Important RGPV Question, AL503, (A) Information Retrieval, V Sem, AIML

Important RGPV Question

AL-503 (A) Information Retrieval


UNIT 1-Introduction

Q.1) Explain the Information retrieval process with key components.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2) Discuss the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in IR.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.3) Contrast Traditional IR systems with web search.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

UNIT 2-Boolean and Vector space retrieval models

Q.1) Write short notes on the probabilistic relevance feedback.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2) Briefly explain the Document Preprocessing procedure.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.3) Explain latent semantic indexing with an example. 

(RGPV Nov 2023)

UNIT 3- Web search overview

Q.1) State the advantages and needs of a crawler.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2) Explain the Benefits of index compression with an example.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.3) Describe the requirements of the XML information retrieval system.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

UNIT 4- Link Analysis

Q.1) Analyze the effectiveness of a MapReduce and Hadoop implementation.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2) Explain in detail the Content-based recommendation system.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.3) Describe the retrieval procedure using the ranking and relative score.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

UNIT 5-Information filtering

Q.1) Explain the process of choosing K in Nearest neighbor clustering.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2) Discuss in detail the Naive Bayesian classification and its limitation.

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.1) Explain the following (any two)

a) Snippet Generation 

b) Agglomerative Clustering 

c) Focused Crawling 

d) TF-IDF term weighting

(RGPV Nov 2023)

— Best of Luck for Exam —