Syllabus of B. Tech. IV Sem CSE (RGPV)
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of BT-401 (Mathematics-III)
Source: (
Module – 1 : Numerical Methods
- Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – Bisection method
- Newton-Raphson method and Regula-Falsi method.
- Finite differences Relation between operators
- Interpolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae.
- Interpolation with unequal intervals: Newton’s divided difference and Lagrange’s formulae.
Module – 2 : Numerical Methods
- Numerical Differentiation Numerical integration:
- Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8 rules.
- Solution of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations by Gauss’s Elimination
- Gauss’s Jordan Crout’s methods Jacobi’s
- Gauss-Seidal and Relaxation method.
Module -3 : Numerical Methods
- Ordinary differential equations: Taylor’s series
- Euler and modified Euler’s methods.
- Runge Kutta method of fourth order for solving first and second order equations. Milne’s and Adam’s predicator-corrector methods.
- Partial differential equations: Finite difference solution two dimensional Laplace equation and Poisson equation
- Implicit and explicit methods for one dimensional heat equation (BenderSchmidt and Crank-Nicholson methods)
- Finite difference explicit method for wave equation.
Module – 4 : Transform Calculus
- Laplace Transform Properties of Laplace Transform
- Laplace transform of periodic functions.
- Finding inverse Laplace transform by different methods
- convolution theorem.
- Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transform
- solving ODEs by Laplace Transform method
- Fourier transforms.
Module – 5 : Concept of Probability
- Probability Mass function Probability Density Function
- Discrete Distribution: Binomial
- Poisson’s Continuous
- Distribution: Normal Distribution Exponential Distribution.
Syllabus of CS-402 (Analysis Design of Algorithm)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Algorithms Designing algorithms analyzing algorithms
- asymptotic notations heap and heap sort.
- Introduction to divide and conquer technique analysis
- design and comparison of various algorithms based on this technique
- example binary search merge sort quick sort
- strassen’s matrix multiplication.
UNIT-2 :
- Study of Greedy strategy examples of greedy method
- like optimal merge patterns Huffman coding
- minimum spanning trees knapsack problem
- job sequencing with deadlines
- single source shortest path algorithm
UNIT-3 :
- Concept of dynamic programming
- problems based on this approach such as 0/1 knapsack
- multistage graph reliability design
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm
UNIT-4 :
- Backtracking concept and its examples like 8 queen’s problem
- Hamiltonian cycle Graph coloring problem etc.
- Introduction to branch & bound method
- examples of branch and bound method like traveling salesman problem etc.
- Meaning of lower bound theory and its use in solving algebraic problem
- introduction to parallel algorithms.
UNIT-5 :
- Binary search trees height balanced trees 2-3 trees
- B-trees basic search and traversal techniques for trees
- and graphs (In order preorder postorder DFS BFS)
- NP-completeness.
Syllabus of CS-403 (Software Engineering)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : The Software Product and Software Process
- Software Product and Process Characteristics
- Software Process Models: Linear Sequential Model
- Prototyping Model RAD Model Evolutionary
- Process Models like Incremental Model Spiral Model
- Component Assembly Model RUP and Agile processes.
- Software Process customization and improvement
- CMM Product and Process Metrics
UNIT-2 : Requirement Elicitation Analysis and Specification
- Functional and Non-functional requirements
- Requirement Sources and Elicitation Techniques
- Analysis Modeling for Function-oriented and
- Object-oriented software development
- Use case Modeling System and Software Requirement Specifications
- Requirement Validation Traceability
UNIT-3 : Software Design
- The Software Design Process
- Design Concepts and Principles
- Software Modeling and UML
- Architectural Design Architectural Views and Styles
- User Interface Design Function oriented Design
- SA/SD Component Based Design
- Design Metrics.
UNIT-4 : Software Analysis and Testing
- Software Static and Dynamic analysis
- Code inspections Software Testing Fundamentals
- Software Test Process Testing Levels Test Criteria
- Test Case Design Test Oracles Test Techniques
- Black-Box Testing White-Box Unit Testing and Unit
- Testing Frameworks Integration Testing
- System Testing and other Specialized Testing
- Test Plan Test Metrics Testing Tools.
- Introduction to Object-oriented analysis
- design and comparison with structured Software Engg.
UNIT-5 : Software Maintenance & Software Project Measurement
- Need and Types of Maintenance
- Software Configuration Management (SCM)
- Software Change Management Version Control
- Change control and Reporting Program Comprehension Techniques
- Re-engineering Reverse Engineering
- Tool Support. Project Management Concepts
- Feasilibility Analysis Project and Process Planning
- Resources Allocations Software efforts
- Schedule and Cost estimations
- Project Scheduling and Tracking
- Risk Assessment and Mitigation
- Software Quality Assurance(SQA).
- Project Plan Project Metrics.
Practical and Lab work
- Lab work should include a running case study problem for which different deliverable sat the end of each phase of a software development life cycle are to be developed.
- This will include modeling the requirements
- architecture and detailed design. Subsequently the design models will be coded and tested.
- For modeling tools like Rational Rose products.
- For coding and testing IDE like Eclipse Net Beans and Visual Studio can be used.
Syllabus of CS-404 (Computer Org. & Architecture)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Basic Structure of Computer
- Structure of Desktop Computers
- CPU: General Register Organization-Memory Register Instruction Register
- Control Word Stack Organization Instruction Format
- ALU I/O System bus CPU and Memory Program Counter
- Bus Structure Register Transfer Language-Bus and Memory Transfer
- addressing modes.
- Control Unit Organization: Basic Concept of Instruction Instruction Types
- Micro Instruction Formats Fetch and Execution cycle
- Hardwired control unit
- Microprogrammed Control unit microprogram sequencer Control Memory
- Sequencing and Execution of Micro Instruction.
UNIT-2 : Computer Arithmetic
- Addition and Subtraction Tools Compliment Representation
- Signed Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and division Booths Algorithm
- Division Operation
- Floating Point Arithmetic Operation. design of Arithmetic unit
UNIT-3 : I/O Organization
- I/O Interface –PCI Bus SCSI Bus
- USB Data Transfer: Serial Parallel
- Synchronous Asynchronous Modes of Data Transfer
- Direct Memory Access(DMA) I/O Processor.
UNIT-4 : Memory Organization
- Main memory-RAM ROM
- Secondary Memory –Magnetic Tape Disk
- Optical Storage
- Cache Memory: Cache Structure and Design
- Mapping Scheme Replacement Algorithm
- Improving Cache Performance Virtual Memory
- memory management hardware
UNIT-5 : Multiprocessors
- Characteristics of Multiprocessor
- Structure of Multiprocessor-Inter processor Arbitration
- Inter-Processor Communication and Synchronization.
- Memory in Multiprocessor System
- Concept of Pipelining Vector Processing
- Array Processing RISC And CISC
- Study of Multicore Processor –Intel AMD.
Syllabus of CS-405 (Operating System)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction to Operating Systems: Function Evolution
- Different Types Desirable Characteristics and features of an O/S
- Operating Systems Services: Types of Services Different ways of providing these Services – Utility Programs System Calls.
UNIT-2 :
- File Systems: File Concept User’s and System Programmer’s view of File System Disk Organization Tape Organization
- Different Modules of a File System
- Disk Space Allocation Methods – Contiguous Linked
- Indexed. Directory Structures
- File Protection System Calls for File Management
- Disk Scheduling Algorithms.
UNIT-3 :
- CPU Scheduling : Process Concept Scheduling Concepts
- Types of Schedulers Process State Diagram
- Scheduling Algorithms Algorithms Evaluation
- System calls for Process Management;
- Multiple Processor Scheduling;
- Concept of Threads.
- Memory Management: Different Memory Management Techniques – Partitioning Swapping Segmentation Paging Paged Segmentation
- Comparison of these techniques
- Techniques for supporting the execution of large programs: Overlay Dynamic Linking and Loading
- Virtual Memory – Concept
- Implementation by Demand Paging etc.
UNIT-4 :
- Input / Output : Principles and Programming
- Input/Output Problems Asynchronous Operations
- Speed gap Format conversion
- I/O Interfaces Programme Controlled I/O
- Interrupt Driven I/O Concurrent I/O.
- Concurrent Processes : Real and Virtual Concurrency
- Mutual Exclusion Synchronization
- Inter- Process Communication
- Critical Section Problem
- Solution to Critical Section Problem : Semaphores – Binary and Counting Semaphores WAIT & SIGNAL Operations and their implementation.
- Deadlocks: Deadlock Problems Characterization
- Prevention Avoidance Recovery.
UNIT-5 :
- Introduction to Network
- Distributed and Multiprocessor Operating Systems.
- Case Studies: Unix/Linux
- WINDOWS and other Contemporary Operating Systems.
Syllabus of CS-406 (A) Programming Practices (Java)
UNIT-1 :
Basic Java Features – C++ Vs JAVA
JAVA virtual machine Constant & Variables
Data Types Class Methods Objects
Strings and Arrays Type Casting Operators
Precedence relations Control Statements
Exception Handling File and Streams Visibility
Constructors Operator and Methods Overloading
Static Members Inheritance: Polymorphism
Abstract methods and Classes
UNIT-2 :
- Java Collective Frame Work – Data Structures: Introduction Type-Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Linked List Stack Queues
- Trees Generics: Introduction Overloading Generic Methods
- Generic Classes
- Collections: Interface Collection and Class Collections
- Lists Array List and Iterator Linked List Vector.
- Collections Algorithms: Algorithm sorts Algorithm shuffle
- Algorithms reverse fill copy
- max and min Algorithm binary Search
- Algorithms add All Stack Class of Package java.
- Util Class Priority Queue and Interface Queue Maps
- Properties Class Unmodifiable Collections.
UNIT-3 :
- Advance Java Features – Multithreading: Thread States
- Priorities and Thread Scheduling Life Cycle of a Thread
- Thread Synchronization Creating and Executing Threads
- Multithreading with GUIMonitors and Monitor Locks.
- Networking: Manipulating URLs Reading a file on a Web Server
- Socket programming Security and the Network
- RMI Networking
- Accessing Databases with JDBC: Relational Database SQL MySQL Oracle
UNIT-4 :
- Advance Java Technologies – Servlets: Overview and Architecture
- Setting Up the Apache Tomcat Server
- Handling HTTP get Requests Deploying a web Application
- Multitier Applications Using JDBC from a Servlet
- Java Server Pages (JSP): Overview First JSP Example
- Implicit Objects Scripting Standard Actions
- Directives
- Multimedia: Applets and Application: Loading Displaying and Scaling Images Animating a Series of Images
- Loading and playing Audio clips
UNIT-5 :
- Advance Web/Internet Programming (Overview): J2ME J2EE EJB XML.
Syllabus of CS-406 (B) Programming Practices ( Dot Net Technologies)
UNIT-1 :
- Introduction
- .NET framework
- features of .Net framework
- architecture and component of .Net
- elements of .Net.
UNIT-2 :
- Basic Features Of C# Fundamentals
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Operator Overloading
- Structures. Advanced Features Of C# Interfaces
- Arrays Indexers and Collections;
- Strings and Regular Expressions
- Handling Exceptions
- Delegates and Events.
UNIT-3 :
- Installing ASP.NET framework
- overview of the ASP .net framework
- overview of CLR class library
- overview of control
- understanding HTML controls
- study of standard controls
- validations controls rich controls.
- Windows Forms: All about windows form MDI form
- creating windows applications adding controls to forms
- handling Events and using various Tolls
UNIT-4 :
- Understanding and handling controls events
- ADO.NET- Component object model
- ODBC OLEDB and SQL connected mode
- disconnected mode dataset
- data-reader Data base controls: Overview of data access data control
- using grid view controls
- using details view and frame view controls ado .net data readers
- SQL data source control
- object data source control
- site map data source.
UNIT-5 :
- XML: Introducing XML
- Structure and syntax of XML
- document type definition (DTD)
- XML Schema
- Document object model
- Presenting and Handling XML.
- xml data source
- using navigation controls
- introduction of web parts
- using java script
- Web Services
Syllabus of CS-406 (C) (Programming Practices)
UNIT-1 : Introduction
- Basic syntax Literal Constants
- Numbers Variable and Basic data types String
- Escape Sequences Operators and Expressions
- Evaluation Order Indentation Input Output
- Functions Comments.
UNIT-2 : Data Structure
- List Tuples
- Dictionary and Sets.
UNIT-3 : Control Flow
- Conditional Statements – If If-else
- Nested If-else.
- Iterative Statement – For While
- Nested Loops.
- Control statements – Break Continue Pass.
UNIT-4 : Object oriented programming
- Class and Object Attributes
- Methods Scopes and Namespaces
- Inheritance Overloading Overriding
- Data hiding.
UNIT-5 : Exception
- Exception Handling Except clause
- Try finally clause
- User Defined Exceptions.
UNIT-6 : Modules and Packages
- Standard Libraries: File I/0 Sys logging
- Regular expression Date and Time
- Network programming
- multi-processing and multi-threading.
Syllabus of CS-406 (D) (Programming Practices MATLAB)
UNIT-1 :
- MATLAB: An Overview Brief history of MATLAB
- About MATLAB Installation of MATLAB
- Help browser Arranging the desktop
- Basic functions of Matlab
- Mostly used symbols in MATLAB
- debugging in Matlab;
- Building MATLAB expressions: MATLAB datatype
- command handling MATLAB basics.
UNIT-2 :
- MATLAB Vector and Matrix: Scalar and vector
- elementary features in a vector array matrices
- eigen values and eigen vectors
- matrix operations matrix operators
- creating matrix arrangement
- indexing array value other operations
- mathematical operations on array array types
UNIT-3 :
- Graphics in MATLAB: 2D plots parametric plots
- contour lines and implicit plots
- field plots multiple graphics display function
- 3D plots multivariate data
- data analysis.
UNIT-4 :
- MATLAB programming introduction to M-files
- MATLAB editors M files scripts
- functions MATLAB error and correction
- MATLAB debugger;
- Digital Image Processing with MATLAB (Image Processing).
UNIT-5 :
- MATLAB in neural networks: About neural networks
- Human and artificial neuron
- Architecture of neural networks (feed-forward feedback network layers)
- The McCuulloch- Pitts Model of Neuron
- The Perceptron Transfer function
- neural network toolbox Actual model
- applications of neural network.
==End of Syllabus==