Syllabus of VI SEM AIML (RGPV)

Syllabus of B. Tech. VI Sem AIML (RGPV)


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  • Introduction of Automata Theory: Examples of automata machines
  • Finite Automata as a language acceptor and translator
  • Moore machines and mealy machines composite machine
  • Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa
  • Types of Finite Automata: Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA)
  • Deterministic finite automata machines
  • conversion of NDFA to DFA
  • minimization of automata machines regular expression
  • Arden’s theorem.
  • Meaning of union intersection
  • concatenation and closure
  • 2 way DFA.
  • Grammars: Types of grammar context sensitive grammar and context free grammar regular grammar.
  • Derivation trees ambiguity in grammar
  • simplification of context free grammar
  • conversion of grammar to automata machine and vice versa
  • Chomsky hierarchy of grammar killing null and unit productions.
  • Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form.
  • Push down Automata: example of PDA
  • deterministic and non-deterministic PDA
  • conversion of PDA into context free grammar and vice versa
  • CFG equivalent to PDA Petrinet model.
  • Turing Machine: Techniques for construction. Universal Turing machine Multitape multihead and multidimensional Turing machine
  • N-P complete problems.
  • Decidability and Recursively Enumerable Languages
  • decidability decidable languages undecidable languages
  • Halting problem of Turing machine & the post correspondence problem
  1. Design a Program for creating machine that accepts three consecutive one.
  2. Design a Program for creating machine that accepts the string always ending with 101.
  3. Design a Program for Mode 3 Machine
  4. Design a program for accepting decimal number divisible by 2.
  5. Design a program for creating a machine which accepts string having equal no. of 1’s and 0’s.
  6. Design a program for creating a machine which count number of 1’s and 0’s in a given string.
  7. Design a Program to find 2’s complement of a given binary number.
  8. Design a Program which will increment the given binary number by 1.
  9. Design a Program to convert NDFA to DFA.
  10. Design a Program to create PDA machine that accept the well-formed parenthesis.
  11. Design a PDA to accept WCWR where w is any string and WR is reverse of that string and C is a Special symbol.
  12. Design a Turing machine that’s accepts the following language an b n c n where n>0.


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  • Computer Network: Definitions goals components Architecture Classifications & Types.
  • Layered Architecture: Protocol hierarchy
  • Design Issues Interfaces and Services
  • Connection Oriented & Connection less Services Service primitives
  • Design issues & its functionality.
  • ISOOSI Reference Model: Principle Model Descriptions of various layers and its comparison with TCP/IP.
  • Principals of physical layer: Media Bandwidth Data rate and Modulations.
  • Data Link Layer: Need Services Provided Framing
  • Flow Control Error control.
  • Data Link Layer Protocol: Elementary & Sliding Window protocol: 1-bit Go-Back-N Selective Repeat
  • Hybrid ARQ.
  • Protocol verification: Finite State Machine Models & Petri net models. ARP/RARP/GARP
  • MAC Sub layer: MAC Addressing Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB) Algorithm
  • Distributed Random Access Schemes/Contention Schemes: for Data Services (ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA)
  • for Local-Area Networks (CSMA CSMA/CD CSMA/CA)
  • Collision Free Protocols: Basic Bit Map BRAP Binary Count Down
  • MLMA Limited Contention Protocols: Adaptive Tree Walk
  • Performance Measuring Metrics.
  • IEEE Standards 802 series & their variant
  • Network Layer: Need Services Provided Design issues
  • Routing algorithms: Least Cost Routing algorithm Dijkstra’s algorithm
  • Bellman-ford algorithm Hierarchical Routing Broadcast Routing Multicast Routing.
  • IP Addresses Header format Packet forwarding
  • Fragmentation and reassembly ICMP Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6.
  • Transport Layer: Design Issues
  • UDP: Header Format Per-Segment Checksum Carrying Unicast/Multicast Real-Time Traffic
  • TCP: Connection Management Reliability of Data Transfers
  • TCP Flow Control TCP Congestion Control
  • TCP Header Format TCP Timer Management.
  • Application Layer: WWW and HTTP FTP SSH Email (SMTP MIME IMAP) DNS Network Management (SNMP).
  1. Study of Different Type of LAN& Network Equipments.
  2. Study and Verification of standard Network topologies i.e. Star Bus Ring etc.
  3. LAN installations and Configurations.
  4. Write a program to implement various types of error correcting techniques.
  5. Write a program to implement various types of farming methods.
  6. Study of Tool Command Language (TCL).
  7. Study and Installation of Standard Network Simulator: N.S-2 N.S3.OpNetQualNetetc.
  8. Study & Installation of ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment) Simulator for High Mobility Networks .
  9. Configure 802.11 WLAN.
  10. Implement &Simulate various types of routing algorithm.
  11. Study & Simulation of MAC Protocols like Aloha CSMA CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA using Standard Network Simulators.
  12. Study of Application layer protocols-DNS HTTP HTTPS FTP and TelNet. 


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  • Image representation and analysis
  • Introduction to computer Vision
  • Numerical representation of images
  • Image augmentation enhancement
  • processing color transforms geometric transforms
  • feature recognition and extraction
  • Image Segmentation Object detection
  • breaking image into parts
  • finding contours and edges of various objects in image
  • Background subtraction for video.
  • Object Motion and tracking Tracking a single point over time
  • motion models to define object movement over time
  • analyze videos as sequences of individual image frames
  • methods to track a set of features over time
  • matching features from image frame to other
  • tracking a moving car using optical flow
  • Robotic localization
  • Bayesian statistics to locate a robot in space
  • sensor measurements to safely navigate an environment
  • Gaussian uncertainty
  • histogram filter for robot localization in python
  • Degradation model
  • noise models
  • estimation of degradation function by modeling
  • restoration using Weiner filters and Inverse filters
  1. Various forms of image representation
  2. Apply various image segmentation algorithms
  3. Apply object motion and tracking
  4. Apply object localization
  5. Apply image restoration


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  • Elements Variables and Data categorization Levels of Measurement Data management and indexing
  • Introduction to Statistical Concepts: Sampling Distributions Resampling
  • Statistical Inference and Descriptive Statistics
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Measures of location of dispersions
  • Statistical hypothesis generation and testing
  • Chi-Square test
  • t-Test Analysis of variance
  • Correlation analysis Maximum likelihood test
  • Regression Modelling Multivariate Analysis
  • Bayesian Modelling Inference and Bayesian Network
  • Regression analysis
  • Intro to Data Wrangling
  • Gathering Data
  • Assessing Data Cleaning Data.
  • Data Visualization in Data Analysis: Design of Visualizations
  • Univariate Exploration of Data
  • Bivariate Exploration of Data Multivariate Exploration of Data
  • Explanatory Visualizations.
  • Overview of the Data Analyst Ecosystem Types of Data
  • Understanding Different Types of File Formats
  • Sources of Data Overview of Data Repositories NoSQL
  • Data Marts Data Lakes ETL and Data Pipelines
  • Foundations of Big Data
  • Big Data processing tools such as Hadoop Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • Hive and Spark
  • Python visualization libraries (matplotlib pandas seaborn ggplot plotly)
  • Introduction to PowerBI tools
  • Examples of inspiring (industry) projects-
  • Exercise: create your own visualization of a complex dataset.


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  • Introduction and mathematical Preliminaries Principles of pattern recognition: Uses mathematics
  • Classification and Bayesian rules
  • Clustering vs classification
  • Basics of linear algebra and vector spaces
  • Eigen values and eigen vectors
  • Rank of matrix and SVD
  • Pattern Recognition basics Bayesian decision theory
  • Classifiers Discriminant functions
  • Decision surfaces Parameter estimation methods
  • Hidden Markov models dimension reduction methods
  • Fisher discriminant analysis
  • Principal component analysis non-parametric techniques for density estimation
  • non metric methods for pattern classification
  • unsupervised learning
  • algorithms for clustering: K means Hierarchical and other methods
  • Feature Selection and extraction Problem statement and uses
  • Branch and bound algorithm
  • Sequential forward and backward selection
  • Cauchy Schwartz inequality
  • Feature selection criteria function: Probabilistic separability based and Inter class distance based
  • Feature Extraction: principles.
  • Visual Recognition Human visual recognition system
  • Recognition methods: Low-level modelling (e.g. features) Midlevel abstraction (e.g. segmentation) High-level reasoning (e.g. scene understanding);
  • Detection/Segmentation methods;
  • Context and scenes Importance and saliency
  • Large-scale search and recognition
  • Egocentric vision systems
  • Human-in-the-loop interactive systems
  • 3D scene understanding
  • Recent advancements in Pattern Recognition Comparison between performance of classifiers
  • Basics of statistics covariance and their properties
  • Data condensation feature clustering
  • Data visualization Probability density estimation
  • Visualization and Aggregation
  • FCM and soft computing techniques
  • Examples of real-life datasets
  1. Data extraction
  2. Pre-processing of images
  3. Image segmentation
  4. Image classification AICTE


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  • Introduction of Grid and Cloud computing characteristics components
  • business and IT perspective
  • cloud services requirements cloud models
  • Security in public model public verses private clouds
  • Cloud computing platforms: Amazon EC2
  • Platform as Service: Google App Engine Microsoft Azure Utility Computing Elastic Computing.
  • Cloud services- SAAS PAAS IAAS
  • cloud design and implementation using SOA
  • conceptual cloud model cloud stack computing on demand
  • Information life cycle management cloud analytics
  • information security virtual desktop infrastructure storage cloud.
  • Virtualization technology: Definition benefits sensor virtualization
  • HVM study of hypervisor
  • logical partitioning- LPAR Storage virtualization SAN NAS
  • cloud server virtualization
  • virtualized data center.
  • Cloud security fundamentals
  • Vulnerability assessment tool for cloud
  • Privacy and Security in cloud
  • Cloud computing security architecture: Architectural Considerations- General Issues
  • Trusted Cloud computing
  • Secure Execution Environments and Communications
  • Micro architectures;
  • Identity Management and Access control-Identity management
  • Access control Autonomic Security
  • Cloud computing security challenges: Virtualization security management virtual threats
  • VM Security Recommendations
  • VM-Specific Security techniques
  • Secure Execution Environments and Communications in cloud
  • SOA and cloud SOA and IAAS
  • cloud infrastructure benchmarks OLAP business intelligence
  • e-Business ISV
  • Cloud performance monitoring commands issues in cloud computing.
  • QOS issues in cloud mobile cloud computing
  • Inter cloud issues Sky computing
  • Cloud Computing Platform Xen Cloud Platform
  • Eucalyptus OpenNebula Nimbus TPlatform
  • Apache Virtual Computing Lab (VCL)
  • Anomaly Elastic Computing Platform.


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  • Introduction: Needs for Security;
  • Basic security terminologies e.g. threats vulnerability exploit etc.;
  • Security principles(CIA) authentication non repudiation;
  • security attacks and their classifications;
  • Mathematical foundation – Prime Number;
  • Modular Arithmetic;
  • Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem;
  • The Euclidean Algorithms;
  • The Chinese Remainder Theorem;
  • Discrete logarithms.
  • Symmetric Key Cryptography: Classical cryptography – substitution transposition and their cryptanalysis;
  • Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm – DES 3DES AES etc.;
  • Modes of operation: ECB CBC etc.;
  • Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Key Ciphers: Linear Cryptanalysis Differential Cryptanalysis.
  • Asymmetric Key Cryptography: Key Distribution and Management
  • Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange algorithm;
  • Asymmetric Key Cryptography Algorithm– RSA ECC etc.;
  • Various types of attacks on Crypto systems.
  • Authentication & Integrity – MAC Hash function SHA MD5 HMAC
  • Digital signature and authentication protocols;
  • Authorization;
  • Access control mechanism;
  • X.509 Digital Certificate
  • E-mail IP and Web Security: E-mail security – PGP MIME S/MIME;
  • IP security protocols;
  • Web security – TLS SSL etc.;
  • Secure Electronic Transaction(SET);
  • Firewall and its types;
  • Introduction to IDPS;
  • Risk Management;
  • Security Planning


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  • Introduction: Introduction to Robotics Fundamentals of Robotics
  • Robot Kinematics: Position Analysis
  • Dynamic Analysis and Forces
  • Robot Programming languages & systems: Introduction the three levels of robot programming
  • requirements of a robot programming language
  • problems peculiar to robot programming languages.
  • Need of AI in Robotics: History state of the art Need for AI in Robotics.
  • Thinking and acting humanly
  • intelligent agents
  • structure of agents.
  • Game Playing: AI and game playing
  • plausible move generator
  • static evaluation move generator
  • game playing strategies
  • problems in game playing.
  • Robotics fundamentals: Robot Classification Robot Specification
  • notation kinematic representations and transformations
  • dynamics techniques;
  • trajectory planning and control.
  • Robotics and Its applications: DDD concept Intelligent robots
  • Robot anatomy-Definition law of robotics
  • History and Terminology of Robotics-Accuracy and repeatability of Robotics-Simple problems-Specifications of Robot-Speed of Robot
  • Robot joints and links-Robot classifications Architecture of robotic systems-Robot Drive systems-Hydraulic
  • Pneumatic and Electric system