Important RGPV Question
Table of Contents
ToggleCE-302 (Construction Materials)
UNIT-1: Stones, Brick, Mortar & Concrete
Q. 1) Explain the classification of stones in detail with specifications.
(RGPV Nov 2022,June 2023)
Q. 2) Clearly explain the manufacturing process of Brick along with its characteristics.
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 3) What are the ingredients of concrete and explain the chemical compositions of various ingredients and mention types of concrete?
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 4) Write about clay-fly ash brick table and Hand molding brick table.
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 5) What do you understand by Igneous and sedimentary rocks? Explain.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 6) Define magma and artificial stones.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 7) Differentiate ‘Hand Moulded Bricks’ and ‘Table Moulded Bricks’.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 8) What are various ingredients of concrete? Also explain their role in making of concrete.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 9) What are various properties of good building stones?
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 10) Enumerate the laboratory tests of stone. Describe any one in detail.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 10) Describe the properties and uses of any five varieties of stones suitable for construction works.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 12) What is the acceptance criteria of the concrete? Discuss briefly how the quality of concrete is controlled.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 13) What is water-cement ratio? What is it’s effect on concrete?
(RGPV Nov 2019, Dec 2020)
Q. 14) Write a short notes on : Dressing of Stones
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 15) What is concrete? Explain its role in building construction.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 16) Write short note on genesis.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 17) Give a classification of various rocks according to formation of rocks. Describe any one in detail.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 18) Name the various types of stones which are used for building works. Give specifications for a good building stone.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 19) Describe the properties and uses of any five varieties of stones suitable for construction works.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 20) Enumerate the laboratory tests of stone. Describe any one in detail.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 21) Define stone. What are the engineering properties of stones related to strength? Explain use of stone in building construction.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q. 22) Write down the characteristics of good building stone. Explain any two methods in detail, of quarrying of stone.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 23) Mention common fuels used for burning. Discuss alternative materials used for the same giving their advantages and disadvantages.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q. 24) Describe the manufacturing process of clay bricks.
(RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 25) Discuss “dressing of stones”.
Write a short note on dressing of stones.
(RGPV June 2015, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 26) Describe the methods of quarrying of stone for use in stone masonry.
(RGPV June 2016)
Q. 27) Describe the different varieties of stones. Also mention salient characteristics.
(RGPV June 2015)
Q. 28) Enumerate various tests performed to assess the quality of stone. Explain any two in brief.
(RGPV June 2015)
Q. 29) Write the different tests conducted on bricks to assess their quality. Brief.
Explain the different tests conducted on bricks to assess the quality.
(RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV June 2016)
Q. 30) What are the characteristics of good brick earth?
What are the characteristics of good bricks?
What are various properties of good bricks? Explain in brief.
(RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Nov 2018, 2019,RGPV May 2019)
Q. 31) Write down the applications of fly ash in preparation of different types of building materials.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 32) Define stratified stones and unstratified stones.
(RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 33) Give geological classification of rocks.
(RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 34) What are the engineering characteristics of good building stone?
Describe the qualities of a good building stone.
What are the qualities of a good building stone?
List out the characteristics of good building stone.
(RGPV June 2012, RGPV June 2011, 2013, Dec 2013, RGPV June 2014, RGPV Dec 2016)
UNIT-2: Timber, Glass, Steel & Aluminum
Q. 1) Explain clearly about Thermal and Optical properties of glass.
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 2) What is Aluminum and discuss its uses, properties and available forms in market.
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 3) Explain various advantages and disadvantages of timber.
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 4) Write about various structural properties of steel.
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 5) What are the various engineering properties of timber explain in detail.
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 6) Explain various defects in timber and justify the engineering properties of timber.
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 7) What is the need of wood Substitutes and what are applications of wood products?
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 8) Explain clearly about Thermal and optical properties of glass.
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 9) What are types of gypsum boards and their uses?
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 10) Define
i) Seasoning of timber
ii) Physical properties of structural steel
iii) Thermal Properties of Glass
iv) Advantage of Aluminium.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 10) What are various engineering properties of Timber?
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 12) Describe various physical properties of Structural Steel.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 13) What are the composition of Glasses and Classify the type of Glasses on the basis of their constituents.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 14) Write a short notes on : Seasoning of Timber
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 15) Describe various physical properties of structural steel.
Explain the physical properties of steel.
(RGPV May 2019, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 16) Explain about the various types of structure of glass.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 17) What is the use of “Gypsum Board” in civil engineering construction? Explain.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 18) Describe briefly corrosion of steel and measures adopted for its prevention.
(RGPV Nov 2018, 2019)
Q. 19) What are the composition of glasses and classify the type of glasses on the basis of their constituents.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 20) Explain the principles of manufacture of reinforcement bars for reinforced concrete construction.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 21) Give a brief account of the different types of steel bars used in reinforced concrete construction.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 22) What are the effects of heat and moisture on gypsum?
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 23) Write short note on hard wood and soft wood.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 24) Write the engineering properties of timbers.
What are various engineering properties of timber?
(RGPV June 2016, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 25) Describe engineering properties and uses of timber.
(RGPV June 2015
Q. 26) State and explain various “defects in timber”.
Write in short about the defects commonly noticed in timber.
Enumerate various defects of timber.
Describe the defects of timber.
What are the defects in timber? Explain with neat sketch and mention their causes.
(RGPV Dec 2011,RGPV June 2012, RGPV June 2011, RGPV June 2013, Nov 2019,RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 27) What do you mean by seasoning of timber?
What are the objectives of seasoning of timber?
Explain the seasoning of timber before its use as building material.
Write a short note on seasoning of timber.
(RGPV June 2016, 2017,RGPV June 2011,RGPV Dec 2016,RGPV May 2019)
Q. 28) What is the seasoning of timber? Describe its objectives and methods.
What do you mean by seasoning of timber? What are the different methods of seasoning? Explain.
What is seasoning of timber? Explain the two methods of seasoning.
(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV June 2014, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 29) Discuss the methods of preserving timbers.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
UNIT-3: Flooring, Roofing, Plumbing & Sanitary Material
Q. 1) Write in detail short notes on following materials.
Marble, kota stone.
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 2) Write in detail short on following materials:
a) Types of Roofing
b) Types of Flooring
c) Asbestos pipes
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 3) Explain Various type of flooring with relevant uses.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 4) Explain briefly P.V. C materials and CI sheets.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 5) Write a short notes on : Uses of Kota Stones
(RGPV Dec 2020,May 2019)
Q. 6) Give list of various types of flooring. Explain any one flooring in detail.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 7) Explain: P.V.C. material and Asbestos pipe.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 8) List out various types of flooring and roofing. Explain salient points only.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 9) Discuss various advantages and disadvantages of wood flooring and marble flooring.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 10) What are different types of flooring? Explain any one in detail.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 10) Explain briefly polyvinyl chloride.
Explain in detail about the PVC materials and their uses.
(RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 12) Explain briefly PVC materials and CI sheets.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 13) Explain various type of flooring with relevant uses.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 14) What are the essential requirements of a floor?
(RGPV June 2017)
Q. 15) Describe the precautions to be taken during laying concrete flooring.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q. 16) Describe various types of floor, explain any two with neat sketch.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 17) Explain with neat sketch the king post roof truss.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 18) Discuss the different types of roofs used in building construction.
(RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 19) Explain with sketches various types of R.C.C. floors. Where do you use a flat slab floor?
(RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 20) Write short note on R.C.C. jack arch floor.
(RGPV Dec 2011, June 2014, 2016)
Q. 21) Draw a neat sketch of jack arch floor of bricks. Explain its method of construction.
With the help of neat sketch. Explain about the constructional features of jack arch flooring.
(RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV June 2015)
Q. 22) What are tiles? Discuss various varieties and in short describe the process of manufacturing the same.
(RGPV June 2014)
Q. 23) Describe the various types of tiles, which are used in flooring.
Describe various flooring tiles and their characteristics.
Describe the different flooring tiles and their characteristics
Describe about the different types of flooring tiles.
(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV June 2016, RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 24) Draw neat labeled sketch of lean-to-roof.
(RGPV June 2011, Dec 2013
Q. 25) Write notes on-
(i) Lean-to-roof (ii) Queen post truss.
(RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 26) Define pitch, hip, caves, verge.
(RGPV Dec 2015)
UNIT-4: Paints, Enamels & Varnishes
Q. 1) Briefly discuss with specifications on following terms-
a) Distempers
b) Varnish
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 2) What are types of plaster boards and their uses?
(RGPV June 2023)
Q. 3) Explain the composition of oil paints and characteristic of an ideal paints.
(RGPV June 2023, Nov 2022)
Q. 4) Write short notes on French Polish and Wax polish.
(RGPV June 2023, Nov 2022)
Q. 5) What are the role of oil paint and Enamels in construction Industry?
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 6) Define: French polish and wax polish.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 7) What do you understand by the term “Ideal Paint””? Also describe it’s characteristics.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 8) Define : Varnish and Wax Polish.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 9) Differentiate between distempering and colour washing. Explain the effect of weather on Painting.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 10) Write short note on french polish.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 10) Define varnish. Also write down its objects.
Define varnish.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 12) Classify different types of varnishes.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 13) Differentiate between distempering and colour washing. Explain the effect of weather on Painting.
(RGPV Nov 2019
Q. 14) What do you understand by the term “Ideal Paint”? Also describe it’s characteristics.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 15) What are the constituents of oil paints? On what surfaces will you use them?
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 16) What are the difference between plastering and pointing?
Differentiate between the plastering and pointing.
(RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 17) What is distemper? How is it prepared? Discuss various types of distemper.
Write short note on distempers.
(RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 18) Describe the different types of distempers used in wall paintings.
(RGPV Dec 2016)
UNIT-5: Miscellaneous Construction Materials
Q. 1) Briefly discuss with exact specifications on following terms:
a) Bitumen
b) Ultra poly Vinyl
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 2) What are the Various Water proofing materials and Thermal insulating materials explain in detail.
(RGPV Nov 2022)
Q. 3) Explain:
i) Water proofing materials and their uses
ii) Use of Bitumen and Tar
(RGPV June 2020)
Q. 4) Write a short notes on :
Thermal and Sound insulating materials
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q. 5) What is “Bitumen”? Also Describe its various properties in brief.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 6) Describe characteristics of “Asphalt”.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 7) Write a short notes on thermal and sound insulating materials.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 8) Write short note on use of PVC pipe in house construction.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 9) Write short note on water proofing at the roof of a building.
Write short note on water proofing techniques.
(RGPV Dec 2011,RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 10) Define the term thermal insulation.
(RGPV Dec 2016
Q. 10) List the different types of materials for sound insulation.
(RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 12) Explain about the various methods used for thermal insulation of the roof/ceiling.
(RGPV June 2014)
Q. 13) Explain how do you achieve thermal insulation of walls?
(RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 14) What are the advantages of thermal insulation of building? How building plaing helps in thermal insulation?
(RGPV Dec 2013)
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