Important RGPV Question, EC-504 (A) Electro Magnetic Theory, V Sem, EC

Important RGPV Question

EC 504 (A) Electro Magnetic Theory

V Sem, EC


Q.1 Write the physical significance of ‘del’ and define divergence theorem. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.2 Transform the vector

into cylindrical coordinate for z = 0. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.3 Derive the expression for electric field intensity for the infinite line of charge. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Write short note on Coulomb’s law. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.5 Transform the vector  into spherical coordinate. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.6 Establish relation between Cartesian and spherical coordinate. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.7 Derive Poisson’s equation and Laplace equation. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.8 Write short notes on. i) Electric field intensity ii) Coulomb’s Law (RGPV JUNE 2020)



Q.1 Define magnetic flux density and magnetic field intensity. Derive the relation between them. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.2 Derive the energy expression for magnetic field. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.3 Write the expression for Stokes theorem with statement.

Q.4 Derive the magnetic force expression. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.5 Derive the force between current carrying wires. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.6 Write short notes on Solenoid and Toroid  (RGPV JUNE 2020)



Q.1 Write the Maxwell equation in differential form. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.2 State Faraday’s Law. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.3 Derive the time varying Maxwell’s equation in differential form (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Define displacement current. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.5 Write the integral form of Maxwell’s equation. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.6 Define Faraday’s law and derive the expression. (RGPV JUNE 2020)


Q.1 What is uniform plane wave? Derive the relation between E and H for the uniform plane wave. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.2 What is polarization of a wave? State conditions for circular and linearly polarized wave. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.3 Define attenuation constant and derive the expression for the electromagnetic wave in dielectric medium. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Write short note on Slepian vector. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.5 Define the following. i) Curl ii) Poynting vector  (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.6 Derive the expression for constants, intrinsic impedance and skin depth for wave propagation in perfect conductor. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.7 Write a short note on skin depth and its physical significance. (RGPV JUNE 2020)



Q.1 Derive parameters for wave propagation in lossy medium. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.2 Explain reflection of plane wave at normal incidence. (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.3 Write short notes on. i) Oblique incidence of wave ii) Perfect conductor (RGPV DEC 2020)

Q.4 Explain reflection of plane wave at normal incidence. (RGPV JUNE 2020)

Q.5 Derive the expression for electric field intensity for the cylinder. (RGPV JUNE 2020)


— Best of Luck for Exam —