Important RGPV Question, EX-304, Network Analysis (NA), III Sem, EX

Important RGPV Question

EX-304 (Network Analysis)


UNIT-1 : Introduction to Circuit Elements

Q.1 Find the current i, in the circuit shown below by using nodal analysis. (RGPV June 2024)

Q.2 For the circuit in figure find VO   (RGPV June 2024)

Q.3 Explain the following with an example: (RGPV June 2024)

i) Tree and Co-Tree

ii) Twigs and Links

Q.4 In the circuit shown in Figure, the switch is initially in position 1 for a long time. Derive the expression for i(t) for 10 if the switch is transferred to position 2 at t = 0  (RGPV June 2024)

Q.5 Use mesh analysis to find current i0 in the figure. (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.6 For the network shown in below Figure below find Zab and I(RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.7 Define and explain the following with an example :   (RGPV Dec 2023)

i) Oriented Graph

ii) Tree of a Graph

iii) Tie set and a basic Tie set

Q.8 In the network shown in the figure, the switch is closed at t = 0 and there is no initial charge on either of the Capacitors. Find the current i(t).  (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.9 Find the voltage across the 32 resister by mesh analysis.  (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.10 Two similar coils connected in series gave a total inductance of 600 mH and when one of the coils is reversed, the total inductance is 300 mH. Determine the mutual inductance between the coils and coefficient of coupling. (RGPV Nov 2022)


Q.11 For the network shown in figure below, draw the graph and write down the cut set Matrix. (RGPV Nov 2022)

UNIT-2 : Network Theorems

Q.1 State and explain the Norton’s theorem for A.C excitation with suitable example.

(RGPV June 2024)

Q.2 Find the value of R in the circuit shown in figure such that maximum power transfer takes place. What is the amount of this power? (RGPV June 2024)

Q.3 Verify the Tellegen’s theorem for the circuit shown. (RGPV June 2024)

Q.4 State and explain Thevenin’s theorem with an example.  (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.5 Compute the current in 23 ohm resistor using super position theorem for the circuit shown. (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.6 Find the power loss in 32 resistor by using Thevenin theorem. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.7 Find the voltage drop across 3Ω resistor by Superposition theorem. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.8 State and explain the Millman’s theorem with suitable example. (RGPV Nov 2022)

UNIT-3 : Frequency Domain Analysis

Q.1 Using Laplace Transform, solve for the current i(t) in the RLC circuit. The capacitor is initially charged to a voltage of 2V. (RGPV June 2024)

Q.2 Show that under the condition of maximum power transfer, the efficiency of the circuit is 50%.  (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.3 For an RC series circuit, a sinusoidal voltage V(t) = Vm sinωt is applied at t = 0. Find the expression for transient current using Laplace transform approach.  (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.4 State and explain Initial Value and Final value theorem.  (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.5 R-C series circuit is suddenly excited from a step voltage V. Derive an expression for the current as a function of time and draw the graph current Vs Time. (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.6 In the circuit given below, the switch is moved from position a to b at t = 0 and steady state has been reached at f =0. By using Laplace transform find the value of i(t). (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.7 Verify the final value theorem for the following function. (RGPV Nov 2022)

  1. i) 2 + e -3t cos 2t
  2. ii) 6(1 – e-1)

Q.8 For the waveform shown in figure below. Write the expression and find the Laplace transform. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.9 For the network shown in figure, find the transfer function G21(s) Z21(s) and driving point impedance Z11(s). (RGPV Nov 2022)

UNIT-4 : Concept Of Signal Spectra

Q.1 Determine the initial and final values of the current where   

(RGPV June 2024)

Q.2 R-C series circuit is suddenly excited from a step voltage V. Derive an expression for the current as a function of time and draw the graph current Vs Time. (RGPV June 2024) 

Q.3 For the given triangular wave form, determine the Fourier series expansion. (RGPV June 2024)

Q.4 Determine the ‘h’ parameters of the network shown in figure. (RGPV June 2024)

Q.5 Determine the Fourier series expansion (Trigonometrical form) for the wave form as shown in figure. (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.6 Find the transmission parameters of the following two port network. (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.7 Determine the trigonometric form of Fourier series of the waveform shown below. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.8 Find the value of i (0+) using the initial value theorem for the function. (RGPV Nov 2022)

I(s) = (2s + 3) / [(s + 1)(s + 3)]

UNIT-5 : Network Function

Q.1 Derive expressions for the Y-parameters in terms of ABCD parameters of a two-port network.  (RGPV June 2024)

Q.2 A typical two-port network is characterized by the equation (RGPV June 2024)

2V1 + 4 I2 = I1

V2 + 6V1 = 8I2


1) y11

ii) z12

iii) h21

iv) C

Q.3 A two port network has the Z-parameters Z11  = 20Ω,  Z22 = 30 Ω and Z12 = Z21 = 40 Ω then find the ABCD and h-parameters for the network.   (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.4 Find the Z-parameters for the network shown in figure.  (RGPV Dec 2023)

Q.5 Determine the Z-parameters for the network shown in figure. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.6 The Z-parameters of a two port network are Z11 = 15Ω,  Z22 = 24Ω,  Z12 = Z21 = 6 Ω. Determine ABCD and h-parameters. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Extra Questions

Q.1 Write a short notes on any Two:    (RGPV June 2024)

i) Cut Set Matrix

ii) Compensation Theorem

iii) Open Circuit Impedance Parameters

iv) Terminated Two Port Network

Q.2 Write a short notes on any two   (RGPV Dec 2023)

i) Incidence Matrix

ii) Substitution Theorem

iii) Short Circuit Admittance Parameters

iv) Terminated Two Port Network

Q.3 Write a short notes on any Two  (RGPV Nov 2022)

i) Dual Networks

ii) Terminated two port network

iii) Network Topology

iv) Tellegen’s Theorem

— Best of Luck for Exam —