Syllabus of VI SEM CSE (RGPV)

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  • Introduction to machine learning
  • scope and limitations regression probability
  • statistics and linear algebra for machine learning
  • convex optimization data visualization
  • hypothesis function and testing
  • data distributions data preprocessing
  • data augmentation normalizing data sets
  • machine learning models
  • supervised and unsupervised learning.
  • Linearity vs non linearity
  • activation functions like sigmoid
  • ReLU etc. weights and bias loss function
  • gradient descent multilayer network
  • backpropagation weight initialization
  • training testing unstable gradient problem
  • auto encoders batch normalization
  • dropout L1 and L2 regularization
  • momentum tuning hyper parameters
  • Convolutional neural network flattening
  • subsampling padding stride
  • convolution layer pooling layer
  • loss layer dance layer 1×1 convolution
  • inception network input channels
  • transfer learning one shot learning
  • dimension reductions
  • implementation of CNN like tensor flow keras etc.
  • Recurrent neural network
  • Long short-term memory gated recurrent unit
  • translation beam search and width Bleu score
  • attention model Reinforcement Learning
  • RL-framework MDP Bellman equations
  • Value Iteration and Policy Iteration
  • Actor-critic model Q-learning SARSA
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Bayesian learning
  • application of machine learning in computer vision
  • speech processing natural language processing etc
  • Case Study: ImageNet Competition

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  • Computer Network : Definitions goals components
  • Architecture Classifications & Types.
  • Layered Architecture : Protocol hierarchy Design Issues
  • Interfaces and Services
  • Connection Oriented & Connectionless Services
  • Service primitives Design issues & its functionality.
  • ISOOSI Reference Model: Principle Model Descriptions of various layers and its comparison with TCP/IP.
  • Principals of physical layer: Media Bandwidth Data rate and Modulations
  • Data Link Layer : Need Services Provided
  • Framing Flow Control Error control.
  • Data Link Layer Protocol : Elementary & Sliding Window protocol: 1-bit Go-Back-N Selective Repeat Hybrid ARQ.
  • Protocol verification : Finite State Machine Models & Petri net models. ARP/RARP/GARP
  • MAC Sub layer : MAC Addressing
  • Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB) Algorithm
  • Distributed Random Access Schemes/Contention Schemes : for Data Services (ALOHA and SlottedALOHA) for Local-Area Networks (CSMA
  • Collision Free Protocols : Basic Bit Map BRAP
  • Binary Count Down
  • MLMA Limited Contention Protocols : Adaptive Tree Walk
  • Performance Measuring Metrics.
  • IEEE Standards 802 series & their variant.
  • Network Layer : Need Services Provided
  • Design issues
  • Routing algorithms : Least Cost Routing algorithm
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm Bellman-ford algorithm
  • Hierarchical Routing Broadcast Routing
  • Multicast Routing. IP Addresses
  • Header format Packet forwarding
  • Fragmentation and reassembly
  • ICMP Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6
  • Transport Layer : Design Issues UDP: Header Format
  • Per-Segment Checksum
  • Carrying Unicast/Multicast Real-Time Traffic
  • TCP: Connection Management Reliability of Data Transfers
  • TCP Flow Control TCP Congestion Control
  • TCP Header Format TCP Timer Management.
  • Application Layer: WWW and HTTP FTP SSH
  • Network Management (SNMP).

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  • Flynn’s Classification
  • System Attributes to Performance
  • Parallel computer models – Multiprocessors and multicomputers
  • Multivector and SIMD Computers.
  • Data and resource dependences
  • Hardware and software parallelism
  • Program partitioning and scheduling
  • Grain size and latency Control flow
  • data flow and Demand driven mechanisms.
  • Static interconnection networks
  • Dynamic interconnection Networks: Bus Systems Crossbar Switch
  • Multiport Memory
  • Multistage and Combining Networks
  • Instruction set architecture
  • CISC Scalar Processors RISC Scalar Processors
  • VLIW architecture Memory Hierarchy Inclusion
  • Coherence and Locality Memory capacity planning.
  • Interleaved memory organization-memory interleaving
  • pipelined memory access Bandwidth and Fault Tolerance.
  • Backplane Bus System : Backplane bus specification
  • Addressing and timing protocols
  • Arbitration transaction and interrupt.
  • Linear pipeline processor
  • Nonlinear pipeline processor Instruction pipeline design
  • Mechanisms for instruction pipelining pipeline hazards
  • Dynamic instruction scheduling -score boarding and Tomosulo’s algorithm
  • Branch handling techniques Arithmetic Pipeline Design
  • Static arithmetic pipeline Multifunctional arithmetic pipelines.
  • Superscalar pipeline design
  • Super pipeline processor design.
  • Cache coherence Snoopy protocols
  • Directory based protocols.
  • Message routing schemes in multicomputer network
  • deadlock and virtual channel.
  • Vector Processing Principles Vector instruction types
  • Vector-access memory schemes.
  • Vector supercomputer architecture
  • SIMD organization : distributed memory model and shared memory model. Principles of Multithreading : Multithreading Issues and Solutions
  • Multiple-Context Processors
  • Parallel Programming Models Shared-Variable Model
  • Message-Passing Model Data-Parallel Model
  • Object-Oriented Model Functional and Logic Models
  • Parallel Languages and Compilers
  • Language Features for Parallelism
  • Parallel Programming Environment
  • Software Tools and Environments.

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  • Introduction to Raster Scan displays
  • Pixels Frame buffer Vector & Character generation
  • Random Scan systems
  • Display devices Scan Conversion techniques
  • Line Drawing algorithms : simple DDA Bresenham’s Algorithm
  • Circle Drawing Algorithms: Midpoint Circle drawing and Bresenham’s Algorithm
  • Polygon fill algorithm : Boundary-fill and Flood-fill algorithms.
  • 2-D Transformation : Translation Rotation
  • Scaling Shearing Reflection.
  • Inverse Transformation Homogeneous coordinate system
  • Matrices Transformation Composite Transformation.
  • Windowing & Clipping : World Coordinate System
  • Screen Coordinate System Viewing Transformation
  • Line Clipping & Polygon Clipping Algorithms.
  • 3-D Transformations : Translation Rotation and Scaling.
  • Parallel & Perspective Projection : Types of Parallel & Perspective Projection Hidden Surface elimination : Depth comparison Back face detection algorithm Painter’s Algorithm Z-Buffer Algorithm.
  • Curve generation Bezier and B-spline methods.
  • Basic Illumination Model : Diffuse reflection Specular reflection
  • Phong Shading Gouraud shading Ray Tracing
  • Color models like RGB YIQ CMY HSV.
  • Visualization : Visualization of 2D/3D scalar fields: color mapping ISO surfaces.
  • Direct volume data rendering : ray-casting transfer functions segmentation.
  • Visualization of Vector fields and flow data
  • Time-varying data
  • High-dimensional data : dimension reduction parallel coordinates
  • Non-spatial data : multi-variate tree/graph structured
  • text Perceptual and cognitive foundations
  • Evaluation of visualization methods
  • Applications of visualization
  • Basic Animation Techniques like traditional
  • key framing
  • Multimedia : Basic of multimedia application of Multimedia
  • Text-Types Unicode Standard text Compression
  • Text file formats Audio Components Digital Audio
  • Digital Audio processing Sound cards
  • Audio file formats Audio Processing software
  • Video-Video color spaces Digital Video
  • Digital Video processing Video file formats.
  • Animation : Uses of Animation Principles of Animation
  • Computer based animation 3D Animation
  • Animation file formats Animation software Special Effects in animation
  • Storyboarding for Animation
  • Compression : Lossless/Lossy Compression techniques
  • Image Audio & Video Compression
  • MPEG Standards Multimedia Architecture
  • Multimedia databases.

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  • Introduction of Compiler
  • Major data Structure in compiler types of Compiler
  • Front-end and Back-end of compiler
  • Compiler structure : analysis-synthesis model of compilation
  • various phases of a compiler
  • Lexical analysis : Input buffering Specification & Recognition of Tokens
  • Design of a Lexical Analyzer Generator LEX.
  • Syntax analysis : CFGs Top down parsing Brute force approach
  • recursive descent parsing
  • transformation on the grammars
  • predictive parsing bottom up parsing
  • operator precedence parsing
  • LR parsers (SLRLALR LR)Parser generation.
  • Syntax directed definitions : Construction of Syntax trees
  • Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition
  • L-attribute definition Top down translation
  • Bottom Up evaluation of inherited attributes Recursive Evaluation
  • Analysis of Syntax directed definition.
  • Type checking : type system specification of simple type checker
  • equivalence of expression types type conversion
  • overloading of functions and operations
  • polymorphic functions.
  • Run time Environment : storage organization
  • Storage allocation strategies parameter passing
  • dynamic storage allocation Symbol table
  • Error Detection & Recovery
  • Ad-Hoc and Systematic Methods.
  • Intermediate code generation : Declarations Assignment statements
  • Boolean expressions Case statements
  • Back patching
  • Procedure calls Code Generation : Issues in the design of code generator
  • Basic block and flow graphs Register allocation and assignment
  • DAG representation of basic blocks
  • peephole optimization generating code from DAG.
  • Introduction to Code optimization : sources of optimization of basic blocks
  • loops in flow graphs dead code elimination
  • loop optimization Introduction to global data flow analysis
  • Code Improving transformations
  • Data flow analysis of structure flow graph Symbolic debugging of optimized code

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  • Introduction: An Introduction to Knowledge Management
  • The foundations of knowledge management- including cultural issues
  • technology applications organizational concepts and processes
  • management aspects- and decision support systems.
  • The Evolution of Knowledge management: From Information Management to Knowledge Management
  • Key Challenges Facing the Evolution of Knowledge Management
  • Ethics for Knowledge Management.
  • Organization and Knowledge Management
  • Building the Learning Organization.
  • Knowledge Markets: Cooperation among Distributed Technical Specialists
  • Tacit Knowledge and Quality Assurance.
  • Telecommunications and Networks in Knowledge Management
  • Internet Search Engines and Knowledge Management
  • Information Technology in Support of Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge Management and Vocabulary Control
  • Information Mapping in Information Retrieval
  • Information Coding in the Internet Environment
  • Repackaging Information.
  • Components of a Knowledge Strategy
  • Case Studies (From Library to Knowledge Center
  • Knowledge Management in the Health Sciences
  • Knowledge Management in Developing Countries).
  • Advanced topics and case studies in knowledge management
  • Development of a knowledge management map/plan that is integrated with an organization’s strategic and business plan
  • A case study on Corporate Memories for supporting various aspects in the process life
  • cycles of an organization.


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  • Evolution of software economics.
  • Improving software economics: reducing product size
  • software processes team effectiveness
  • automation through software environments.
  • Principles of modern software management.
  • Framework : Life cycle phases- inception elaboration
  • construction and training phase.
  • Artifacts of the process- the artifact sets
  • management artifacts engineering artifacts
  • pragmatics artifacts.
  • Model based software architectures.
  • Workflows of the process.
  • Checkpoints of the process.
  • Iterative process planning.
  • Project organisations and responsibilities.
  • Process automation.
  • Project control And process instrumentation- core metrics
  • management indicators
  • life cycle expections.
  • Process discriminants.

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  • Principles and Practices Introduction to Management and Theory of Management B.
  • Planning Organisation Structure and Design C.
  • Motivation and Leadership D.
  • Management Control and Managerial Decision Making
  • Nature Scope of Human Resource Management.
  • F. Human Resource Planning
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Training and Development
  • Performance Appraisal G.
  • Welfare programme and Fringe benefits
  • Wage and Salary Administration H.
  • Morale and Productivity
  • Industrial Relations and Industrial Disputes
  • Rural Credit System
  • Role of Rural Credit in Rural Development.
  • Evolution and Growth of Rural Credit System in India.
  • B: Agricultural Credit Agricultural Credit Review Committee
  • Report of different Committees and Commissions
  • Problems and Prospects.
  • C: Rural Credit to Non-farm Sector
  • Credit for small and marginal entrepreneurs.
  • D: Role of Government Institutions towards facilitating Rural Credit.
  • Role of Non- Government/ Semi Government / Quasi- Government Institutions. Growth and Present trend of Rural Financing towards Small scale and Cottage Industries.
  • Concept of Social Research
  • Traditional Research
  • Action Research and Participatory Research
  • B: Qualitative Data Construction and Methods of Data Collection
  • C: Techniques of Interview
  • D: Qualitative methods: Sociometry
  • Case Studies observation
  • coding and content analysis
  • Collection Tabulation and Presentation of data
  • B: Measures of Central Tendency
  • Dispersion Moments
  • Skewness and Kurtosis
  • Correlation and Regression: Sampling Theory and Test of Significance

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  • Basics of data analytic framework
  • data per-processing
  • Statistics probability
  • Probability Distribution Bayes’ Theorem
  • Central Limit theorem
  • Data Exploration & preparation
  • Concepts of Correlation Regression
  • Covariance Outliers Data visualization.
  • Introduction to R as a data analytics tool.
  • Introduction to MATLAB as a data analytics tool.
  • Introduction to python as a data analytics tool.
  • Case studies.

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  • Software product life cycle.
  • Software product development standards.
  • Design patterns – 1
  • Design Patterns – II
  • Case Study