Important RGPV Question, AL-504(C), Computational Intelligence, V Sem, AL

Important RGPV Question

AL-504(C), Computational Intelligence

V Sem, AL


Q.1 Explain all the components of Computational with help of example. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Explain the working of Parametric Model and explain its application in statistics. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 What is meant by Feed forward or Feedback Networks? (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Discuss the various component of computational intelligence. (RGPV DEC 2020)



Q.1 Design Feed Forward Neural Network to Solve Singular Boundary Value Problems. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Let fuzzy sets A and B be given as

A = 0.5/3 + 1/5 + 0.6/7 + 0.8/8

B = 1/3 + 0.5/5 + 0.1/7 + 1/8

where the universe of discourse being X = {3, 5, 7, 8} Now obtain the following:

i) A + B the Algebraic Sum

ii) A.B, the Algebraic Product

iii) S (A, B) the subset hood measure

iv) E (A, B) the equality measure

(RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 Define alpha cut, strong alpha cut sets and level sets of a give fuzzy set with help of your data set. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.4 Explain the concept of Fuzzy relations and their composition with help of examples. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.5 Consider two Fuzzy sets X and Y with the following membership function.

X = { x1/0.4) (x2/0.7), (x3/0.8), (x4/1)}

Y = {x1/0.3) (x2/0.6), (x3/0.5), (x4/0.9)}

Calculate x∩y, x∩y, x-y, x+y

(RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.6 Define defuzzification and explain the different defuzzification methods. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.7 Explain in detail how fuzzy logic can be used in Automobile Industry. (RGPV DEC 2020)



Q.1 Explain the rough set-based decision tree with help of example.  (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2Explain Hidden Markov Models with its application and with help of suitable example. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 Explain following term:

i) Rough Membership

ii) Decision tree model

(RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Describe Hidden Markov Model and its application. (RGPV DEC 2020)



Q.1 Explain the procedures of genetic algorithms and what are the different genetic representations. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 A budget airline company operates 3 plains and employs 5 cabin crews. Only one crew can operate on any plain on a single day, and each crew cannot work for more than two days in a row. The company uses all planes every day. A Genetic Algorithm is used to work out the best combination of crews on any particular day.

i) Suggest what chromosome could represent an individual in this algorithm?

ii) Suggest what could be the alphabet of this algorithm? What is its size?

Q.3 Explain different Encoding Techniques available for Genetic Algorithms with help of examples. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.4 Define the term mutation and crossover used in Genetic Algorithm. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.5 Write various advantages and disadvantages of Genetic Algorithm. (RGPV DEC 2020)



Q.1 Why the Ant colony optimization, Particle Swarm optimization and other techniques are used for feature selection? (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Explain the working of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO Algorithm) with suitable help of example. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 Explain Ant colony optimization techniques and discuss why Ant colony techniques used for optimization. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Explain Bee colony optimization techniques. (RGPV DEC 2020)


Q.1 Write a short note on any two.

i) Defuzzification

ii) Genetic Operators

iii) Bee Colony Optimization

iv) Fuzzy Rules

(RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Write short notes on (any three):

i) Learning Model

ii) Fitness Function

iii) Set approximation

iv) Types of Computational Intelligence

(RGPV DEC 2020)

— Best of Luck for Exam —