Important RGPV Question,
BT-104 BEEE, 1st Year
Table of Contents
ToggleUNIT-1 D.C. Circuits
Q. 1)Β Find the voltage Vab in the network shown below.

Β Β (RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 2)Β Find the current through 6Ξ© resistor using Theveninβs theorem.

Β Β (RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 3)Β Compute the power dissipated in 9Ξ© resistor using superposition theorem.

Β Β Β (RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 4)Β Using KVL and Theveninβs theorem find the current in 3 Ξ© resistor of figure.

Β Β (RGPV May 2019 CBGS)Β
Q. 5)Β Determine the current in the branch AB using Superposition theorem.

Β (RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2019)Β
Q. 6)Β State and prove Super position theorem.
State and explain superposition theorem with the help of an example.
Explain superposition theorem.
State and explain superposition theorem.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Jun2020, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2013)Β
Q. 7)Β Derive the relation for conversion for star and delta connection.
Write short notes on Star Delta transformation.
Explain delta/star and star/delta transformation.
(RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV May 2018, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2016)Β
Q. 8)Β Write short notes on Kirchhoffβs Law .
State and explain Kirchhoffβs current and voltage law.
State and explain KCL and KVL with suitable example.
State and explain with neat diagram Kirchhoffβs laws for electrical circuits.
Explain Kirchhoffβs current law and voltage law.
Explain Kirchhoffβs law.Β
(RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Feb 2010, RGPV Mar 2010, RGPV June 2017, RGPV May 2018, RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 9)Β Find the value of current in 10 Ξ© resistance for the following circuit using Kirchhoffβs law.

Β (RGPV Nov 2019)Β
Q. 10)Β Compare the moving coil and moving iron instruments.Β Β Β
(RGPV May 2019)Β Β
Q. 11)Β Using Mesh analysis, find the current through the 5 Ξ© resistor for the network shown in figure.

Β Β (RGPV May 2019 CBGS)Β
Q. 12)Β Find the current through each resistor of the circuit shown in figure using superposition theorem.

Β (RGPV May 2019 CBGS)Β
Q. 13)Β Distinguish the voltage source and current source.
Define voltage and current sources.
(RGPV June 2013,2014, RGPV Dec 2010)Β
Q. 14)Β What do you understand by dependent and independent sources ? Explain with neat sketches.
Distinguish between dependent sources and independent sources.
(RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV June 2014, RGPV Dec 2014)

UNIT-2Β 1-Phase & 3-Phase AC Circuits
Q. 1)Β Define 3-phase balanced supply with phasor diagram.
(RGPV Jun2020)Β
Q. 2)Β Find the resistance RAB in the figure using star-delta transformation.

Β Β (RGPV Jun2020)Β
Q. 3)Β Draw Phasor diagrams of the following circuits.
i) Series R-L-C when XL > XC
ii) Series R-L-C when XL < XC
iii) Series R-L-C when XL = XC
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 4)Β A 3-Ο balanced system supplies 110V to a delta connected load whose phase impedance is equal to (3.54 + j3.54) Ξ©. Determine the lie currents and draw the Phasor diagram. Β
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 5)Β Discuss about the real power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor as regards to AC circuit.
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 6)Β If the power consumed in a 3Ο, 220V, 50Hz supply What will be power consumed if the same load is connected in star. Also calculate the phase and line quantities of both the cases. The power factor of the load is 0.8 lagging.
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 7)Β Explain. (i) Apparent power (ii) Active Power (iii) Reactive power in a.c. circuit
Explain in brief the active and reactive power.
Define and explain active, reactive and apparent power.
Write an introductory note on active, reactive and apparent power.
What is active, reactive and apparent power in RLC series circuit ?
(RGPV Jun2020, RGPV May 2019, RGPV May 2019 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2011, 2012)Β
Q. 8)Β Draw Phasor diagram of a 3-phase star connected load and find the relation between phase and line voltages and currents.
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 9)Β A220, 100 Hz, A.C., source supplies a series RLC circuit with a capacitor and a coil. If the coil has 50 mH inductance, find at a resonance frequency of 100 Hz, what is the value of capacitor?
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 10)Β Draw Phasor diagram of a 3-phase star connected load and find the relation between phase and line voltages and currents. Β
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 11)Β A delta connected load has a parallel combination of resistance (2Ξ©) and capacitive resistance (βj5Ξ©) in each phase. If a balanced three phase 440V supply is applied between lines, find the phase currents and line currents and the phasor diagram.
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 12)Β Explain the meaning of phase sequence and balanced and unbalanced supply and loads. Β
(RGPV Dec 2020)Β
Q. 13)Β Determine the power in balanced and unbalanced three phase system and their measurements.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV May 2019 CBGS)Β
Q. 14)Β Define the following with suitable diagram:
i) RMS valuesΒ ii) Form factor iii) Peak factorΒ
(RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2017)Β
Q. 15)Β Derive an expression of impedance, current, power factor, power in watts, in R-LC series circuit.
(RGPV Nov 2019. RGPV Jan/Feb 2006)Β
Q. 16)Β A choke coil has resistance of 10 ohm and inductance of 0.05H is connected in series with a condenser of 100ΞΌf. The whole circuit has been connected to 200V, 50Hz supply. Calculate:Β i) ImpedanceΒ ii) CurrentΒ Β iii) Power factorΒ iv) Real power
(RGPV Nov 2019)Β
Q. 17)Β Explain how power in a 3 Ο circuit can be measured by two wattmeter method.
How is the power measured in 3-phase circuit ?
Explain all the methods of 3-phase power measurement in balanced 3-phase circuit.
(RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2006, RGPV Dec 2007, RGPV Jun 2008)Β
Q. 18)Β The power readings of two wattmeters are 15kw and -4kw for a 3-phase balance load. If the supply voltage is balanced 440V, find the true power drawn by the load, p.f. and line current.
(RGPV Nov 2019)Β
Q. 19)Β Draw and explain the R-L-C series and parallel circuit.
(RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 20)Β Define the power factor.
Define and explain power factorΒ
(RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Jun2011, RGPV Jun2017)Β
Q. 21)Β Explain the meaning and significance of the power factor of a circuit.
(RGPV Dec 2015)

UNIT-3 Magnetic Circuits & Single Phase Transformer
Q. 1)Β Compare Electric and Magnetic circuit.
Do the comparison of electrical and magnetic circuit on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities.
Compare magnetic circuit with electrical circuit in detail.
Explain the similarities and dissimilarities between electric and magnetic circuit.
Distinguish between electrical and magnetic circuit.
(RGPV Dec 2020,RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Jun 2017, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV May 2018)Β
Q. 2)Β Explain laws of Electromagnetic induction.
State and explain the laws of electromagnetic induction.
Explain laws of electromagnetic induction.
Discuss the laws of electromagnetic induction.
Explain Faradayβs law of electromagnetic induction.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2006, RGPV Dec 2007, RGPV Dec 2011)Β
Q. 3)Β Draw the typical normal magnetization curve of ferromagnetic material. Β
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 4)Β Derive an expression for an energy density in magnetic circuits.
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 5)Β Discuss the construction, working principle, emf equation and equivalent circuit of single phase transformer.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2019)Β
Q. 6)Β The no-load ratio required in a single-phase 50 Hz transformer is 6600/600 V. If the maximum value of flux in the core is to be about 0.08 Wb, find the number of turns in each winding.
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 7)Β What are the necessary tests to determine the efficiency, voltage regulation and temperature rise of winding and insulation of transformer?
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 8)Β A 1100/400V, 50Hz single phase transformer has 100 turns on the secondary winding. Calculate the number of turns on its primary.
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 9)Β Explain different operating regions of a Bipolar Junction Transistor.
(RGPV Jun2020)Β
Q. 10)Β Enumerate the various losses in a transformer. How these losses can be minimized?
What are the various losses in a transformer ? How can they be minimized ?
Give reasons why core losses are called iron losses ?
Describe in detail the losses in transformer.
(RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Jun2012, RGPV March / April 2010)Β
Q. 11)Β Give reasons why rating of transformer is specified in kVA and not kW.
(RGPV Jun2012)Β
Q. 12)Β A transformer that with a 120 volt primary and 12 volts in the secondary and a primary with 900 turns of wire, how many turns would be required in the secondary?
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 13)Β Discuss about the magnetization characteristics of ferromagnetic materials.
Discuss some of the magnetization characteristics of ferromagnetic materials.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 14)Β A 6600/440V, single phase 600kvA transformer has 1200 primary turns. Find : i) Transformation RatioΒ Β Β ii) Secondary turnsΒ Β iii) Maximum flux through the core
(RGPV Nov 2019)Β
Q. 15)Β Derive the expression for EMF of transformer. What is transformation ratio?
What is meant by turn ration in transformer.
What is voltage transformation ratio ? How is it related with current transformation ratio ?
Derive an expression for induced e.m.f. in a transformer in term of frequency, the maximum value of flux and the number of turns on the windings.
A coil wound on an iron core is excited from an A.C. source at voltage V(rms). Derive the expression for maximum flux in the core. Why is it independent of the core reluctance ?
(RGPV Jun2020, RGPV Dec 2006, RGPV Dec 2007, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Jun 2016)Β
Q. 16)Β Write a short notes on Voltage regulation and efficiency.
(RGPV Jun2020, RGPV Jun2012)Β
Q. 17)Β Explain induced E.M.F. and their types.
Q. 18)Β Write short notes on Equivalent circuit of a transformer
(RGPV Jun2020, RGPV Dec 2017)Β
Q. 19)Β Explain open circuit and short circuit and short circuit test on a single phase transformer.
How transformer is used for impedance transformation ? Explain the no load test used for the transformer parameter determination.
Explain lab method to perform open circuit and short circuit test on single phase transformer.
How transformer is used for impedance transformation ? Explain the no load test used for the transformer parameter determination.
Explain the O.C. and S.C. test in transformer.
(RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Nov 2018)Β
Q. 20)Β Discuss the principle working of single phase transformer.
Explain the construction and classification of single phase transformer.
Explain the principle of operation of transformer with suitable sketches.
Explain the principle of working of single-phase transformer with the help of neat diagram indicating the flux.
(RGPV May 2019 CBGS, RGPV March/ April 2010, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Dec 2011)Β
Q. 21)Β Discuss in brief about the construction and basic principle of operation of transformer.
Explain principle of working of a transformer. Explain core and shell type transformer with diagram.
(RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV May 2018)Β
Q. 22)Β Explain about open circuit and short circuit test.Β Β
(RGPV May 2019 CBGS)Β
Q. 23)Β Open circuit and short circuit test on a single phase transformer gave the following results.Β VO = 200V , IO = 0.7A, WO= 20 watt
Test from primary side, VS =10V, IS = 10A, WS = 40Watt Test from primary side Determine the equivalent circuit referred to primary side.
(RGPV Nov 2019)Β
Q. 24)Β A 30kW, 33VDC shunt generator has armature and field resistance of 0.05 ohm and 100 ohm respectively. Calculate the total power developed by the armature when it delivers full output power.
(RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 25)Β Derive a relation that gives the value of force on a current carrying conductor.
(RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 26)Β What is hysteresis loop ? Explain it by drawing hysteresis loop.
(RGPV Dec 2017)Β
Q. 27)Β Explain the procedure to analyse series magnetic circuit with air gap.
(RGPV Dec 2015)Β
Q. 28)Β A single phase 50Hz, 250 V (primary) transformer has 80 turns on primary and 280 turns on secondary side. The area of core is 200 cm2. Calculate β
(i)Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Maximum flux density on core
(ii)Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Induced e.m.f. on secondary side.
(RGPV Dec 2015)

UNIT-4 Electrical Machines
Q. 1)Β Describe the main parts of D.C. machines.
Describe the constructional details of D.C. machine giving suitable diagram.
Describe D.C. machine with neat sketches in viewing of main parts and constructional details.
Describe the constructional details of D.C. machine giving suitable diagram.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Jun 2016)Β
Q. 2)Β With a neat diagram explain the working and principle of D C Motors.
Write basic principle of operation and working of D.C. motor.
Explain working principle of D.C. motor with necessary diagram.Β
(RGPV May 2019, RGPV May 2019 CBGS, RGPV JunΒ 2017)Β
Q. 3)Β Derive the expression for generated voltage in D.C. machine.
Derive e.m.f. equation of a D.C. motor/generator.
Develop an e.m.f. equation for D.C. generator.
(RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Dec 2011)Β
Q. 4)Β Explain in detail the Applications of DC Machines.
(RGPV Dec 2022 )Β
Q. 5) Give the reasons why starting current is high in D.C. motor ?
(RGPV Jun 2012)Β
Q. 6)Β Explain the principle of operation of 3 – phase induction motor.
Explain working principle of a 3-Ο induction motor.
Explain the concept of rotating magnetic field in a 3-phase induction motor.
(RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV May 2019 CBGS, RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2018)Β
Q. 7)Β Explain the construction and working principle of three-phase induction motor with suitable diagram. Β
(RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Dec 2016)Β
Q. 8)Β What is the difference between a separately excited and a self-excited generator?
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 9)Β An 8-pole DC machine has a wave winding containing 600 conductors. Calculate the generated e.m.f when the flux per pole is 0.08 Wb and speed is 215 rpm. If the flux per pole is-made 0.05 Wb. At what speed should the armature be driven to generate 500V.
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 10)Β A six pole lap wound D.C. generator as 720 conductors, a flux of 40mWb per pole is driven at 400 rpm. Find the generated e.m.f.
(RGPV Jun 2017)Β
Q. 11)Β A 30 kW, 33 V D.C. shunt generator has armature and field resistance of 0.05 ohm and 100 ohm respectively. Calculate the total power developed by the armature when it delivers full output power.
(RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 12)Β Calculate the generated e.m.f. of a 8-pole wave wound D.C. generator which is having 720 conductors, flux per pole is 40mWb and is driven at 400 rpm.
(RGPV May 2018)Β
Q. 13)Β Explain the torque-speed characteristic and speed control of separately excited DC motor.
(RGPV Jun 2022)Β
Q. 14)Β Write short notes on Types of losses occurring in electrical machines.
Write short notes Losses in electrical machines.
Enumerate the various types of losses occurring in electrical machine.
What are the common losses in a rotating machine and on what factors do they depends ?
(RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Nov 2018)Β
Q. 15)Β Write the principle of operation of synchronous motor.
What is the basic working principle of Synchronous machine.
(RGPV May 2018, RGPV Dec 2012)Β
Q. 16) What are the advantages of electromechanical measuring instruments ?Β Β
(RGPV May 2019 )Β
Q. 17)Β With the help of meat sketches explain the construction and working principle of split phase induction motor.
(RGPV May 2019)Β

UNIT-5 Basic Electronics
Q. 1)Β Simplify the Boolean function Z = AB+ΔC+BC, therefore design the logic circuit using AND and OR logic gates. Β
(RGPV Jun2020)Β
Q. 2)Β Explain the working of a diode and draw it V-I characteristics.
Draw and explain voltage-current characteristics of P-N junction.
Draw the V-I characteristics of germanium diode. Explain the same.
Discuss V-I characteristic of P-N diode.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Jun 2013)Β
Q. 3)Β Explain the half and full adder circuits with their logic tables. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 4)Β What are logic gates ? Enlist the different types of logic gates ?
Write short note on logic gates.Β
(RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV May 2018)Β
Q. 5)Β Write and explain truth table of-
(i) NAND gate
(ii) NOR gate
(iii) EX-OR gateΒ
(RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2013)Β
Q. 6)Β Define transistor biasing.
Discuss D.C. biasing of BJT.
(RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Jun 2012)Β
Q. 7)Β Explain principle of operation and characteristics of BJT.
Write short notes on BJT.
What is transistor ? Explain the construction of transistor.Β
(RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV May 2019 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2020)Β
Q. 8)Β Explain the working of bipolar junction transistor in common emitter configuration.
Explain the working of transistor when it is operated in CE mode.
Draw the connection diagram and explain the use and working of CE transistor configuration.
(RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2013)Β
Q. 9)Β Explain how a transistor acts as switch?Β
(RGPV Dec 2020)Β
Q. 10)Β Explain the working of a full wave rectifier.
(RGPV Dec 2020)Β
Q. 11)Β Draw and explain VI characteristics of diode.
(RGPV Jun2020)Β
Q. 12)Β Draw and explain the output characteristic of a NPN transistor operation in CE configuration.
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 13)Β Write short notes onΒ (a) Logic Gates (b) Half and full adder circuits
Explain the operation of half adder and full adder along with their logic diagram and truth table.
Explain half adder and full adder with truth table.
Explain the half adder and full adder.
(RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Jun 2018)Β
Q. 14)Β Write a short notes on J-K flip-flop
Explain the working principle of JK flip-flop.
Explain the operation of JK flip-flop.
With the help of circuit diagram, tables, explain the working of JK flip-flop. Explain race around condition in JK flip-flop.
Draw and explain with the help of truth table working of JK flip-flop.
Draw the truth table of JK flip-flop along with its logic diagram.
(RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV May 2019 CBGS, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Jun 2012, RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 15)Β Write short notes on RS flip-flop
Explain the operation of R-S flip-flop
Explain the R-S flip-flop
(RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 16)Β Write short notes on IK flip-flopΒ Β
(RGPV Dec 2022)Β
Q. 17)Β State and prove De-Morganβs theorem and illustrate them using an example for each.
State and explain De-Morganβs theorem.
State De-Morganβs theorem with example.
State and prove De-Morganβs theorem using two variables.
Write short notes on De-Morganβs theorem.
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Jun 2020)Β
Q. 18)Β Write short notes on :
a) Admittance
b) 2βs complementΒ
(RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 19)Β Differentiate between level and edge triggering. Draw the logic circuit an truth table for J K flip flop.
(RGPV May 2019)Β
Q. 20)Β Explain how a BJT can be used as (i) An amplifier (ii) switch
(RGPV Dec 2011)

— Best of Luck for Exam —

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