Syllabus of V SEM CSIT (RGPV)

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  • Importance of computer networks broadcast and point to point networks
  • Local area networks and Wide area networks
  • ISO-OSI reference model TCP/IP model interfaces and services
  • Protocol data unit connection oriented and connectionless services service primitives
  • Binding Protocol Address- ARP & RARP packet format
  • Encapsulation.
  • Data – Link layer : – Data link layer design issues framing
  • flow & error control physical addressing Stop & Wait protocol
  • Go back N ARQ selective repeat ARQ piggybacking and pipelining
  • HDLC LAN Protocol stack-Logical link control and Media Access Control sublayer IEEE 802.2 LLC Frame format;
  • MAC layer Protocols- static and dynamic allocation Pure and slotted ALOHA
  • Carrier sense multiple access
  • Persistent and non persistent CSMA
  • IEEE standard 802.3 802.4 802.5 FDDI
  • The Network layer- logical addressing classful & classless addressing
  • packet delivery & forwarding. unicast routing protocols
  • multicast routing protocols
  • Routing algorithm- Least Cost Dijkstra’s Bellman-ford
  • Introduction to Internet protocol IPv4 header IPv4 Datagrams
  • Encapsulation Fragmentation and Reassembly IP routing
  • Subnet addressing Subnet mask
  • Super netting- special case of IP addresses Ipv6-Motivation
  • frame format and addressing.
  • ICMP : Introduction ICMP Header ICMP message types.
  • Transport layer- TCP : Introduction Transport services
  • Process to process delivery TCP congestion control algorithms quality of service headers
  • connection establishment and termination timeout of connection establishment maximum segment size port no. and socket addresses
  • TCP timers
  • UDP : Introduction UDP header UDP checksum UDP operations encapsulation & decapsulation queuing
  • SCTP- Services transmission sequence number stream identifier stream sequence number packet format.
  • Application layer – BOOTP :– operation packet format
  • DHCP :– Address allocation configuration & packet Format
  • DNS : Distribution of name spaces DNS in the internet
  • FTP :– Connection Communication command processing TFTP
  • study of internetworking devices and their configuration– switches hubs Bridges routers and Gateways.

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  • Introduction to Operating Systems Evaluation of OS
  • Types of operating Systems system protection
  • Operating system services Operating System structure
  • System Calls and System Boots
  • Operating System design and implementation
  • Spooling and Buffering.
  • Basic concepts of CPU scheduling
  • Scheduling criteria Scheduling algorithms algorithm evaluation multiple processor scheduling.
  • Process concept operations on processes threads inter process communication precedence graphs
  • critical section problem semaphores
  • classical problems of synchronization
  • Deadlock problem deadlock characterization deadlock prevention deadlock avoidance deadlock detection recovery from deadlock
  • Methods for deadlock handling.
  • Concepts of memory management logical and physical address space swapping
  • Fixed and Dynamic Partitions
  • Best-Fit First-Fit and Worst Fit Allocation
  • paging segmentation and paging combined with segmentation.
  • Concepts of virtual memory Cache Memory Organization
  • demand paging page replacement algorithms allocation of frames
  • thrashing demand segmentation
  • Role of Operating System in Security Security Breaches
  • System Protection and Password Managment.
  • Disk scheduling
  • file concepts File manager File organization access methods
  • allocation methods free space managements directory systems
  • file protection file organization & access mechanism
  • file sharing implement issue
  • File Management in Linux
  • introduction to distributed systems.
  1. Program to implement FCFS CPU scheduling algorithm.
  2. Program to implement SJF CPU scheduling algorithm.
  3. Program to implement Priority CPU Scheduling algorithm.
  4. Program to implement Round Robin CPU scheduling algorithm.
  5. Program to implement classical inter process communication problem(producer consumer).
  6. Program to implement classical inter process communication problem(Reader Writers).
  7. Program to implement classical inter process communication problem(Dining Philosophers).
  8. Program to implement FIFO page replacement algorithm.
  9. Program to implement LRU page replacement algorithm

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  • Introduction of the theory of computation
  • Finite state automata – description of finite automata properties of transition functions
  • Transition graph designing finite automata FSM DFA NFA 2-way finite automata
  • equivalence of NFA and DFA Mealy and Moore machines.
  • Regular grammars regular expressions regular sets closure properties of regular grammars
  • Arden’s theorem Myhill-Nerode theorem
  • pumping lemma for regular languages
  • Application of pumping lemma applications of finite automata
  • minimization of FSA.
  • Introduction of Context-Free Grammar – derivation trees ambiguity
  • simplification of CFGs normal forms of CFGs- Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal forms
  • pumping lemma for CFLs decision algorithms for CFGs designing CFGs Closure properties of CFL’s.
  • Introduction of PDA formal definition
  • closure property of PDA examples of PDA
  • Deterministic Pushdown Automata
  • NPDA conversion PDA to CFG conversion CFG to PDA.
  • Turing machines – basics and formal definition
  • language acceptability by TM examples of TM variants of TMs – multitape TM NDTM Universal Turing Machine offline TMs
  • equivalence of single tape and multitape TMs.
  • Recursive and recursively enumerable languages
  • decidable and undecidable problems – examples halting problem reducibility.
  • Introduction of P NP NP complete NP hard problems and Examples of these problems.

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  • Evolution of microprocessor single chip micro computers
  • Micro processor Application Microprocessor and its architecture
  • addressing modes instruction Instruction sets
  • Arithmetic and Logic Instruction Program control instruction
  • Introduction –8086 family procedure and macros connection
  • Timing and Troubleshooting interrupt 80286 80836 and 80486 micro processor system concept.
  • Microprocessor Cycle AIU Timing and control Unit Register data
  • Address bus Pin Configuration Intel 8086 instruction Opcode and operands limitation word size.
  • Programming the microprocessor Assembly language
  • The Pentium and Pentium Pro Micro Processorwith features Pentium II Pentium III and Pentium –IV Microprocessor with software changes.
  • Instruction set for Intel 8086 Introduction Intimation and data formats Addressing modes Status flags
  • Symbols and abbreviations programming of microprocessors Assembly language
  • high level language areas of application of various languages
  • Stacks Sub routines system software commands in assembly language
  • software Development Debugging program Modular programming
  • Structured programming Top-down Bottom-up design
  • MACRO microprogramming.
  • Assembly language programming with Examples like Addition of 8/16-bit Binary number subtraction of 8/16 bit binary number
  • Address partitioning addressing mode type of addressing mode memory and I/o interfacing
  • Data transfer schemes
  • Interfacing device and I/o devices I/o ports Basic I/o Interfacing MDS Micro controllers I/o processor and co-processors
  • Microcomputer Development system
  • Single chip micro computers intel 8748 intel 8051 inter 8096 intel 8049intel 2920/2921
  • I/o processor UPI-425UPI-4142 Co-processor math processor math co-processor –8087 80287 80387DX 803875x
  • Bus Interface I/o port Addressing decoding 8279
  • Programmable key board/display interface 8254 Internal Timer 16550 programmable communication interface A/D
  • 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller 8237 DMA Controller
  • Shared bus operation disk Memory system Video display.
  • ISA Bus Extended ISA ( EISA) and VESA Local Buses Peripheral Component Inter Connect (PcIc) Bus
  • Parallel Printer interface (LPT) Universal serial Bus (USB) Accelerated graphics port (AGP)
  • Programmable Communication interfere 8251 VSART CRT Controller 8275 6854 Floppy disk Controller 8272 I/o processor 8089.
  • EEPROM Nonvolatile RAM semiconductor Technology for memory
  • Shift register Magnetic Memory Tap disc
  • main memory and secondary memory cache memory program memory and Data Memory
  • Real and virtual memory Buses memory Addressing capacity of CPU processing speed of computer

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  • Language Evaluation Criteria influences on Language design Language categories
  • Programming Paradigms –Imperative Object Oriented functional Programming Logic Programming.
  • Programming Language Implementation –Compilation and Virtual Machines programming environments
  • Data types : Introduction primitive character user defined array associative record union pointer and reference types
  • design and implementation uses related to these types.
  • Names Variable conceptof binding type checking strong typing type compatibility named constants variable initialization
  • Sequence control with Expressions Conditional Statements Loops Exception handling.
  • Subprograms and Blocks : Fundamentals of sub-programs Scope and lifetime of variable static and dynamic scope
  • Design issues of subprograms and operations local referencing environments parameter passing methods
  • overloaded sub-programs generic sub-programs
  • design issues for functions overloaded operators co routines.
  • Abstract Data types : Abstractions and encapsulation
  • introductions to data abstraction
  • Static and Stack-Based Storage management.
  • heap based storage management.
  • Garbage Collection.
  • Object oriented programming in small talk C++ Java C# PHP Perl .
  • Concurrency : Subprogram level concurrency semaphores monitors massage passing Java threads C# threads
  • Exception handling Exceptions exception Propagation
  • Exception handler in C++ and Java.
  • Logic Programming Language : Introduction and overview of logic programming
  • basic elements of prolog application of logic programming.
  • Functional Programming Languages : Introduction fundamentals.
  • Introduction to 4GL.
  1. Define a LISP function to compute sum of squares.
  2. Define a LISP function to compute difference of squares.(if x > y return x2 -y2 otherwise y2 – x2 ).
  3. Define aRecursive LISP function to solve Ackermann’s Function.
  4. Define a Recursive LISP function to compute factorial of a given number.
  5. Define a Recursive LISP function which takes one argument as a list and returns last element of the ist. (Do not use last predicate).
  6. Define a Recursive LISP function which takes one argument as a list and returns a list except last element of the list. (Do not use but last predicate).
  7. Define a Recursive LISP function which takes one argument as a list and returns reverse of the list. (Do not use reverse predicate).
  8. Define a Recursive LISP function which takes two arguments first an atom second a list returns a list after. 

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  • Introduction of Cyber Crime Challenges of cyber crime
  • Classifications of Cybercrimes : E-Mail Spoofing Spamming Internet Time Theft Salami attack/Salami Technique
  • Web jacking Online Frauds Software Piracy
  • Computer Network Intrusions Password Sniffing Identity Theft
  • cyber terrorism Virtual Crime
  • Perception of cyber criminals : hackers insurgents and extremist group etc.
  • Web servers were hacking session hijacking.
  • Cyber Crime and Criminal justice : Concept of Cyber Crime and the IT Act 2000 Hacking Teenage Web Vandals
  • Cyber Fraud and Cheating Defamation Harassment and E-mail Abuse Other IT Act Offences
  • Monetary Penalties jurisdiction and Cyber Crimes
  • Nature of Criminality Strategies to tackle Cyber Crime and Trends.
  • The Indian Evidence Act of 1872 v.
  • Information Technology Act 2000 : Status of Electronic Records as Evidence
  • Proof and Management of Electronic Records;
  • Relevancy Admissibility and Probative Value of E-Evidence
  • Proving Digital Signatures Proof of Electronic Agreements
  • Proving Electronic Messages.
  • Tools and Methods in Cybercrime : Proxy Servers and Anonymizers
  • Password Cracking Key loggers and Spyware virus and worms
  • Trojan Horses Backdoors DoS and DDoS Attacks
  • Buffer and Overflow Attack on Wireless Networks
  • Phishing : Method of Phishing Phishing Techniques.

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  • Meaning and definition of artificial intelligence
  • Production systems Characteristics of production systems
  • Study and comparison of breadth first search and depth first search techniques
  • other Search Techniques like hill Climbing Best first Search. A* algorithm AO* algorithms etc and various types of control strategies.
  • Knowledge Representation Problems in representing knowledge
  • knowledge representation using propositional and predicate logic comparison of propositional and predicate logic
  • Resolution refutation deduction theorem proving inferencing monotonic and non-monotonic
  • Probabilistic reasoning Baye’s theorem
  • semantic networks scripts schemas frames
  • conceptual dependency fuzzy logic forward and backward reasoning.
  • Game playing techniques like minimax procedure alpha-beta cut-offs etc planning
  • Study of the block world problem in robotics
  • Introduction to understanding natural language processing.
  • Introduction to learning Various techniques used in learning
  • Introduction to neural networks applications of neural networks
  • common sense reasoning
  • some example of expert systems.

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  • Introduction to building blocks of electronic commerce : Internet and networking. Technologies
  • Static and dynamic web pages tiers plug-ins frames and forms. Exposure to Markup languages HTML DHTML VRML SGML XML etc.
  • CGI Applets & Serve-lets JSP & JAVA Beans active X control ASP cookies creating and reading cookies semantic web semantic web service ontology
  • Comparative case study of Microsoft and JAVA technologies web server scalability.
  • Distributed objects object request brokers component technology
  • Web services Web application architectures Browsers Search engines.
  • Introduction to e-commerce : History of e-commerce e-business models B2B B2C C2C C2B legal;
  • environment of e-commerce ethical issues electronic data interchange value chain and supply chain advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce
  • Electronic Payment Systems : Credit cards debit cards smart cards e-credit accounts emoney Marketing on the web
  • marketing strategies advertising on the web customer service and support
  • introduction to m-commerce
  • case study : e-commerce in passenger air transport.
  • EGovernment theoretical background of e-governance
  • issues in e-governance applications evolution of e-governance
  • its scope and content benefits and reasons for the introduction of egovernance
  • E-Government systems security : Challenges and approach to e-government security
  • security concern in e-commerce security for server computers
  • communication channel security security for client computers.

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  • Concepts Unix/Linux Installation Process
  • Hardware Requirements for Unix/Linux Advantages of Unix/Linux Reasons for Popularity and Success of Linux/Unix Operating System
  • Features of Linux/Unix Operating System Kernel Kernel Functions
  • Shell Variables Branching Control Structures
  • Loop-Control Structure Continue and break Statements Sleep Command Debugging Script.
  • Use of Linux as webserver file server directory server application server DNS server SMTP server Firewall Proxy server.
  • Definition of File System Defining Geometry Disk Controller
  • Solaris File System Disk Based File Systems
  • Network-Based File Systems Virtual File systems UFS File System
  • The Boot Block The Super Block The Inode
  • Tuning File System Repairing File System.
  • Viewing a Process Command to display Process
  • Process Attributes Process States Process Fields PS Commands options PGREP PRSTAT CDE Process Manager
  • Scheduling Process Scheduling Priorities
  • Changing the Priority of a time-sharing process Killing Process.
  • Physical Security Controlling System Access Restricted Shells Controlling File Access File Access Commands
  • Access Control List(ACLs) Setting ACL Entries Modifying ACL entries on a file Deleting ACL entries on a file
  • Restricting FTP Securing Super User Access Restricting Root Access Monitoring super user Access TCP Wrappers.
  • Introduction DHCP Leased Time DHCP Scopes DHCP IP Address Allocation Types
  • Planning DHCP Deployment DHCP Configuration files
  • Automatic Startup of DHCP Server Configuration of DHCP Clients Manually Configuring the DHCP.
  • Installation of Linux Customization of Linux
  • Installation of SAMBA APACHE TOMCAT Send MAIL Postfix
  • Implementation of DNS LDAP services Firewall Proxy server
  1. To Study basic & User status Unix/Linux Commands.
  2. Study & use of commands for performing arithmetic operations with Unix/Linux.
  3. Create a file called wlcc.txt with some lines and display how many lines words and characters are present in that file.
  4. Append ten more simple lines to the wlcc.txt file created above and split the appended file into 3 parts. What will be the names of these split files? Display the contents of each of these files. How many lines will be there on the last file?
  5. Given two files each of which contains names of students. Create a program to display only those names that are found on both the files.
  6. Create a program to find out the inode number of any desired file.
  7. Study & use of the Command for changing file permissions.
  8. Write a pipeline of commands which displays on the monitor as well as saves the information about the number of users using the system at present on a file called usere.ux.
  9. Execute shell commands through vi editor.
  10. Installation Configuration & Customizations of Unix/Linux.
  11. Write a shell script that accepts any number of arguments and prints them in the reverse order.
  12. Write a shell script to find the smallest of three numbers that are read from the keyboard.
  13. Write a shell script that reports the logging in of a specified user within one minute after he/she logs in. The script automatically terminates if the specified user does not login during a specified period of time.
  14. Installation of SAMBA APACHE TOMCAT.
  15. Implementation of DNS LDAP services
  16. Study & installation of Firewall & Proxy server