Table of Contents
ToggleImportant RGPV Question
CE-405 (Engineering Geology & Remote Sensing )
IV Sem, CE
UNIT-1 Introduction and Physical Geology
Q.1) What is the physical geology? List and explain in detail about features of physical geology?
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Explain with a neat sketch the structure of the earth.
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Discuss in detail how river is considered as one of the geological agents on earth?
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) Write a short note on : Earthquakes.
RGPV June 2023
Q.5)Explain the allied and main branches of geology.
RGPV June 2022
Q.6) Give scope of geology in the area of civil engineering
RGPV June 2020
Q.7) Write a short note on geological action of river.
RGPV Nov 2019
Q.8) Write a short note on availability of ground water.
RGPV Nov 2019, May 2019
Q.9) What do you mean by earthquakes? Explain in brief.
RGPV Nov 2019
Q.10) Discuss the scope of geology in brief.
RGPV Nov 2019, May 2019
Q.11) What do you mean by earthquakes? Explain in brief.
RGPV May 2019
Q.12) What are the various causes of earthquakes?
RGPV May 2019
UNIT-2 Mineralogy And Crystallography
Q.1) Explain briefly about mode of minerals formation?
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) List and explain the requirements of a mineral?
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Write a short note on : Crystallography.
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) Β Define mineral and Rock. Explain the different physical properties of the minerals.
RGPV June 2022
Q.5) What is Mineralogy? Explain.
RGPV June 2020
Q.6) Define:
i) Ore
ii) Crystals
RGPV June 2020
Q.7) What are rock forming minerals? Explain.
RGPV Nov 2019
Q.8) What are the element of crystals? Explain.
RGPV May 2019
UNIT-3 Petrology
Q.1) Explain with an example the physical properties of rock- forming minerals?
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Define petrology discuss in detail about the subdivisions of petrology?
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Discuss in detail about the importance of petrology in engineering geology?
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) Explain with neat sketch the steps involved in the rock cycle?
RGPV June 2023
Q.5)Write a short note on : Metamorphic agents.
RGPV June 2023
Q.6) Write about how rock weathering affects major Civil engineering structures.
RGPV June 2022
Q.7) Describe the megascopic study of the rocks.
i) granite
ii) basalt
iii) limestone
iv) sandstone
v) gneiss
vi) slate
RGPV June 2022
Q.8) What do you understand by weathering of rocks?
RGPV June 2020
Q.9) Explain various properties of Metamorphic rocks.
RGPV June 2020
Q.10) Explain in brief : Igneous Rock.
RGPV June 2020
Q.11) Write short note on rock cycle.
RGPV Nov 2019
Q.12) Write short note on classification of rock.
RGPV Nov 2019, May 2019
Q.13) What do you mean by Rock cycle? Explain.
RGPV May 2019
Q.14) Write a short note on structures of igneous.
RGPV May 2019
UNIT-4 Structural Geology:
Q.1) What is structural geology explain in detail about the importance of studying structural geology in the field of civil engineering?
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) What are the faults? Explain with neat sketch types of faults?
RGPV June 2023
Q.3) Discuss in detail about the importance of unconformity in civil engineering?
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) Explain briefly about
i) outcrop
ii) strike
iii) dip
RGPV June 2022
Q.5)Define fault and write in detail the classification of faults with neat sketch
RGPV June 2022
Q.6) Define joints and its important types with case studies.
RGPV June 2022
Q.7) Define unconformity and explain different types of unconformities.
RGPV June 2022
Q.8) Give a brief geological history of India.
Q.9) Define:
a) Dip and strike
b) Folds and Faults
RGPV June 2020
Q.10) Explain role of folds and faults identification in assessment of future earthquake sites.
RGPV June 2020
Q.11) Explain in brief :Unconformity.
RGPV June 2020
Q.12) What is geological history of India? Explain.
RGPV Nov 2019, May 2019
UNIT-5 Applied Geology and Remote Sensing
Q.1) Write the practical applications of remote sensing in engineering geology?
RGPV June 2023
Q.2) Discuss in detail about what are the factors to be considered for site selection of dam?
RGPV June 2022
Q.3) Write a short note on : Use of GIS in resource mapping
RGPV June 2023
Q.4) Explain about any two dam failures of the past in detail.
RGPV June 2022
Q.5) Describe various geological consideration for construction of dam site.
RGPV June 2022
Q.6) Explain different types of steps required for the selection of canal.
RGPV June 2022
Q.7) Briefly explain about the different uses of remote sensing techniques.
RGPV June 2022
Q.8) Write the different types of components and elements of remote sensing?
RGPV June 2022
Q.9) Give the different applications of GIS in civil engineering and resource mapping in Site selection.
RGPV June 2022
Q.10) What do you understand by “Remote Sensing’? Also explain its role in civil engineering works.
RGPV June 2020
Q.11) Give the application of GIS in civil engineering works. Also explain its use in site selection of Dam
RGPV June 2020
Q.12) Explain in brief :
i) Applied Geology
ii) Elements of Remote sensing
iii) EMS and MSS
RGPV June 2020
Q.13) What are criteria for selection of sites for Tunnel?
RGPV Nov 2019
Q.14) What are importance of reservoir in practical life?
RGPV Nov 2019
Q.15) What do you mean by remote sensing? Discuss types of remote sensing and its uses.
RGPV Nov 2019, May 2019
Q.16) What is G.I.S.? Discuss the application of GIS.
RGPV Nov 2019, May 2019
Q.17) What are criteria for selection of sites for Dam?
RGPV May 2019
— Best of Luck for Exam —