Table of Contents
ToggleImportant RGPV Question
CE-404 (Transportation Engineering-I)
IV Sem, CE
UNIT-1 Introduction, Tractive Resistance & Permanent way
Q.1) Define the terms hauling capacity and tractive effort. List out various materials used as ballast. Also give requirement of Good ballast.
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Explain rail route survey.
RGPV June 2022, Dec 2020, May 2019
Q.3) Compare steel sleeper and concrete sleeper suggest which is best.
RGPV June 2022, May 2019
Q.4) Define: Hauling capacity and tractive effort.
RGPV June 2020
Q.5) List out various materials used as a ballast. Also give requirement of Good ballast.
RGPV June 2020
Q.6) What types of sleepers used in a railway track? Also explain suitability of sleepers according to global conditions.
RGPV June 2020
Q.7) Define: Fish plates, bearing plates, check rails and guard rails.
RGPV June 2020
Q.8) What do you mean by widening of gauge on curved track? Also discuss its importance.
RGPV Dec 2020, May 2019
Q.9) Write short note on
a) Wear and tear of rails
b) Principle of Transportation
RGPV June 2020,Dec 2020
UNIT-2 Geometric Design: Station & Yards
Q.1) What do you understand by Super elevation? With the help of neat sketch, explain the advantages of negative super elevation.
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Explain principles of signaling and inter locking. What do you mean by widening of gauge on curved track?
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Β Explain the following term Marshalling yard.
RGPV June 2023, June 2020
Q.4) With the help of neat sketch, Explain advantages of negative super elevation.
RGPV June 2022, Dec 2020, May 2019
Q.5) What do you understand by Super elevation? Also explain Cant deficiency.
RGPV June 2020
Q.6) Explain principles of signaling and inter locking.
RGPV June 2020
UNIT-3 Bridge Site Investigation and planning
Q.1) Explain the following terms:
i) Selection of site of bridge
ii) Afflux
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Write notes on the following:
i) Sheet Piles
ii) Coffer Dams
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Explain the following term Abutment and piers.
RGPV June 2023, June 2020
Q.4) Discuss the various factors affecting site selection of a bridge.
RGPV June 2022, Dec 2020, May 2019
Q.5) Discuss stages involved in bridge investigation.
RGPV June 2022, May 2019
Q.6) What are the different survey’s done before the construction of bridge? Explain any two in detail.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.7) What do you understand by Afflux or Back water? Discuss its effects
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.8) Explain classification of wings walls with neat sketches.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.9) Explain the factors that influence the selection of site for a Railway station.
RGPV Dec 2020
UNIT-4 Bridge Foundation, Construction, Testing and strengthening
Q.1) List out various types of bridge foundations. Also explain suitable materials used in bridges.
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Write a short note on Bridge failure.
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Discuss the various precautions to be taken while sinking of well.
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) Write notes on the following:
i) Wing Wall
ii) Return Wall
RGPV June 2023
Q.5) Explain the different methods of strengthening of bridges.
RGPV June 2023, June 2020
Q.6) Discuss the various precautions to be taken while sinking of well.
RGPV June 2022, Dec 2020, May 2019
Q.7) Write method of creation of steel girder bridges.
RGPV June 2022, May 2019
Q.8) List out various types of Foundations. Also explain suitable materials used in bridges.
RGPV June 2020
Q.9) Write a short note on Bridge failure.
RGPV June 2020
Q.10) Define coffer Dam. Discuss its classification.
RGPV Dec 2020, May 2019
UNIT-5 Tunnels:
Q.1) Describe pressure relief phenomenon. Discuss anyone method of tunneling in hard rock.
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Why lining is done in tunnels, what are its advantages? What are various types of lining used in tunnels and also write its different methods.
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Write a detailed note on any two important tunnel of India or abroad.
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) Explain the following term Mucking operation.
RGPV June 2023, June 2020
Q.5) Discuss any one method of tunneling in hard rock.
RGPV June 2022, May 2019
Q.6) Describe pressure relief phenomenon.
RGPV June 2020
Q.7) What is the role of types of soils for construction of Tunnel? Explain clearly.
RGPV June 2020
Q.8) Write a detailed note on any two important tunnel of India or abroad
RGPV June 2020
Q.9) Write safety precautions in tunnel construction.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.10)Β Explain various methods of tunnel ventilation.
RGPV Dec 2020
Q.1) Briefly explain IRC Loading classifications for a bridge.
RGPV June 2023, June 2022, Dec 2020, May 2019
Q.2) What do you mean by coning of wheels? Also discuss its advantages.
RGPV June 2023,Β June 2022, May 2019
Q.3) Differentiate between junction, Terminal, yard.
RGPV June 2022, May 2019
— Best of Luck for Exam —