Syllabus of VII SEM AIML (RGPV)

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  • Introduction to computer vision
  • Introduction to images Image Processing VS Computer Vision
  • Problems in Computer Vision Basic image operations
  • Mathematical operations on images: Datatype Conversion
  • Contrast Enhancement Brightness Enhancement
  • Bit wise operations: Different Bit wise Operations
  • Binary Image Processing
  • thresholding Erosion / Dilation
  • Overview on Opening and Closing
  • Connected Component Analysis
  • Contour Analysis
  • Image Enhancement and Filtering
  • Color Spaces Color Transforms
  • Histogram Equalization
  • Advanced Histogram Equalization(CLAHE)
  • Color Adjustment using Curves
  • Image Filtering: Introduction to Image Filtering
  • What is Convolution
  • Image Smoothing:-Box Blur Gaussian Blur Median Blur
  • Introduction to Image Gradients: – First Order Derivative FiltersSecond Order Derivative Filters
  • Edge DetectionImage Segmentation and Recognition
  • Image Classification
  • Object detection
  • Applications of Computer Vision: Gesture Recognition
  • Motion Estimation and Object Tracking
  • face detection
  • Deep Learning with Open CV
  • Different problems to be framed to enable students to understand the concept learnt and get hands-on on various tools and software related to the subject. Such assignments are to be framed for ten to twelve lab sessions


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  • Introduction to Game AI
  • kind of AI used in game development
  • model of game AI
  • AI engine structure
  • Behaviour kinematic movement algorithms
  • problems related to the steering behaviour of objects and Solutions.
  • Coordinated Movement and Motor Control : This unit discusses the concepts related to coordinated movements and motor control.
  • Basic Path finding Algorithms in game development
  • Path finding for complex solutions
  • decision trees and state machines for game development
  • models for implementing knowledge uncertainty
  • such as fuzzy logic and Markov systems.
  • Board game theory and discusses the implementation of some key algorithms
  • such as mini max and negamax
  • Random Number Generation and Mini maxing
  • algorithms for implementing action prediction
  • decision learning and reinforcement learning.

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  • Artificial Neural Network : Introduction to ANN
  • Perceptron Cost Function
  • Gradient Checking
  • multi-layer perceptron and back propagation algorithm that is used to help learn parameters for a neural network
  • Random Initialization
  • Decision Trees : Representing concepts as decision trees
  • Recursive induction of decision trees
  • best splitting attribute : entropy and information gain.
  • Searching for simple trees and computational complexity
  • Over fitting noisy data and pruning.
  • Ensemble Methods : Bagging boosting
  • stacking and learning with ensembles.
  • Random Forest
  • Introduction to reinforcement learning(RL) Reinforcement Learning
  • RL-framework MDP
  • Bellman equations
  • Value Iteration and Policy Iteration Actor-critic model
  • Q-learning
  • SARSABandit algorithms – UCB PACMedian Elimination
  • Policy Gradient
  • Full RL & MDPs
  • Bellman Optimality
  • Dynamic Programming – Value iteration Policy iteration and Q-learning & Temporal Difference Methods
  • Temporal-Difference Learning Eligibility Traces
  • Function Approximation Least Squares Methods
  • Fitted Q Deep Q-Learning Advanced Q-learning algorithms
  • Inverse reinforcement learning
  • Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
  • Recent Trends in RL Architectures

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UNIT-1 :

  • Introduction Data Product
  • Data Product Examples in Enterprise
  • Developing a Data Product Strategy.

UNIT-2 :

  • Reading Data in Python Reading CSV & JSON Files
  • Processing Structured Data in Python
  • Live-Coding : JSON Extracting Simple Statistics from Datasets Data Processing in Python Data Filtering and Cleaning
  • Processing Text and Strings in Python
  • Processing Times and Dates in Python

UNIT-3 :

  • Python Libraries and Toolkits Matrix Processing and Numpy
  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Introduction to Matplotlib urllib and BeautifulSoup

UNIT-4 :

  • Gradient Descent Classification in Python
  • Introduction to Training and Testing
  • Gradient Descent in Python
  • Gradient Descent in TensorFlow

UNIT-5 :

  • Diagnostics for Data Meaningful Predictive modelling
  • Regression Diagnostic Over- and Under-Fitting
  • Classification Diagnostics : Accuracy and Error
  • Classification Diagnostics : Precision and Recall.
  • Code base for Evaluation and Validation
  • Model Complexity and Regularization
  • Evaluating Classifiers for Ranking.

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  • Algorithms and Machine Learning
  • Introduction to algorithms
  • Tools to analyze algorithms
  • Algorithmic techniques : Divide and Conquer
  • examples Randomization Applications
  • Graphs maps Map searching
  • Application of algorithms : stable marriages example
  • Dictionaries and hashing
  • search trees
  • Dynamic programming
  • Linear Programming NP completeness
  • Introduction to personal Genomics
  • Massive Raw data in Genomics
  • Data science on Personal Genomes
  • Inter connectedness on Personal Genomes
  • Case studies
  • Introduction
  • Classification Linear Classification
  • Ensemble Classifiers
  • Model Selection
  • Cross Validation
  • Holdout
  • Probabilistic modelling
  • Topic modelling
  • Probabilistic Inference
  • Application : prediction of preterm birth
  • Data description and preparation
  • Relationship between machine learning and statistics

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  • Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis
  • Introduction of Compiler
  • Major data Structure in compiler
  • types of Compiler
  • Front-end and Back-end of compiler
  • Compiler structure : analysis-synthesis model of compilation
  • various phases of a compiler
  • Lexical analysis : Input buffering
  • Specification & Recognition of Tokens
  • Design of a Lexical Analyzer Generator LEX.
  • Syntax Analysis & Syntax Directed Translation Syntax analysis: CFGs Top down parsing
  • Brute force approach recursive descent parsing
  • transformation on the grammars predictive parsing
  • bottom up parsing
  • operator precedence parsing LR parsers (SLRLALR LR)
  • Parser generation.
  • Syntax directed definitions : Construction of Syntax trees
  • Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition
  • L-attribute definition
  • Top down translation Bottom Up evaluation of inherited attributes
  • Recursive Evaluation Analysis of Syntax directed definition.
  • Type Checking & Run Time Environment: Type checking: type system
  • specification of simple type checker
  • equivalence of expression types type conversion
  • overloading of functions and operations
  • polymorphic functions.
  • Run time Environment : storage organization Storage allocation strategies parameter passing dynamic storage allocation
  • Symbol table Error Detection & Recovery
  • Ad-Hoc and Systematic Methods.
  • Code Generation : Intermediate code generation: Declarations Assignment statements
  • Boolean expressions
  • Case statements Back patching
  • Procedure calls Code Generation : Issues in the design of code generator
  • Basic block and flow graphs
  • Register allocation and assignment
  • DAG representation of basic blocks peephole optimization
  • generating code from DAG.
  • Code Optimization : Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic blocks
  • loops in flow graphs dead code elimination loop optimization
  • Introduction to global data flow analysis
  • Code Improving transformations
  • Data flow analysis of structure flow graph
  • Symbolic debugging of optimized code.

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  • Introduction to Virtual Reality- Virtual Reality and Virtual Environment: Introduction Applications of Virtual Reality
  • Computer graphics Real time computer graphics
  • Flight Simulation Virtual environment requirement benefits of virtual reality
  • Historical development of VR
  • Scientific Landmark 3D
  • Computer Graphics : Introduction The Virtual world space positioning the virtual observer the perspective projection
  • human vision stereo perspective projection
  • 3D clipping
  • Colour theory Simple 3D modeling
  • Illumination models Reflection models
  • Shading algorithms
  • Radiosity Hidden Surface Removal
  • Realism Stereographic image.
  • Geometric Modeling- Geometric Modeling: Introduction From 2D to 3D 3D space curves
  • 3D boundary representation Geometrical
  • Transformations : Introduction Frames of reference Modeling transformations Instances Picking Flying
  • Scaling the VE Collision detection Generic VR system: Introduction
  • Virtual environment Computer environment VR technology
  • Model of interaction VR Systems.
  • Virtual Environment -Animating the Virtual Environment: Introduction
  • The dynamics of numbers Linear and Nonlinear interpolation
  • the animation of objects linear and non-linear translation
  • shape & object in between free from deformation
  • particle system.
  • Physical Simulation: Introduction Objects falling in a gravitational field
  • Rotating wheels Elastic collisions
  • projectiles simple pendulum springs
  • Flight dynamics of an aircraft.
  • VR Hardware and Software- Human factors: Introduction
  • the eye the ear the somatic senses.
  • VR Hardware : Introduction sensor hardware
  • Head-coupled displays Acoustic hardware
  • Integrated VR systems.
  • VR Software : Introduction Modeling virtual world
  • Physical simulation VR toolkits
  • Introduction to VRML
  • Augmented and Mixed Reality- Taxonomy
  • Technology and features of augmented reality difference between AR and VR Challenges with AR AR systems and functionality
  • Augmented reality methods visualization techniques for augmented reality
  • wireless displays in educational augmented reality applications
  • mobile projection interfaces
  • marker-less tracking for augmented reality
  • enhancing interactivity in AR environments
  • evaluating AR systems.

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  • Fundamentals of Agile Process : Introduction and background
  • Agile Manifesto and Principles
  • Stakeholders and Challenges
  • Overview of Agile Development Models : Scrum Extreme Programming
  • Feature Driven Development Crystal Kanban and Lean Software Development.
  • Agile Projects : Planning for Agile Teams: Scrum Teams XP Teams
  • General Agile Teams Team Distribution;
  • Agile Project Lifecycles: Typical Agile Project Lifecycles
  • Phase Activities Product Vision
  • Release Planning : Creating the Product Backlog User Stories Prioritizing and Estimating Creating the Release Plan;
  • Monitoring and Adapting : Managing Risks and Issues
  • Retrospectives.
  • Introduction to Scrum : Agile Scrum Framework Scrum Artifacts
  • Meetings Activities and Roles
  • Scrum Team Simulation Scrum Planning Principles Product and Release Planning
  • Sprinting : Planning Execution Review and Retrospective;
  • User story definition and Characteristics
  • Acceptance tests and Verifying stories Burn down chart
  • Daily scrum Scrum Case Study.
  • Introduction to Extreme Programming (XP): XP Lifecycle
  • The XP Team
  • XP Concepts : Refactoring Technical Debt Timeboxing Stories Velocity;
  • Adopting XP: Prerequisites Challenges;
  • Applying XP: Thinking- Pair Programming Collaborating Release Planning Development;
  • XP Case Study
  • Agile Software Design and Development: Agile design practices
  • Role of design Principles Need and significance of Refactoring
  • Refactoring Techniques Continuous Integration
  • Automated build tools Version control;
  • Agility and Quality Assurance : Agile Interaction Design
  • Agile approach to Quality Assurance
  • Test Driven Development
  • Pair programming : Issues and Challenges.

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  • Introduction : Concept of WWW Internet and WWW
  • HTTP Protocol : Request and Response Web browser and Web servers
  • Features of Web 2.0 Web Design : Concepts of effective web design Web design issues including Browser
  • Bandwidth and Cache Display resolution Look and Feel of the Website
  • Page Layout and linking
  • User centric design Sitemap Planning and publishing website
  • Designing effective navigation.
  • HTML : Basics of HTML formatting and fonts
  • commenting code color hyperlink lists tables images forms
  • XHTML Meta tags
  • Character entities frames and frame sets
  • Browser architecture and Web site structure.
  • Overview and features of HTML5.
  • Style sheets : Need for CSS introduction to CSS
  • basic syntax and structure
  • using CSSbackground images colors and properties
  • manipulating texts using fonts borders and boxes margins padding lists positioning using CSS CSS2
  • Overview and features of CSS3 JavaScript : Client side scripting with JavaScript variables functions conditions loops and repetition
  • Pop up boxes
  • Advance JavaScript : Java script and objects JavaScript own objects the DOM and web browser environments
  • Manipulation using DOM forms and validations
  • DHTML : Combining HTML CSS and JavaScript
  • Events and buttons.
  • XML : Introduction to XML uses of XML simple XML XML key components
  • DTDandSchemas Using XML with application.
  • Transforming XML using XSL and XSLT PHP:Introduction and basic syntax of PHP decision and looping with examples
  • PHP and HTMLArrays Functions Browser control and detection string
  • Form processing Files
  • Advance Features : Cookies and Sessions
  • Object Oriented Programming with PHP.
  • PHP and MySQL : Basic commands with PHP examples
  • Connection to server creating database selecting a database listing database
  • listing table names creating a table
  • inserting data altering tables
  • queries deleting database deleting data and tables
  • PHP my admin and data base bugs

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