Important Question ME

Important Questions (RGPV, B.TECH.)

III-Semester (ME)


BT-301 Mathematics III (M-3)

IV-Semester (ME)

V-Semester (ME)

ME-501 Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)

ME-502 Mechanical Vibration (MV)

 ME- 503 (A) Mechatronics

ME-503(B)  Dynamics of Machines (DOM)

ME-503(C) Alternate Automotive Fuels & Emissions

ME-504(A)  Industrial Engineering & Ergonomics (IEE)

ME-504(B) TQM and SQC

 ME-504(C) Finite Element Method (FEM)

VI-Semester (ME)

ME-601 Thermal Engineering and Gas Dynamics (TEGD)

 ME-602 Machine Component Design (MCD)

ME-603 (A) Turbo Machinery (TM)

ME-603(B) Computer Aided Engineering (CAD)

ME-603(C) Product Design (PD)

ME-604(A) Robotics

ME-604(B) Optimization Techniques (OT)

ME-604(C) Renewable Energy Technology (RET)

VII-Semester (ME)

ME-701 Heat and Mass Transfer (HMT)

ME-702(A) Advance Machining Processes (AMP)

ME- 702(B) Internet of Things (IOT) 

ME-702(C) Power Plant Engineering (PPE)

ME-702(D) Advance Machine Design (AMD)

ME-703(A) Operation Research and Supply Chain (ORSC)

ME-703(B) Artificial Intelligence Techniques (AIT)

ME-703(C) Systems Engineering (SE)

ME-703(D) Reliability Engineering (RE)

VIII-Semester (ME)

ME-801 Refrigeration &Air Conditioning (RAC)

ME-802(A) Automobile Engineering (AE)

ME-802 (B) Tribology & Maintenance Engineering (TME)

ME-802(C) Machine Tool Design (MTD)

ME-802(D) Production Planning and Control (PPC)

ME-803(A) Data analytics (DA)

ME-803(B) Energy Conservation, Management& Audit (ECMA)

ME-803(C) Entrepreneurship and Management Concepts (EMC)

ME-803(D) Management Information System (MIS)