Syllabus of B. Tech. IV Sem CSIT (RGPV)
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of BT-401 Mathematics-III
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MODULE-1 : Numerical Methods – 1
- Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – Bisection method
- Newton-Raphson method and Regula-Falsi method.
- Finite differences Relation between operators
- Interpolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae.
- Interpolation with unequal intervals : Newton’s divided difference and Lagrange’s formulae
MODULE-2 : Numerical Methods – 2
- Numerical Differentiation
- Numerical integration : Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8 rules.
- Solution of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations by Gauss’s Elimination
- Gauss’s Jordan
- Crout’s methods Jacobi’s
- Gauss-Seidal and Relaxation method.
MODULE-3 : Numerical Methods – 3
- Ordinary differential equations : Taylor’s series
- Euler and modified Euler’s methods.
- Runge Kutta method of fourth order for solving first and second order equations. Milne’s and Adam’s predicator-corrector methods.
- Partial differential equations : Finite difference solution two dimensional Laplace equation and Poission equation
- Implicit and explicit methods for one dimensional heat equation (Bender-Schmidt and Crank-Nicholson methods)
- Finite difference explicit method for wave equation.
MODULE-4 : Transform Calculus
- Laplace Transform Properties of Laplace Transform
- Laplace transform of periodic functions.
- Finding inverse Laplace transform by different methods convolution theorem.
- Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transform
- solving ODEs by Laplace Transform method
- Fourier transforms.
MODULE-5 : Concept of Probability
- Probability Mass function
- Probability Density Function
- Discrete Distribution : Binomial
- Poisson’s Continuous Distribution : Normal Distribution Exponential Distribution
Syllabus of CSIT-402 Analog & Digital Communication
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UNIT-1 : Signals and Systems
- Block diagram of a communication system signal-definition
- types of signals continuous discrete deterministic non-deterministic
- periodic non-periodic energy power analog and digital signals.
- Electromagnetic Spectra Standard signals- DC sinusoidal unit step ramp signum rectangular pulse impulse(delta) signal.
- System definition classification of systems linear nonlinear time variant time invariant causal non causal stable and unstable systems.
- Fourier transforms : Time domain and frequency domain representation of signal Fourier Transform and its properties conditions for existence
- Transform of Gate unit step constant impulse sine and cosine wave.
- Shifting property of delta function convolution
- time and frequency convolution theorems.
UNIT-2 : Amplitude Modulation
- Modulation need of modulation types of modulation techniques amplitude modulation (DSB-FC)
- modulation index frequency spectrum of AM wave
- linear and over modulation power relation in AM transmission efficiency modulation by a complex signal
- bandwidth of AM AM modulators square law and switching modulator advantages and disadvantages of AM.
- Demodulation of AM : Suppressed carrier amplitude modulation systems DSB-SC SSB-SC VSB-SC systems comparison of various amplitude modulation systems.
- Demodulation of AM square law and envelope detector synchronous detection of AM Low and high power AM transmitters AM receivers
- TRF and superheterodyne receivers
- sensitivity selectivity and fidelity of receivers.
UNIT-3 : Angle modulation
- Introduction and types of angle modulation
- frequency modulation frequency deviation
- modulation index deviation ratio
- bandwidth requirement of FM wave types of FM.
- Phase modulation difference between FM and PM
- Direct and indirect method of FM generation
- FM demodulators- slope detector Foster seeley discriminator ratio detector.
- Introduction to pulse modulation systems
UNIT-4 : Sampling of signal
- sampling theorem for low pass and Band pass signal
- Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) Time division multiplexing (TDM).
- Channel Bandwidth for PAMTDM signal Type of sampling instantaneous
- Natural and flat top Aperture effect
- Introduction to pulse position and pulse duration modulations Digital signal
- Quantization Quantization error Pulse code modulation signal to noise ratio Companding
- Data rate and Baud rate Bit rate multiplexed PCM signal
- Differential PCM (DPCM)
- Delta Modulation (DM) and Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM)
- comparison of various systems.
UNIT-5 : Digital modulations Techniques
- Generation detection equation and Bandwidth of amplitude shift keying (ASK)
- Binary Phase Shift keying (BPSK)
- Differential phase shift keying (DPSK) offset and non offset quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK)
- M-Ary PSK Binary frequency Shift Keying (BFSK) M-Ary FSK Quadrature Amplitude modulation (QAM).
- AM Modulation and Demodulation (Envelope Detector)
- Frequency modulation using reactance modulator.
- Frequency modulation using varactor modulator.
- Pulse Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
- Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis
- Analog Multiplexing.
- Amplitude Modulation using Pspice
- Receiver characteristics (selectivity sensitivity fidelity).
- Operation of foster-seeley loop detector.
- Operation of ratio detector.
Syllabus of CSIT-403 Analysis & Design of Algorithm
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UNIT-1 :
- Algorithms Designing algorithms analyzing algorithms asymptotic notations
- heap and heap sort.
- Introduction to divide and conquer technique analysis
- design and comparison of various algorithms based on this technique
- example binary search merge sort quick sort strassen’s matrix multiplication.
UNIT-2 :
- Study of Greedy strategy examples of greedy method like optimal merge patterns
- Huffman coding minimum spanning trees knapsack problem
- job sequencing with deadlines
- single source shortest path algorithm etc.
UNIT-3 :
- Concept of dynamic programming
- problems based on this approach such as 0/1 knapsack
- multistage graph reliability design
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm etc
UNIT-4 :
- Backtracking concept and its examples like 8 queen’s problem
- Hamiltonian cycle Graph coloring problem etc.
- Introduction to branch & bound method
- examples of branch and bound method like traveling salesman problem etc.
- Meaning of lower bound theory and its use in solving algebraic problem
- Introduction to parallel algorithms.
UNIT-5 :
- Binary search trees height balanced trees 2-3 trees B-trees
- basic search and traversal techniques for trees and graphs (In order preorder postorder DFS BFS)
- NP-completeness.
- Write a program for Iterative and Recursive Binary Search.
- Write a program for Merge Sort.
- Write a program for Quick Sort.
- Write a program for Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication.
- Write a program for optimal merge patterns.
- Write a program for Huffman coding.
- Write a program for minimum spanning trees using Kruskal’s algorithm.
- Write a program for minimum spanning trees using Prim’s algorithm.
- Write a program for single sources shortest path algorithm.
- Write a program for Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- Write a program for traveling salesman problem.
- Write a program for Hamiltonian cycle problem.
Syllabus of CSIT-404 Computer Organization & Architecture
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UNIT-1 : Basic Structure of Computer
- Structure of Desktop Computers
- CPU : General Register Organization-Memory Register Instruction Register Control Word
- Stack Organization Instruction Format ALU
- I/O System busCPU and Memory Program Counter Bus Structure Register Transfer Language-Bus and Memory Transfer addressing modes.
- Control Unit Organization : Basic Concept of Instruction Instruction Types
- Micro Instruction Formats Fetch and Execution cycle
- Hardwired control unit Micro-programmed Control unit microprogram sequencer
- Control Memory Sequencing and Execution of Micro Instruction.
UNIT-2 : Computer Arithmetic
- Addition and Subtraction Tools Compliment Representation
- Signed Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and division
- Booths Algorithm Division Operation
- Floating Point Arithmetic Operation.
- design of Arithmetic unit
UNIT-3 : I/O Organization
- I/O Interface –PCI Bus SCSI Bus USB
- Data Transfer : Serial Parallel Synchronous
- Asynchronous Modes of Data Transfer
- Direct Memory Access(DMA) I/O Processor
UNIT-4 : Memory Organization
- Main memory-RAM ROM
- Secondary Memory –Magnetic Tape Disk Optical Storage
- Cache Memory : Cache Structure and Design Mapping Scheme
- Replacement Algorithm Improving Cache Performance
- Virtual Memory memory management hardware
UNIT-5 : Multiprocessors
- Characteristics of Multiprocessor Structure of MultiprocessorInter-processor Arbitration
- Inter-Processor Communication and Synchronization.
- Memory in Multiprocessor System
- Concept of Pipelining Vector Processing
- Array Processing RISC And CISC
- Study of Multicore Processor –Intel AMD.
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS : Computer Org.& Architecture
- Study of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
- Study of Half Adder and Subtractor
- Study of Full Adder and Subtractor
- WAP to add two 8 bit numbers and store the result at memory location 2000
- WAP to multiply two 8 bit numbers stored at memory location 2000 and 2001 and stores the result at memory location 2000 and 2001.
- WAP to add two 16-bit numbers. Store the result at memory address starting from 2000.
- WAP which tests if any bit is ‘0’ in a data byte specified at an address 2000. If it is so 00 would be stored at address 2001 and if not so then FF should be storedat the same address.
- Assume that 3 bytes of data are stored at consecutive memory addresses of the data memory starting at 2000. Write a program which loads register C with (2000) i.e. with data contained at memory address2000 D with (2001) E with (2002) and A with (2001).
- Sixteen bytes of data are specified at consecutive data-memory locations starting at 2000. Write a program which increments the value of all sixteen bytes by 01.
- WAP to add t 10 bytes stored at memory location starting from 3000. Store the result at memory location 300A
Syllabus of CSIT-405 Data base Management System
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UNIT-1 :
- Basic Concepts : Introduction to DBMS File system vs DBMS
- Advantages of database systems
- Database System architecture Data models Schemas and instances
- Data independence Functions of DBA and designer
- Entities and attributes Entity types Key attributes Relationships
- Defining the E-R diagram of database.
UNIT-2 :
- Relational Model : Structure of relational databases Domains Relations
- Relational algebra – fundamental operators and syntax relational algebra queries
- Entity- Relationship model : Basic concepts Design process constraints Keys Design issues
- E-R diagrams weak entity sets extended E-R features –generalization specialization and aggregation
UNIT-3 :
- SQL : Data definition in SQL
- update statements and views in SQL :
- Data storage and definitions
- Data retrieval queries and update statements
- Query Processing & Query Optimization : Overview measures of query cost selection operation sorting join evaluation of expressions
- transformation of relational expressions estimating statistics of expression results evaluation plans.
- Case Study of ORACLE and DB2.
UNIT-4 :
- Relational Database design : Functional Dependency –definition trivial and non-trivial FD
- closure of FD set closure of attributes irreducible set of FD
- Normalization –1NF 2NF 3NF
- Decomposition using FD-dependency preservation lossless join BCNF
- Multi-valued dependency 4NF Join dependency and 5NF
UNIT-5 :
- Introduction of transaction transaction processing and recovery
- Concurrency control : Lock management specialized locking techniques concurrency control without locking
- Protection and Security
- Introduction to Distributed databases Basic concepts of object oriented data base system.
- To perform various SQL Commands of DDL DML DCL.
- Write SQL Commands such as Insertion deletion and updation for any schema.
- To execute Nested Queries Join Queries order-by having clause and string operation.
- To perform set operators like Union Intersect Minus on a set of tables.
- To execute various commands for GROUP functions (avg count max min Sum).
- Write a PL/SQL block for transaction application usingTriggers.
- Write a DBMS program to prepare report for an application using function.
- Designing of various Input screens/Forms.
- Create reports using database connectivity of Front end with back end.
- Create database Design with normalization and implementing in any application.
Syllabus of CSIT-406 Dot Net
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UNIT-1 :
- Introduction NET framework
- features of Net framework
- architecture and component of Net
- elements of Net.
UNIT-2 :
- Basic Features Of C# Fundamentals
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Operator Overloading Structures.
- Advanced Features Of C# Interfaces
- Arrays Indexers and Collections; Strings and Regular Expressions
- Handling Exceptions Delegates and Events.
UNIT-3 :
- Installing ASP.NET framework overview of the ASP .net framework overview of CLR class library
- overview of control understanding HTML controls
- study of standard controls validations controls rich controls.
- Windows Forms : All about windows form
- MDI form creating windows applications adding controls to forms handling Events and using various Tolls
UNIT-4 :
- Understanding and handling controls events
- ADO.NET- Component object model ODBC OLEDB and SQL connected mode disconnected mode dataset data-reader
- Data base controls : Overview of data access data control using grid view controls using details view and frame view controls
- ado .net data readers SQL data source control object data source control site map data source.
UNIT-5 :
- XML: Introducing XML Structure and syntax of XML
- document type definition (DTD) XML Schema
- Document object model Presenting and Handling
- XML. xml data source using navigation controls
- introduction of web parts using java script Web Services
- Working with call backs and delegates in C#
- Code access security with C#.
- Creating a COM+ component with C#.
- Creating a Windows Service with C#
- Interacting with a Windows Service with C#
- Using Reflection in C#
- Sending Mail and SMTP Mail and C#
- Perform String Manipulation with the String Builder and String Classes and C#:
- Using the System .Net Web Client to Retrieve or Upload Data with C#
- Reading and Writing XML Documents with the XML Text-Reader/-Writer Class and C#
- Working with Page using ASP .Net.
- Working with Forms using ASP .Net
- Data Sources access through ADO.Net
- Working with Data readers Transactions
- Creating Web Application.
Syllabus of BT-407, 90 hrs Internship based on using various software’s – Internship -II
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- To be completed anytime during fourth semester.
- Its evaluation/credit to be added in fifth semester.
Syllabus of BT-408 Cyber Security
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UNIT-1 : Introduction
- Introduction of Cyber Crime Categorizing Cybercrime
- Cybercrime Theory
- Criminology perception of cyber criminals: hackers computer intrusions and Attacks
- Privacy surveillance and protection hiding crimes in cyberspace
- cryptography hacking vs cracking
- privacy and security at risk in the global information society.
UNIT-2 : Application Security
- Data Security Security Technology-Firewall and VPNs
- Intrusion Detection Access Control.
- Security Threats -Viruses Worms Trojan Horse Bombs Trapdoors Spoofs E-mail Viruses Macro Viruses
- Malicious Software Network and Denial of Services Attack
- Security Threats to E-Commerce- Electronic Payment System e- Cash Credit/Debit Cards.
UNIT-3 : Cryptography concepts and Techniques
- Plain text cipher text types – substitution transposition encryption decryption
- symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography algorithms
- steganography .
UNIT-4 : Security Policies
- Development of Policies WWW Policies Email Security Policies
- Policy Review Process-Corporate Policies-Sample Security Policies
- Publishing and Notification Requirement of the Policies.
UNIT-5 : Information Security Standards
- ISO IT Act Copyright Act Patent Law IPR. Cyber Laws in India;
- IT Act 2000 Provisions
- Intellectual Property Law: Copy Right Law Software License
- Semiconductor Law and Patent Law.
- Case Study : Corporate Security Cyber cases
==End of Syllabus==