Important RGPV Question
Table of Contents
ToggleEC-304 Electronic Devices
UNIT-1 : Semiconductor Material Properties
Q.1) Explain the working of p-n diode in forward and reverse bias conditions.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.2) Explain the construction and characteristics of Tunnel diode.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.3) Draw the circuit diagram of Varactor and explain its operation along with its characteristics.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.4) Explain the breakdown mechanisms in PN diode.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.5) The reverse saturation current lo in a germanium diode is 6 ΞΌA. Calculate the current flowing through the diode when the applied forward bias voltages are 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 V at room temperature.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.6) Explain the following:
i) Varactor diode
ii) Photo diode
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.7) Distinguish between Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors. What are n-type and p-type semiconductors? How are they obtained?
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2019)
Q.8) What is the mechanism involve in the following? Explain.
i) Avalanche breakdown
ii) Zener breakdown
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2019)
Q.9) With the help of circuit diagram explain the working of a Zener diode.
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2019)
Q.10) What is an avalanche photodiode? Describe its working. Draw and discuss its V-I characteristics.
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2018)
Q.11) Determine the temperature coefficient of a 5V zener diode at 25 degree Celsius, if the normal voltage drops to 4.8V at a temperature of 100 degree celsius.
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2018)
Q.12) Give the energy band structure of insulators, semiconductors and conductors.
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2018)
Q.13) Explain what is meant by mobility of charge carriers in a solid. Derive an expression for the conductivity of a semiconductor containing both free electrons and holes in terms of concentrations n and p and the mobilityβs ΞΌe and ΞΌh.
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2018)
Q.14) Write short notes on:
LED (Light Emitting Diode)
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.15) Draw the symbol for the following components and explain the working
i) Schottky diode
ii) LED
iii) Varactor diode
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.16) Define the following
i) Energy band
ii) Solar cell
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.17) Describe the VI characteristics of Zener diode and explain its working.
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.18) Write short notes on
Steady state condition
(RGPV June 2020)
Q.19) What is Tunneling? Describe the working of tunnel diode and give its applications.
Explain tunneling phenomenon in a tunnel diode.
(RGPV NOV 2019, DEC 2020)
Q.20) Draw the symbol for the following components and explain the working
i) Tunnel diode
ii) Photo diode
iii) Zener diode
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.21) Define mean life time of a carrier. Explain physically the meaning of following statement, “An electron and hole recombine and disappear”.
(RGPV NOV 2018)
Q.22) What is meant by the potential barrier across a PN junction? What is its significance?
(RGPV NOV 2018)
Q.23) Explain the mechanism of current flow in a PNP and NPN.
(RGPV NOV 2018)
UNIT-2 : Diode Circuits
Q.1) Explain the operation of Full Wave Rectifier with necessary graphs.
Draw and explain the working of full wave Rectifier.
(RGPV JUNE 2023, RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.2) Derive the expression for transition capacitance of a diode.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.3) Derive the expression for Ripple factor for Full Wave Rectifier with L-section filter.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.4) Compare halfwave rectifier, full wave rectifier and bridge rectifier.
(RGPV NOV 2022
Q.5) Define Clipper. Explain different types of clipper circuits.
Name different types of clippers and explain the principle of operation of a clipper.
(RGPV NOV 2022, RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.6) Design LC filter for a Full wave rectifier circuit to provide an output voltage of 10 V with a load current of -200mA and the ripple is limited to 2%.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.7) Write a short note on
Voltage regulation using IC
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2019)
Q.8) Explain the working principle of clipper and clamper.
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.9) What is Voltage regulator? Explain voltage regulation using series regulator circuits
(RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.10) Explain Voltage regulation using shunt regulator circuits.
(RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.11) With help of circuit diagram explain the operation of full wave rectifier and deduce the expression for efficiency.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.12) Draw the diagram of Clamping circuits and explain its working principle.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.13) Explain Bridge rectifier with diagram and also explain its working.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
UNIT 3 : Fundamentals of BJT
Q.1) Derive the operating point using AC and DC load lines.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.2) Draw and explain the CE characteristics of a transistor.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.3) The reverse leakage current of the transistor when in CB configuration is 0.3 Β΅LA while it is 16 Β΅A when the same transistor is coected in CE configuration. Determine Ξ±, αΊ and y.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.4) Draw and Explain BJT small signal model, compare the performance of CE, CB, CC amplifier.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.5) Given IE = 2.5mA, hfe = 140, hoc = 20 Β΅s and hob= 0.5 Β΅s. Determine the common-emitter hybrid equivalent circuit.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.6) For the NPN transistor coected in CE configuration with VCC =9 VBB =4V. IC= 5 mA, VCE=5 V, Ξ²=50 and VBE = 0.7 V. Find αΊ.and RΞ²
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.7) Explain voltage divider biasing circuit. Discuss the advantages of the circuit.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.8) Determine the h-parameters for CE configuration from the characteristics curve.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.9) In the CE amplifier calculate the mid frequency voltage gain and lower 3-dB point. The transistor has h-parameters hfe=400 and hie=10 kβ¦, the circuit details are Rs= 6002, Rl=5kβ¦, Re= 1 kβ¦, Vcc =12 V, R1 15 kβ¦, Rβ = 2.2 kβ¦ and C=50 Β΅F.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.10) Write a short note on
Ebers moll model
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.11) Draw the schematic diagram of the n-p-n transistor and explain its working
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2019)
Q.12) Draw the common emitter configuration, its output characteristics and show cut off, active and saturation regions on it.
(RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.13) Write short notes on
BJT as an Amplifier
Bias stabilization and Thermal runaway
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.14) Explain PNP transistor working in common emitter configuration.
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.15) What is Ebers-Moll model of transistor?
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.16) What are various biasing methods in transistor? Explain each of them.
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.17) Draw the common emitter configuration, its output characteristics and show cut off, active and saturation regions on it.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.18) Explain Voltage divider biasing technique for BJT. Also give its merits and demerits.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.19) How Transistor is used as a switch? Explain.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.20) Define H-parameters for BJT. Determine voltage and current gain in terms of H-parameters for BJT at low frequency.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.21) Explain NPN transistor working in common emitter configuration.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.22) Define the following:
i) Thermal runaway
ii) Transistor as a switch
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.23) Describe different region of operations in BJT.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.24) Write a short note on
Cascading amplifier
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.25) In a CB configuration, the value of Ξ± = 0.96. A voltage drop of 1.92V is obtained across a resistor of 2K when coected in collector circuit. Find the base current.
(RGPV NOV 2018)
Q.26) Explain how phase reversal of a signal takes place when it is amplified by single stage voltage amplifier.
(RGPV NOV 2018)
UNIT 4 : Signal Analysis
Q.1) Explain about Punch through and Base width modulation.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.2) Explain the Darlington amplifier circuit. List the applications of the Darlington circuit.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.3) Sketch the circuit of CS amplifier and derive the expression for voltage gain at low frequencies.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.4) Write a short note on
Current mirroring circuit
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.5) Discuss class B power amplifier and calculate its overall efficiency.
(RGPV DEC 2020, RGPV NOV 2018)
Q.6) A circuit is resonant at 455 kHz and has a 10 kHz bandwidth. The inductive reactance is 1255Ξ©. What is the parallel impedance of the circuit at resonance?
(RGPV DEC 2020, RGPV NOV 2018)
Q.7) Write a short note on
Darlington Amplifier
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2019)
Q.8) Describe class A amplifier
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.9) Describe current mirror circuits with diagram
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.10) Explain low and high frequency response.
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.11) Write short notes on
a) Coupling methods in multistage amplifier
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.12) Explain the working of class B push pull amplifier with the help of circuit diagram and show that its maximum
conversion efficiency is 78.5%.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.13) Describe class AB amplifier.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.14) What is Boot-strapping technique? Draw the circuit diagram of Darlington Pair and list any four applications
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.15) Describe hybrid Ο model with diagram.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.16) Show that maximum collector efficiency of class A transformer coupled power amplifier is 50%.
(RGPV NOV 2018)
UNIT 5 : FET Construction
Q.1) With the help of neat diagram explain the voltage divider biasing method for FET.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.2) Why we call FET as a Voltage Controlled Device?
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.3) Explain the working of MOSFET amplifier and discuss the gain and frequency response characteristics.
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.4) An n-chael JFET has IDSS = 10mA and VP=-2V. Determine the drain source resistance rds for
i) VGS =OV
ii) VGS =-0.5V
(RGPV JUNE 2023)
Q.5) Discuss the operation of enhancement MOSFET at different regions with suitable figures and equations.
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.6) Write a short note on
JFET characteristic
(RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.7) What are the two main types of field effect transistors? Give the points of superiority of FETβs over a conventional transistor?
(RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.8) Draw the equivalent circuit of a MOSFET operating in enhancement mode.
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2018)
Q.9) Write a short note on
UJT – Characteristics and operation.
(RGPV DEC 2020, NOV 2019)
Q.10) Define the following for FET
i) Drain resistance
ii) Pinch-off voltage
iii) Transconductance
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.11) Explain Thyristor and its principle of operation. Differentiate between holding current and latching current.
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.12) Write short notes on
(RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.13) Draw and explain the transfer and drain characteristics of JFET.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.14) Compare and explain depletion MOSFET and enhancement MOSFET.
(RGPV NOV 2019)
Q.15) Draw transfer characteristics curve of enhancement MOSFET and explain each regions.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.16) Explain UJT and its working principle of operation.
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.17) Write short notes on:
i) Thyristors
ii) JFET
(RGPV MAY 2019)
Q.18) What are the two main types of field effect transistors? Give the points of superiority of FET’s over a conventional transistor?
(RGPV NOV 2018)
Q.19) Explain why Id in a JFET remains constant with Vds in the region beyond pinch off.
(RGPV NOV 2018)
Q.20) What are the different biasing schemes used for JFET? Explain the voltage divider bias.
(RGPV NOV 2018)
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