Important RGPV Question, CS-503(A), Data Analytics, V Sem, CS

Important RGPV Question

CS-503(A), Data Analytics

V Sem, CS


Q.1 Suppose the weights of 800 male students are normally distributed with 28.8 kg and SD of 2.06 kg. Find the number of students whose weights are  i) Between 28.4 kg and 30.4 kg ii) More than 31.3 kg (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2  A random variable has the following probability function

Determine: i) k ii) mean iii) variance  (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 A sales tax officer has reported that the average sales of the 500 businesses that he has to deal with during a year is Rs. 36,000 with a standard deviation of Rs. 10,000. Assuming that the sales in these businesses are normally distributed, find:  i) The number of business as the sales of which are greater than Rs. 40,000. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.4 Write a short note on  i) Regression ANOVA ii) Term frequency (RGPV DEC 2020)   



Q.1 Discuss the trends in big data generation and acquisition. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Explain the following: a) Predictive analytics b) Inter-and Trans-firewall analytics c) Information management d) Crowd sourcing analytics (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 With an example, explain the term social media analytics.  (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.4 What are the various stages in big data analytics life cycle? Illustrate with a figure, explaining each of them. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.5 What are the benefits of Big Data? Discuss challenger under Big Data. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.6 What do you mean by inter and trans fire wall analytics. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.7 Explain the 4V’s of Big data. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.8 What is Big Data? Explain characteristics of Big Data. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.9 Write down the goals of HDFS. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.10 Explain 5 P’s of Big data in brief. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.11 Write short note on  4 V’s of Big data. (RGPV JUNE 2020)



Q.1 What is Hadoop? Describe the role of Hadoop in big data analysis. Also explain core components of Hadoop (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Brief about the main component of Map Reduce.  (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 Describe the structure of HDFS in a Hadoop ecosystem using a diagram (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.4 Why is finding similar items important in Big Data? Illustrate using two example applications (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.5 Explain CRUD operations in Mongo DB. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.6 How Big Data analytics can be useful in development of smart cities? (Discuss one application). (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.7 Explain the process of data storage in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) with the help of a suitable example. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.8 Differentiate between Apache Pig and Map Reduce. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.9 How can we extract data for data storage? (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.10 What is Map Reduce programming model? Explain. (RGPV JUNE 2020)



Q.1 Why to choose Hadoop for processing Big Data in detail and explain the concept of distributed and parallel computing challenges? (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Explain in detail the interacting process with Hadoop Ecosystem. List out various big data processing technologies. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 Justify: SPARK is faster than Map reduce. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Write short note on Capacity scheduler in Map Reduce (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.5 Explain Hadoop architecture and its components with proper diagram.  (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.6 What is Zoo keeper? List the benefits of it. (RGPV JUNE 2020)



Q.1 Explain Pig Data Model in detail and discuss how it will help for effective data flow? (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.2 Draw and explain architecture of APACHE HIVE. Explain various data insertion techniques in HIVE with example. (RGPV NOV 2023)

Q.3 Explain the architecture and features of Hive. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 What is Apache pig and why we need it? (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.5 Discuss the applications of big data analytics in weather fore casting. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.6 How to create collection in Mongo DB? Explain with its syntax. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.7 Explain the term Pig Latin in detail (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.8 Explain working of Hive with proper steps and diagram. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.9 Explain following for Mongo DB. i) Indexing ii) Aggregation Mongo (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.10 Write a short note on the followings i) 5P’s of Big Data ii) Metastore in Hive (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.11 Explain replication and scaling features of Mongo DB. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.12 Define term frequency and inverse document frequency. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.13 What is H Base? Explain storage mechanism of H Base with an example. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.14 Explain the concept of metastore in Hive. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.15 Explain any three Hive QL DDL command with its syntax and example. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.16 Write down the process of installing and running Hive. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.17 Write a short note on the following. i) Pig latin ii) Information management iii) Sharding process iv) SPARK  (RGPV JUNE 2020)


— Best of Luck for Exam —