Syllabus of I-Year all Branch all Subjects (RGPV)

Syllabus of I-Year all Branch all Subjects (RGPV)

(SET-A: CS, CSIT, EE, EX ) Applicable in II Sem

(SET-B: ME, CE, EC, AIML, CY, IP, AU, EC ) Applicable in I Sem

(SET-A : CS, CSIT, EE, EX ) Applicable in I Sem

(SET-B : (ME, CE, EC, AIML, CY, IP, AU, EC) ) Applicable in II Sem

Source: (

  • Introduction to Quantum mechanics,
  • Wave nature of Particles, operators,
  • Time-dependent and time independent
  • Schrodinger equation for wave function,
  • Application: Particle in a One dimensional Box,
  • Born interpretation,
  • Free-particle wave function and wave-packets,
  • vg and vp relation Uncertainty principle.
  • Huygens’ principle, superposition of waves
  • Interference of light by wave front splitting and amplitude splitting;
  • Young’s double slit experiment, Newton’s rings,
  • Michelson interferometer, Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
  • Fraunhofer diffraction from a single slit and a circular aperture,
  • Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution and its application to vision;
  • Diffraction gratings and their resolving power.
  • Free electron theory of metals,
  • Fermi level of Intrinsic and extrinsic,
  • Density of states, Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential,
  • Kronig-Penney model (no derivation) and origin of energy bands.
  • V-I characteristics of PN junction,
  • Zener diode, Solar Cell,
  • Hall Effect.
  • Einstein’s theory of matter radiation interaction and A and B coefficients;
  • Amplification of light by population inversion,
  • Different types of lasers:
  • Gas lasers ( He-Ne, CO2),
  • Solid-state lasers(ruby, Neodymium),
  • Properties of laser beams: mono-chromaticity,
  • Coherence, directionality and brightness,
  • Laser speckles, applications of lasers in science,
  • Engineering and medicine.
  • Introduction to Optical fiber, acceptance angle and cone,
  • Numerical aperture, V number, attenuation.
  • Calculation of electric field and electrostatic potential for a charge distribution;
  • Electric displacement,
  • Basic Introduction to Dielectrics, Gradient, Divergence and curl,
  • Stokes’ theorem
  • Gauss Theorem,
  • Continuity equation for current densities;
  • Maxwell’s equation in vacuum and non-conducting medium;
  • Poynting vector.

Syllabus of BT-102 (Mathematics-I)

Source: (

  • Rolle’s theorem,
  • Mean Value theorems,
  • Expansion of functions by Mc.Laurin’s for one variable
  • Expansion of functions byTaylor’s for one variable
  • Taylor’s theorem for function of two variables,
  • Partial Differentiation,
  • Maxima & Minima (two and three variables),
  • Method of Lagranges Multipliers.
  • Definite Integral as a limit of a sum
  • Its application in summation of
  • series; Beta and Gamma functions and their properties;
  • Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of revolutions.
  • Multiple Integral,
  • Change the order of the integration,
  • Applications of multiple integral for calculating area and volumes of the curves.
  • Convergence of sequence and series,
  • Tests for convergence;
  • Power series,
  • Taylor’s series,
  • Series for exponential,
  • Trigonometric and logarithm functions;
  • Fourier series:
  • Half range sine and cosine series,
  • Parseval’s theorem.
  • Vector Space,Vector Sub Space,
  • Linear Combination of Vectors,
  • Linearly Dependent,
  • Linearly Independent,
  • Basis of a Vector Space,
  • Linear Transformations.
  • Rank of a Matrix,
  • Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations by
  • Elementary Transformation,
  • Consistency of Equation,
  • Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors,
  • Diagonalization of Matrices,
  • Cayley-Hamilton theorem its applications to find inverse.

Syllabus of BT-203 (Basic Mechanical Engineering)

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  • Materials and Classification of materials
  • Ferrous Materials used in Engineering Applications: Wrought iron, cast iron
  • Steel and its classifications, Alloy steels and applications
  • Tensile test – Stress strain diagram of ductile & brittle material,
  • Hooks law & Modulus of Elasticity.
  • Mechanical properties of materials
  • Iron-Carbon Diagram
  • Constituents of Iron and Steel
  • Hardness Test of Material, Impact Test of Material
  • Materials and Classification of materials
  • Measurement, accuracy and precision, Methods of measurements,
  • Error in measurement, Types of error.
  • Temperature, Principle of temperature measurement, Thermocouples
  • Resistance thermometer, Thermistor, Total radiation Pyrometer
  • Pressure, Absolute, Gauge, Atmospheric, Vacuum Pressures & Pressure measurement.
  • Velocity Measurement
  • Flow measurement
  • Strain measurement,
  • Torque measurement
  • Force measurement
  • Vernier caliper, Micrometer
  • Dial gauge, Slip gauge, Sine bar, Combination set
  • Some important manufacturing processes: Casting, Carpentry and welding
  • Definition related to machine tools, Lathe Machine, Principle of operation of Lathe machine, Basic Elements of Lathe Machine
  • Specification of lathe machine, Types of operation performed on Lathe machine
  • Drilling Machine, Principle of Operation of Drilling Machine
  • Fluid, Types of fluid and Properties of fluids
  • Viscosity, Newton’s law of Viscosity
  • Pressure, Atmospheric, Gauge and Absolute Pressure, Pascal’s Law
  • Types of fluid flow
  • Discharge, Continuity Equation
  • Euler’s Equation,
  • Bernoulli’s Equations: Derivation & Problems
  • Hydraulic Machines
  • Power generating & Power absorbing machines
  • Thermodynamic, system, Surroundings and Boundary,
  • Thermodynamic properties, equilibrium,
  • Zeroth law of thermodynamics
  • Work, path and point function,
  • pdV work in various quasi-static processes, Problems
  • Heat, Type of Heat, First law of thermodynamics and Enthalpy
  • First law for a closed system undergoing a change of state,
  • PMM 1, Limitations of the First Law
  • Thermal reservoir, Heat Engine, Heat pump ,
  • Refrigerator Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy
  • Pure substance, Phase, Saturation temperature & pressure,
  • Quality or dryness fraction, properties of steam, Types of Steam,
  • use of steam tables. Problems on Steam Properties
  • Boilers: Its classification and working
  • Boiler mounting and Boiler accessories
  • Boiler Draught, Natural and artificial draught.
  • IC Engine components & Terminology.
  • Working of Four stroke Petrol Engine ,
  • Working of two stroke Petrol engine,
  • Working of Four stroke Petrol Engine ,
  • Working of two stroke Petrol engine,
  • Introduction of steam engine, Working of steam engine,
  • Parts of Steam Engine
  • Carnot cycle, Efficiency of Otto Cycle
  • Diesel cycle & its efficiency, Dual cycle
  • Working principle of compressor
  • Introduction of steam engine,

Syllabus of BT-204 (Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics)

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  • Building Materials & Construction Stones, bricks,
  • cement, Building Materials & Construction lime,
  • timber-types, properties, test & uses,
  • Laboratory tests concrete and mortar
  • Materials: Workability, Strength properties of Concrete,
  • Nominal proportion of Concrete preparation of concrete,
  • Compaction, curing. Elements of Building Construction,
  • Foundations conventional spread footings,
  • RCC footings, Brick masonry walls,
  • Plastering and pointing, floors, roofs,
  • Doors, windows, lintels,
  • Staircases – types and their suitability
  • Surveying & Positioning Introduction
  • Introduction to surveying Instruments – levels,
  • theodolites, Plane tables and related devices.
  • Electronic surveying instruments etc.
  • Measurement of distances – conventional and EDM methods,
  • Measurement of directions by different methods,
  • Measurement of elevations by different methods.
  • Reciprocal leveling.
  • Mapping & sensing Introduction
  • Mapping details and contouring,
  • Profile Cross sectioning and measurement of areas,
  • volumes, Application of measurements in quantity computations,
  • Survey stations, Introduction of remote sensing and its applications.
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Forces and Equilibrium Introduction
  • Graphical and Analytical Treatment of Concurrent nand nonconcurrent Co- planner forces, Free Diagram, n Force Diagram and Bow’s notations,
  • Application of Equilibrium Concepts:
  • Analysis of plane Trusses: Method of joints, Method of Sections.
  • Frictional force in equilibrium problems
  • Centroid and Center of Gravity,
  • Moment Inertia of Area and Mass,
  • Radius of Gyration,
  • Introduction to product of Inertia and Principle Axes.
  • Support Reactions, Shear force and bending moment Diagram for Cantilever & simply supported beam with concentrated,
  • distributed load and Couple.

Syllabus of BT-205 (Basic Computer Engineering)

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  • Computer: Definition, Classification, Organization i.e. CPU, register, Bus architecture,
  • Instruction set, Memory & Storage Systems, I/O Devices, and System & Application Software.
  • Computer Application in e-Business, Bio-Informatics, health Care,
  • Computer Application in Remote Sensing & GIS, Meteorology and Climatology,
  • Computer Application in Computer Gaming, Multimedia and Animation etc.
  • Operating System: Definition, Function, Types,
  • Management of File, Process & Memory.
  • Introduction to MS word, MS power point, MS Excel
  • Introduction to Algorithms, Complexities and Flowchart,
  • Introduction to Programming, Categories of Programming Languages,
  • Program Design, Programming Paradigms, Characteristics or Concepts of OOP,
  • Procedure Oriented Programming VS object oriented Programming.
  • Introduction to C++: Character Set, Tokens,
  • Precedence and Associativity, Program Structure,
  • Data Types, Variables, Operators, Expressions,
  • Statements and control structures,
  • I/O operations, Array, Functions,
  • Object & Classes, Scope Resolution Operator,
  • Constructors & Destructors, Friend Functions, Inheritance,
  • Polymorphism, Overloading Functions & Operators,
  • Types of Inheritance, Virtual functions.
  • Introduction to Data Structures.
  • Computer Networking: Introduction, Goals, ISO-OSI Model, Functions of Different Layers.
  • Internet working Concepts, Devices, TCP/IP Model.
  • Introduction to Internet, World Wide Web, E-commerce
  • Computer Security Basics: Introduction to viruses, worms, malware, Trojans, Spyware and Anti-Spyware Software,
  • Different types of attacks like Money Laundering, Information Theft,
  • Cyber Pornography, Email spoofing, Denial of Service (DoS),
  • Cyber Stalking, Logic bombs, Hacking Spamming,
  • Cyber Defamation, pharming Security measures Firewall,
  • Computer Ethics & Good Practices,
  • Introduction of Cyber Laws about Internet Fraud,
  • Good Computer Security Habits,
  • Data base Management System: Introduction, File oriented approach and Database approach,
  • Data Models, Architecture of Database System,
  • Data independence, Data dictionary, DBA, Primary Key,
  • Data definition language and Manipulation Languages.
  • Cloud computing: definition, cloud infrastructure,
  • cloud segments or service delivery models (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS),
  • cloud deployment models/ types of cloud (public, private, community and hybrid clouds),
  • Pros and Cons of cloud computing

Syllabus of BT-206 Language Lab & Seminars (Lab Only)

Source: (

  1. Introducing oneself, family, social roles.
  2. Public Speaking and oral skills with emphasis on conversational practice, extempore speech, JAM(Just a minute sessions), describing objects and situations, giving directions, debate, telephonic etiquette.
  3. Reading Comprehension: Intensive reading skills, rapid reading, and reading aloud (Reading material to be selected by the teacher).
  4. To write a book review. Standard text must be selected by the teacher.
  5. Role plays: preparation and delivery topic to be selected by teacher/faculty.

Syllabus of BT-101 (Engineering Chemistry)

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  • Water Sources,
  • Water Impurities,
  • Water Hardness & its units,
  • Determination of hardness by EDTA method,
  • Alkalinity & It’s determination
  • Related numerical problems.
  • Boiler troubles (Sludge & Scale, Priming & Foaming,
  • Boiler Corrosion, Caustic Embrittlement),
  • Softening methods (Lime-Soda, Zeolite and Ion Exchange Methods)
  • Related numerical problems.
  • Introduction, Mechanism of lubrication,
  • Classification of lubricants, significance & determination of Viscosity and Viscosity Index,
  • Flash & Fire Points, Cloud & Pour Points, Aniline Point,
  • Acid Number, Saponification Number, Steam Emulsification Number
  • Related numerical problems.
  • Introduction to polymer, types of polymerisation, Classification,
  • Mechanism of polymerisation (Free radical & Ionic polymerization).
  • Thermoplastic & Thermosetting polymers Elementary idea of Biodegradable polymers, preparation,
  • Properties & uses of the following polymers- PVC, PMMA, Teflon, Nylon 6, Nylon 6:6,
  • Properties & uses of the following Polyester phenol formaldehyde, Urea- Formaldehyde,
  • Properties & uses of Buna N, Buna S, Vulcanization of Rubber.
  • Phase diagram of single component system (Water)
  • Phase diagram of binary Eutectic System (Cu-Ag.)
  • Corrosion: Types, Mechanisms & prevention.
  • Principle, Instrumentation & Applications,
  • electronics spectroscopy,
  • Vibrational & Rotational
  • Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules.
  • Effective Nuclear Charge, Variations: S, P, d & f Orbital energies of atoms in periodic table,
  • Electronics Configuration, atomic & Ionic sizes,
  • electron affinity & electro negativity,
  • Ploarizability & Oxidation States.

Syllabus of BT-202 (Mathematics-II )

Source: (

  • Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree (Leibnitz linear, Bernoulli’s, Exact),
  • Differential Equations of First Order and Higher Degree,
  • Higher order differential equations with constants coefficients,
  • Homogeneous Linear Differential equations,
  • Simultaneous Differential Equations.
  • Second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients,
  • Method of variation of parameters,
  • Power series solutions;
  • Legendre polynomials,
  • Bessel functions of the first kind and their properties.
  • Formulation of Partial Differential equations,
  • Linear Partial Differential Equations,
  • Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations,
  • Homogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equations with Constants Coefficients.
  • Functions of Complex Variables:
  • Analytic Functions,
  • Harmonic Conjugate,
  • Cauchy-Riemann Equations (without proof),
  • Line Integral,
  • Cauchy-Goursat theorem (without proof),
  • Cauchy Integral formula (without proof),
  • Singular Points, Poles & Residues,
  • Residue Theorem,
  • Application of Residues theorem for Evaluation of Real Integral (Unit Circle).
  • Differentiation of Vectors,
  • Scalar and vector point function,
  • Gradient,
  • Geometrical meaning of gradient,
  • Directional Derivative,
  • Divergence and Curl,
  • Line Integral,
  • Surface Integral and Volume Integral,
  • Gauss Divergence,
  • Stokes and Green theorems.

Syllabus of BT-103 (English for Communication)

Source: (

  • Identifying Common errors in writing:
  • Articles, Subject-Verb Agreement,
  • Prepositions, Active and Passive Voice,
  • Reported Speech: Direct and Indirect,
  • Sentence Structure.
  • Vocabulary building and Comprehension:
  • Acquaintance with prefixes from foreign languages in English to form derivatives,
  • Acquaintance with suffixes from foreign languages in English to form derivatives,
  • synonyms,
  • antonyms,
  • Reading comprehension.
  • Communication: Introduction, Meaning and Significance,
  • Process of Communication,
  • Oral and Written Communication,
  • 7 c’s of Communication,
  • Barriers to Communication and Ways to overcome them,
  • Importance of Communication for Technical students,
  • nonverbal communication.
  • Developing Writing Skills: Planning, Drafting and Editing,
  • Precise Writing, Précis,
  • Technical definition and Technical description.
  • Report Writing: Features of writing a good Report,
  • Structure of a Formal Report, Report of Trouble,
  • Laboratory Report, Progress Report.
  • Business Correspondence:
  • Importance of Business Letters, Parts and Layout;
  • Application of Business Letters,
  • Contents of good Resume, guidelines for writing Resume,
  • Calling/ Sending Quotation, Order,
  • Complaint, E-mail and Tender.

Syllabus of BT-104 (Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

Source: (

  • Voltage and current sources,
  • Dependent and independent sources, Units and dimensions,
  • Source Conversion, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law,
  • Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem and their Application for
  • analysis of series and parallel resistive circuits excited by independent voltage sources,
  • Power & Energy in such circuits.
  • Mesh & nodal analysis,
  • Star Delta transformation & circuits.
  • Generation of sinusoidal AC voltage,
  • Definition of average value, R.M.S. value,
  • Form factor and peak factor of AC quantity ,
  • Concept of phasor, Concept of Power factor,
  • Concept of impedance and admittance,
  • Active, reactive and apparent power,
  • Analysis of R-L, R-C, R-L-C series & parallel circuit
  • 3-phase AC Circuits: Necessity and advantages of three phase systems,
  • Meaning of Phase sequence,
  • Balanced and unbalanced supply and loads.
  • Relationship between line and phase values for balanced star and delta connections.
  • Power in balanced & unbalanced three-phase system and their measurements
  • Basic definitions, of Magnetic Circuits
  • Magnetization characteristics of Ferro magnetic materials,
  • Self inductance and mutual inductance, energy in linear magnetic systems,
  • Coils connected in series, AC excitation in magnetic circuits,
  • Magnetic field produced by current carrying conductor,
  • Force on a current carrying conductor. Induced voltage,
  • Laws of electromagnetic Induction, direction of induced E.M.F.
  • Single phase transformer- General construction,
  • Working principle, e.m.f. equation, equivalent circuits,
  • phasor diagram, voltage regulation,
  • Losses and efficiency,
  • Open circuit and short circuit test
  • Electrical Machines definition, Construction,
  • Classification & Working Principle of DC machine,
  • Induction machine and synchronous machine.
  • Working principle of 3-Phase induction motor,
  • Concept of slip in 3- Phase induction motor,
  • Explanation of Torque-slip characteristics of 3-Phase induction motor.
  • Types of losses occurring in electrical machines.
  • Applications of DC machine,
  • Induction machine and synchronous machine.
  • Number systems & Their conversion used in digital electronics,
  • De morgan’s theorem,
  • Logic Gates, half and full adder circuits,
  • R-S flip flop, J-K flip flop.
  • Introduction to Semiconductors, Diodes,
  • V-I characteristics,
  • Bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and their working,
  • Introduction to CC, CB & CE
  • Transistor configurations,
  • Different configurations and modes of operation of BJT

Syllabus of BT-105 (Engineering Graphics )

Source: (

  • Principles of Engineering Graphics and their significance,
  • usage of Drawing instruments, lettering,
  • Conic sections, Ellipse by Arcs of circle method
  • Ellipse by Concentric Circle Method and rectangle method
  • Parabola by rectangle method and tangent method
  • Ellipse, Parabola and Hyperbola by General Method
  • Hyperbola by rectangular method
  • Introduction to Special curve,
  • Draw Cycloid Draw Epicycloid & Hypocycloid
  • Draw Involute of Circle, Equilateral triangle, Square
  • Introduction to Scale, Solve & Draw Plain Scale Problems
  • Principle of Diagonal Scale, Problem based on Diagonal Scale
  • Problem based on Vernier Scale
  • Orthographic Projections, Principle, Conventions,
  • First angle Projection & Third angle projection
  • Projections of Points,
  • Projection of Line inclined to one plane
  • Projection of Line inclined to both plane
  • Introduction to Plane, types of planes, Projection of planes inclined to one plane
  • Problem on Projection of plane inclined one plane
  • Problem on Projection of plane inclined to both plane
  • Introduction to Solid, Types of solids.
  • Problem on Projection of Cylinder & Cone
  • Axes parallel and perpendicular & inclined to both plane
  • Problem on Projection of Pyramid & sphere
  • Axes parallel and perpendicular & inclined to both plane
  • Draw simple annotation, dimensioning and scale,
  • Draw Floor plans Draw windows, doors, and fixtures such as WC,
  • bath, sink, shower, etc.
  • Introduction to Section of Solid, section planes, sectional views
  • Draw Section of Pyramids & Prism and True shape of the section
  • Draw Section of cylinder, cones & sphere and True shape of the section
  • Introduction and Draw Development of Surface Cube & Prism
  • Draw Development of Cylinder & Pyramids,
  • Development of Cones
  • Sectional orthographic views of geometrical solids
  • Objects from industry and dwellings Bolts & Screw
  • Introduction to isometric projection, Isometric scales,
  • Isometric views of right solid Prisms,
  • Isometric views of Simple objects.
  • Compound Solids
  • Introduction of CAD, Application, Benefits & Limitations
  • Introduction of Auto CAD, Basic Commands
  • Edit Command, Utility Command, Transformation Command.
  • Set up of the drawing page and the printer,
  • including scale settings
  • Setting up of units and drawing limits; ISO and ANSI standards for coordinate dimensioning and tolerancing
  • Orthographic constraints, Snap to objects manually and automatically
  • Producing drawings by using various coordinate input entry methods to draw straight lines Applying various ways of drawing circles
  • Annotations, layering & other functions covering applying dimensions to objects, applying annotations to drawings
  • Setting up and use of Layers, Changing line lengths, CAD Modelling
  • Print command, Orthographic projections techniques, Drawing sectional views, Modelling, Dimensioning guidelines, tolerance techniques
  • Geometry and topology of engineered components
  • 2D blueprint form and as 3D wire-frame and shaded solids
  • Meshed topologies, toolpath generation for component manufacture
  • Use of solid modeling software for creating associative models at the component and assembly levels
  • Floor Plans include : windows, doors, and fixtures such as WC, bath, sink, shower, etc
  • Applying colour coding according to building drawing
  • Drawing sectional elevation showing foundation to ceiling; Introduction to Building Information Modelling

Syllabus of BT-106 Manufacturing Practices (Lab Only)

Source: (

1. Manufacturing Methods- casting, forming, machining, joining, advanced manufacturing methods (3 lectures)

2. CNC machining, Additive manufacturing (1 lecture)

3. Fitting operations & power tools (1 lecture)

4. Electrical &Electronics (1 lecture)

5. Carpentry (1 lecture)

6. Plastic moulding, glass cutting (1 lecture)

7. Metal casting (1 lecture)

8. Welding (arc welding & gas welding), brazing (1 lecture)