Table of Contents
ToggleImportant RGPV Question
CE-402 (Construction Technology)
IV Sem, CE
UNIT-1 Design features and constructions of foundations
Q.1) Explain the types of foundation with neat diagram
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of pile foundation?
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Explain the Grillage Foundation and also their uses with neat sketch.
RGPV June 2023, June 2020
Q.4) Describe any three causes of foundation failure.
RGPV June 2023
Q.5) Discuss about the term “Caisson” and “Well Foundation”? What are the types of Caisson and “Well- Shaped Foundation” used in construction explain with a neat sketch.
RGPV June 2022
Q.6) Describe briefly about the
i) Forces acting on well foundation
ii) Element (parts) of well foundation
RGPV June 2022
Q.7) Explain about “Grillage Foundation” and what are the types of Grillage Foundation.
RGPV June 2022
Q.8) Explain about the under reamed piles with a neat sketch.
RGPV June 2022
Q.9) Explain the forces acting on foundations with neat sketch.
RGPV June 2020
Q.10) What precautions are required to ensure proper grip in case of bearing piles on rock surfaces
i) If it is a driven pile
ii) If it is a cast in-situ pile.
RGPV June 2020
Q.11) What is foundation? Explain different types of Foundation with neat sketch.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.12) What type of foundation would you adopt in the following cases? Give reasons. Also provide sketches of the type of foundation.
i) When there is a stiff crust below which the soil is soft, but the crust is non-uniform
ii) When a large load is to be transmitted to a hard stratum but has to be taken through a stiff clay,
iii) When the soil is a fill which is of low compressibility but non-uniform.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.13) What are the difference between shallow and deep foundation? Also explain the selection criteria.
RGPV May 2019
Q.14) Explain the capacity of pile group and it’s efficiency.
RGPV May 2019
Q.15) Describe any three causes of Foundation failure.
RGPV May 2019
UNIT-2 Formwork and Temporary Structures
Q.1) Explain merits and demerits of steel formwork over timber formwork.
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) What is slip form construction and describe its feature’s.
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Explain in brief about the design consideration of Formwork.
RGPV June 2022
Q.4) Explain about the construction features of different types of temporary structures.
RGPV June 2022
Q.5) Discuss about the Ties and types of Ties used in Construction Technology with a neat sketch.
RGPV June 2022
Q.6) Illustrate about the Formwork of Concrete in Construction Technology.
RGPV June 2020
Q.7) Write down the applications and advantages of plastic formwork in concrete construction.
RGPV June 2020
Q.8) Explain the stationary and slip form work techniques.
RGPV June 2020
Q.9) Explain different type of form work used in concrete construction.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.10) Mention different types of failure of formwork and remedial measures to be taken.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.11) What is slip form construction and describe it’s features?
RGPV May 2019
UNIT-3 Masonry and walls
Q.1) What are the types of stairs? Draw cross-section of any two types?
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Explain the need for providing construction joint. Draw and explain any two types of construction joints.
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Write short notes on the following:
i) DPC
ii) Repair technique for doors
iii) Plastering and Pointing
iv) Retrofitting
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) What are the Factors that effect for the selection of window and Illustrate the type of window used in the building.
RGPV June 2022
Q.5) Define the Dampness in Building and what are the effect of Dampness in Building.
RGPV June 2022
Q.6) What are the causes of Dampness in Building and Explain about the prevention method used for the Dampness in Building?
RGPV June 2022
Q.7) What is Cavity walls? And also write down purpose for providing a cavity wall.
RGPV June 2020
Q.8) State requirements of good lighting and good ventilation in buildings.
RGPV June 2020
Q.9) Write down the objectives of plastering and also write requirement of good plaster.
RGPV June 2020
Q.10) What do you understand by Dampness? Write down the causes and effect of dampness.
RGPV June 2020
Q.11) Explain seismic construction with stone masonry as per codal provisions.
RGPV June 2020
Q.12) What are the types of Stairs? Explain dog legged stairs and open well stairs with neat sketch in detail.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.13) Explain briefly about the following masonry wall construction.
i) Hollow concrete bricks
ii) Solid concrete blocks
iii) High-quality building blocks
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.14) Explain, in detail, the general principles that should be observed during the construction of earthquake-resistant building.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.15) Differentiate between the following:
i) Load bearing wall and Non load bearing wall
ii) Header and stretcher bond
RGPV May 2019
Q.16) What are the causes and types of cracks in masonry buildings? Also explain their repair method.
RGPV May 2019
Q.17) Write note on white washing and colour washing.
RGPV May 2019
Q.18) What are construction joints explain with neat diagram in detail?
RGPV May 2019
Q.19) Write short notes on the following.
i) Plastering and pointing
ii) Repair technique for doors
RGPV May 2019
UNIT-4 Construction of floors
Q.1) Write down the types of floor in detail with neat diagram.
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Write down the types of floor in detail with neat diagram.
RGPV June 2020
Q.3) Write down the construction procedure of Bengal terrace roof with diagram.
RGPV June 2020
Q.4) Explain the single joist timber floor and double joist timber floors with neat sketch.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.5) Explain the Collar beam roof, Couple close roof and lean to roof with diagram.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.6) What is base isolation technique? Explain it with a neat diagram.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.7) Explain the procedure adopted for lying marble flooring.
RGPV May 2019
Q.8) Write short note on Timber floor.
RGPV May 2019
UNIT-5 Construction of Earthquake Resistant Building
Q.1) What do you mean by “Base Isolation” in Earthquake resistant building and Explain in brief about construction of beam and column in Earthquake resistant building?
RGPV June 2023, 2022
Q.2) How do you plan for the Earthquake resistant building?
RGPV June 2022
Q.3) Discuss in brief about the Construction of walls by the provision of corner reinforcement in Earthquake resistant building.
RGPV June 2022
Q.4) What are the best materials used for earthquake resistant construction? Explain.
RGPV June 2020
Q.5) Explain any three methods to retrofit of reinforced concrete column.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.6) What do you mean by Base isolation? Explain briefly
RGPV May 2019
Q.7) Discuss the different provision of corner reinforcement while planning earthquake resistance building.
RGPV May 2019
Q.1) Define scaffolding and also explain different types of scaffolding.
RGPV June 2023, May 2019
Q.2) What is prefabrication? What are the advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated construction?
RGPV June 2023, May 2019
Q.3) What precautions are required to ensure proper grip in case of bearing piles on rock surfaces
i) If it is a driven pile
ii) If it is a cast in-situ pile.
RGPV June 2020
Q.4) What is Retrofitting? What is meant by global and local retrofitting?
RGPV June 2020
Q.5) Explain any three methods to retrofit of reinforced concrete column.
RGPV Dec 2020
— Best of Luck for Exam —