Syllabus of B. Tech. III Sem AIML (RGPV)
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of AL-301 Technical Communication
Source: (
Unit-1 : Technical Communication Skills
- Understanding the process and scope of Communication
- Relevance & Importance of Communication in a Globalized world
- Forms of Communication
- Role of Unity Brevity and Clarity in various forms of communication
Unit-2 : Types of Communication
- Verbal & Non-verbal Communication
- Classification of NVC
- Barriers to Communication
- Communicating Globally
- Culture and Communication.
- Soft Skills: Interpersonal Communication
- Listening Persuasion Negotiation
- Communicating bad news/messages
- communicating in a global world.
Unit-3 : Writing Skills
- Traits of Technical Writing
- Principles of Business Writing
- Style of Writing Writing Memos
- Letters Reports and Types of technical reports
- Characteristics format and structure of technical reports
- Writing Research Papers.
- Speaking Skills: Audience-awareness Voice Vocabulary and Paralanguage
- Group Discussion Combating Nervousness
- Speaking to one and to one thousand
- Mock Presentations.
Unit-4 : Job Interviews
- Preparing for interviews assessing yourself
- Drafting Effective Resume Dress decorum and Delivery techniques
- Techniques of handling interviews
- Use of Nonverbals during Interviews
- Handling turbulence during interviews.
- Group Discussion: Objective Method Focus Content
- Style and Argumentation skills.
- Professional Presentations: Individual Presentations (Audience Awareness
- Body Language
- Delivery and Content of Presentation.
Unit-5 : Grammar & Linguistic ability
- Basics of grammar
- common error in writing and speaking
- Study of advanced grammar
- Vocabulary Pronunciation Etiquette Syllables
- Vowel sounds Consonant sounds
- Tone: Rising tone Falling Tone
- Flow in Speaking Speaking with a purpose
- Speech & personality
- Professional Personality Attributes
Syllabus of AL–302 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Source: (
Unit-1 : Basic Probability
- Probability spaces conditional probability independence;
- Discrete random variables Independent random variables
- the multinomial distribution
- Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution
- infinite sequences of Bernoulli trials
- sums of independent random variables;
- Expectation of Discrete Random Variables
- Moments Variance of a sum
- Correlation coefficient
- Chebyshev’s Inequality.
Unit-2 : Continuous Probability Distributions
- Continuous random variables and their properties
- distribution functions and densities
- normal exponential and gamma densities.
Unit-3 : Bivariate Distributions
- Bivariate distributions and their properties
- distribution of sums and quotients
- conditional densities
- Bayes’ rule.
Unit-4 : Basic Statistics
- Measures of Central tendency: Moments skewness and Kurtosis –
- Probability distributions: Binomial
- Poisson and Normal – evaluation of statistical parameters for these three distributions
- Correlation and regression – Rank correlation.
Unit-5 : Applied Statistics
- Curve fitting by the method of least squares- fitting of straight lines
- second degree parabolas and more general curves.
- Test of significance: Large sample test for single proportion
- difference of proportions
- single mean difference of means and difference of standard deviations.
Unit-6 : Small samples
- Test for single mean difference of means and correlation coefficients
- test for ratio of variances – Chi-square test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes.
Syllabus of AL–303 Data Structures
Source: (
Unit-1 : Introduction to Data Structure
- Concepts of Data and Information
- Classification of Data structures
- Abstract Data Types
- Implementation aspects: Memory representation.
- Data structures operations and its cost estimation.
- Introduction to linear data structures- Arrays
- Linked List: Representation of linked list in memory
- different implementation of linked list. Circular linked list doubly linked list etc.
- Application of linked list: polynomial manipulation using linked list etc.
Unit-2 : Stacks and Queue
- Stacks as ADT Different implementation of stack multiple stacks.
- Application of Stack: Conversion of infix to postfix notation using stack
- evaluation of postfix expression
- Recursion. Queues: Queues as ADT
- Different implementation of queue Circular queue
- Concept of D queue and Priority Queue Queue simulation Application of queues.
Unit-3 : Tree
- Definitions – Height depth order degree etc.
- Binary Search Tree – Operations Traversal Search.
- AVL Tree Heap
- Applications and comparison of various types of tree;
- Introduction to forest multi-way Tree B tree B+ tree B* tree and red-black tree.
Unit-4 : Graphs
- Introduction
- Classification of graph: Directed and Undirected graphs etc
- Representation Graph Traversal: Depth First Search (DFS) Breadth First Search (BFS)
- Graph algorithm: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)-Kruskal Prim’s algorithms.
- Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm; Comparison between different graph algorithms.
- Application of graphs.
Unit-5 : Sorting
- Introduction
- Sort methods like: Bubble Sort Quick sort.
- Selection sort Heap sort Insertion sort Shell sort Merge sort and Radix sort;
- comparison of various sorting techniques.
- Searching: Basic Search Techniques: Sequential search Binary search
- Comparison of search methods.
- Hashing & Indexing.
- Case Study: Application of various data structures in operating system DBMS etc.
Syllabus of AL-304 Artificial Intelligence
Source: (
Unit-1 :
- Fundamental of Artificial Intelligence history
- motivation and need of AI
- Production systems Characteristics of production systems
- goals and contribution of AI to modern technology
- search space different search techniques: hill Climbing Best first Search heuristic search algorithm A* and AO* search techniques etc.
UNIT-2 :
- Knowledge Representation Problems in representing knowledge
- knowledge representation using propositional and predicate logic
- comparison of propositional and predicate logic
- Resolution refutation deduction
- theorem proving inferencing
- monotonic and non-monotonic reasoning.
UNIT-3 :
- Probabilistic reasoning
- Baye’s theorem
- semantic networks scripts schemas frames
- conceptual dependency
- forward and backward reasoning.
UNIT-4 :
- Game playing techniques like minimax procedure alpha-beta cut-offs etc
- planning Study of the block world problem in robotics
- Introduction to understanding
- natural language processing (NLP)
- Components of NLP
- application of NLP to design expert systems.
UNIT-5 :
- Expert systems (ES) and its Characteristics requirements of ES
- components and capability of expert systems
- Inference Engine Forward & backward Chaining
- Expert Systems Limitation
- Expert System Development Environment technology
- Benefits of Expert Systems.
Syllabus of AL-305 Object Oriented Programming & Methodology
Source: (
Unit-1 :
- Introduction to Object Oriented Thinking & Object Oriented Programming: Comparison with Procedural Programming
- features of Object oriented paradigm– Merits and demerits of OO methodology;
- Object model;
- Elements of OOPS
- IO processing
- Data Type Type Conversion
- Control Statement
- Loops Arrays.
UNIT- 2 :
- Encapsulation and Data Abstraction-
- Concept of Objects: State Behavior & Identity of an object;
- Classes: identifying classes and candidates for Classes Attributes and Services
- Access modifiers
- Static members of a Class Instances
- Message passing and Construction and destruction of Objects.
UNIT-3 :
- Relationships – Inheritance: purpose and its types ‘is a’ relationship;
- Association
- Aggregation.
- Concept of interfaces and Abstract classes.
UNIT-4 :
- Polymorphism: Introduction
- Method Overriding & Overloading
- static and run time Polymorphism.
- Virtual Function friend function Static function
- friend class.
UNIT-5 :
- Strings
- Exceptional handling
- Introduction of Multi-threading and Data collections.
- Case study like: ATM Library management system.
Syllabus of AL-306 Computer Workshop/Introduction to Python-I
Source: (
- Introduction to python language
- Basic syntax
- Literal Constants Numbers
- Variable and Basic data types
- String Escape Sequences
- Operators and Expressions Evaluation Order Indentation
- Input Output Functions Comments..
- Data Structure: List Tuples Dictionary
- Data Frame and Sets
- constructing indexing
- slicing and content manipulation
- Control Flow: Conditional Statements – If If-else Nested If-else.
- Iterative Statement – For While Nested Loops.
- Control statements – Break Continue Pass.
- Object oriented programming: Class and Object
- Attributes Methods
- Scopes and Namespaces
- Inheritance
- Overloading Overriding
- Data hiding Exception: Exception Handling Except clause Try finally clause
- User Defined Exceptions.
- Modules and Packages: Standard Libraries: File I/0 Sys logging
- Regular expression Date and Time
- Network programming
- multi-processing and multithreading.
==End of Syllabus==