Important RGPV Question, EC- 603, (C) Satellite Communication, VI Sem, EC

Important RGPV Question

EC- 603 (C) Satellite Communication

VI Sem, EC

UNIT 1- Overview Of Satellite Systems

Q.1) Explain various reasons for orbital perturbation which effects the Satellite communication.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) State and explain the Kepler’s third law of planetary motion with suitable diagram?

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Categorize the frequency allocation and draw and explain the frequency spectrum for satellite services.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.4) Explain the concepts of local mean solar time. How sun-synchronous orbits are used to maintain a consistent standard time for satellite observations?

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.5) Given a satellite with an apogee of 36,000 km and a perigee of 500 km, calculate the semi-major axis and eccentricity of the orbit. Assume a circular Earth with a radius of 6,371 km.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.6) Explain the concept of orbit perturbations. Discuss the principle of inclined orbits.

(RGPV May 2024)

UNIT 2- The Geostationary Orbit

Q.1) Identify the limits of visibility for an earth station suited at mean sea level, at latitude 48.42° north and longitude 89.26° west. Assume a minimum angle of elevation is 5°?

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Describe briefly about earth eclipse of satellite.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Define the term angle of tilt and explain how the polar mount antenna works.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.4) Define a geostationary orbit and explain its key properties.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.5) Discuss the various types of launching orbits used for placing a satellite into a geostationary orbit. Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Q.6) What is meant by cross-polarization discrimination? Write its importance in satellite communications.

(RGPV May 2024)

UNIT 3- The Space Segment

Q.1) Explain the need of thermal control segment for a space craft.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Sketch and explain the outdoor unit for receive-only home TV systems.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Explain TTC and C system in detail.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.4) Briefly describe the following subsystems of a satellite, emphasizing their importance in satellite operations: 
i) Attitude Control
ii) Station Keeping
iii) TT and C (Telemetry, Tracking and Command) Subsystem

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Q.5) Explain the function of transponders in satellite communication. Discuss different types of antenna subsystems used in satellites.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.6) Explain the concept and components of a transmit-receive earth station in satellite communication.

(RGPV May 2024)

UNIT 4- The Space Link

Q.1) Derive the equation for link power budget.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Estimate equivalent isotropic radiated power with an example.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Define EIRP and explain its importance in satellite communication.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.4) Discuss the challenges and considerations in designing the uplink portion of a satellite communication link, including the effects of atmospheric conditions.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.5) For a satellite circuit the C/N ratio are uplink 23 dB, downlink 20 dB, intermodulation noise 24 dB. Calculate the overall C/N ratio in dBs. Also suggest a method to reduce intermodulation noise.

(RGPV May 2024)

UNIT 5- Satellite Services

Q.1) Write short notes on following any two topics:
i) Apogee and perigee heights
ii) Polarization of satellite signals
iii) Interference between satellite links
iv) Access control protocols

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Explain the network architecture of VSAT in detail.

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Q.3) Explain BDS TV system design and link budget in detail.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.4) Explain the components and functions of a VSAT earth station. Discuss the basic transmission techniques employed in VSAT systems.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.5) Discuss the error control methods used in digital DBS-TV. Highlight the importance of these methods in maintaining broadcast quality.

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Q.1) Write short notes on following any two topics:
i) Apogee and perigee heights
ii) Polarization of satellite signals
iii) Interference between satellite links
iv) Access control protocols

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Consider a transmit earth station operating at an uplink frequency of 6 GHZ. The antenna diameter is 7 m with an efficiency of 60%. The antenna tracking loss and atmospheric attenuation is 1.2 db. The uplink slant range is 37506 km. Generate the required output power of the HPA system at the antenna feed to provide a-8db w/m² power flux density at the satellite.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Write short notes on any two:
a) Satellite radio broadcasting
b) Calculation of Link margins for a VSAT star network
c) Kepler’s three law of planetary motion
d) Morelos and Satmex 5

(RGPV May 2024)

— Best of Luck for Exam —