Syllabus of B. Tech. III Sem EX (RGPV)
Table of Contents
ToggleSyllabus of ES-301 Energy & Environmental Engineering
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MODULE-1 : Introduction to Energy Science
- Introduction to energy systems and resources;
- Introduction to Energy sustainability & the environment;
- Overview of energy systems sources transformations efficiency and storage;
- Fossil fuels (coal oil oil-bearing shale and sands coal gasification) – past present & future Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels – biomass wind solar nuclear wave tidal and hydrogen;
- Sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy systems;
- possibilities for energy storage or regeneration (Ex. Pumped storage hydro power projects superconductor-based energy storages high efficiency batteries)
MODULE-2 : Ecosystems
- Concept of an ecosystem;
- Structure and function of an ecosystem;
- Producers consumers and decomposers;
- Energy flow in the ecosystem; Ecological succession;
- Food chains food webs and ecological pyramids;
- Introduction types characteristic features structure and function of the following ecosystem (a.)Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds streams lakes rivers oceans estuaries)
MODULE-3 : Biodiversity and its conservation
- Introduction – Definition: genetic species and ecosystem diversity;
- Bio-geographical classification of India;
- Value of biodiversity: consumptive use productive use social ethical aesthetic and option values;
- Biodiversity at global National and local levels;
- India as a mega-diversity nation;
- Hot-sports of biodiversity;
- Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss poaching of wildlife man-wildlife conflicts;
- Endangered and endemic species of India;
- Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
MODULE-4 : Environmental Pollution
- Definition Cause effects and control measures of Air pollution Water pollution Soil pollution Marine pollution Noise pollution Thermal pollution Nuclear hazards;
- Solid waste Management: Causes effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes;
- Role of an individual in prevention of pollution;
- Pollution case studies;
- Disaster management: floods earthquake cyclone and landslides.
MODULE-5 : Social Issues and the Environment
- From Unsustainable to Sustainable development;
- Urban problems related to energy;
- Water conservation rain water harvesting watershed management;
- Resettlement and rehabilitation of people;
- its problems and concerns.
- Case Studies Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions.
- Climate change global warming acid rain ozone layer depletion nuclear accidents and holocaust.
- Case Studies Wasteland reclamation;
- Consumerism and waste products;
- Environment Protection Act;
- Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act;
- Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act;
- Wildlife Protection Act;
- Forest Conservation Act;
- Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation;
- Public awareness.
MODULE-6 : Field work
- Visit to a local area to document environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain
- Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural
- Study of common plants insects birds.
- Study of simple ecosystems-pond river hill slopes etc.
Syllabus of EX-302 Signals and Systems
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UNIT-1 : Classification of signals and systems
- Continuous time signals (CT signals)
- Discrete time signals (DT signals) – Step ramp pulse impulse sinusoidal and exponential signals
- basic operations on signals
- classifications of CT and DT signals- Periodic and aperiodic signals
- energy and power signals random signals CT systems and DT systems
- basic properties of systems basic properties of systems
- linear time invariant systems and properties.
UNIT-2 : Analysis of continuous time signals
- Time and frequency domain analysis
- Fourier series analysis spectrum of CT signals
- Fourier transform and Laplace transform
- region of convergence wavelet transform.
UNIT-3 : Linear time invariant continuous time systems
- Differential equations representation block diagram representation
- state variable representation and matrix representation of systems
- impulse response step response
- frequency response relisability of systems
- analog filters.
UNIT-4 : Analysis of discrete time signals
- Convolution sum and properties
- sampling of CT signals and aliasing
- DTFT and properties
- Z transform and properties
- inverse Z transform
UNIT-5 : Linear time invariant discrete time systems
- Difference equations block diagram representation
- impulse response
- analysis of DT LTI systems using DTFT and Z transform
- state variable equations and matrix representation of systems
- Digital filters.
Syllabus of EX-303 Electrical Measurements and Instruments
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UNIT-1 : Galvanometers
- Theory principle of operation and construction of ballistic galvanometer
- D’arsonal galvanometer
- Definition of analog & digital instruments
- Classification of analog instruments their operating principle
- Operating force Types of supports
- Damping Controlling.
UNIT-2 : Different types of Ammeter & Voltmeter
- PMMC MI Electrodynamometer Induction
- Expression for control & deflection torque
- their advantages disadvantages & error
- Extension of range of instruments using shunt & multiplier.
- Digital Voltmeter Ammeter Multimeter and Wattmeter
UNIT-3 : Instrument transformers
- Potential and current transformers
- ratio and phase angle errors
- testing of instrument transformers
- Difference between CT and PT
- errors and reduction of errors.
UNIT-4 : Measurement of power
- Power in AC and DC Circuit Electrodynamometer type of wattmeter
- Construction theory operation & error
- Low power factor & UPF wattmeter
- Double element and three element dynamometer wattmeter
- Measurement of power in three phase circuit one two & three wattmeter method
- Measurement of reactive power by single wattmeter
- Measurement of power using CTs & PTs.
UNIT-5 : Measurement of Energy
- Single phase and three phase digital / Electronic energy meter – construction & operation
- Energy flow and power calculations errors – Testing by phantom loading
- Tri-vector meter Maximum demand meter
- Ampere hour meter
UNIT-6 : Power factor meter
- Single phase and three phase Electro-dynamometer type & moving iron type.
- Frequency meter – Vibrating reed Resonance type & Weston type
- Synchronoscope Ohmmeter –series & stunt type Megger & Ratio meter.
- Resistance Measurement – Classification of low medium & high resistance – Voltmeter-Ammeter method
- Wheatstone Bridge Kelvin’s double bridge & loss of charge methods for resistance measurement
- Earth resistance measurement.
- Magnetic Measurement – B-H Curve Hysteresis Loop determination
- Power loss in sheet metal – Lloyd Fischer square for measurement of power loss.
Topics for the laboratory (Expandable):
- Measurement of low resistance using Kelvin’s Double bridge
- Measurement of medium resistance using Wheatstone’s bridge
- Measurement of high resistance by loss of charge method
- Measurement of Insulation resistance using Megger
- Measurement of earth resistance by fall of potential method and verification by using earth tester
- Measurement of power in a single phase ac circuit by 3 voltmeter/ 3 Ammeter method
- Calibration of a dynamometer type of wattmeter with respect to a standard/Sub Standard wattmeter
- Calibration of single phase digital/ Electronic type energy meter.
- Calibration of a dynamometer type of wattmeter by Phantom Loading method.
- Measurements using Instrument Transformers.
- Study of various types of Indicating Instruments.
- Measurement of Power in three phase circuit by one two & three watt meters.
Syllabus of EX-304 Network Analysis
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UNIT-1 :
- Introduction to circuit elements RLC and their characteristics in terms of linearity & time dependent nature voltage & current sources controlled & uncontrolled sources KCL and KVL analysis
- Nodal & mesh analysis analysis of magnetically coupled circuits
- Transient analysis :- Transients in RL RC&RLC Circuits initial conditions time constants.
- Steady state analysis Concept of phasor & vector impedance & admittance Network topology concept of Network graph
- Tree Tree branch & link Incidence matrix cut set and tie set matrices
- dual networks Dot convention coupling co- efficient tuned circuits
- Series & parallel resonance.
UNIT-2 :
- Network Theorems for AC & DC circuits- Thevenins & Norton’s Superpositions Reciprocity
- Compensation Substitution
- Maximum power transfer and Millman’s theorem
- Tellegen’s theorem
- problems with dependent & independent sources.
UNIT-3 :
- Frequency domain analysis – Laplace transform solution of Integro-differential equations
- transform of waveform synthesized with step ramp
- Gate and sinusoidal functions Initial & final value theorem
- Network Theorems in transform domain
UNIT-4 :
- Concept of signal spectra
- Fourier series co-efficient of a periodic waveform
- symmetries as related to Fourier coefficients
- Trigonometric & Exponential form of Fourier series.
UNIT-5 :
- Network function & Two port networks – concept of complex frequency
- Network & Transfer functions for one port & two ports poles and zeros
- Necessary condition for driving point & transfer function.
- Two port parameters – Z Y ABCD
- Hybrid parameters their inverse & image parameters
- relationship between parameters
- Interconnection of two ports networks
- Terminated two port network.
Topics for the laboratory (Expandable) :
- To Verify Thevenin Theorem.
- To Verify Superposition Theorem.
- To Verify Reciprocity Theorem.
- To Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
- To Verify Millman’s Theorem.
- To Determine Open Circuit parameters of a Two Port Network and to Determine Short Circuit parameters of a Two Port Network.
- To Determine AB C D parameters of a Two Port Network
- To Determine h parameters of a Two Port Network
- To Find Frequency Response of RLC Series Circuit.
- To Find Frequency Response of RLC parallel Circuit.
Syllabus of EX-305 Analog Electronics
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UNIT-1 : Semiconductor Diodes
- Theory of P-N junction temperature dependence and break down characteristics junction capacitances
- Zener diode Varactor diode Tunnel diode PIN diode
- LED Photo diode Schottky diode
- Diode applications: series –parallel configurations full wave and half wave rectification voltage multiplier circuits diode testing
UNIT- 2 : Transistors
- BJT types& configuration working principal
- characteristics and region of operation load line biasing methods
- Small signal analysis of transistor (low frequency) using h-parameters
- thermal runaway and thermal stability.
- Transistor as an amplifier gain band width frequency response
UNIT-3 : Feedback amplifier and Oscillators
- Feedback amplifier negative feedback voltage-series
- voltage shunt current series and current shunt feedback
- Sinusoidal oscillators L-C (Hartley Colpitts) oscillators RC phase shift Wien bridge and Crystal oscillators.
- Power amplifiers class A class B class A B C amplifiers their efficiency and power Dissipation
- Push-pull and complimentary symmetry push-pull amplifier.
UNIT-4 : Wave Shaping circuits
- Switching characteristics of diode and transistor turn ON OFF time reverse recovery time transistor as switch
- Multi vibrators Bi stable Monostable A stable multi vibrators.
- Clipper and clamper circuit
- Differential amplifier calculation of differential common mode gain and CMRR using h- parameters
- Darlington pair Boot strapping technique.
- Cascade and cascade amplifier.
UNIT-5 : Operational Amplifier
- Operational amplifier basics practical Op-amp circuits & characteristics
- slew rate bandwidth offset voltage basic current application inverting
- noninverting amplifier summer average differentiator integrator differential amplifier
- instrumentation amplifier log and antilog amplifier
- voltage to current and current to voltage converters
- comparators Schmitt trigger
- active filters 555 timer and its application.
Topics for the laboratory (Expandable) :
- Design & measure the frequency response of an RC coupled amplifier using discrete components.
- Design a two stage RC coupled amplifier and determine the effect of cascading on gain and bandwidth.
- Study the effect of voltage series current series voltage shunt and current shunt feedback on amplifier using discrete components.
- Design & realize inverting non‐inverting and buffer amplifier using 741 op‐amps.
- Verify the operation of a differentiator circuit using op amp IC 741 and show that it acts as a high pass filter.
- Verify the operation of a integrator circuit using op amp 741 and show that it acts as a low pass filter.
- Design & Verify the operation of adder and subtractor circuit using op amp 741.
- Plot frequency response of AC coupled amplifier using op amp 741 and study the effect of negative feedback on the bandwidth and gain of the amplifier.
- Study of IC 555 as a stable and monostable multi vibrator.
- Design & realize using op amp 741 wein‐bridge oscillator
Syllabus of EX-306 Computer Programming-I (JAVA)
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UNIT-1 :
- Basic Java Features – C++ Vs JAVA JAVA virtual machine
- Constant & Variables Data Types Class Methods Objects Strings and Arrays
- Type Casting Operators Precedence relations Control Statements
- Exception Handling File and Streams
- Visibility Constructors Operator and Methods Overloading
- Static Members
- Inheritance : Polymorphism Abstract methods and Classes
UNIT-2 :
- Java Collective Frame Work
- Data Structures: Introduction Type-Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types Dynamic Memory Allocation Linked List Stack Queues Trees
- Generics : Introduction Overloading Generic Methods Generic Classes
- Collections : Interface Collection and Class Collections Lists Array List and Iterator Linked List Vector.
- Collections Algorithms : Algorithm sorts Algorithm shuffle Algorithms reverse fill copy max and min Algorithm
- binary Search Algorithms add All
- Stack Class of Package java.
- Util Class Priority Queue and Interface Queue
- Maps Properties Class Un-modifiable Collections.
UNIT-3 :
- Advance Java Features
- Multithreading : Thread States Priorities and Thread Scheduling
- Life Cycle of a Thread Thread Synchronization
- Creating and Executing Threads Multithreading with GUI
- Monitors and Monitor Locks.
- Networking : Manipulating URLs Reading a file on a Web Server
- Socket programming
- Security and the Network RMI Networking
- Accessing Databases with JDBC: Relational Database SQL MySQL Oracle
UNIT-4 :
- Advance Java Technologies
- Servlets : Overview and Architecture
- Setting Up the Apache Tomcat Server Handling HTTP get Requests
- Deploying a web Application Multitier Applications
- Using JDBC from a Servlet
- Java Server Pages (JSP): Overview
- First JSP Example Implicit Objects Scripting Standard Actions Directives
- Multimedia : Applets and Application: Loading
- Displaying and Scaling Images
- Animating a Series of Images
- Loading and playing Audio clips
UNIT-5 :
- Advance Web/Internet Programming (Overview): J2ME J2EE EJB XML.
List of Program to be perform (Expandable) :
- Installation of J2SDK
- Write a program to show Concept of CLASS in JAVA
- Write a program to show Type Casting in JAVA
- Write a program to show How Exception Handling is in JAVA
- Write a Program to show Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Write a program to show Interfacing between two classes
- Write a program to Add a Class to a Package
- Write a program to demonstrate AWT.
- Write a program to Hide a Class
- Write a Program to show Data Base Connectivity Using JAVA
- Write a Program to show “HELLO JAVA ” in Explorer using Applet
- Write a Program to show Connectivity using JDBC
- Write a program to demonstrate multithreading using Java.
- Write a program to demonstrate applet life cycle.
==End of Syllabus==