Table of Contents
ToggleImportant RGPV Question
AL-403, CS-403 (Software Engineering)
IV Sem
UNIT-1 The Software Product and Software Process
Q.1)Β What do you mean by a software process ? What is the difference between a methodology and Β a process ? Explain using suitable examples.Β Β Β
RGPV June 2013Β Β
What is software process? How the process is different from methodology show by an example?
RGPV June 2015
Q.2)Β Explain software process. Enumerate the activities common to all software processes. Also list the characteristics of software processes.
Explain in detail about the software process.
Q.3)Β Explain unified process. What are its characteristicsΒ
RGPV Dec 2014
Q.4)Β Differentiate between a software product and a software process.Β
RGPV Dec 2004, June 2012
Q.5)Β What is software development life cycle model ? Why is it important to adhere to a life cycle model while developing a large software product?Β
RGPV June 2010
Explain in detail about the life cycle process.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.6) What do you understand by term life cycle model of software development ? What problems might a software development organization face if it does not follow any life cycle model during development of a large software product ?Β
RGPV June 2014
Explain the term software development life cycle model. What are the consequences if an organization does not follow any life cycle model during development of the software product?
RGPV June 2016
Q.7)Β Explain the prototyping approaches in software process.
Β RGPV Dec 2017
Describe various software prototyping techniques.
RGPV May 2019
Q.8)Β What is software? What is the difference between a software process and a software product?
RGPV June 2022
Q.9) Explain RAD model. Discuss the situation where RAD model useful.
RGPV June 2010
Explain the various phases of RAD model. Discuss the situation where RAD model is useful.
RGPV June 2011
Q.10)Β Explain waterfall model.
Explain various phases of classic life cycle model.
Explain linear sequential model for software development.
RGPV May 2018
Q.11) What are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?
List the Pros and Cons of waterfall model of software development.
RGPV June 2015
Q.12)Β Define software process. Explain RAD model for software development with its various phases.
RGPV May 2018
Q.13) What is the importance of models in software engineering? Explain with examples any two process models which are commonly used.
RGPV June 2017
Q.14) Explain spiral model in detail and under what circumstance is it beneficial.
RGPV June 2016
Q.15) Explain how a software development effort is initiated and finally terminated in the spiral model.
RGPV June 2012
“Traditional software process models do not deal sufficiently with uncertainty”. Which model and how solve this problem?Β
RGPV June 2015
Q.16) Explain in detail about the RAD model.
RGPV June 2022
Q.17) Describe the evolutionary process model and the model that make use of existing component with example.
RGPV Dec 2016
Q.18) How do you customize the development of software process?
RGPV June 2022
Q.19) Describe the agile process.
RGPV Dec 2016
Q.20)Β What is the difference between product and process metric?
RGPV June 2023
Q.21)Β ) What is component model in software engineering? Explain with neat diagram.
RGPV June 2022
Q.22) Discuss in detail about Evolutionary process model in software Engineering.
RGPV June 2023
Q.23) What is RAD Model and why it is important. Give the applications of RAD model.
RGPV June 2023
Q.1)Β How object oriented design is used in the development of the software? What are the different metrics used for it?
RGPV June 2022
Q.2)Β How many types of requirements are possible and why?
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.3)Β Explain requirement engineering with complete process. Also give its type.
RGPV Dec 2016
Q.4)Β How software requirements specifications are used in the development of the software? Write the characteristics for the software requirements specification.
RGPV June 2022
Q.5)Β What are the different types of requirements gathering ac Developer that the analysis use to gather requirements from a customer?
RGPV June 2012/2015
What are the dimensions of requirements gathering?Β
RGPV May 2010
Q.6) What are the elicitation techniques used in the software requirements?
Q.7) Discuss the elicitation technique of software requirements.
RGPV May 2019
Explain the ways and means of collecting the software requirements.
Q.8)Β Define the term analysis and modeling. State the Objectivity analysis and modeling.
RGPV June 2012
Q.9) Explain data flow diagram (DFD).
RGPV June 2016
Q.10)Β Define DFD (data flow diagram). Also describe the limitations of DFD for performing structural analysis.
RGPV June 2015
Q.11)Β Differentiate between the DFD and flowchart.
RGPV Nov/Dec 2007
Q.12)Β Explain in detail about the DFD and its levels.
RGPV June 2022
Q.13)Β What are the elements of analysis modeling, explain each of them in brief?
RGPV June 2015
Q.14)Β Explain Hatley and Pirbhai extensions forreal-time systems.
OR What is the difference between data flow and control flow models with examples?
RGPV Dec 2003
Q.15) What is object-oriented modeling? What are the steps involved in object-oriented analysis?
OR Explain the steps involved in object-oriented modeling.
RGPV June 2017
Q.16) Differentiate between function-oriented and object – oriented modeling.
OR What is the difference between function oriented and object oriented modelling explain in detail
OR Compare function oriented and object oriented software development.
OR Differentiate between function oriented and object oriented software development
RGPV May 2018
Q.17)Β Explain about use case modeling.
Β OR Explain use case approach for specifying functional specifications.
RGPV, June 2010, 2011
OR Explain use case model.
RGPV June 2016
Q.18)Β Explain the use case diagram of ATM machine with neat diagram.
RGPV May 2019
Q.19) Discuss an example of type of system where social and political factors might strongly influence the system requirements. Explain why these factors are important in your example?
RGPV June 2017
Q.20)Β List five desirable characteristics of a good software requirement specification (SRS) document.
RGPV June 2013
OR What are the characteristics of good SRS?
RGPV Dec 2014
OR Explain the different characteristics of software requirement specification.
RGPV June 2015
OR Explain the nature of SRS.
RGPV June 2017
Q.21)Β What do you mean by system specification, requirement specification, software specification? Explain in brief.
RGPV Dec 2009, June 2013
Q.22)Β Explain software requirement specification in detail and why it is necessary.
RGPV June 2016
Q.23)Β What are the important issues which an SRS document must address.
RGPV June 2005
Q.24)Β Why validation is important in the requirement phase? Justify your answer with proper example.
RGPV June 2015
Q.25)Β What do you understand by traceability in the context of software requirement specification? How is traceability achieved? Why is traceability important considered an important issue?
RGPV June 2014
OR What do you understand by traceability in the context of software requirements specification? How is traceability achieved?
RGPV June 2012
Q.26)Β “The functional requirements specification of a system should be both complete and consistent”. Substantiate this statement with relevant examples.
RGPV June 2023
Q.27) What is the use-case model and how to make it? Discuss. the four basic parts of a use-case model.
RGPV June 2023
Q.1) What are SA and SD? Discuss about component based design and what are its advantages.
RGPV June 2023
Q.2)Β What is a design? Describe the difference between conceptual design and technical design.
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.3)Β What do you mean by software modeling? How model view are used in the designing a software?
RGPV June 2022
Q.4) Discuss the various design concepts.
RGPV June 2003, Dec 2009
Or Explain about the various design concepts considered during design.
RGPV May 2019
Q.5)Β What is software design? Explain various principles and design concepts of software design.
RGPS May 2018
Q.6) Write a short note on UML.
RGPV June 2014
Q.7) With a neat diagram explain interface analysis and design model.
RGPV June 2022
Q.8) Write a short note on software modeling.
RGPV June 2014
Q.9) What are the different system views that can be modelled using UML? What are the different UML diagrams which can be used to capture each of the views?
OR Explain the use of UML for object-oriented design.
Β RGPV, June 2010, 2011
OR What are the different system views that can be modelled using UML?
RGPV June 2015
Q.10) Write a note on architectural design.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.11)Β Explain architectural and procedural design for a software.
RGPV May 2019
Q.12) How do you assess an architectural style that has been derived?
RGPV June 2017
Q.13) Discuss the different classification of architectural styles with respect to software and discuss each style in detail.
RGPV June 2012
Q.14) Explain why it may be necessary to design the system architecture before the specification is written.
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.15)Β Describe the golden rules for interface design.
RGPV May 2019
Q.16)Β What are the fundamental principles of user interface design? Explain and enumerate the end user requirements in user interface design.
RGPV June 2011, 2015
Q.17) Explain user interface design process.
RGPV Dec 2014
Q.18) Discuss the core activities involved in user interface design process.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.19)Β Explain the process of user interface design. Also provide guidelines for good user interface.
RGPV June 2017
Q.20) Explain user interface design and UML.
RGPV June 2016
Q.21) Write a short note on function-oriented design.
RGPV June 2014
Q.22) What is cohesive module?
RGPV June 2016
Q.23) What do you understand by the term top down decomposition in the context of function-oriented design? Explain your answer with suitable example.
RGPV June 2013
Q.24) What is meant by cohesion? How should a software be designed considering cohesion?
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.25) What is coupling?
RGPV June 2016
Q.26)Β Β What do you mean by terms cohesion and coupling in the context of software design? How are these concepts useful in arriving at a good design of a system?
RGPV June 2014
Or Differentiate between cohesion and coupling with example.
RGPV June 2015
Q.27)Β Enumerate the different types of coupling that might exist between the two modules. Give examples of each.
RGPV June 2013
Q.28) What is functional independence? Explain different cohesion and coupling types in detail.
RGPV May 2018
Q.29) Define the module coupling and explain different type coupling.
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.30)Β What is modularity? List out the important properties of model system in brief.
RGPV June 2015, Dec 2015
Q.31)Β Explain the concept of modularity in design engineering process.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.32)Β Discuss about the basic principles of software design in software engineering.
RGPV June 2023
Q.33) Write short notes on-(i) Modularization (ii) Coupling, cohesion (iii) Design verification.
RGPV Dec 2016
Q.34) If some existing modules are to be re-used in building a new system, which design strategy is used and why?
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.35)Β Discuss function-oriented design techniques.
RGPV June 2005, Dec 2014
Differentiate between structured analysis and structured design in the context of function-oriented design.
RGPV, June 2011, 2013
Q.36)Β Describe the metrics for the design model of a product. What are the attributes of effective software metrics?
RGPV June 2017
Q.1)Β Β Β Differentiate static and dynamic testing done. State few salient characteristics of modern testing tools.
RGPV Dec 2014
Q.2) What is system testing. Discuss about different types of system testing.
RGPV June 2023
Q.3)Β What are test metrics and its types? What is the purpose of testing metrics? Explain.
RGPV June 2023
Q.4)Β What are the error, fault and failure regarding to system? why it occurs in system?
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.5)Β How is software being tested? Explain the process with a neat sketch.
RGPV June 2022
Q.6)Β The software analysis and design are constructive task and software Testing is considered to be destructive from the developer point of view. Discuss
RGPV June 2017
Q.7) Explain test case design.
RGPV May 2018
Q.8)Β What is overall strategy for software testing? Explain it clearly Software Analysis and Testing.
RGPV June 2017
Q.9) What are the strategic approaches to software testing? Explain in detail.
RGPV June 2022
Q.10)Β How software inspection improves software quality? Explain software inspection process in brief.
RGPV May 2018
Q.11)Β Write short notes on-(i) Black-box testing (ii) White-box testing.
RGPV, June 2016
Or Explain black-box testing and white-box testing.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.12)Β Compare functional and structural testing approaches.
RGPV Dec 2016
Or Differentiate between black-box and white-box testing.
RGPV Dec 2003, June 2011, 2013
Or Write the difference between black-box testing and white-box testing.
RGPV June 2014
Or Discuss the difference between black-box and white-box testing models.
RGPV May 2019
Q.13)Β Explain the black-box testing.
RGPV May 2018
Q.14)Β Explain the term boundary value analysis with suitable example.
RGPV June 2015
Or Explain the boundary value analysis testing technique with the help of an example.
RGPV Dec 2015
Or What do you mean by boundary value analysis? Give two examples of boundary value testing.
RGPV May 2019
Q.15)Β Define functional testing. Also, explain the various approaches sed in functional testing.
RGPV June 2015
Q.16)Β Write short note on unit testing.
RGPV June 2016
Q.17)Β What is meant by software quality? Explain the metrics for maintenance.
RGPV June 2023
Q.18)Β Do you agree with the following statement. “System testing cam considered a pure black-box test” ? Justify your answer.
RGPV, June 2014
Q.19)Β Explain the integration testing.
RGPV Dec 2005, May 2018
Or What is integration testing technique? How many types of it? Explain.
RGPV Dec 2015
Or Describe integration testing and what are the approaches for integration testing.
RGPV June 2016
Or What is integration testing? Discuss about the various approaches of integration testing.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.20)Β What is system testing 2 What series of tests are performed during system testing?
RGPV Dec 2008, June 2011, Dec 2014
Or What do you mean by system testing? Explain in detail.
RGPV May 2019
Q.21)Β What is a test plan? What are the different parameters used for testing. Explain.
RGPV June 2022
Q.22)Β Describe integration testing. Explain the steps for top-down integration. Also list out shortcomings of top-down integration.
RGPV June 2015
Q.23)Β Supposed a developed software has successfully passed all the three level of testing i.e., unit testing, integration testing and system testing can we claim that the software is defect free? Justify your answer?
RGPV June 2014
Q.24)Β Explain the difference between the black box and white box testing.
RGPV June 2022
Q.25)Β Describe the test metrics.
RGPV, Dec. 2016
Or Explain the test metrics.
RGPV May 2018
Q.26)Β Compute the cyclomatic complexity by all three methods for finding greater number between two variables.
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.27)Β Calculate the cyclomatic complexity for the following program Also explain your approach-int tempif (a> b) temp=aelse temp = b if (c> temp)temp = creturn temp.
RGPV June 2011, 2015
Q.1) What is the purpose of maintaining the software? Explain the different types.
RGPV June 2022
Q.2) What are the different types of maintenance that a software product might need? Why are these maintenance required?
RGPV June 2011, 2014
Or What are the various software maintenance activities involve throughout its cycle?
RGPV Dec 2016
Or Discuss briefly software maintenance activities.
RGPV May 2019
Q.3)Β What are the objectives and features supported by software configurations management?
RGPV June 2016
Q.4) What are the problems encountered with uncontrolled change management?
RGPV June 2017
Q.5)Β What is version control in project?
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.6)Β What is meant by software quality? Explain the metrics for maintenance.
RGPV June 2023
Q.7)Β Write short note on reverse engineering.
RGPV Dec 2007, June 2012
Or Explain reverse engineering.
Β RGPV Dec 2010, June 2016
Q.8)Β How reverse engineering is different from re-engineering process?
RGPV Dec 2016
Q.9) Discuss about SCM function in software engineering with suitable example.
RGPV June 2022
Q.10)Β What are the advantages of reverse engineering process?
RGPV June 2015
Q.11)Β Explain activities covered by the software project management.
RGPV May 2018
Q.12) What is feasibility analysis?
RGPV June 2016
Q.13)Β How many types of feasibility analysis apply in a project?
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.14) Write short note on project planning.
RGPV Nov/Dec 2007, June 2013
Q.15) Discuss the tools and techniques used in project management.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.16) Explain the various SDLC activities as outlined by ISO 12207 with a neat diagram.
RGPV May 2018
Q.17)Β What is SCM? Explain the concept of baseline and SCM items in brief.
RGPV May 2018
Q.18) Describe COCOMO model.
RGPV June 2006, Dec 2014
Or How COCOMO model work for the cost estimation?
RGPV Dec 2015
Or Explain cost estimation COCOMO model with example.
RGPV June 2016
Q.19) What are the different program comprehensions?
RGPV June 2022
Q.20)Β Discuss various cost estimation models and also compare them.
RGPV June 2010, 2011, 2015
Q.21)Β Software project scheduling does not differ from scheduling of any other multitask engineering project. Discuss.
RGPV June 2017
Q.22)Β Β Write a brief note on risk assessment.
RGPV June 2014
Q.23)Β Explain risk assessment and mitigation.
RGPV June 2016
Q.24)Β Explain the primary responsibility of software quality assurance group.
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.25)Β List and explain the steps in risk management process.
RGPV May 2019
Q.26)Β Suppose you are the project manager of a large software development project. List three common types of risks that your project might suffer. Point out the main steps that you would follow to effectively manage risks in your project.
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.27)Β Describe software quality assurance (SQA).
RGPV Dec 2016
Or What are the various quality concepts of SOA?
RGPV May 2018
Q.28)Β What are the activities performed during SQA?
RGPV Dec 2014
Q.29) What do you understand by software project management? How quality of software can be assured?
RGPV June 2014
Q.30) What is software quality assurance? What are the measures of software quality?
RGPV Dec 2017
Q.31) A project size of 2000 KLOC is to be developed. Software development team has average experience on similar types of projects. The project schedule is not very tight. Calculate the effort, development time, average staff size and productivity of the project.
RGPV Dec 2015
Q.1) Write a short note on any two:
a) Object Models
b) Black-Box Testing
c) Program Comprehension Techniques
d) Testing Tools
Β RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Write short notes on.
a) Requirement validation
b) Dynamic analysis
c) Software quality assurance
RGPV June 2022
— Best of Luck for Exam —
