations,
- Geothermal Energy Electric Energy from gaseous cells,
- Magneto-hydro generated energy,
- Non hazardous energy from nuclear wastes,
- Possibilities of other modern nonconventional energy sources.
UNIT – 5 :
- Electric Energy Conservation Energy efficient motors and other equipment.
- Energy saving in Power Electronic controlled drives.
- Electricity saving in pumps, airconditioning, power plants, process industries, illumination etc.
- Methods of Energy Audit. Measurements systems;
- efficiency measurements. energy regulation,
- typical case studies, various measuring devices analog and digital,
- use of thyristers.
Syllabus of CE- 504 (D) Entrepreneurship Development & Management (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT – 1 : Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneur Types of Entrepreneurs – Difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur
- Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth,
- Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth.
UNIT-2 : Motivation
- Major Motives Influencing an Entrepreneur – Achievement Motivation Training,
- Self Rating, Business Games,
- Thematic Apperception Test – Stress Management,
- Entrepreneurship Development Programs – Need, Objectives.
UNIT-3 : Business
- Small Enterprises – Definition,
- Classification – Characteristics,
- Ownership Structures – Project Formulation – Steps involved in setting up a Business – identifying,
- selecting a Good Business opportunity, Market Survey and Research,
- Techno Economic Feasibility Assessment – Preparation of Preliminary Project
- Reports – Project Appraisal – Sources of Information – Classification of Needs and Agencies.
UNIT – 4 : Financing And Accounting
- Need – Sources of Finance, Term Loans,
- Capital Structure, Financial Institution,
- Management of working Capital, Costing,
- Break Even Analysis, Taxation – Income Tax, Excise Duty – Sales Tax.
UNIT – 5 : Support To Entrepreneurs
- Sickness in small Business – Concept, Magnitude,
- Causes and Consequences,
- Corrective Measures – Business Incubators – Government Policy for Small Scale Enterprises – Growth Strategies in small industry –
- Expansion, Diversification, Joint Venture, Merger and Sub Contracting.
Syllabus of CE-505 Quantity Surveying & Costing (Lab)
Source: (
List of Experiments :
- Preparation of detailed estimate.
- Detailed estimate for services of plumbing and water supply or Electrification work.
- Detailed estimate for earth work for the road construction or arched culvert.
- Rate analysis for at least 8 items of construction.
- Preparation of DPR of Civil Engineering Project.
Syllabus of CE-506 Material Testing Lab
Source: (
List of Experiments :
- To determine the normal consistency of cement.
- To determine the initial and final setting time of cement .
- To determine compressive strength of cement.
- To determine the soundness of cement.
- To determine the fineness modulus of fine aggregate & course aggregate.
- Mix design of concrete by IS code Method.
- Slump test for determining workability of concrete.
- Compressing strength of concrete cube.
- To determine the flexure strength of concrete.
==End of CE V Sem Syllabus==