Important RGPV Question
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CS-504(C) Introduction to Database Management Systems
V Sem, CS
Q.1 Explain ACID property in detail. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.2 Differentiate DML, DDL and DCL with suitable example. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.3 Why do we need a database? Write its elements. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.4 What are the major benefits of database systems? (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.5 Differentiate physical level and logical level of data abstraction. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.6 Briefly describe various architecture of database systems. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.7 Discuss the role of database administrator. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.8 What is DBMS and RDBMS? Explain it. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.9 Explain about various constraints used in E-R model. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.10 Define database schema. Explain it with example. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.1 Explain INF, 2NF and 3NF with suitable example. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.2 Define generalization and specialization with the help of suitable diagram. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.3 Describe the properties of a relation. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.4 What do you mean by transitive dependency? Explain 3NF (Third Normal Form). (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.5 Explain various types of Data models in brief. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.6 Explain Armstrong’s Axioms (rule of inference) which helds on functional dependencies. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.1 Explain the following commands with syntax. i) Select ii) Update iii) Delete (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.2 List and explain the common data types available in SQL. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.3 Distinguish between primary and super key. (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.4 Consider a relation R with five attribute A, B, C, D, E having following dependencies: A→B, BC→E and ED → A
- i) List all keys for R ii) In which normal form table is (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.5 Describe any three fundamental operations of relational algebra. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.6 Explain following terms- i) Super key ii) Primary key iii) Foreign key (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.7 Explain built in functions of SQL with examples. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.8 Consider the relation R(ABCDE) = {AB→C, B→D, C→E, D→A}, find the attribute closures of given FD’s. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.9 Write syntax of SQL order by and group by clauses. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.1 What do you mean by query optimization? (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.2 What is Trigger? Explain different trigger with example. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.3 Write short note on the following i) Three level architecture of DBMS ii) Functional dependency iii) Transactions iv) Basic structure of SQL query v) Data independence (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.1 What do you mean by view in database? (RGPV DEC 2020)
Q.2 Write short notes on the following (RGPV DEC 2020)
- i) Basic structure of SQL query ii) Data independence iii) Cursors in SQL iv) Trigger in SQL v) Transactions (RGPV JUNE 2020)
Q.3 Write difference between BCNF and 3NF with the help of suitable example. (RGPV JUNE 2020)
— Best of Luck for Exam —