Important RGPV Question,
BT-103 English for Communication, 1st Year
Table of Contents
ToggleUNIT – 1 Identifying Common Errors in Writing
Q. 1)Β Do as directed:
i) She asked whether we would come for the party. (change into direct speech)
ii) Logistics ___________ not my area of expertise. (supply above in agreement with its subject)
iii) The recipe required floor sugar eggs and cream. (use appropriate punctuation marks)
iv) During our trip to Shimla the train went _______ a tunnel. (use appropriate preposition)
v) He completed ______________ internship with the company dealing in a solar energy last year. (use correct article)
vi) He could solve the problem. (change the voice)
vii) When I was walking in the park, I was hearing a loud noise. (Identify the error in the sentence and correct them) hardness of Water by complexometric method. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 2)Β Do as directed:
i)He said to me, βWhat are you doing?β (Change into indirect speech)
ii) Each of the employees _________ been rewarded for contributing to the growth of the business. (Supply a verb in agreement with its subject)
iii)I cannot afford house in Bangalore so I am moving to hometown. (Use appropriate punctuation marks)
iv)The politician divided his property _____________ his three daughters. (Use appropriate preposition)
v)____________Netherlands is a beautiful country (Use correct article)
vi)The doctor was examining her.Β (Change the voice)
vii) I am liking this new office cabin design. (Identify the error in this sentence and correct them) (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 3)Β Do as directed:
Read the following sentences carefully and edit them for grammatical accuracy.
i) There is many solutions to this problem.
ii) I wish you will not be late for the class.
iii) Doctor Anil Suha eating along with his children were present in the function.
iv) Any misinterpretation of message leading to communication breakdown and create confusion and misunderstanding.
v) Weather variation or caused by flow of hot our masses in relative to cold air masses.
vi) The reaction between an acid and base take place in microseconds.
vii) The fibre optic cables consist of many glass fibre transport hundred of telephone conversations over long distance. (RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 4)Β Do as directed:
a) Rama gave Hari good___________ (advice/advise).
b) (Access/excess)__________ of anything is bad.
c) Lots of vehicles are moving _________________ the circle.
(Insert appropriate preposition)
d) Use correct tense in the following sentence.
Β Β Β Β Look ! I am ________ Jump. (gone/going to).
e) Did you understand why I was upset. ( Use appropriate punctuation marks).
f) She said that she was going to college. ( Change into direct speech) (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 5)Β Briefly write about the different parts of speech in English Grammar. (RGPV Nov 2019 CBGS)
Q. 6)Β Do as directed :
i)Β He said, I am glad to be here this evening. (Change into indirect speech)
ii)Β Change into passive form : βWas supplyingβ
iii) Change into passive from : βhas suppliedβ
iv)Β Correct the sentence by using appropriate form of verb : you will achieve professional success if you will be able to communicate effectively.
v) Correct the use of article in the sentence. Although all the metals react with oxygen, their reactivity is different.
vi) Correct the use of preposition in the sentences βyour weakness to view others about your frame of reference may also lead to confusion and misunderstandingβ
vii) Give one word for That which cannot be conquered ? (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 7)Β Define noun and give its types along with suitable examples. (RGPV Jun 2016)

UNIT – 3 Vocabulary Building and Comprehension
Q. 1)Β Each of the words listed below is followed by five choices. Pick the word that is closed in meaning to the listed word.
i) Opulence: (a) Poverty (b) Penury (c) Affluence (d) Indigence (e) None of the above.
(ii) Smother: (a) Shapefy (b) Simplify (c) Choke (d) Chaff (e) None of the above
(iii) Retaliate: (a) Reveal (b) Repeal Superficial (c) Essential (d) Superb (e) None of the above
(iv) Superfluous: (a) Redundant (b) Superficial (c) Essential (d) Superb (e) None of the above
(v) Insouciant:Β (a) Intrepid (b) Instructive (c) Undiluted (d) Unconcerned (e) None of the above
(vi) Comply:Β (a) Follow (b) Confound (c) Fulfil (d) Complicate (e) None of the above
(vii) Exhort: (a) Extol (b) Expel (c) Urge (d) Repel (e) None of the above (RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 2)Β What are the techniques for improve reading comprehension? (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 3)Β Give some important points to improve reading comprehension skills. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 4)Β What are the sub skills of reading ? Illustrate with examples. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 5)Β a) Give synonym for the word βAlmamatterβ
b) Give antonym for the word βexcessβ.
c) Add suffixes to :Β i) TragicΒ Β Β Β ii) Three
d) Add Prefix to :Β i) CommunicationΒ Β Β Β Β ii) Healthy (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 6)Β Read the following passage.
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Initially meditation focuses on controlling the mind, for in our normal condition, we are slaves to any whimsical thoughts, desire and appetites the mind may generate. We think of some thing and immediately we want to do it. Through meditation we learn to control our mind. βFor one who has conquered the mind, then his mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will be the greatest enemyβ.
Answer the following questions:
i) On what does meditation focus ?
ii) What is our state without meditation ?
iii) What is the advantage of conquering the mind?
iv) Give suitable title do the above passage. (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 7)Β a) Give antonym for : Momentary, Enhance
b) Give synonyms for : Initiate, Opulent
c) Add suffix to form : adjectives
Β Β Β Β Admire, Agree, Believe
d) Add Prefix to the following. National, Visible, Expensive (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 8)Β What are the differences between Dictionary and Thesaurus. (RGPV Nov 2019 CBGS)
Q. 9)Β Define homophones. (RGPV May 2018)

UNIT – 3 Communication
Q. 1)Β Write a note on significance of communication. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 2)Β Mention the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 3)Β What do you understand by non-verbal communication? Give examples. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 4)Β Explain briefly about βProcess of communicationβ.
Give diagrammatic explanation of the βProcess of communicationβ.
Give diagrammatic chart of βProcess of communicationβ. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 5)Β Define communication. Describe the process of communication. (RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 6)Β Describe the process of communication, indicating clearly the role of each constituent elements. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 7)Β Write the importance of communication for technical students. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 8)Β Explain briefly 7 Cβs of communication with examples.
Discuss seven essential Cβs of effective communication.
What are the principles of effective communication ? (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 9)Β Write what points should be reminded while precising a paragraph? (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 10)Β Discuss barriers to communication. What are the different ways to overcome barriers to communication?
Identify the communication barriers and describe the ways to remove them.
What are the various barriers to effective communication ? Suggest suitable measures to overcome these barriers. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Nov 2019 CBGS, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 11)Β What are the objectives of Communications? (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 12)Β Write a covering letter to be sent along with your resume for the position of Management Trainee advertised by Bharat Dynamics Limited, Corporate office, 87, Brigade Road, Bengaluru. Address letter to the General Manager HRD. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 13)Β Discuss the importance of presentation in communication. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 14)Β What are the elements of communication ? Describe them briefly. (RGPV Nov 2019 CBGS)
Q. 15)Β Give two example of each : Oral and written communication in an organization. (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 16)Β Define business communication and give its main purpose. (RGPV Jun 2014)
Q. 17)Β What are visual aids ? How can visual aids be made more effective ?
What are visual aids ?
Write detailed note on visual aids.
What are visual aids ? How do the visual aids make the oral presentation more effective ? (RGPV April 2009, RGPV Jun 2010, RGPV Feb 2010, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 18)Β What are the advantages of logical structuring of ideas in technical communication ? (RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 19)Β What is non-verbal communication ? Elucidate.
Enumerate non-verbal communication.
Discuss non-verbal communication with special emphasis on facial expressions.
What is non-verbal communication ? Elaborate. (RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 20)Β Explain different barriers to cross cultural communication. (RGPV Dec 2017)

UNIT – 4 Developing Writing Skills
Q. 1)Β What is writing precisely and mention the various steps to be followed in writing precise ? (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 2)Β What are the essential parts of a report written in the manuscript format. Explain each part. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 3)Β Explain types of essay writing with example. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 4)Β Briefly explain the types of essay writing with examples. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 5)Β Elucidate the difference between laboratory report and progress report. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 6)Β Discuss the essential feature of a technical report. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 7)Β Write the technical description of an electric fan. (RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 8)Β Write a note on features of a good report. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Nov 2019 CBGS)
Q. 9)Β Write the structure of formal report. (RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 10)Β Discuss the various elements of a formal report. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 11)Β Β Β Described your routine life. (in present tense). (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 12)Β Write a report on fire accident occurred in drug industry.Β (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 13)Β Design a cultural activity in your college. Write its pros and cons? (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 14)Β What are the features of writing technical description of an object ? (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 15)Β As head of the organizing team, draft a notice to be circulated among students inviting their participation in cultural events. (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 16)Β Recreate the communication situation between a student and a teacher in a technical institute. (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 17)Β Write short note on the art of drafting and editing a paragraph. (RGPV May 2019 )
Q. 18)Β Write what points should be remembered while precising a paragraph.
Enumerate the important steps you will take while making a precis of a given passage. (RGPV May 2019, RGPV Jun 2007)
Q. 19)Β Define and give essential features of writing a report. Give elements in the structure of a report. (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 20)Β Writing a paragraph on meaning and significance of communication. (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 21)Β Write short notes on. i) Report of troubleΒ ii) Progress reportΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β iii) Laboratory report (RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 22)Β Write a report on impact of social media on technical education.Β (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 23)Β Write short note on precise writing.
Define precis.
What do you mean by precis ? How can precis writing skill be useful to you ? (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 24)Β Write a detailed note on technical descriptions and technical definitions. (RGPV Jun 2016)
Q. 25)Β Write technical description of a computer. Β (RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2018)

UNIT – 5 Business Correspondence
Q. 1)Β Write short notes on : (a) Contents of a good resume (RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 2)Β What is order letter? Write a sample of order letter. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 3)Β Write the importance of business letter and explain parts and layout of business Letters. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 4)Β Submit a letter of application along with your Gmail for the post of software engineer in HCL, Bangalore. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 5)Β Write a letter of complaint to the chief medical officer, ABC Hospital Mumbai regarding the poor medical services provided by the staff at the hospital. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 6)Β Write an E-mail to your friend discussing on exam schedule. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 7)Β Prepare your βresumeβ to be submitted for a position advertised in βTimes of Indiaβ Invent details. (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 8)Β Write a letter to your father describing about your college life. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 9)Β How many ways we could do business correspondence ? Explain. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 10)Β Differentiate between (a) Quotation and tender (b) Precise writing and precis (RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 11)Β Write an application to your teacher to grant you leave for one day. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 12)Β As the head of the department of computer science of an engineering institution. Write a letter of enquiry to the supplier in Delhi asking him for the necessary particulars and prices of business for the supply of computer systems. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 13)Β On which things should one focus while having telephonic conversation during a telephonic interview for job. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 14) Explain the precautions should be taken while writing in e-mail. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Nov.2019 CBGS)
Q. 15)Β Discuss the features of an effective e-mail. Also discuss their advantages and limitations. (RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 16)Β What is the difference between calling quotation and sending quotation ? (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 17)Β What is the difference between βResumeβ and βCurriculum vitaeβ ? (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 18)Β Draft a tender notice for the construction work of auditorium of you organization.Β Β (RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 19)Β Prepare your own resume without mentioning your official name. (RGPV Nov 2019 CBGS)
Q. 20)Β What is attention line in a business letter ? (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 21)Β What are the characteristics of writing a letter of complaint ? (RGPV May 2019 )
Q. 22)Β Write an application to the director of your organization for an opportunity to apply for a project under βDigital Indiaβ scheme. (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 23)Β Write guidelines for writing a resume. (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 24)Β Write an essay on the βImportance of Business Lettersβ.Β (RGPV May 2019)
Q. 25)Β What is a resume ? How are the contents of a resume planned ?
What is a resume ? Write the contents of a good resume.
Elucidate the relevant details to be covered in a resume.Β Β (RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2012)
Q. 26)Β Prepare a resume to be submitted to a multinational company for the post of assistant manager. (RGPV Dec 2017)

— Best of Luck for Exam —

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