Important RGPV Question
Table of Contents
AL-502, Database Management Systems
V Sem, AL
Q.1 Describe basic architecture of Database Management System in detail. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.2 Explain the Functions of database Administrator. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.3 What is Database Management System (DBMS)? What are the major components of this system? Explain each component with neat sketch. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.4 What are the different Data Modules of DBMS? Explain in detail. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.1 What is ER-model? Explain the basic symbols used of entities, attributes and relationships. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.2 What is an Attribute? Explain various types of attribute with examples. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.3 Explain integrity constraint over relations. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.4 Explain Fundamental operations in relational algebra with examples. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.5 Explain strong and weak entities. How weak entity can be converted to a strong entity. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.6 Explain Super key, primary key and candidate key with examples. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.7 What are integrity constraints? Explain various types of integrity constraints with suitable example. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.8 Discuss about Relational algebra operations like Select, Project, Join with examples. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.1 How to alter, destroy and views table? Explain with suitable queries. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.2 What are the steps to be followed to convert a relation in 3NF to BCNF? (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.3 Explain Optimization methods. (RGPV NOV 2023)
i) Heuristic based
ii) Cost Estimation based
Q.4 Define join dependency. How is it different to that of Multivalued dependency and Functional dependency? Justify. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.5 Define Normalization. Explain second normal form with the help of an example, (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.6 Explain why 4NF is more desirable than BCNF with the help of an example. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.1 How to test Serializability of Schedule? Explain with example. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.2 Explain log-based recovery Protocol. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.3 Explain Multiple Granularity Concurrency control scheme. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.4 What do you mean by transaction processing? Explain ACID properties of transaction in brief. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.5 How concurrency is performed? Explain the protocol that is used to maintain the concurrency concept. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.6 What is time stamping? Explain a mechanism of concurrency control that uses time stamping with the help of an examples. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.1 What is view? Give brief note on view. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.2 State and explain various File Organization Methods. (RGPV NOV 2023)
Q.3 Write short notes on any two: (RGPV NOV 2023)
a) Assertions
b) Web and Mobile database
c) Hierarchical queries
d) Validation based protocols
Q.4 Explain the advantage of stored procedures with an example. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.5 What is Trigger? Explain in detail with an example. (RGPV NOV 2022)
Q.6 Write short notes on any two of the following: (RGPV NOV 2022)
a) Nested and Parameterized Cursors
b) Single level and multilevel indices
c) Domain Relational Calculus
— Best of Luck for Exam —