Syllabus of B. Tech. VII Sem CSE (RGPV)
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of CS-701 Software Architectures
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Overview of Software development methodology and software quality model
- different models of software development and their issues.
- Introduction to software architecture
- evolution of software architecture
- software components and connectors
- common software architecture frameworks
- Architecture business cycle – architectural patterns – reference model.
UNIT-2 :
- Software architecture models: structural models
- framework models dynamic models
- process models.
- Architectures styles: data flow architecture
- pipes and filters architecture
- call-and return architecture
- data-centered architecture
- layered architecture
- agent based architecture
- Micro-services architecture
- Reactive Architecture
- Representational state transfer architecture etc.
UNIT-3 :
- Software architecture implementation technologies: Software Architecture Description Languages (ADLs)
- Struts Hibernate Node JS Angular JS J2EE – JSP
- Servlets EJBs;
- middleware : JDBC JNDI JMS RMI and CORBA etc.
- Role of UML in software architecture.
UNIT-4 :
- Software Architecture analysis and design : requirements for architecture
- and the life-cycle view of architecture design and analysis methods
- architecture-based economic analysis: Cost Benefit Analysis Method (CBAM) Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM).
- Active Reviews for Intermediate Design (ARID)
- Attribute Driven Design method (ADD)
- architecture reuse
- Domain –specific Software architecture.
UNIT-5 :
- Software Architecture documentation : principles of sound documentation refinement context diagrams
- variability software interfaces.
- Documenting the behavior of software elements and software systems documentation package using a seven-part template.
Syllabus of CS-702 (A) Computational Intelligence Networks (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction to Computational Intelligence;
- types of Computational Intelligence
- components of Computational Intelligence.
- Concept of Learning/Training model.
- Parametric Models Nonparametric Models.
- Multilayer Networks : Feed Forward network
- Feedback network.
UNIT-2 :
- Fuzzy Systems : Fuzzy set theory: Fuzzy sets and operations
- Membership Functions
- Concept of Fuzzy relations and their composition
- Concept of Fuzzy Measures;
- Fuzzy Logic : Fuzzy Rules Inferencing;
- Fuzzy Control – Selection of Membership Functions
- Fuzzyfication Rule Based Design & Inferencing
- Defuzzyfication.
UNIT-3 :
- Genetic Algorithms : Basic Genetics Concepts
- Working Principle Creation of Offsprings
- Encoding Fitness Function Selection Functions
- Genetic Operators-Reproduction
- Crossover Mutation;
- Genetic Modeling Benefits.
UNIT-4 :
- Rough Set Theory – Introduction
- Fundamental Concepts
- Set approximation
- Rough membership Attributes
- Optimization.
- Hidden Markov Models
- Decision tree model.
UNIT-5 :
- Introduction to Swarm Intelligence
- Swarm Intelligence Techniques : Ant Colony Optimization
- Particle Swarm Optimization
- Bee Colony Optimization etc.
- Applications of Computational Intelligence.
Syllabus of CS-702 (B) Deep & Reinforcement Learning (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- History of Deep Learning
- McCulloch Pitts Neuron Thresholding Logic
- Activation functions Gradient Descent (GD)
- Momentum Based GD Nesterov Accelerated GD
- Stochastic GD AdaGrad RMSProp Adam
- Eigenvalue Decomposition.
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Backpropagation through time (BPTT)
- Vanishing and Exploding Gradients
- Truncated BPTT GRU LSTMs
- Encoder Decoder Models
- Attention Mechanism Attention overimages.
UNIT-2 :
- Autoencoders and relation to PCA
- Regularization in autoencoders
- Denoising autoencoders
- Sparse autoencoders Contractive autoencoders
- Regularization : Bias Variance Tradeoff
- L2 regularization Early stopping
- Dataset augmentation
- Parameter sharing and tying
- Injecting noise at input Ensemble methods
- Dropout Batch Normalization
- Instance Normalization
- Group Normalization.
UNIT-3 :
- Greedy Layerwise Pre-training
- Better activation functions
- Better weight initialization methods
- Learning Vectorial Representations Of Words
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- LeNet AlexNet ZF-Net VGGNet
- GoogLeNet ResNet
- Visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks
- Guided Backpropagation Deep Dream
- Deep Art Recent Trends in Deep Learning Architectures.
UNIT-4 :
- Introduction to reinforcement learning(RL)
- Bandit algorithms – UCB PACMedian Elimination
- Policy Gradient Full RL & MDPs Bellman Optimality
- Dynamic Programming – Value iteration
- Policy iteration and Q-learning & Temporal Difference Methods
- Temporal-Difference Learning
- Eligibility Traces Function Approximation
- Least Squares Methods
UNIT-5 :
- Fitted Q Deep Q-Learning
- Advanced Q-learning algorithms
- Learning policies by imitating optimal controllers
- DQN & Policy Gradient Policy Gradient Algorithms for Full RL
- Hierarchical RLPOMDPs
- Actor-Critic Method Inverse reinforcement learning
- Maximum Entropy Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
- Recent Trends in RL Architectures.
Syllabus of CS-702 (C) Wireless & Mobile Computing (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Review of traditional networks : Review of LAN MAN WAN Intranet Internet and
- interconnectivity devices : bridges Routers etc.
- Review of TCP/IP Protocol Architecture : ARP/RARP IP addressing
- IP Datagram format and its Delivery
- Routing table format ICMP Messages
- Subnetting Super netting and CIDR DNS.
- NAT : Private addressing and NAT
- SNAT DNAT NAT and firewalls
- VLANS : Concepts Comparison with Real LANS
- Type of VLAN Tagging
- IPV6 : address structure address space and header.
UNIT-2 :
- Study of traditional routing and transport : Routing Protocols: BGP- Concept of hidden network and autonomous system
- An Exterior gateway protocol Different messages of BGP.
- Interior Gateway protocol : RIP OSPF.
- Multiplexing and ports
- TCP : Segment format Sockets
- Synchronization Three Way Hand Shaking
- Variable window size and Flow control
- Timeout and Retransmission algorithms
- Connection Control Silly window Syndrome.
- Example of TCP : Taho Reno Sack etc.
- UDP : Message Encapsulation
- Format and Pseudo header.
UNIT-3 :
- Wireless LAN : Transmission Medium For WLANs
- MAC problems Hidden and Exposed terminals
- Near and Far terminals
- Infrastructure and Ad hoc Networks
- IEEE 802.11- System arch
- Protocol arch Physical layer
- Concept of spread spectrum
- MAC and its management
- Power management Security.
- Mobile IP: unsuitability of Traditional IP;
- Goals Terminology
- Agent advertisement and discovery
- Registration Tunneling techniques.
- Ad hoc network routing : Ad hoc Network routing v/s Traditional IP routing
- types of routing protocols
- Examples : OADV DSDV DSR ZRP etc.
UNIT-4 :
- Mobile transport layer : unsuitability of Traditional TCP;
- Wireless Cellular networks : Cellular system
- Cellular networks v/s WLAN GSM – Services
- system architecture
- Localization and calling
- handover and Roaming.
UNIT-5 :
- Mobile Device Operating Systems : Special Constraints & Requirements Commercial Mobile Operating Systems.
- Software Development Kit: iOS
- Android etc.MCommerce : Structure Pros &Cons
- Mobile Payment System
- Security Issues
Syllabus of CS-702 (D) Big Data (Departmental Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction to Big data
- Big data characteristics
- Types of big data
- Traditional versus Big data
- Evolution of Big data
- challenges with Big Data
- Technologies available for Big Data
- Infrastructure for Big data
- Use of Data Analytics
- Desired properties of Big Data system.
UNIT- 2 :
- Introduction to Hadoop
- Core Hadoop components
- Hadoop Eco system
- Hive Physical Architecture
- Hadoop limitations RDBMS Versus Hadoop
- Hadoop Distributed File system
- Processing Data with Hadoop
- Managing Resources and Application with Hadoop YARN
- MapReduce programming
UNIT-3 :
- Introduction to Hive Hive Architecture
- Hive Data types Hive Query Language
- Introduction to Pig Anatomy of Pig
- Pig on Hadoop Use Case for Pig
- ETL Processing Data types in Pig running Pig
- Execution model of Pig
- Operators functions Data types of Pig.
UNIT-4 :
- Introduction to NoSQL NoSQL Business Drivers
- NoSQL Data architectural patterns
- Variations of NOSQL architectural patterns using NoSQL to Manage Big Data
- Introduction to MangoDB
UNIT-5 :
- Mining social Network Graphs : Introduction Applications of social Network mining Social Networks as a Graph
- Types of social Networks
- Clustering of social Graphs Direct Discovery of communities in a social graph
- Introduction to recommender system.
Syllabus of CS-703 (A) Cryptography & Information Security (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Mathematical Background for Cryptography : Abstract Algebra Number Theory Modular Inverse Extended Euclid Algorithm
- Fermat’s Little Theorem Euler Phi-Function
- Euler’s theorem.
- Mathematical Background for Cryptography : Abstract Algebra
- Number Theory Modular Inverse
- Extended Euclid Algorithm Fermat’s Little Theorem
- Euler Phi-Function Euler’s theorem.
- Introduction to Cryptography : Principles of Cryptography
- Classical Cryptosystem
- Cryptanalysis on Substitution Cipher (Frequency Analysis)
- Play Fair Cipher Block Cipher. Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- Triple DES Modes of Operation Stream Cipher.
- Principles of Cryptography Classical Cryptosystem
- Cryptanalysis on Substitution Cipher (Frequency Analysis)
- Play Fair Cipher Block Cipher.
- Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- Triple DES Modes of Operation
- Stream Cipher.
UNIT-2 :
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Introduction to Public Key Cryptosystem
- Discrete Logarithmic Problem
- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Computational & Decisional Diffie-Hellman Problem RSA Assumptions & Cryptosystem
- RSA Signatures & Schnorr Identification Schemes
- Primarily Testing Elliptic Curve over the Reals
- Elliptic curve Modulo a Prime.
- Chinese Remainder Theorem.
UNIT-3 :
- Message Authentication
- Digital Signature Key Management
- Key Exchange Hash Function.
- Universal Hashing
- Cryptographic Hash Function
- MD Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
- Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
- Cryptanalysis : Time-Memory Trade-off Attack
- Differential Cryptanalysis.
- Secure channel and authentication system like Kerberos.
UNIT-4 :
- Information Security : Threats in Networks
- Network Security Controls–Architecture
- Wireless Security Honey pots
- Traffic Flow Security Firewalls – Design and Types of Firewalls
- Personal Firewalls IDS
- Email Security : Services Security for Email Attacks Through Emails Privacy-Authentication of Source Message
- Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) S-MIME.
- IP Security : Overview of IPSec
- IP& IP version 6 Authentication
- Encapsulation Security Payload ESP
- Internet Key Exchange IKE
- Web Security : SSL/TLS Basic protocols of security.
- Encoding –Secure Electronic Transaction SET.
UNIT-5 :
- Cryptography and Information Security Tools : Spoofing tools: like Arping etc. Foot printing Tools (ex-nslookup dig Whoisetc..)
- Vulnerabilities Scanning Tools (i.e. Angry IP HPing2
- IP Scanner Global Network Inventory Scanner
- Net Tools Suite Pack.)
- NetBIOS Enumeration Using NetView Tool
- Steganography Merge Streams
- Image Hide Stealth Files Blindside using: STools Steghide Steganos.
- Stegdetect Steganalysis – Stego Watch- Stego Detection Tool StegSpy.
- Trojans Detection Tools( i.e. Netstat fPort TCPView
- CurrPorts Tool Process Viewer)
- Lan Scanner Tools (i.e.look@LAN
- Wireshark Tcpdump).
- DoS Attack Understanding Tools- Jolt2 Bubonic.c
- Land and LaTierra Targa Nemesy Blast
- Panther2 Crazy Pinger Some Trouble
- UDP Flood FSMax.
Syllabus of CS-703 (B) Data Mining And Warehousing (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Data Warehousing : Introduction Delivery Process
- Data warehouse Architecture
- Data Preprocessing : Data cleaning
- Data Integration and transformation Data reduction.
- Data warehouse Design : Data ware house schema
- Partitioning strategy Data warehouse Implementation
- Data Marts Meta Data
- Example of a Multidimensional Data model.
- Introduction to Pattern Warehousing.
UNIT-2 :
- OLAP Systems : Basic concepts
- OLAP queries Types of OLAP servers
- OLAP operations etc.
- Data Warehouse Hardware and Operational Design : Security
- Backup And Recovery
UNIT-3 :
- Introduction to Data& Data Mining : Data Types Quality of data
- Data Preprocessing Similarity measures
- Summary statistics Data distributions
- Basic data mining tasks
- Data Mining V/s knowledge discovery in databases.
- Issues in Data mining.
- Introduction to Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic.
UNIT-4 :
- Supervised Learning : Classification: Statistical-based algorithms
- Distance-based algorithms
- Decision tree-based algorithms
- Neural network-based algorithms
- Rule-based algorithms
- Probabilistic Classifiers
UNIT-5 :
- Clustering & Association Rule mining : Hierarchical algorithms
- Partitional algorithms Clustering large databases – BIRCH
- DBSCAN CURE algorithms.
- Association rules : Parallel and distributed algorithms such as Apriori and FP growth algorithms.
Syllabus of CS-703 (C) Agile Software Development (Open Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Fundamentals of Agile Process : Introduction and background
- Agile Manifesto and Principles
- Stakeholders and Challenges
- Overview of Agile Development Models : Scrum Extreme Programming
- Feature Driven Development
- Crystal Kanban and Lean Software Development.
UNIT-2 :
- Agile Projects : Planning for Agile Teams: Scrum Teams
- XP Teams General Agile Teams
- Team Distribution;
- Agile Project Lifecycles : Typical Agile Project Lifecycles
- Phase Activities Product Vision
- Release Planning : Creating the Product Backlog
- User Stories Prioritizing and Estimating
- Creating the Release Plan;
- Monitoring and Adapting : Managing Risks and Issues
- Retrospectives.
UNIT-3 :
- Introduction to Scrum : Agile Scrum Framework
- \Scrum Artifacts Meetings
- Activities and Roles Scrum Team Simulation
- Scrum Planning Principles Product and Release Planning
- Sprinting : Planning Execution
- Review and Retrospective; User story definition and Characteristics
- Acceptance tests and Verifying stories
- Burn down chart Daily scrum
- Scrum Case Study.
UNIT-4 :
- Introduction to Extreme Programming (XP) : XP Lifecycle The XP Team
- XP Concepts : Refactoring Technical Debt
- Timeboxing Stories Velocity;
- Adopting XP : Pre-requisites Challenges;
- Applying XP : Thinking- Pair Programming Collaborating
- Release Planning Development;
- XP Case Study.
UNIT-5 :
- Agile Software Design and Development : Agile design practices
- Role of design Principles
- Need and significance of Refactoring
- Refactoring Techniques Continuous Integration
- Automated build tools Version control;
- Agility and Quality Assurance : Agile Interaction Design
- Agile approach to Quality Assurance
- Test Driven Development
- Pair programming: Issues and Challenges.
Syllabus of CS-703 (D) Disaster Management (Open Elective)
Source: (
- Definition : Disaster Hazard Vulnerability Resilience
- Risks – Disasters: Types of disasters – Earthquake
- Landslide Flood Drought
- Fire etc – Classification Causes
- Impacts including social economic
- political environmental health
- psychosocial etc.
- Differential impacts- in terms of caste class gender age location
- disability – Global trends in disasters: urban disasters
- pandemics complex emergencies
- Climate change-Do’s and Dont’s during various types of Disasters
- Disaster cycle – Phases Culture of safety
- prevention mitigation and preparedness community based DRR
- Structural- nonstructural measures
- Roles and responsibilities of- community
- Panchayati Raj Institutions/Urban Local Bodies (PRIs/ULBs)
- States Centre and other stake-holders- Institutional Processess and Framework at State and Central Level- State Disaster Management Authority(SDMA) – Early Warning System – Advisories from Appropriate Agencies.
- Factors affecting Vulnerabilities
- differential impacts
- impact of Development projects such as dams
- embankments changes in Land-use etc.
- Climate Change Adaptation- IPCC Scenario and Scenarios in the context of India – Relevance of indigenous knowledge
- appropriate technology and local resources
- Hazard and Vulnerability profile of India
- Components of Disaster Relief : Water Food Sanitation
- Shelter Health Waste Management
- Institutional arrangements (Mitigation Response and Preparedness)
- Disaster Management Act and Policy – Other related policies
- plans programmes and legislation – Role of GIS and Information Technology Components in Preparedness
- Risk Assessment Response and Recovery
- Phases of Disaster – Disaster Damage Assessment
- Landslide Hazard Zonation : Case Studies
- Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings and Infrastructure : Case Studies
- Drought Assessment : Case Studies
- Coastal Flooding : Storm Surge Assessment
- Floods : Fluvial and Pluvial
- Flooding : Case Studies;
- Forest Fire : Case Studies
- Man Made disasters : Case Studies
- Space Based Inputs for Disaster Mitigation and Management and field works related to disaster management.
==End of Syllabus==