Important RGPV Question, EC- 603, (B) CMOS DESIGN, VI Sem, EC

Important RGPV Question


VI Sem, EC

UNIT 1- Introduction

Q.1) Define Threshold Voltage. Express threshold voltage and discuss dependency of V on various parameters.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) How to construct a resistor using MOS transistor?

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Discuss the transient analysis of CMOS Transmission gate by replacing it with resistor equivalent circuit.

(RGPV May 2023)

UNIT 2- Specification Of Sequential Systems

Q.1) Draw the state diagrams of a sequence detector which can detect 101.

(RGPV May 2023)

UNIT 3- Asynchronous Sequential Machine

Q.1) Analyze the behavior of an asynchronous sequential toggle circuit with flow table.

(RGPV May 2023)

UNIT 4- Size And Complexity Of Integrated Circuits

Q.1) Realize NMOS complex logic gates using the Boolean function Z=A(D+C) +BE.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Explain with neat diagrams the various NMOS fabrication technology.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Draw and explain BiCMOS inverter circuit.

(RGPV May 2023)

UNIT 5- Dc Models, Small Signal Models, MOS Models

Q.1) With the help of required expressions explain Sub-threshold MOS Model.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2) Explain the Inverter DC characteristics and also give your inference on MOSFET channel length. Estimate the maximum and minimum voltage on the gate of Ml in Fig. that ensures that neither M1 or M2 shut off. (Assume the necessary data). 

(RGPV May 2023)



Q.1) The output Z of a fundamental mode, two input sequential circuit is to change from 0 to 1 only when x2 changes from 0 to 1 while x1 =1. The output changes from 1 to 0 only when x1 changes from 1 to 0 while x2=1. Find a minimum row reduced flow table.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.2)  Write a short note on the following:
i) Mealy machine
ii) Bipolar technology

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.3) Draw and explain the circuit diagram for voltage reference with high sensitivity.

(RGPV May 2023)

Q.4) Design an Ex-OR gate using Transmission gate Logic.

(RGPV May 2023)

— Best of Luck for Exam —