Syllabus of B. Tech. VI Sem AIML (RGPV)
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of AL-601 Theory of Computation
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction of Automata Theory: Examples of automata machines
- Finite Automata as a language acceptor and translator
- Moore machines and mealy machines composite machine
- Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa
UNIT-2 :
- Types of Finite Automata: Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA)
- Deterministic finite automata machines
- conversion of NDFA to DFA
- minimization of automata machines regular expression
- Arden’s theorem.
- Meaning of union intersection
- concatenation and closure
- 2 way DFA.
UNIT-3 :
- Grammars: Types of grammar context sensitive grammar and context free grammar regular grammar.
- Derivation trees ambiguity in grammar
- simplification of context free grammar
- conversion of grammar to automata machine and vice versa
- Chomsky hierarchy of grammar killing null and unit productions.
- Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form.
UNIT-4 :
- Push down Automata: example of PDA
- deterministic and non-deterministic PDA
- conversion of PDA into context free grammar and vice versa
- CFG equivalent to PDA Petrinet model.
UNIT-5 :
- Turing Machine: Techniques for construction. Universal Turing machine Multitape multihead and multidimensional Turing machine
- N-P complete problems.
- Decidability and Recursively Enumerable Languages
- decidability decidable languages undecidable languages
- Halting problem of Turing machine & the post correspondence problem
- Design a Program for creating machine that accepts three consecutive one.
- Design a Program for creating machine that accepts the string always ending with 101.
- Design a Program for Mode 3 Machine
- Design a program for accepting decimal number divisible by 2.
- Design a program for creating a machine which accepts string having equal no. of 1’s and 0’s.
- Design a program for creating a machine which count number of 1’s and 0’s in a given string.
- Design a Program to find 2’s complement of a given binary number.
- Design a Program which will increment the given binary number by 1.
- Design a Program to convert NDFA to DFA.
- Design a Program to create PDA machine that accept the well-formed parenthesis.
- Design a PDA to accept WCWR where w is any string and WR is reverse of that string and C is a Special symbol.
- Design a Turing machine that’s accepts the following language an b n c n where n>0.
Syllabus of AL-602 Computer Networks
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Computer Network: Definitions goals components Architecture Classifications & Types.
- Layered Architecture: Protocol hierarchy
- Design Issues Interfaces and Services
- Connection Oriented & Connection less Services Service primitives
- Design issues & its functionality.
- ISOOSI Reference Model: Principle Model Descriptions of various layers and its comparison with TCP/IP.
- Principals of physical layer: Media Bandwidth Data rate and Modulations.
UNIT-2 :
- Data Link Layer: Need Services Provided Framing
- Flow Control Error control.
- Data Link Layer Protocol: Elementary & Sliding Window protocol: 1-bit Go-Back-N Selective Repeat
- Hybrid ARQ.
- Protocol verification: Finite State Machine Models & Petri net models. ARP/RARP/GARP
UNIT-3 :
- MAC Sub layer: MAC Addressing Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB) Algorithm
- Distributed Random Access Schemes/Contention Schemes: for Data Services (ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA)
- for Local-Area Networks (CSMA CSMA/CD CSMA/CA)
- Collision Free Protocols: Basic Bit Map BRAP Binary Count Down
- MLMA Limited Contention Protocols: Adaptive Tree Walk
- Performance Measuring Metrics.
- IEEE Standards 802 series & their variant
UNIT-4 :
- Network Layer: Need Services Provided Design issues
- Routing algorithms: Least Cost Routing algorithm Dijkstra’s algorithm
- Bellman-ford algorithm Hierarchical Routing Broadcast Routing Multicast Routing.
- IP Addresses Header format Packet forwarding
- Fragmentation and reassembly ICMP Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6.
UNIT-5 :
- Transport Layer: Design Issues
- UDP: Header Format Per-Segment Checksum Carrying Unicast/Multicast Real-Time Traffic
- TCP: Connection Management Reliability of Data Transfers
- TCP Flow Control TCP Congestion Control
- TCP Header Format TCP Timer Management.
- Application Layer: WWW and HTTP FTP SSH Email (SMTP MIME IMAP) DNS Network Management (SNMP).
- Study of Different Type of LAN& Network Equipments.
- Study and Verification of standard Network topologies i.e. Star Bus Ring etc.
- LAN installations and Configurations.
- Write a program to implement various types of error correcting techniques.
- Write a program to implement various types of farming methods.
- Study of Tool Command Language (TCL).
- Study and Installation of Standard Network Simulator: N.S-2 N.S3.OpNetQualNetetc.
- Study & Installation of ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment) Simulator for High Mobility Networks .
- Configure 802.11 WLAN.
- Implement &Simulate various types of routing algorithm.
- Study & Simulation of MAC Protocols like Aloha CSMA CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA using Standard Network Simulators.
- Study of Application layer protocols-DNS HTTP HTTPS FTP and TelNet.
Syllabus of AL-603 (A) Image and Video Processing (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
- Image representation and analysis
- Introduction to computer Vision
- Numerical representation of images
- Image augmentation enhancement
- processing color transforms geometric transforms
- feature recognition and extraction
- Image Segmentation Object detection
- breaking image into parts
- finding contours and edges of various objects in image
- Background subtraction for video.
- Object Motion and tracking Tracking a single point over time
- motion models to define object movement over time
- analyze videos as sequences of individual image frames
- methods to track a set of features over time
- matching features from image frame to other
- tracking a moving car using optical flow
- Robotic localization
- Bayesian statistics to locate a robot in space
- sensor measurements to safely navigate an environment
- Gaussian uncertainty
- histogram filter for robot localization in python
- Degradation model
- noise models
- estimation of degradation function by modeling
- restoration using Weiner filters and Inverse filters
- Various forms of image representation
- Apply various image segmentation algorithms
- Apply object motion and tracking
- Apply object localization
- Apply image restoration
Syllabus of AL-603 (B) Data and Visual Analytics (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Data Definitions and Analysis Techniques
- Elements Variables and Data categorization Levels of Measurement Data management and indexing
- Introduction to Statistical Concepts: Sampling Distributions Resampling
- Statistical Inference and Descriptive Statistics
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of location of dispersions
UNIT-2 : Advance Data analysis techniques
- Statistical hypothesis generation and testing
- Chi-Square test
- t-Test Analysis of variance
- Correlation analysis Maximum likelihood test
- Regression Modelling Multivariate Analysis
- Bayesian Modelling Inference and Bayesian Network
- Regression analysis
UNIT-3 : Data Wrangling
- Intro to Data Wrangling
- Gathering Data
- Assessing Data Cleaning Data.
- Data Visualization in Data Analysis: Design of Visualizations
- Univariate Exploration of Data
- Bivariate Exploration of Data Multivariate Exploration of Data
- Explanatory Visualizations.
UNIT-4 : Data Ecosystem
- Overview of the Data Analyst Ecosystem Types of Data
- Understanding Different Types of File Formats
- Sources of Data Overview of Data Repositories NoSQL
- Data Marts Data Lakes ETL and Data Pipelines
- Foundations of Big Data
- Big Data processing tools such as Hadoop Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
- Hive and Spark
UNIT-5 : Data Visualization tools
- Python visualization libraries (matplotlib pandas seaborn ggplot plotly)
- Introduction to PowerBI tools
- Examples of inspiring (industry) projects-
- Exercise: create your own visualization of a complex dataset.
Syllabus of AL-603 (C) Pattern Recognition (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
- Introduction and mathematical Preliminaries Principles of pattern recognition: Uses mathematics
- Classification and Bayesian rules
- Clustering vs classification
- Basics of linear algebra and vector spaces
- Eigen values and eigen vectors
- Rank of matrix and SVD
- Pattern Recognition basics Bayesian decision theory
- Classifiers Discriminant functions
- Decision surfaces Parameter estimation methods
- Hidden Markov models dimension reduction methods
- Fisher discriminant analysis
- Principal component analysis non-parametric techniques for density estimation
- non metric methods for pattern classification
- unsupervised learning
- algorithms for clustering: K means Hierarchical and other methods
- Feature Selection and extraction Problem statement and uses
- Branch and bound algorithm
- Sequential forward and backward selection
- Cauchy Schwartz inequality
- Feature selection criteria function: Probabilistic separability based and Inter class distance based
- Feature Extraction: principles.
- Visual Recognition Human visual recognition system
- Recognition methods: Low-level modelling (e.g. features) Midlevel abstraction (e.g. segmentation) High-level reasoning (e.g. scene understanding);
- Detection/Segmentation methods;
- Context and scenes Importance and saliency
- Large-scale search and recognition
- Egocentric vision systems
- Human-in-the-loop interactive systems
- 3D scene understanding
- Recent advancements in Pattern Recognition Comparison between performance of classifiers
- Basics of statistics covariance and their properties
- Data condensation feature clustering
- Data visualization Probability density estimation
- Visualization and Aggregation
- FCM and soft computing techniques
- Examples of real-life datasets
- Data extraction
- Pre-processing of images
- Image segmentation
- Image classification AICTE
Syllabus of AL-604 (A) Cloud Computing (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction of Grid and Cloud computing characteristics components
- business and IT perspective
- cloud services requirements cloud models
- Security in public model public verses private clouds
- Cloud computing platforms: Amazon EC2
- Platform as Service: Google App Engine Microsoft Azure Utility Computing Elastic Computing.
UNIT-2 :
- Cloud services- SAAS PAAS IAAS
- cloud design and implementation using SOA
- conceptual cloud model cloud stack computing on demand
- Information life cycle management cloud analytics
- information security virtual desktop infrastructure storage cloud.
UNIT-3 :
- Virtualization technology: Definition benefits sensor virtualization
- HVM study of hypervisor
- logical partitioning- LPAR Storage virtualization SAN NAS
- cloud server virtualization
- virtualized data center.
UNIT-4 :
- Cloud security fundamentals
- Vulnerability assessment tool for cloud
- Privacy and Security in cloud
- Cloud computing security architecture: Architectural Considerations- General Issues
- Trusted Cloud computing
- Secure Execution Environments and Communications
- Micro architectures;
- Identity Management and Access control-Identity management
- Access control Autonomic Security
- Cloud computing security challenges: Virtualization security management virtual threats
- VM Security Recommendations
- VM-Specific Security techniques
- Secure Execution Environments and Communications in cloud
UNIT-5 :
- SOA and cloud SOA and IAAS
- cloud infrastructure benchmarks OLAP business intelligence
- e-Business ISV
- Cloud performance monitoring commands issues in cloud computing.
- QOS issues in cloud mobile cloud computing
- Inter cloud issues Sky computing
- Cloud Computing Platform Xen Cloud Platform
- Eucalyptus OpenNebula Nimbus TPlatform
- Apache Virtual Computing Lab (VCL)
- Anomaly Elastic Computing Platform.
Syllabus of AL-604 (B) Information Security & Management (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction: Needs for Security;
- Basic security terminologies e.g. threats vulnerability exploit etc.;
- Security principles(CIA) authentication non repudiation;
- security attacks and their classifications;
- Mathematical foundation – Prime Number;
- Modular Arithmetic;
- Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem;
- The Euclidean Algorithms;
- The Chinese Remainder Theorem;
- Discrete logarithms.
UNIT-2 :
- Symmetric Key Cryptography: Classical cryptography – substitution transposition and their cryptanalysis;
- Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm – DES 3DES AES etc.;
- Modes of operation: ECB CBC etc.;
- Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Key Ciphers: Linear Cryptanalysis Differential Cryptanalysis.
UNIT-3 :
- Asymmetric Key Cryptography: Key Distribution and Management
- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange algorithm;
- Asymmetric Key Cryptography Algorithm– RSA ECC etc.;
- Various types of attacks on Crypto systems.
UNIT-4 :
- Authentication & Integrity – MAC Hash function SHA MD5 HMAC
- Digital signature and authentication protocols;
- Authorization;
- Access control mechanism;
- X.509 Digital Certificate
UNIT-5 :
- E-mail IP and Web Security: E-mail security – PGP MIME S/MIME;
- IP security protocols;
- Web security – TLS SSL etc.;
- Secure Electronic Transaction(SET);
- Firewall and its types;
- Introduction to IDPS;
- Risk Management;
- Security Planning
Syllabus of AL-604 (C) Intelligent Systems for Robotics (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction: Introduction to Robotics Fundamentals of Robotics
- Robot Kinematics: Position Analysis
- Dynamic Analysis and Forces
- Robot Programming languages & systems: Introduction the three levels of robot programming
- requirements of a robot programming language
- problems peculiar to robot programming languages.
UNIT-2 :
- Need of AI in Robotics: History state of the art Need for AI in Robotics.
- Thinking and acting humanly
- intelligent agents
- structure of agents.
UNIT-3 :
- Game Playing: AI and game playing
- plausible move generator
- static evaluation move generator
- game playing strategies
- problems in game playing.
UNIT-4 :
- Robotics fundamentals: Robot Classification Robot Specification
- notation kinematic representations and transformations
- dynamics techniques;
- trajectory planning and control.
UNIT-5 :
- Robotics and Its applications: DDD concept Intelligent robots
- Robot anatomy-Definition law of robotics
- History and Terminology of Robotics-Accuracy and repeatability of Robotics-Simple problems-Specifications of Robot-Speed of Robot
- Robot joints and links-Robot classifications Architecture of robotic systems-Robot Drive systems-Hydraulic
- Pneumatic and Electric system
==End of Syllabus==