Syllabus of III SEM EX (RGPV)

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  • Introduction to energy systems and resources;
  • Introduction to Energy sustainability & the environment;
  • Overview of energy systems sources transformations efficiency and storage;
  • Fossil fuels (coal oil oil-bearing shale and sands coal gasification) – past present & future Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels – biomass wind solar nuclear wave tidal and hydrogen;
  • Sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy systems;
  • possibilities for energy storage or regeneration (Ex. Pumped storage hydro power projects superconductor-based energy storages high efficiency batteries)
  • Concept of an ecosystem;
  • Structure and function of an ecosystem;
  • Producers consumers and decomposers;
  • Energy flow in the ecosystem; Ecological succession;
  • Food chains food webs and ecological pyramids;
  • Introduction types characteristic features structure and function of the following ecosystem (a.)Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds streams lakes rivers oceans estuaries)
  • Introduction – Definition: genetic species and ecosystem diversity;
  • Bio-geographical classification of India;
  • Value of biodiversity: consumptive use productive use social ethical aesthetic and option values;
  • Biodiversity at global National and local levels;
  • India as a mega-diversity nation;
  • Hot-sports of biodiversity;
  • Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss poaching of wildlife man-wildlife conflicts;
  • Endangered and endemic species of India;
  • Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
  • Definition Cause effects and control measures of Air pollution Water pollution Soil pollution Marine pollution Noise pollution Thermal pollution Nuclear hazards;
  • Solid waste Management: Causes effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes;
  • Role of an individual in prevention of pollution;
  • Pollution case studies;
  • Disaster management: floods earthquake cyclone and landslides.
  • From Unsustainable to Sustainable development;
  • Urban problems related to energy;
  • Water conservation rain water harvesting watershed management;
  • Resettlement and rehabilitation of people;
  • its problems and concerns.
  • Case Studies Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions.
  • Climate change global warming acid rain ozone layer depletion nuclear accidents and holocaust.
  • Case Studies Wasteland reclamation;
  • Consumerism and waste products;
  • Environment Protection Act;
  • Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act;
  • Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act;
  • Wildlife Protection Act;
  • Forest Conservation Act;
  • Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation;
  • Public awareness.
  • Visit to a local area to document environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain
  • Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural
  • Study of common plants insects birds.
  • Study of simple ecosystems-pond river hill slopes etc.


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  • Continuous time signals (CT signals)
  • Discrete time signals (DT signals) – Step ramp pulse impulse sinusoidal and exponential signals
  • basic operations on signals
  • classifications of CT and DT signals- Periodic and aperiodic signals
  • energy and power signals random signals CT systems and DT systems
  • basic properties of systems basic properties of systems
  • linear time invariant systems and properties.
  • Time and frequency domain analysis
  • Fourier series analysis spectrum of CT signals
  • Fourier transform and Laplace transform
  • region of convergence wavelet transform.
  • Differential equations representation block diagram representation
  • state variable representation and matrix representation of systems
  • impulse response step response
  • frequency response relisability of systems
  • analog filters.
  • Convolution sum and properties
  • sampling of CT signals and aliasing
  • DTFT and properties
  • Z transform and properties
  • inverse Z transform
  • Difference equations block diagram representation
  • impulse response
  • analysis of DT LTI systems using DTFT and Z transform
  • state variable equations and matrix representation of systems
  • Digital filters.


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  • Theory principle of operation and construction of ballistic galvanometer
  • D’arsonal galvanometer
  • Definition of analog & digital instruments
  • Classification of analog instruments their operating principle
  • Operating force Types of supports
  • Damping Controlling.
  • PMMC MI Electrodynamometer Induction
  • Expression for control & deflection torque
  • their advantages disadvantages & error
  • Extension of range of instruments using shunt & multiplier.
  • Digital Voltmeter Ammeter Multimeter and Wattmeter
  • Potential and current transformers
  • ratio and phase angle errors
  • testing of instrument transformers
  • Difference between CT and PT
  • errors and reduction of errors.
  • Power in AC and DC Circuit Electrodynamometer type of wattmeter
  • Construction theory operation & error
  • Low power factor & UPF wattmeter
  • Double element and three element dynamometer wattmeter
  • Measurement of power in three phase circuit one two & three wattmeter method
  • Measurement of reactive power by single wattmeter
  • Measurement of power using CTs & PTs.
  • Single phase and three phase digital / Electronic energy meter – construction & operation
  • Energy flow and power calculations errors – Testing by phantom loading
  • Tri-vector meter Maximum demand meter
  • Ampere hour meter
  • Single phase and three phase Electro-dynamometer type & moving iron type.
  • Frequency meter – Vibrating reed Resonance type & Weston type
  • Synchronoscope Ohmmeter –series & stunt type Megger & Ratio meter.
  • Resistance Measurement – Classification of low medium & high resistance – Voltmeter-Ammeter method
  • Wheatstone Bridge Kelvin’s double bridge & loss of charge methods for resistance measurement
  • Earth resistance measurement.
  • Magnetic Measurement – B-H Curve Hysteresis Loop determination
  • Power loss in sheet metal – Lloyd Fischer square for measurement of power loss.
  1. Measurement of low resistance using Kelvin’s Double bridge
  2. Measurement of medium resistance using Wheatstone’s bridge
  3. Measurement of high resistance by loss of charge method
  4. Measurement of Insulation resistance using Megger
  5. Measurement of earth resistance by fall of potential method and verification by using earth tester
  6. Measurement of power in a single phase ac circuit by 3 voltmeter/ 3 Ammeter method
  7. Calibration of a dynamometer type of wattmeter with respect to a standard/Sub Standard wattmeter
  8. Calibration of single phase digital/ Electronic type energy meter.
  9. Calibration of a dynamometer type of wattmeter by Phantom Loading method.
  10. Measurements using Instrument Transformers.
  11. Study of various types of Indicating Instruments.
  12. Measurement of Power in three phase circuit by one two & three watt meters.


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  • Introduction to circuit elements RLC and their characteristics in terms of linearity & time dependent nature voltage & current sources controlled & uncontrolled sources KCL and KVL analysis
  • Nodal & mesh analysis analysis of magnetically coupled circuits
  • Transient analysis :- Transients in RL RC&RLC Circuits initial conditions time constants.
  • Steady state analysis Concept of phasor & vector impedance & admittance Network topology concept of Network graph
  • Tree Tree branch & link Incidence matrix cut set and tie set matrices
  • dual networks Dot convention coupling co- efficient tuned circuits
  • Series & parallel resonance.
  • Network Theorems for AC & DC circuits- Thevenins & Norton’s Superpositions Reciprocity
  • Compensation Substitution
  • Maximum power transfer and Millman’s theorem
  • Tellegen’s theorem
  • problems with dependent & independent sources.
  • Frequency domain analysis – Laplace transform solution of Integro-differential equations
  • transform of waveform synthesized with step ramp
  • Gate and sinusoidal functions Initial & final value theorem
  • Network Theorems in transform domain
  • Concept of signal spectra
  • Fourier series co-efficient of a periodic waveform
  • symmetries as related to Fourier coefficients
  • Trigonometric & Exponential form of Fourier series.
  • Network function & Two port networks – concept of complex frequency
  • Network & Transfer functions for one port & two ports poles and zeros
  • Necessary condition for driving point & transfer function.
  • Two port parameters – Z Y ABCD
  • Hybrid parameters their inverse & image parameters
  • relationship between parameters
  • Interconnection of two ports networks
  • Terminated two port network.
  1. To Verify Thevenin Theorem.
  2. To Verify Superposition Theorem.
  3. To Verify Reciprocity Theorem.
  4. To Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
  5. To Verify Millman’s Theorem.
  6. To Determine Open Circuit parameters of a Two Port Network and to Determine Short Circuit parameters of a Two Port Network.
  7. To Determine AB C D parameters of a Two Port Network
  8. To Determine h parameters of a Two Port Network
  9. To Find Frequency Response of RLC Series Circuit.
  10. To Find Frequency Response of RLC parallel Circuit. 


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  • Theory of P-N junction temperature dependence and break down characteristics junction capacitances
  • Zener diode Varactor diode Tunnel diode PIN diode
  • LED Photo diode Schottky diode
  • Diode applications: series –parallel configurations full wave and half wave rectification voltage multiplier circuits diode testing
  • BJT types& configuration working principal
  • characteristics and region of operation load line biasing methods
  • Small signal analysis of transistor (low frequency) using h-parameters
  • thermal runaway and thermal stability.
  • Transistor as an amplifier gain band width frequency response
  • Feedback amplifier negative feedback voltage-series
  • voltage shunt current series and current shunt feedback
  • Sinusoidal oscillators L-C (Hartley Colpitts) oscillators RC phase shift Wien bridge and Crystal oscillators.
  • Power amplifiers class A class B class A B C amplifiers their efficiency and power Dissipation
  • Push-pull and complimentary symmetry push-pull amplifier.
  • Switching characteristics of diode and transistor turn ON OFF time reverse recovery time transistor as switch
  • Multi vibrators Bi stable Monostable A stable multi vibrators.
  • Clipper and clamper circuit
  • Differential amplifier calculation of differential common mode gain and CMRR using h- parameters
  • Darlington pair Boot strapping technique.
  • Cascade and cascade amplifier.
  • Operational amplifier basics practical Op-amp circuits & characteristics
  • slew rate bandwidth offset voltage basic current application inverting
  • noninverting amplifier summer average differentiator integrator differential amplifier
  • instrumentation amplifier log and antilog amplifier
  • voltage to current and current to voltage converters
  • comparators Schmitt trigger
  • active filters 555 timer and its application.
  1. Design & measure the frequency response of an RC coupled amplifier using discrete components.
  2. Design a two stage RC coupled amplifier and determine the effect of cascading on gain and bandwidth.
  3. Study the effect of voltage series current series voltage shunt and current shunt feedback on amplifier using discrete components.
  4. Design & realize inverting non‐inverting and buffer amplifier using 741 op‐amps.
  5. Verify the operation of a differentiator circuit using op amp IC 741 and show that it acts as a high pass filter.
  6. Verify the operation of a integrator circuit using op amp 741 and show that it acts as a low pass filter.
  7. Design & Verify the operation of adder and subtractor circuit using op amp 741.
  8. Plot frequency response of AC coupled amplifier using op amp 741 and study the effect of negative feedback on the bandwidth and gain of the amplifier.
  9. Study of IC 555 as a stable and monostable multi vibrator.
  10. Design & realize using op amp 741 wein‐bridge oscillator


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  • Basic Java Features – C++ Vs JAVA JAVA virtual machine
  • Constant & Variables Data Types Class Methods Objects Strings and Arrays
  • Type Casting Operators Precedence relations Control Statements
  • Exception Handling File and Streams
  • Visibility Constructors Operator and Methods Overloading
  • Static Members
  • Inheritance : Polymorphism Abstract methods and Classes
  • Java Collective Frame Work
  • Data Structures: Introduction Type-Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types Dynamic Memory Allocation Linked List Stack Queues Trees
  • Generics : Introduction Overloading Generic Methods Generic Classes
  • Collections : Interface Collection and Class Collections Lists Array List and Iterator Linked List Vector.
  • Collections Algorithms : Algorithm sorts Algorithm shuffle Algorithms reverse fill copy max and min Algorithm
  • binary Search Algorithms add All
  • Stack Class of Package java.
  • Util Class Priority Queue and Interface Queue
  • Maps Properties Class Un-modifiable Collections.
  • Advance Java Features
  • Multithreading : Thread States Priorities and Thread Scheduling
  • Life Cycle of a Thread Thread Synchronization
  • Creating and Executing Threads Multithreading with GUI
  • Monitors and Monitor Locks.
  • Networking : Manipulating URLs Reading a file on a Web Server
  • Socket programming
  • Security and the Network RMI Networking
  • Accessing Databases with JDBC: Relational Database SQL MySQL Oracle
  • Advance Java Technologies
  • Servlets : Overview and Architecture
  • Setting Up the Apache Tomcat Server Handling HTTP get Requests
  • Deploying a web Application Multitier Applications
  • Using JDBC from a Servlet
  • Java Server Pages (JSP): Overview
  • First JSP Example Implicit Objects Scripting Standard Actions Directives
  • Multimedia : Applets and Application: Loading
  • Displaying and Scaling Images
  • Animating a Series of Images
  • Loading and playing Audio clips
  • Advance Web/Internet Programming (Overview): J2ME J2EE EJB XML.
  1. Installation of J2SDK
  2. Write a program to show Concept of CLASS in JAVA
  3. Write a program to show Type Casting in JAVA
  4. Write a program to show How Exception Handling is in JAVA
  5. Write a Program to show Inheritance and Polymorphism
  6. Write a program to show Interfacing between two classes
  7. Write a program to Add a Class to a Package
  8. Write a program to demonstrate AWT.
  9. Write a program to Hide a Class
  10. Write a Program to show Data Base Connectivity Using JAVA
  11. Write a Program to show “HELLO JAVA ” in Explorer using Applet
  12. Write a Program to show Connectivity using JDBC
  13. Write a program to demonstrate multithreading using Java.
  14. Write a program to demonstrate applet life cycle.