Q.1) 1. Explain disadvantages of conventional file based system compared to database management system.

RGPV May 2018, Dec 2020

Q.2) Explain operations of file in details.

RGPV June 2020

Q.3) What is the architecture of a database ? 

RGPV June 2020

Q.4) Define database management system what are the major components of this system? Explain each component.

RGPV December 2020

Q.5) What is data model? List a few data models that you know.

RGPV December 2020

Q.6) Describe rules of DBA and its functions.

RGPV June 2020

Q.7) Differentiate between single valued and multivalued.

Q.8) Write short note on entities and attribute.

RGPV June 2020

Q.9) What is an entity type? What is an entity set? explain the differences among and entity and entity type and an entity set.

RGPV June 2020

Q.10) Write any three functions of DBA.

Q.11) Explain the advantages of database management system over file management system.

RGPV May 2019

Q.12) Write short note on advantages of database system.

RGPV November 2019

Q.13)  What is data model ? list the types of data model and you used and explain it.

RGPV May 2019

Q.14) Explain the different components of DBMS. Also draw its architecture.

RGPV November 2019

Q.15) Write a short note on DBA.

RGPV May 2019

Q.16) What is entity? What is relationship? Explain E-R modelling with help of database for student management system.

RGPV May 2019

Q.17) Draw and discuss three levels of database management system.

RGPV May 2018 

Q.18) What is the difference between database user and database administrator ? explain various functions of database administrator.

RGPV May 2018

Q.19) Write short note on schemas and instances.

RGPV December 2017

Q. 20) With I need sketch discuss that three schema architecture of DBMS.

RGPV Dec 2017

Q. 21) Explain the responsibilities of the DBA and the database designers?

RGPV June 2017

Q. 22) Describe various disadvantages of file system compare to Data base management system.

RGPV June 2022

Q. 23) Explain the components of DBMS with a neat diagram.

RGPV June 2022

Q. 24) Define and explain following terms: Levels of data abstraction, Instances, Schema, Physical data independence, Logical data independence.

RGPV June 2022

UNIT 2- Relational Model-


Q.1) Explain relational schema intension and extension.

Q.2) What is relational algebra question mark and list and explain the fundamental operations of relational.

RGPV May 2018 ,Dec 2020

Q.3) Explain the following relational algebra operations at

(i) Natural join operation

(ii) Selection and projection operation.

RGPV Dec 2020

Q.4) Define ER diagram. Draw an ER diagram for library management system. Assume relevant entities and attributes for given system.

RGPV May 2018, Dec 2020

Q.5) List various types of constraints in database? Explain any two.

RGPV June 2020

Q.6) Describe generalization and specialization with example.

RGPV June 2020

Q.7) Explain your model. What are the different types of mapping constraint? Draw ER diagram for hospital with asset of patients and medical doctors.

RGPV November 2019

Q.8) How is relationship between entities indicates in an ER diagram, and what is its function mark what is a week entity and how is it represented in an year diagram? Give an example.

RGPV November 2019 

Q.9) Write short note on we can strong entity set.

RGPV November 2019

Q.10) Write a short note on relational algebra.

RGPV May 2019 

Q.11) Explain the following terms

 (i) Domains

(ii) Double

(iii) Schemas

Q.12) Draw and ear diagram of University by determining entities of interest and the relationships and that exist between these entities.

Q.13) Explain / discuss various types of joins with examples.

 RGPV May 2018

Q.14) What are integrity constraints explain various type of integrity constraints with suitable example.

RGPV May 2018

Q.15) Write an example explain clearly JOIN and UNION operations in relational algebra. Bring out the difference between natural JOIN and OUTER JOIN.

RGPV June 2017

Q.16) Discuss the different relational algebra operations.

RGPV June 2017

Q.17) For the following problem definition the musical company wants to store information about the musicians who perform on its albums. Each musician has a musician ID name and address and a phone number. Some musicians may have the same address and some of them may have more than one phone number. It musician may play several instruments and instruments may be played by several musician. Each instrument has name and a musical key. The album recorded has a title format and album identifier. Each album has a number of songs where a song has a title and an author. Each song maybe performed by several musicians and a musician may perform a number of songs. One of the musician of the song act as producer. Maybe produce several albums. (i) Draw and ER diagram.

(ii) Transfer the ER diagram to a relational schema.

RGPV December 2017

Q.18) Drawing a diagram for the hospital management system. Assume your own entities (minimum of 5), attributes and relations. Explain in detail.

RGPV June 2017

Q.19) Define domain integrity constraint, entity integrated constraint and referential integrity constraint.

RGPV December 2017

Q. 20) Define the term referential integrity.

Q. 21) Differentiate specialization and generalization with help of example.

RGPV June 2022

Q. 22) Explain in detail about various key constraints used in database system.

RGPV June 2022

Q. 23) Describe the concept of Referential Integrity.

Q.1) Define query language.

Q.2) How the modification of database can be done in QUEL? explain.

Q.3)  Describe the features of embedded SQL.

Q.4) What is aggregate function? explain any five aggregate functions with example.

 RGPV May 2018 December 2020

Q.5) What is a view in SQL?

Q.6) Write short note on Oracle.

RGPV June 2020

Q.7) What is NULL question mark give an example to illustrate testing for NULL in SQL.

Q.8) Explain query processing with suitable example.

RGPV December 2020 

Q.9) Give a brief note on query processing and query optimization.

RGPV May 2018

Q.10) What is query processing and query optimization and explain the difference between both of them?

RGPV June 2020

Q.11) Explain cost paste query optimization.

RGPV June 2020

Q.12) Write short note on database languages.

RGPV November 2019

Q.13) What is SQL? What are its advantages ?

RGPV May 2019 

Q.14) Define the following terms

(i) DDL

(ii) DML

(iii) DCL

RGPV May 2019

Q.15) How do the relations tables in SQL differ from the relations defined formally? discuss the other differences in terminology. Why does SQL allow duplicate couples in a table or in a query result?

RGPV November 2019

Q.16) Explain the basic step involved in query processing.

RGPV May 2019

Q.17) Explain steps in detail to optimize a query.

RGPV November 2019

Q.18) Explain query optimization process with various query optimization techniques with example.

RGPV November 2019

Q.19) What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS? Explain E.Codd’s rule for RDBMS.

RGPV November 2019

Q. 20) Write short note on DB2.

RGPV December 2017, may 2019

Q. 21) Explain the operation of two tier clients / server architecture for RDBMS. Give its various application.

RGPV November 2019

Q. 22) Discuss the various aggregate functions in SQL with an example for each.

RGPV December 2017

Q. 23) Explain in detail about heuristic approach of query optimization.

RGPV December 2017

Q. 24) Consider the following schema for a company database

Employee (Name, SSN, Address, Sex, Salary, Dno)

Department (Dname, Dnumber, MGRSSN, MGRSTART Date)

Dept-Locations (Dnumber, Dlocations)

Project (Pname, Pnumber, Plocations, Dnum)

Works-On (ESSN, PNo, Hours)

Dependent (ESSN, Dependent-name, Sex, Bdate, Relationship) Give the queries in SQL

(i) Retrieve the names and address of employees who work for “Research” Department.

(ii) List all the project names on which employee “Smith” is working.

(iii) Retrieve all employees who either work in department 4 and make over 25000 per year or work in department 5 and make over 30,000.

(iv) Retrieve the SSN of all employees who either work in department 5 or directly supervise an employee who works in department number.

RGPV June 2017

Q. 25) Write SQL statement for the following Student (Enrno, Name, CourseID, EmailID, Cell No.) Course (CourseID, Course-nm, duration)

(i) Add a column city in student table.

(ii) Find out list of students who have enrolled in “computer” course.

(iii) List name of all course with their duration.

(iv) List name of all students starting with “a”.

(v) List Email ID and cell no. of all mechanical engineering students.

RGPV May 2018

Q. 26) Consider following database tables

Emp (eid, ename, salary, address, dept id)

Dept (Dept id, Dname, address)

Construct the following SQL series for this relational database –

(i) Find name of employee whose address is “Lucknow”.

(ii) Find name of employee earning highest salary.

(iii) Find all employees working for “HR’ department.

(iv) Delete record of employee with minimum salary.

(v) Display name of departments of the company.

RGPV June 2020

Q.27) Consider the following relational schema: Doctor (DName, Reg_no) Patient (Pname, Disease) Assigned To (Pname, Dname)

Give expression in both SQL and relational algebra for each of the queries:

i) Get the names of patients who are assigned to more than one doctor.

ii) Get the names of doctors who are treating patients with ‘Polio’.

RGPV June 2022

Q.1) Explain the concept of functional dependency with an example.

RGPV June 2020

Q.2) Write short note on normalization.

RGPV June 2020 

Q.3) Explain the term dependency preservation.

Q.4) What is decomposition? What are the desirable properties of decomposition ?

Q.5) What is normalization ? explain 2nd normal form with the help of an example.

RGPV December 2020

Q.6) Define the term lossless decomposition.

Q.7) Write short note on trivial and non trivial FD.

RGPV November 2019

Q.8) Explain trivial and non trivial functional dependency.

RGPV May 2019 

Q.9) Define the term third normal form.

Q.10) What is first normal form?

Q.11) Write short note on join dependency and 5 NF.

RGPV June 2020

Q.12) Describe design guidelines for relational scheme with example.

RGPV June 2020

Q.13) What is BCNF? explain with examples.

RGPV December 2020

Q.14) What is normalization in and why it is done? Explain 1NF ,2 NF, 3 NF , BCNF and 4 NF with example.

RGPV November 2019

Q.15) What is multi value dependency? Explain with example.

RGPV may 2019

Q.16) What is normalization? Why is it required? Explain 1 NF 2 NF and 3 NF with suitable example.

RGPV May 2018

Q.17) Define BCNF. How does it differ from 3 NF? Why is it considered stronger form of 3NF? Explain with neat diagram.

RGPV June 2017

Q.18) Given below are two sets of FDs for a relation R(A, B, C, D, E). Are they equivalent ? RGPV June 2017

Q.19) Given a set of functional dependency

RGPV June 2022

Q.20) What do you mean by Normalization? Explain BCNF, 3NF and 2NF with a suitable example.

RGPV June 2022

  Q.1) Write short note on recovery.

Q.2) What is transaction. Discuss ACID properties of a transaction with relevant example.

RGPV May 2018

Q.3) What do you mean by a transaction?

Q.4) Write short note on log base recovery.

RGPV May 2018, December 2020

Q.5) What is concurrency? Give the reason for allowing concurrency.

RGPV May 2019

Q.6) What is transaction processing and recovery?

RGPV May 2019

Q.7) What DBMS component is responsible for concurrency control how is this feature used to resolve conflicts?

Q.8) What is deadlock? When does it occur? What is it detected in the database system? How it can be avoided? Discuss in detail.

RGPV June 2020

Q.9) What is serializability? Explain view and conflict serializability with example.

RGPV December 2020

Q.10) Write short note on two phase locking protocol.

RGPV May 2018 December 2020

Q.11) What is concurrency control? What are the recovery techniques to overcome from concurrency?

RGPV May 2018

Q.12) Write short note on locking techniques.

RGPV December 2017

Q.13) Explain how strict 2 phase locking its implemented. Show them with an example.

RGPV June 2017

Q.14) Explain the concept of conflict serializability. define conflicting instructions and non conflicting instructions.

RGPV December 2017

Q.15) Explain concurrency control and recovery in distributed database management system.

RGPV December 2017

Q.16) Concurrent execution of transaction to ensure serializability? Justify your answer. Give an example of transactions and how you can force serializability in those transactions.

RGPV June 2017

Q.17) What is deadlock? discuss the different ways of preventing deadlock and detecting deadlock.

RGPV December 2017

Q.18) Write short note on distributed databases.

RGPV May 2018, December 2020

Q.19) Explain distributed data. Write its advantages.

RGPV May 2019

Q. 20) Write a short note on object oriented database system.

RGPV May 2019

Q. 21) What is object oriented database management system? Explain with example.

RGPV November 2019

Q. 22) What is Transaction? Explain its four important Properties.

RGPV June 2022

Q. 23) What are the problems encountered in DDBMS while considering concurrency control and recovery.

RGPV June 2022

Q. 24) Write and explain optimistic concurrency control algorithm.

RGPV June 2022

Q. 25) Explain in detail about timestamp based concurrency control techniques.

RGPV June 2022

Q.1) State the Armstrong inference rules. Provide suitable

examples to describe each.

RGPV June 2022

Q.2) Write short note on any two:

a) Multi Valued Dependency

b) Expression Evaluation Plan

c) Object Oriented Data Base System.

RGPV June 2022

— Best of Luck for Exam —

Section Title

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