Syllabus of B. Tech. IV Sem EC (RGPV)
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of ES-401 Energy & Environmental Engineering
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Module-1 : Introduction to Energy Science
- Introduction to energy systems and resources;
- Introduction to Energy sustainability & the environment;
- Overview of energy systems sources
- transformations efficiency and storage;
- Fossil fuels (coal oil oil-bearing shale and sands
- coal gasification) – past present & future
- Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels – biomass wind
- solar nuclear wave tidal and hydrogen;
- Sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy systems;
- possibilities for energy storage or regeneration (Ex. Pumped storage hydro power projects
- superconductor-based energy storages
- high efficiency batteries)
Module-2 : Ecosystems
- Concept of an ecosystem;
- Structure and function of an ecosystem;
- Producers consumers and decomposers;
- Energy flow in the ecosystem;
- Ecological succession;
- Food chains food webs and ecological pyramids;
- Introduction types characteristic features
- structure and function of the following ecosystem
- (a.)Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds streams lakes rivers oceans estuaries)
Module-3 : Biodiversity and its conservation
- Introduction – Definition: genetic species and ecosystem diversity;
- Bio-geographical classification of India;
- Value of biodiversity : consumptive use productive use
- social ethical aesthetic and option values;
- Biodiversity at global National and local levels;
- India as a mega-diversity nation;
- Hot-sports of biodiversity;
- Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss poaching of wildlife
- man-wildlife conflicts;
- Endangered and endemic species of India;
- Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
Module-4 : Environmental Pollution
- Definition Cause effects and control measures of Air pollution
- Water pollution Soil pollution
- Marine pollution Noise pollution
- Thermal pollution Nuclear hazards;
- Solid waste Management : Causes effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes;
- Role of an individual in prevention of pollution;
- Pollution case studies;
- Disaster management : floods earthquake
- cyclone and landslides.
Module-5 : Social Issues and the Environment
- From Unsustainable to Sustainable development;
- Urban problems related to energy;
- Water conservation
- rain water harvesting
- watershed management;
- Resettlement and rehabilitation of people;
- its problems and concerns.
- Case Studies Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
- Climate change global warming
- acid rain ozone layer depletion
- nuclear accidents and holocaust.
- Case Studies Wasteland reclamation;
- Consumerism and waste products;
- Environment Protection Act;
- Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act;
- Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act;
- Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act;
- Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation;
- Public awareness.
Module-5 : Field work
- Visit to a local area to document environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain
- Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural
- Study of common plants insects birds.
- Study of simple ecosystems-pond river hill slopes etc.
Syllabus of EC-402 Signals & Systems
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UNIT-1 : Introduction of Signals and Systems
- Definition of signal
- Classification of Signal and representation : Continuous time and discrete time even/odd periodic/aperiodic
- random/deterministic energy/power
- one/multidimensional some standard signals
- Basic Operations on Signals for CT/DT signal
- transformation of independent & dependent variables
- Definition of system and their classification : CT/DT linear/non-linear variant/non-variant
- causal and non-causal system state/dynamic system
- interconnection of systems.
- System properties : linearity: additivity and homogeneity
- shift-invariance causality stability realizability.
UNIT-2 : Linear Time- Invariant Systems:
- Introduction Impulse Response Representation for LTI Systems Convolution
- Properties of the Impulse Response Representation for LTI Systems
- Difference Equation for LTI Systems
- Block Diagram Representations(direct form-I direct form II Transpose cascade and parallel).
- Impulse response of DT-LTI system and its properties.
UNIT-3 : z-Transform
- Introduction ROC of finite duration sequence
- ROC of infinite duration sequence
- Relation between Discrete time Fourier Transform and z-transform
- properties of the ROC
- Properties of z-transform
- Inverse z-Transform
- Analysis of discrete time LTI system using z Transform
- Unilateral z-Transform.
UNIT-4 : Fourier analysis of discrete time signals
- Introduction Properties and application of discrete time Fourier series
- Representation of Aperiodic signals
- Fourier transform and its properties
- Convergence of discrete time Fourier transform
- Fourier Transform for periodic signals
- Applications of DTFT.
UNIT-5 :
- State-space analysis and multi-input
- multi-output representation.
- The state-transition matrix and its role.
- The Sampling Theorem and its implications- Spectra of sampled signals.
- Reconstruction
- Introduction to MATLAB Tool.
- To implement delta function unit step function ramp function and parabolic function for continuous-time.
- To implement delta function unit step function ramp function and parabolic function for discrete-time.
- To implement rectangular function triangular function sinc function and signum function for continuous-time.
- To implement rectangular function triangular function sinc function and signum function for discrete-time.
- To explore the communication of even and odd symmetries in a signal with algebraic operations.
- To explore the effect of transformation of signal parameters (amplitude-scaling time scaling & shifting).
- To explore the time variance and time invariance property of a given system.
- To explore causality and non-causality property of a system.
- To demonstrate the convolution of two continuous-time signals.
- To demonstrate the correlation of two continuous-time signals.
- To demonstrate the convolution of two discrete-time signals.
- To demonstrate the correlation of two discrete-time signals.
- To determine Magnitude and Phase response of Fourier Transform of given signals.
Syllabus of EC-403 Analog Communication
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
- Frequency domain representation of signal : Fourier transform and its properties condition of existence
- Fourier transform of impulse
- stepsignum cosine sine gate pulse constant
- properties of impulse function.
- Convolution theorem (time & frequency)
- correlation(auto & cross)
- energy & power spectral density
UNIT-2 :
- Introduction : Overview of Communication system
- Communication channels Need for modulation
- Baseband and Pass band signals
- Amplitude Modulation : Double side band with Carrier (DSB-C)
- Double side band without Carrier
- Single Side Band Modulation
- DSB-SC DSB-C SSB-SC Generation of AM
- DSB-SC SSB-SC VSB-SC & its detection
- Vestigial Side Band (VSB).
UNIT-3 :
- Types of angle modulation
- narrowband FM wideband FM
- its frequency spectrum transmission BW
- methods of generation (Direct & Indirect)
- detection of FM (discriminators: balanced phase shift and PLL detector)
- pre emphasis and de-emphasis.
- FM transmitter & receiver : Block diagram of FM transmitter& receiver
UNIT-4 :
- AM transmitter& receiver : Tuned radio receiver &super heterodyne
- imitation of TRF IF frequency
- image signal rejection selectivity
- sensitivity and fidelity
- Noise in AM FM
UNIT-5 :
- Noise : Classification of noise Sources of noise
- Noise figure and Noise temperature
- Noise bandwidth Noise figure measurement
- Noise in analog modulation
- Figure of merit for various AM and FM
- effect of noise on AM &FM receivers.
List of Experiments:
- To analyze characteristics of AM modulator & Demodulators.
- To analyze characteristics of FM modulators& Demodulators.
- To analyze characteristics of super heterodyne receivers.
- To analyze characteristics of FM receivers.
- To construct and verify pre emphasis and de-emphasis and plot the wave forms.
- To analyze characteristics of Automatic volume control and Automatic frequency control.
- To construct frequency multiplier circuit and to observe the waveform.
- To design and analyze characteristics of FM modulator and AM Demodulator using PLL.
Syllabus of EC-404 Control System
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UNIT-1 : Introduction to Control system
- Terminology and classification of control system
- examples of control system
- mathematical modeling of mechanical and electrical systems
- differential equations transfer function
- block diagram representation and reduction
- signal flow graph techniques.
- Feedback characteristics of control systems : Open loop and closed loop systems
- effect of feedback on control system and on external disturbances
- linearization effect of feedback
- regenerative feedback
UNIT-2 : Time response analysis
- Standard test signals time response of 1st order system
- time response of 2nd order system
- steady-state errors and error constants
- effects of additions of poles and zeros to open loop and closed loop system.
- Time domain stability analysis :
- Concept of stability of linear systems
- effects of location of poles on stability
- necessary conditions for stability
- Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria
- relative stability analysis Root Locus concept
- guidelines for sketching Root-Locus.
UNIT-3 : Frequency response analysis
- Correlation between time and frequency response
- Polar plots Bode Plots
- all-pass and minimum-phase systems
- log-magnitude versus Phase-Plots
- closed-loop frequency response.
- Frequency domain stability analysis :
- Nyquist stability criterion
- assessment of relative stability using Nyquist plot and Bode plot (phase margin gain margin and stability).
UNIT-4 :
- Approaches to system design Design problem
- types of compensation techniques
- design of phase-lag
- phase lead and phase lead-lag compensators in time and frequency domain proportional derivative
- integral and Composite Controllers.
UNIT-5 :
- State space representation of systems
- block diagram for state equation
- transfer function decomposition
- solution of state equation transfer matrix
- relationship between state equation and transfer function
- controllability and observability.
Control System performance analysis and applications of MATLAB in Control system performance analysis & design.
Syllabus of EC-405 Analog Circuits
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Feedback Amplifier and Oscillators
- Concept of feedback and their types
- Amplifier with negative feedback and its advantages.
- Feedback Topologies.
UNIT-2 : Oscillators
- Concept of Positive feedback
- Classification of Oscillators
- Barkhausen criterion
- Types of oscillators : RC oscillator RC Phase Shift
- Wien Bridge Oscillators.
- LC Oscillator : Hartley Colpitt’s
- Clapp and Crystal oscillator.
UNIT-3 : Introduction to integrated circuits
- Advantages and characteristic parameters of IC’s
- basic building components
- data sheets
UNIT-4 : Operational Amplifier
- Differential amplifier and analysis
- Configurations- Dual input balanced output differential amplifier
- Dual input Unbalanced output differential amplifier
- Single input balanced output differential amplifier
- Single input Unbalanced output differential amplifier Introduction of op-amp
- Block diagram characteristics and equivalent circuits of an ideal opamp
- Power supply configurations for OP-AMP.
UNIT-5 : Characteristics of op-amp
- Ideal and Practical
- Input offset voltage offset current
- Input bias current Output offset voltage
- thermal drift Effect of variation in power supply voltage
- common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR)
- Slew rate and its Effect PSRR and gain bandwidth product
- frequency limitations and compensations
- transient response
- analysis of TL082 datasheet.
UNIT-6 : OP-AMP applications
- Inverting and non-inverting amplifier configurations
- Summing amplifier Integrators and differentiators
- Instrumentation amplifier Differential input and differential output amplifier
- Voltage-series feedback amplifier
- Voltage-shunt feedback amplifier
- Log/ Antilog amplifier Triangular/rectangular wave generator
- phase-shift oscillators Wein bridge oscillator
- analog multiplier-MPY634 VCO Comparator
- Zero Crossing Detector.
- OP-AMP AS FILTERS : Characteristics of filters
- Classification of filters Magnitude and frequency response
- Butterworth 1st and 2nd order Low pass
- High pass and band pass filters
- Chebyshev filter characteristics Band reject filters
- Notch filter; all pass filters self-tuned filters
- AGCAVC using op-AMP.
- IC-555 Timer concept Block pin configuration of timer.
- Monostable Bistable and A stable Multivibrator using timer 555-IC
- Schmitt Trigger Voltage limiters
- Clipper and clampers circuits Absolute value output circuit
- Peak detector Sample and hold Circuit
- Precision rectifiers Voltage-to-current converter
- Current-to-voltage converter.
UNIT-8 :
- Voltage Regulator : simple OP-AMP Voltage regulator
- Fixed and Adjustable Voltage Regulators
- Dual Power supply
- Basic Switching Regulator and characteristics of standard regulator ICs such as linear regulator
- Switching regulator andlow-drop out regulator.
- Study of LM317 TPS40200 and TPS7250
List of Experiments :
Apparatus Required – Dual Channel Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (0-20 MHz) Function Generator (10MHz and above) Dual Power Supply LM741 TL082 MPY634TPS7250 Probes digital multimeter.
- To measure and compare the op-amp characteristics: offset voltages bias currents CMRR Slew Rate of OPAMP LM741 and TL082.
- To determine voltage gain and frequency response of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers using TL082.
- To design an instrumentation amplifier and determine its voltage gain using TL082.
- To design op-amp integrator (low pass filter) and determine its frequency response.
- To design op-amp differentiator (high pass filter) and determine its frequency response.
- Design 2nd order Butterworth filter using universal active filter topology with LM741
- To design Astable Monostable and Bi stable multi vibrator using 555 and analyse its characteristics.
- Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Automatic Volume Control (AVC)using multiplier MPY634
- To design a PLL using op amp with MPY634 and determine the free running frequency the capture range and the lock in range of PLL
- Design and test a Low Dropout regulator using op-amps for a given voltage regulation characteristic and compare the characteristics with TPS7250 IC.
Syllabus of EC-406 Simulation Lab
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Design Optimization and simulation of
- Basic Electronic circuits (examples rectifiers clippers clampers diode transistor characteristics etc).
- Transient and steady state analysis of RL/ RC/ RLC circuits realization of network theorems.
- Use of virtual instruments built in the software.
UNIT-2 : Introduction to PCB layout software
- Overview and use of the software in optimization
- designing and fabrication of PCB pertaining to above circuits simulated using above simulation software.
- Students should simulate and design the PCB for at least two circuits they are learning in the current semester.
==End of Syllabus==