Important RGPV Question
Table of Contents
ToggleCE-304 (Building Planning & Architecture)
UNIT-1 : Drawing of Building Elements
Q.1) Draw a neat sketch and show various component of pannel door.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.2) What are the functions of ventilator? How it is different from window?
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.3) What do you understand by under reamed pile foundation?
Where do you use it? Draw a typical sketch of under reamed piles foundation, along with the grade beam, for use in expansive soil.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.4) Describe various types of doors. Also explain the difference between glass doors and flush doors? Draw elevation and sectional plan of Panelled door of size 1200x2100mm size.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q.5) Clearly differentiate between king post and queen post truss with proper figure? Explain different features.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q.6) Draw neat sketch of an arch and show various technical terms used in its construction.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q.7) What is foundation? Explain with the help of sketches, various types of shallow foundations.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.8) Write a short note on various types of hinges used for doors and windows.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.9) Draw a neat sketch of an arch and show on it various technical terms used in its construction.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.10) Describe the under-reamed pile.
Draw a neat, labelled and proportionate diagram of an under-reamed pile foundation. Show all the details of stem, bulbs, spacing, etc.
Draw the figure of any deep foundation and show various parts of it.
(RGPV Dec 2016, May 2018, RGPV June 2014, Dec 2015, RGPV June 2015)
Q.11) Describe the shallow foundation.
(RGPV Dec 2016, May 2018)
Q.12) What is foundation? Draw and show the various components of raft foundation and column footing.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.13) What are the various elements of a building?
(RGPV June 2016)
Q.14) Discuss grillage foundation with neat sketch.
Draw neat sketch of grillage foundation.
Explain with neat diagram a grillage foundation under steel section.
(RGPV June 2016, RGPV Dec 2016)
Q.15) What are building elements describe any two with figures?
(RGPV Dec 2015)
Q.16) Define well foundation.
(RGPV June 2016)
Q.17) Give a neat sketch of various elements of grillage foundation and well foundation.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q.18) Write short notes on the pile and well foundation.
(RGPV June 2012)
Q.19) What are the requirements of an ideal stair? Draw sketch of dog- legged stair.
(RGPV Dec 2013)
Q.20) What is foundation? Describe various types of foundation by drawing neat figure.
(RGPV June 2015)
Q.21) Write short note on various types of doors.
(RGPV June 2012)
Q.22) Draw and differentiate the flush door with panel door.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.23) Draw the sketch of battened, braced and panel door.
Draw the dimensioned sketch of a door frame with double door along with the fastenings.
(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV June 2014, Dec 2015)
Q.24) Draw the neat sketch and show various components of panel door.
(RGPV June 2016)
Q.25) Draw the elevation, vertical section and sectional plan of a main entrance door for H.I.G residential building. Draw with dimensions complete details.
(RGPV June 2012)
Q.26) Draw a typical cross-section of wall passing through the door and show all the components of building from foundation to slab level.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.27) Write a very brief notes on gable windows and dormer windows.
Describe two types of windows.
(RGPV Dec 2015)
Q.28) Describe the types of windows.
Classify with the help of sketches various types of windows based on their method of operation or opening described below
(RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2019)
Q.29) Draw the constructional details for plan, elevation and section for window (fully panalled) with a size of 2.0 m x 1.2 m.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.30) Write short note on lintel and chajja projections.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.31) Define staircase and enlist its major components.
(RGPV Dec 2014)
Q.32) Write the different type of stairs and draw their neat sketches.
Describe various types of staircase and also draw their neat sketches.
(RGPV June 2015, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.33) Give a complete drawing of various types of stairs and doors.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q.34) What are the requirements of good quality staircase? Draw the figure of dog-legged and open well stairs.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.35) The inside dimensions of a staircase in a residential building are 2.00 mx 4.60 m. The height of floor is 3.30 m and the roof of R.C.C. slab of thickness 120 mm. Design and draw a proper layout of stairs.
(RGPV Dec 2016)
Q.36) Write types of flooring and describe the laying procedure for any one type of flooring.
(RGPV June 2015)
UNIT-2 : Building Planning
Q.1) Define F.A.R. and state the recommendation for F.A.R.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.2) Explain in brief about the principles of planning? Explain the role of economy in detail.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.3) List out different principles in planning a building? Explain each of the factors in detail?
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q.4) Explain in detail about the provisions mentioned in NBC (National Building Code) regarding Residential building.
(RGPV Dec 2020,June 2020)
Q.5) What do you understand by pictorial drawing? Also prove the utility of latest software used in civil engineering for drawing work.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q.6) Write short note on NBC.
(RGPV Dec 2013, 2014, June 2015)
Q.7) Explain in detail about the provisions mentioned in N.B.C. (National Building Code) regarding commercial building.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.8) Write short note on roominess of building.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.9) Define building bye-laws.
Write short note on building bye-laws.
(RGPV June 2016, May 2018, RGPV June 2017, May 2019)
Q.10) Explain important factors in residential building site selection.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.11) What are the recommendations of NBC for foundation of building?
(RGPV Dec 2015)
Q.12) What do you understand by NBC? Give its recommendations for various elements of building (residential).
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.13) Write five important provisions related to residential building in National Building Code.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.14) Explain the following terms with their significance and give provisions laid down in N.B.C. for them – (i) Mezzanine floor (ii) Basement (iii) FAR (iv) Ventilation shaft (v) Loft (vi) Building line.
(RGPV June 2014)
Q.15) Define importance of building bye-laws and its implementation.
(RGPV Dec 2015)
Q.16) Explain carpet area.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.17) Write short note on set backs.
What are set backs, discuss their role for maintaining the percentage built-up area.
Discuss set hacks and its requirements.
Explain set back.
Discuss about set backs and its requirements in detail.
(RGPV June 2015, RGPV June 2016, May 2019, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV May 2018)
Q.18) Write short note on floor area ratio (FAR).
What is FAR? Write the exemptions of FAR.
Define FAR and state the recommendation for FAR.
Describe floor area ratio.
Explain floor space index.
(RGPV June 2011, Dec 2011, Nov 2018, 2019, RGPV June 2015, RGPV June 2016, May 2018, RGPV Dec 2016, May 2018, RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.19) Explain built-up area.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.20) Explain types of residential buildings with neat sketches.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.21) Write the salient points of colony planning.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.22) Plan and allocate the area reserved for different purposes in a land having area approximate 8 hectares. (Assume land shape either square or rectangle).
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.23) For planning considerations explain residential, institutional and commercial buildings.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.24) Draw a single-storied rural primary health centre with the following units –
Waiting Hall-4 m x 6m
Doctor’s room-2.8 m x 4 m
Dispensary room-2 m Γ 2.2 m
Toilet-1.7 mx 2.8 m.
Total floor area is about 50 sq.m, also draw elevation and section.
Plan and draw a doctor’s clinic with the following data-
Reception Hall = 4 m Γ 6 m
Doctor’s room 2.8 m x 4 m =
Dispensary room = 2 m Γ 2.2 m
Toilet = 1.7 mx 2.8 m.
Total floor area is about 50 sq.m, also draw its elevation and side view.
(RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.25) Write short note on AutoCAD drawings.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.26) What are the principles of planning ?
Explain the principles of building planning along with their significance.
How the functional requirement is achieved through planning?
Enlist and explain principles of building planning.
(RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV June 2014, RGPV June 2011, RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.27) What is orientation of building? Explain by drawing figure.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.28) Write detailed note on sun-path diagram.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
Q.29) Write detailed note on wind rose diagram.
(RGPV Dec 2017)
UNIT-3 : Building Services
Q.1) Explain how do you achieve thermal insulation of roofs?
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.2) Describe, with the help of a neat sketch, the method of taking a house connection for water supply
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.3) Discuss the fire safety and acoustics of public building
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.4) Describe in detail: Air-conditioning systems and Thermal Insulation system in multistoried buildings.
(RGPV Dec 2020)
Q.5) Explain how do you achieve thermal insulation of roofs?
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.6) List the various building services.
(RGPV June 2016, May 2018)
Q.7) Write short note on water requirement for buildings.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.8) Write short note on materials for service pipe.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.9) Write short note on storage tank.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.10) Discuss in detail the sanitation and their provisions in a residential building.
(RGPV June 2016, May 2011)
Q.11) What are the different systems of plumbing for drainage of building?
Write short note on plumbing system in residential building.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.12) Explain the “One” and “Two” pipe system of plumbing and state the conditions under which one is suitable to the other.
(RGPV Dec 2015)
Q.13) Write short note on electrification of building.
Discuss electrification of building.
Write in brief on electrification system in a building.
(RGPV June 2015, Nov 2019, RGPV June 2016, May 2018, RGPV June 2017)
Q.14) Define and explain fire fighting system.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q.15) Explain acph in context with the ventilation in the buildings. Give typical values of acph for various occupancy buildings.
(RGPV June 2014, Dec 2015)
Q.16) Write short note on ventilation in staircase.
Write in detail about ventilation in staircase.
(RGPV June 2015, RGPV May 2011)
Q.17) What are the various fire safety measures which should be incorporated during planning of building?
What do you mean by the fire resistance of a building and how can it be measured, as per the N.B.C.? How the fire safety in the public buildings can be ensured?
Explain, how the buildings are designed for fire resistance?
What are the fire safety measures in residential building?
(RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV June 2014, Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2015)
Q.18) Write in brief on fire fighting system in multistoreyed building.
Write in detail about fire fighting system in multistoreyed building.
(RGPV June 2017, RGPV May 2018)
Q.19) Discuss the fire safety and thermal insulation of public building.
(RGPV June 2016)
Q.20) What do you understand by fire fighting and thermal insulation system in multistoreyed building?
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.21) Write short note on thermal insulation of building and material.
(RGPV June 2015)
Q.22) Write short note on acoustics of buildings.
Discuss the acoustics of building.
Write in brief on acoustics of building.
Write in detail about acoustic of building.
(RGPV Dec 2010, 2013, June 2015, RGPV June 2016, May 2018, RGPV June 2017, RGPV May 2018)
Q.23) Write short note on acoustic effect.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
UNIT-4 : Architectural Design
Q.1) Discuss the element of architecture? What is the role of texture in architecture?
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.2) What are the principles of architecture? Explain the word hierarchy in brief.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.3) Write short note on principles of architectural design.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q.4) Write short note on role of architect in building planning.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.5) Write short note on contrast.
(RGPV May 2018)
Q.6) Describe unity and contrast in context with the architectural design of buildings.
(RGPV June 2014, Dec 2015, May 2019)
Q.7) Discuss the following terms of architectural planning-
(i) Contrast (ii) Scale.
(RGPV June 2016)
Q.8) Write short note on balance.
(RGPV May 2018)
Q.9) Write short note on proportion.
Write short note on proportioning
(RGPV Dec 2013, June 2015, May 2018, RGPV May 2018)
Q.10) Write short notes on (i) Proportioning (ii) Contrast.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.11) State and briefly explain different principles of architectural composition in building elements.
Enumerate and explain the principles of composition.
(RGPV June 2017, Dec 2017, (RGPV June 2011, Dec 2015)
Q.12) Write short note on architectural symmetry.
(RGPV June 2017)
Q.13) What is the role of mass in architectural buildings? Define primary and secondary masses.
Write short note on mass.
Discuss the term mass of architectural planning.
(RGPV June 2015, 2017, May 2018, RGPV June 2016)
Q.14) Write short note on role of colours in architecture.
Discuss the role of colour in architecture.
(RGPV June 2017, RGPV May 2019)
Q.15) Write short notes on rhythm and colour.
(RGPV Nov 2018)
Q.16) Write short notes on-
(i) Positive space (ii) Negative space.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q.17) Write short note on comfort factors.
(RGPV May 2019)
UNIT-5 : Perspective Drawing & Town Planning
Q.1) Write short note on Slum clearance scheme
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.2) Write short note on Energy efficient building
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.3) What are the various types of perspectives and give two methods of drawing perspectives?
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.4) Write short note on perspective drawing.
Define perspective drawing.
(RGPV June 2011, 2015, RGPV June 2016)
Q.5) What do you understand by “pictorial drawing” and “perspective drawing”? Explain with any example.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q.6) Differentiate between parallel and oblique perspective.
(RGPV Dec 2015)
Q.7) Discuss angular perspective with example.
(RGPV June 2016)
Q.8) Describe rules for drawing perspective views.
Enlist the postulates of the geometry of the perspective drawing.
State various postulates of the geometry of the perspective.
(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV June 2016)
Q.9) Define with sketches centre of vision and vanishing point.
(RGPV June 2016)
Q.10) Define following terminology used in perspective drawings- (i) Station point (ii) Picture plane (iii) Centre of vision (iv) Line of sight.
(RGPV Dec 2014)
Q.11) Write various methods of drawing perspective view.
Write about various methods of drawing perspective view.
(RGPV June 2015, RGPV May 2018)
Q.12) What are the various types of perspectives and give two methods of drawing perspective?
(RGPV June 2017, Dec 2017)
Q.13) Write short notes on one point and two point perspectives.
(RGPV June 2015, May 2018)
Q.14) Differentiate one point and two point perspectives.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q.15) Draw an oblique perspective view of a flight of 5 steps each 1.5 m wide with a tread of 30 cm and riser of 20 cm. Assume suitable position and height of the observer.
(RGPV June 2014)
Q.16) Write short note on energy efficient building.
What is energy efficient building?
(RGPV June 2011, Dec 2011, June 2015, May 2018, RGPV Dec 2013)
Q.17) Write the various points to be incorporated with energy efficient building.
(RGPV June 2017, May 2018)
Q.18) Write short note on concept of master plan.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
Q.19) Write short note on different land use purposes.
(RGPV June 2017, May 2018, 2019)
Q.20) Explain in detail about the planning standards for different land.
(RGPV May 2019)
Q. 21) What do you understand by energy efficient building? Also explain pollution control aspects.
(RGPV Nov 2019)
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