Syllabus of III SEM CSE (RGPV)

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  • Introduction to energy systems and resources
  • Introduction to Energy sustainability & the environment
  • Overview of energy systems sources transformations efficiency and storage
  • Fossil fuels (coal oil oil-bearing shale and sands coal gasification) – past present & future
  • Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels – biomass wind solar nuclear wave tidal and hydrogen
  • Sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy systems
  • possibilities for energy storage or regeneration (Ex. Pumped storage hydro power projects superconductor-based energy storages high efficiency batteries)
  • Concept of an ecosystem
  • Structure and function of an ecosystem
  • Producers consumers and decomposers
  • Energy flow in the ecosystem
  • Ecological succession
  • Food chains food webs and ecological pyramids
  • Introduction types characteristic features
  • structure and function of the following ecosystem (a.)Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds streams lakes rivers oceans estuaries)
  • Introduction – Definition: genetic species and ecosystem diversity
  • Biogeographical classification of India
  • Value of biodiversity: consumptive use productive use social ethical aesthetic and option values
  • Biodiversity at global National and local levels
  • India as a mega-diversity nation
  • Hot-sports of biodiversity
  • Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss poaching of wildlife man-wildlife conflicts Endangered and endemic species of India
  • Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
  • Definition Cause effects and control measures of Air pollution
  • Water pollution Soil pollution Marine pollution Noise pollution Thermal pollution Nuclear hazards.
  • Solid waste Management: Causes effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes
  • Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
  • Pollution case studies
  • Disaster management: floods earthquake cyclone and landslides.
  • From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
  • Urban problems related to energy
  • Water conservation rain water harvesting watershed management
  • Resettlement and rehabilitation of people
  • its problems and concerns.
  • Case Studies Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions.
  • Climate change global warming acid rain ozone layer depletion nuclear accidents and holocaust.
  • Case Studies Wasteland reclamation
  • Consumerism and waste products;
  • Environment Protection Act
  • Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
  • Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
  • Wildlife Protection Act
  • Forest Conservation Act
  • Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
  • Public awareness.

• Visit to a local area to document environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain

• Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural

• Study of common plants insects birds.

• Study of simple ecosystems-pond river hill slopes etc.

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  • Set Theory Relation Function Theorem Proving Techniques
  • Set Theory: Definition of sets countable and uncountable sets Venn Diagrams proofs of some general identities on sets Relation
  • Definition types of relation composition of relations Pictorial representation of relation Equivalence relation Partial ordering relation Job-Scheduling problem Function
  • Definition type of functions one to one into and onto function inverse function composition of functions recursively defined functions pigeonhole principle.
  • Theorem proving Techniques: Mathematical induction Proof by contradiction.
  • Algebraic Structures: Definition Properties types
  • Semi Groups Monoid Groups Abelian group
  • properties of groups Subgroup cyclic groups Cosets
  • factor group Permutation groups Normal subgroup
  • Homomorphism and isomorphism of Groups
  • example and standard results
  • Rings and Fields: definition and standard results.
  • Propositional Logic: Proposition First order logic
  • Basic logical operation truth tables tautologies
  • Contradictions Algebra of Proposition logical implications
  • logical equivalence predicates
  • Normal Forms Universal and existential quantifiers.
  • Introduction to finite state machine Finite state machines as models of physical system equivalence machines.
  • Finite state machines as language recognizers
  • Graph Theory: Introduction and basic terminology of graphs
  • Planer graphs Multigraphs and weighted graphs Isomorphic graphs
  • Paths Cycles and connectivity Shortest path in weighted graph
  • Introduction to Eulerian paths and circuits
  • Hamiltonian paths and circuits Graph coloring
  • chromatic number Isomorphism and Homomorphism of graphs.
  • Posets Hasse Diagram and Lattices
  • Introduction ordered set Hasse diagram of partially
  • ordered set isomorphic ordered set well ordered set
  • properties of Lattices bounded and complemented lattices
  • Combinatorics: Introduction Permutation and combination
  • Binomial Theorem Multimonial Coefficients Recurrence Relation
  • and Generating Function.
  • Introduction to Recurrence Relation and Recursive algorithms
  • Linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients
  • Homogeneous solutions Particular solutions
  • Total solutions Generating functions
  • Solution by method of generating functions.

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  • Review of C programming language.
  • Introduction to Data Structure: Concepts of Data and Information
  • Classification of Data structures Abstract Data Types
  • Implementation aspects: Memory representation. Data structures operations and its cost estimation.
  • Introduction to linear data structures- Arrays
  • Linked List: Representation of linked list in memory
  • different implementation of linked list.
  • Circular linked list doubly linked list etc.
  • Application of linked list: polynomial manipulation using linked list etc.
  • Stacks: Stacks as ADT Different implementation of stack multiple stacks.
  • Application of Stack: Conversion of infix to postfix notation using stack
  • evaluation of postfix expression Recursion.
  • Queues: Queues as ADT Different implementation of queue
  • Circular queue Concept of Dqueue and Priority Queue
  • Queue simulation Application of queues.
  • Tree: Definitions – Height depth order degree etc.
  • Binary Search Tree – Operations Traversal Search.
  • AVL Tree Heap Applications and comparison of various types of tree;
  • Introduction to forest multi-way Tree B tree B+ tree B* tree and red-black tree
  • Graphs: Introduction
  • Classification of graph: Directed and Undirected graphs etc
  • Representation Graph Traversal: Depth First Search (DFS)
  • Breadth First Search (BFS)
  • Graph algorithm: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)- Kruskal Prim’s algorithms. Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm; Comparison between different graph algorithms. Application of graphs.
  • Sorting: Introduction
  • Sort methods like: Bubble Sort Quick sort. Selection sort
  • Heap sort Insertion sort Shell sort Merge sort and Radix sort;
  • comparison of various sorting techniques.
  • Searching: Basic Search Techniques: Sequential search
  • Binary search Comparison of search methods.
  • Hashing & Indexing.
  • Case Study: Application of various data structures in operating system
  • DBMS etc.

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  • Review of number systems and number base conversions.
  • Binary codes Boolean algebra Boolean functions Logic gates.
  • Simplification of Boolean functions Karnaugh map methods
  • SOP-POS simplification NAND-NOR implementation.
  • Combinational Logic: Half adder Half subtractor Full adder
  • Full subtractor look- ahead carry generator
  • BCD adder Series and parallel addition
  • Multiplexer – demultiplexer encoder- decoder arithmetic circuits ALU
  • Sequential logic: flip flops DT S-R J-K Master- Slave
  • racing condition Edge & Level triggered circuits Shift registers
  • Asynchronous and synchronous counters their types and state diagrams. Semiconductor memories Introduction to digital ICs 2716 2732 etc. & their address decoding.
  • Modern trends in semiconductor memories such as DRAM FLASH RAM etc. Designing with ROM and PLA.
  • Introduction to A/D & D/A convertors & their types
  • sample and hold circuits Voltage to Frequency & Frequency to Voltage conversion. Multivibrators: Bistable Monostable Astable Schmitt trigger IC 555 & Its applications.
  • TTL PMOS CMOS and NMOS logic.
  • Interfacing between TTL to MOS.
  • Introduction to Digital Communication: Nyquist sampling theorem
  • time division multiplexing PCM quantization error
  • introduction to BPSK & BFSK modulation schemes.
  • Shannon’s theorem for channel capacity.

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  • Introduction to Object Oriented Thinking & Object Oriented Programming:
  • Comparison with Procedural Programming
  • features of Object oriented paradigm– Merits and demerits of OO methodology; Object model;
  • Elements of OOPS IO processing.
  • Encapsulation and Data Abstraction- Concept of Objects:
  • State Behavior & Identity of an object;
  • Classes: identifying classes and candidates for Classes Attributes and Services Access modifiers Static members of a Class Instances
  • Message passing and Construction and destruction of Objects.
  • Relationships – Inheritance: purpose and its types ‘is a’ relationship;
  • Association Aggregation.
  • Concept of interfaces and Abstract classes.
  • Polymorphism: Introduction Method Overriding & Overloading
  • static and run time Polymorphism.
  • Strings Exceptional handling
  • Introduction of Multi-threading and Data collections.
  • Case study like: ATM Library management system.