Syllabus of VII SEM CSIT (RGPV)


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  • Introduction : Definition Characteristics of IOT IOT Conceptual framework
  • IOT Architectural view Physical design of IOT Logical design of IOT
  • Application of IOT.
  • Machine-to-machine (M2M) SDN (software defined networking) and NFV(network function virtualization) for IOT
  • data storage in IOT IOT Cloud Based Services.
  • Design Principles for Web Connectivity : Web Communication Protocols for connected devices
  • Message Communication Protocols for connected devices SOAP REST HTTP Restful and Web Sockets.
  • Internet Connectivity Principles : Internet Connectivity Internet based communication IP addressing in IOT Media Access control.
  • Sensor Technology Participatory Sensing
  • Industrial IOT and Automotive IOT Actuator
  • Sensor data Communication Protocols
  • Radio Frequency Identification Technology
  • Wireless Sensor Network Technology.
  • IOT Design methodology : Specification -Requirement process model service functional & operational view.
  • IOT Privacy and security solutions Raspberry Pi & arduino devices. IOT
  • Case studies : smart city streetlights control & monitoring.
  1. Familiarization with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and perform necessary software installation.
  2. To interface LED/Buzzer with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn ON LED for 1 sec after every 2 seconds.
  3. To interface Push button/Digital sensor (IR/LDR) with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn ON LED when push button is pressed or at sensor detection.
  4. To interface DHT11 sensor with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to print temperature and humidity readings.
  5. To interface motor using relay with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn ON motor when push button is pressed.
  6. To interface OLED with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to print temperature and humidity readings on it.
  7. To interface Bluetooth with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to send sensor data to smartphone using Bluetooth.
  8. To interface Bluetooth with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn LED ON/OFF when ‘1’/’0’ is received from smartphone using Bluetooth.
  9. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to upload temperature and humidity data to thing speak cloud.
  10. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to retrieve temperature and humidity data from thing speak cloud.
  11. To install MySQL database on Raspberry Pi and perform basic SQL queries.
  12. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to publish temperature data to MQTT broker.
  13. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to subscribe to MQTT broker for temperature data and print it.
  14. Write a program to create TCP server on Arduino/Raspberry Pi and respond with humidity data to TCP client when requested.
  15. Write a program to create UDP server on Arduino/Raspberry Pi and respond with humidity data to UDP client when requested.


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  • Introduction to Storage Technology : Data proliferation evolution of various storage technologies
  • Overview of storage infrastructure components
  • Information Lifecycle Management Data categorization.
  • Storage Systems Architecture : Intelligent disk subsystems overview Contrast of integrated vs. modular arrays
  • Component architecture of intelligent disk subsystems
  • Disk physical structure components properties
  • performance and specifications RAID levels & parity algorithms hot sparing
  • Front end to host storage provisioning mapping and operation.
  • Introduction to Networked Storage : JBOD DAS NAS SAN & CAS evolution and comparison.
  • Applications Elements connectivity standards management security and limitations of DAS NAS CAS & SAN.
  • Hybrid Storage solutions;
  • Virtualization : Memory network server storage & appliances.
  • Data center concepts & requirements
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery : Principles
  • Managing & Monitoring : Industry management standards (SNMP SMI-S CIM) standard framework applications
  • Key management metrics (Thresholds availability capacity security performance).
  • Information storage on cloud : Concept of Cloud Cloud Computing storage on Cloud Cloud Vocabulary
  • Architectural Framework Cloud benefits Cloud computing Evolution
  • Applications & services on cloud Cloud service providers and Models
  • Essential characteristics of cloud computing Cloud Security and integration.
  1. Logging into and Navigating Navisphere Manager Lab Part 1: Logging into the Navisphere Manager Lab Exercise Part 2: Navigating the Navisphere Manager User Interface
  2. Enable/Disable Navisphere Classic CLI and Configuring NTP Part 1: Enabling and Disabling Navisphere Classic CLI Part 2: Configuring NTP
  3. Storage Management – Allocating and Assigning LUNs Part 1 : Using the Storage Allocation Wizard to assign LUNs. Part 2 : Manually Bind LUNs.
  4. Configuring Snap View Snapshots
  5. Configuring Snap View Clones
  6. Configuring Full and Incremental SAN Copy
  7. Creating Synchronous and Asynchronous
  8. Expanding LUNs and Migrating LUNs Part 1 : Expanding LUNs with Stripe Expansion Part 2: Expanding LUNs with Concatenation Expansion Part 3: Migrating LUNs


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  • Introduction of Compiler Major data Structure in compiler types of Compiler
  • Front-end and Backend of compiler
  • Compiler structure : analysis-synthesis model of compilation various phases of a compiler
  • Lexical analysis : Input buffering Specification & Recognition of Tokens
  • Design of a Lexical Analyzer Generator LEX.
  • Syntax analysis : CFGs Top down parsing Brute force approach recursive descent parsing transformation on the grammars
  • predictive parsing bottom up parsing operator precedence parsing LR parsers (SLRLALR LR)Parser generation.
  • Syntax directed definitions: Construction of Syntax trees Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition
  • L-attribute definition Top down translation Bottom Up evaluation of inherited attributes
  • Recursive Evaluation Analysis of Syntax directed definition.
  • Type checking : type system specification of simple type checker
  • equivalence of expression types type conversion overloading of functions and operations polymorphic functions.
  • Run time Environment : storage organization Storage allocation strategies parameter passing dynamic storage allocation
  • Symbol table Error Detection & Recovery Ad-Hoc and Systematic Methods.
  • code generation : Declarations Assignment statements Boolean expressions
  • Case statements Back patching Procedure calls
  • Code Generation : Issues in the design of code generator Basic block and flow graphs
  • Register allocation and assignment
  • DAG representation of basic blocks peephole optimization
  • generating code from DAG.
  • Introduction to Code optimization : sources of optimization of basic blocks
  • loops in flow graphs dead code elimination loop optimization
  • Introduction to global data flow analysis
  • Code Improving transformations
  • Data flow analysis of structure flow graph
  • Symbolic debugging of optimized code.
  1. Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical analyzer should ignore redundant spaces tabs and new lines.
  2. Write a C program to identify whether a given line is a comment or not.
  3. Write a C program to recognize strings under ‘a*’ ‘a*b+’ ‘abb’.
  4. Write a C program to test whether a given identifier is valid or not.
  5. Write a LEX Program to count the number of token.
  6. Write a LEX Program to identify the identifier.
  7. Write a LEX Program to convert the substring abc to ABC from the given input string.
  8. Write a lex program to find out total number of vowels and consonants from the given input sting.
  9. Write a C program to implement operator precedence parsing.
  10. Write a C program to implement LALR parsing


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  • Semantic Web: Building Models Calculating with knowledge
  • Exchanging Information Semantic Web Technologies
  • Types of Web : Smart Web & Dumb Web Applications Semantic Data
  • Search Engine for Semantic Web
  • Semantic Modeling : Modeling for human communication
  • Explanation and prediction
  • Mediating Variability : Variation & Classes Variation & Layers
  • Expressivity in Modeling.
  • Resource Description Language RDF : Introduction Advanced features simple ontologies in RDF Schema
  • encoding of special data structures RDF formal semantics syntactic reasoning with deduction rules
  • Distributing data across web Managing data from multiple sources .
  • Web Ontology Language OWL : OWL syntax and Intuitive semantics OWL species
  • Owl formal semantics : Description Logics Model-Theoretic Semantics of OWL
  • Automated reasoning with OWL Ontology Matching and Distributed Information .
  • Semantic Web Application Architecture: RDF Parser/Serializer
  • RDF store : RDF data standards and Interoperability of RDF stores RDF query engines
  • SPARQL : Query language for RDF conjunctive Queries for OWL DL RDF backed web portals Data federation .
  • Ontology Engineering : Constructing Ontologies manually
  • Reusing Existing Ontologies
  • Semiautomatic Ontology Acquisition Ontology Mapping
  1. Working with XML
  2. Working with XML Schema DTD
  3. Design of Ontology using RDF
  4. Design RDF document with different Serialization format (e.g. tutleN-triple)
  5. Design of Ontology using RDFS
  6. Design of Ontology using OWL
  7. Case study : Pizza Ontology
  8. Querying Ontology using SPARQL
  9. Case Study : Dbpedia
  10. Case study : LOD Cloud


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  • Introduction to Natural Language Understanding- Levels of language analysis- Syntax Semantics
  • Pragmatics Applications Ambiguity Morphology
  • Parsing with Finite State Transducers
  • Regular Expressions Stemmer Spelling errors.
  • Computational Phonology : speech sound phonetic transcription
  • text to speech Pronunciation Variations
  • Bayesian Method to spelling and pronunciations
  • Minimum Edit Distance Weighted Automata N-grams.
  • HMM and speech recognition Viterbi algorithm
  • Acoustic processing of speech Feature Extraction Speech Synthesis;
  • Part-of-Speech Tagging: rule based stochastic transformation based.
  • Syntax Processing : Parsing with CFG CKY parsing and the Earley parser Probabilistic parsing;
  • Semantic Processing : Meaning representation First Order Predicate Calculus.
  • Lexical Semantics : Internal structure of words thematic roles Primitive decomposition WordNet
  • Word sense disambiguation;
  • Information Retrieval : Vector space model Improving user queries;
  • Pragmatic Processing : Discourse;
  • Natural Language Generation Machine Translation.


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  • Different type of e-commerce e-commerce scenarios advantages of e-commerce.
  • Business models : Feature of B2B e-commerce Business models
  • Integration. E-Services : category of e-services Web- enabled services Matchmaking services and information-selling on the web.
  • Characteristics of payment system 4C payments methods SET Protocol for credit card payment
  • E-cash E-check Micro payment system
  • Overview of smart card overview of Mondex.
  • E-Governance : E-Governance architecture Public private partnership
  • Readiness Security Cyber Crime and Law IT Act
  • Introduction to mobile agents.
  • WAP : the enabling technology : The WAP model WAP Architecture Benefit of WAP to e-commerce.
  • Web Security Encryption Schemes Secure Web documents Digital signatures and firewalls
  • Internet and networking. Technologies
  • tiers plug-ins frames and forms. Exposure to Markup languages HTML DHTML VRML SGML XML etc.
  • CGI Applets & Serve-lets JSP & JAVA Beans active X control ASP cookies creating and reading cookies
  • semantic web semantic web service ontology Comparative case study of Microsoft and JAVA technologies web server scalability.
  • Distributed objects object request brokers component technology \
  • Web services Web application architectures Browsers Search engines.


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  • The Android Platform Android SDK Eclipse Installation
  • Android Installation Building you First Android application
  • Understanding Anatomy of Android Application Android Manifest file.
  • Anatomy of an Android applications Android terminologies
  • Application Context Activities Services Intents
  • Receiving and Broadcasting Intents
  • Android Manifest File and its common settings
  • Using Intent Filter Permissions.
  • User Interface Screen elements
  • Designing User Interfaces with Layouts
  • Drawing and Working with Animation.
  • Publishing Android application Using Android preferences
  • Managing Application resources in a hierarchy
  • working with different types of resources.
  • Using Android Data and Storage APIs Managing data using Sqlite
  • Sharing Data between Applications with Content Providers
  • Using Android Networking APIs Using Android Web APIs
  • Using Android Telephony APIs
  • Deploying Android Application to the World.


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  • Historical development Vision of Cloud Computing
  • Characteristics of cloud computing as per NIST Cloud computing reference model
  • Cloud computing environments Cloud services requirements Cloud and dynamic infrastructure Cloud Adoption and rudiments.
  • Overview of cloud applications : ECG Analysis in the cloud Protein structure prediction
  • Gene Expression Data Analysis Satellite Image Processing
  • CRM and ERP Social networking .
  • Cloud Reference Model Types of Clouds Cloud Interoperability & Standards Scalability and Fault Tolerance
  • Cloud Solutions : Cloud Ecosystem Cloud Business Process Management
  • Cloud Service Management.
  • Cloud Offerings : Cloud Analytics Testing Under Control Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.
  • Resiliency Provisioning Asset management Concepts of Map reduce Cloud Governance High Availability and Disaster Recovery.
  • Virtualization : Fundamental concepts of compute storage networking desktop and application virtualization .
  • Virtualization benefits server virtualization Block and file level storage virtualization Hypervisor management software
  • Infrastructure Requirements Virtual LAN(VLAN) and Virtual SAN(VSAN) and their benefits .
  • Cloud Information security fundamentals Cloud security services
  • Design principles Secure Cloud Software Requirements
  • Policy Implementation Cloud Computing Security Challenges
  • Virtualization security Management Cloud Computing Secutity Architecture .
  • Market Based Management of Clouds
  • Federated Clouds/Inter Cloud : Characterization & Definition Cloud Federation Stack Third Party Cloud Services .
  • Case study : Google App Engine Microsoft Azure Hadoop Amazon Aneka
  1. Installation and configuration of Hadoop/Euceliptus etc.
  2. Service deployment & Usage over cloud.
  3. Management of cloud esources.
  4. Using existing cloud characteristics & Service models .
  5. Cloud Security Management.
  6. Performance evaluation of services over cloud . 


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  • Overview of data visualization – Data Abstraction
  • Analysis: Four Levels for Validation- Task Abstraction
  • Analysis: Four Levels for Validation.
  • Color maps Contouring Height Plots
  • Vector visualization techniques
  • Vector properties Vector Glyphs Vector
  • Color Coding Stream Objects.
  • Visual Variables- Networks and Trees
  • Map Color and Other Channels
  • Manipulate View Arrange Tables Geo Spatial data Reduce Items and Attributes.
  • Introduction to data visualization tools- Tableau – Visualization using R.
  • Time- Series data visualization Text data visualization
  • Multivariate data visualization and case studies.
  • Dashboard creation using visualization tools for the use cases:
  • Finance-marketing insurance healthcare etc.