Important RGPV Question, EX-503(A), Electrical Power Generation & Economy, V Sem, EX

Important RGPV Question

EX-503(A), Electrical Power Generation & Economy

V Sem, EX


Q.1 List any four causes of faults on grid system. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.2 Mention the main sources of electrical energy in India and their contribution. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.3 Describe any four safe practices to the followed with respect to hydro power plants.  (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.3b Describe the meaning of

i) Demand factor

ii) Diversity factor

iii) Plant capacity factor

iv) Plant use factor

(RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.4 State the classification of hydro-turbine based on water head available describe working of any one. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.5 ‘Running and maintenance costs of thermal power station are more than hydro power stations’ Justify the statement.  (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.6 Compare base load plant with peak load plant on any four points. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.7 Draw the neat line diagram of a Nuclear Hydro Electric plant showing basic components. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.8 Discuss the advantages of Hydro Electric power plant compared with thermal power plant. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.9 Mention the different sources of Electrical power generation and discuss their relative merits and demerits.  (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.10 Discuss the various factors which affect the location of site of a hydro power station. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.11 Discuss the different sources of energy available in nature. (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.12 What are the main considerations for selection of site for a hydroelectric power station? (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.13 Write brief notes on Pelton and Kaplan turbines. (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.14 Discuss the flow and power duration curve of hydroelectric plant. (RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.1 Classify different types of condensers used in thermal power plant and write their functions. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.2 Describe the fuel system and exhaust system of a diesel power station. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.3 Describe the purpose of following components of a thermal power station:

i) Economizer

ii) Air-preheater

iii) Alternator

iv) Super-heater

(RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.4 Describe the purpose of coal and ash handling unit. Also write different activities that are carried out in this unit. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.5 Discuss briefly the function of the following equipment in a steam station.

i) Condenser

ii) Cooling towers

iii) Feed water heater

iv) Economiser

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.6 Draw a typical layout of a steam plant. Explain the main features of the layout. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.7 Draw the diagram of modern thermal power plant and explain its operation.  (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.8 Explain the function of air-preheater and economizer in thermal power plant. (RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.1 Describe the fuel system and exhaust system of a diesel power station.  (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.2 How can wind energy can be converted into Electrical energy? (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.3 Explain the potential for Geothermal energy in India. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.4 Explain the working principle of MHD generation system. (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.5 Draw and explain the I-V characteristics of a solar cell. (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.6 How wind energy can be converted into electrical energy?  (RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.1 Enumerate four properties of a fuel used in nuclear power plant. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.2 Draw a block diagram of gas turbine power plant. Name each block. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.3 Describe the procedure of disposal of nuclear waste in short. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.4 Describe the term ‘Nuclear shielding’ in NPP. Elaborate the purpose of reflector in a nuclear power plant. (RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.5 Differentiate between the nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. What is the function of moderator in a nuclear reactor. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.6 Discuss briefly the radioactive pollution of environment by nuclear power plant. (RGPV Nov 2022)

Q.7 Discuss the availability of fuel for Nuclear power in India. (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.8 Explain the components of a nuclear reactor with neat diagram. (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.9 Draw and discuss the plant layout of simple gas turbine plant. (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.10 Discuss different methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine plant. (RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.1 A generating station has the following daily load cycle”

Draw the load curve and find:

i) Maximum demand

ii) Units generated per day

iii) Average load

iv) load factor

(RGPV Dec 2020)

Q.2 The maximum demand of a power plant is 40 MW. The capacity factor is 0.5 and the utilisation factor is 0.8. Find:

i) Load factor

ii) Plant capacity

iii) Reserve capacity

iv) Annual energy production

Q.3 Write short notes (Any two): (RGPV Nov 2022)

i) Peak load pricing

ii) Waste disposal in nuclear power plant

iii) Load curve

iv) Small scale hydro-electric plant

Q.4 Briefly explain what is meant by load curve, load duration curve and load factor of a generating station? How does the cost of energy depend on load factor? (RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.5 Write short notes on any two: (RGPV Nov 2023)

i) Load forecasting

ii) Peak load pricing

iii) Fuel cells

iv) Biomass energy

— Best of Luck for Exam —