Important RGPV Question, EC- 602, Antennas and wave Propagation, VI Sem, EC

Important RGPV Question

EC- 602 Antennas and wave Propagation

VI Sem, EC

UNIT 1-Radiation

Q.1) Derive an equation of potential function for sinusoidal operations of an antenna.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.2) Write some of the practical applications of short antenna.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.3) Derive expressions for the components of the radiated field of an alternating current element.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.4) What is Retarded Potential? Explain different approaches to solve radiation Problems.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.5) Derive an expression for radiated electric field strength of a traveling wave radiation of length ‘l”.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.6) Derive the relation for magnetic and electric field components of an alternating current element.

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.7) Derive an expression for the power radiated by Quarter Wave Monopole.

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.8) If the array factor of a line array has zeros at $ = 90°, 180°, 270° and the elements are spaced at UA. Design the array.

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.9) Discuss the significance of
i) Retarded potential
ii) Radiation resistance

(RGPV May 2022)

UNIT 2-Antenna Fundamentals

Q.1) What do you mean by antenna? Write some of the properties of antenna.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.2) Derive a relation and find necessary equations for transmission between the two antennas.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.3) What do you mean by Antenna Gain? Give a brief classification of Gain and explain each one.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.4) Discuss the pattern multiplication of an antenna. Explain the effect of earth on vertical patterns.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.5) In order to scan the beam of a linear array to 300 off broad side. Calculate the inner element phase shift required if the elements are spaced at 3 cms and the frequency is 64 KHz.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.6) An end fire array consisting of several half wave length long isotropic radiators having directive gain of 30. Find the length of array for broad side antenna?

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.7) What are the different directional characteristics of dipole antennas?

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.8) Explain Travelling wave antennas in detail.

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.9) Write a short note on effect of earth on vertical patterns.

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.10) What do you mean by horn antenna? While measuring the gain of a horn antenna the gain oscillator is set for 9 GHz frequency and the attenuation inserted was found to be 9.8 dB. Calculate the gain of the horn, the distance between two horn is 35 cm.

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.11) Write a detailed description and requirements of Planer arrays.

(RGPV May 2022)

UNIT 3- Types Of Antennas

Q.1) Derive and explain the relation of antenna efficiency and effective length of an antenna.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2) Explain folded dipole antenna. Derive the current equation for this antenna.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.3) Draw and explain all the characteristics and properties of Yagi Uda Antenna.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.4) Design Yagi-Uda antenna of 6 elements to provide gain of 12 dB if the operating frequency is 200 MHz.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.5) Write short notes on:
i) Lens antenna
ii) Folded dipole antenna

(RGPV May 2022)

UNIT 4- Aperture And Slot

Q.1) Discuss the principle of operation and the consideration which have to be gone into the design and construction of parabolic reflector antenna.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Explain in detail Flat sheet and corner reflector antennas in detail.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) A rectangular microstrip antenna is designed in such a way so that it will resonate at 2 GHz. The idealistic lossless substrate (RT/Duroid 6010.2) has a dielectric constant of 10.2 and a height of 0.05 in. (0.127 cm). Determine the physical dimensions (width and length) of the patch (in cm).

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.4) What is a microstrip antenna? What are different advantages and disadvantages?

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.5) Explain feeding structures of antennas.

(RGPV May 2022)

UNIT 5- Propagation Of Radio Waves

Q.1) Discuss some of the fundamentals of electromagnetic waves. Discuss the types of radio waves propagation.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.2) Discuss the super refraction. Also explain the tropospheric propagation.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.3) Write short notes 
a) MUF
b) LUF
c) Skip Distance
d) Parabolic Reflector Antenna
e) Binomial Array
f) Virtual height

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.4) Derive the relation between Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) and skip distance.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.5) Describe the troposphere and explain how ducts can be used for Microwave propagation.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.6) Show that Ionosphere act as a variable refractive index medium.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.7) What is Critical Frequency? What is Virtual Height? Find the maximum distance that can be covered if the virtual height of the ionospheric layer is 250 kms.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.8) With a neat diagram explain the important features of different types of space wave propagation of electromagnetic waves over long distances even beyond the horizon.

(RGPV May 2022)

Q.9) Obtain the expression of radius of curvature of ray path in terms of rate of change of permittivity with height.

(RGPV May 2022)


Q.1) Explain Babinet’s principle and complementary antenna.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.2) Discuss the Taylor synthesis of sum patterns of an antenna array system.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.3) Draw and explain the Schelkunoff unit circle with the help of suitable example.

(RGPV May 2024)

Q.4) Define antenna beam width and directivity and obtain the relation between them.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.5) Prove the reciprocity theorem as applicable to antennas and hence show the equality of directional pattern for transmission and reception by same antenna.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.6) Define the following terms:
i) V antenna
ii) Sky wave propagation
iii) Lens antenna
iv) Far field approximation

(RGPV May 2022)

— Best of Luck for Exam —